Bathroom waterproofing under tiles: which is better?

The bathroom has the most difficult microclimate: constant dampness and heat. This contributes to the appearance of mold and mildew on surfaces. It also often happens that water in considerable quantities falls on the entire surface of the floor. In order not to flood the neighbors, it is necessary to waterproof the floor in the bathroom under the tiles. You also need to protect other surfaces in the room from excessive dampness, since moisture is also detrimental to wall ceilings.

Protecting the bathroom from moisture

Why is waterproofing needed?

Often, during construction and repair, they skip the waterproofing stage for the bathroom and immediately start laying the tiles. This is a very common mistake. Someone does this out of ignorance, someone believes that moisture cannot seep through the tiles and seams, and someone simply does not know how to protect the floor and walls under the tile from moisture.

However, it is worth remembering the old folk wisdom: water will find a hole everywhere. It will seep through cracks and chips invisible to the eye, settle in the most inaccessible places, and will slowly but surely harm. Waterproofing will avoid many troubles.

  • Waterproofing will prevent water from destroying porous base materials (concrete, foam blocks, cement-bonded particle boards, gypsum-fiber sheets, etc.).
  • The waterproofing of the wooden floor in the bathroom requires special attention, because this material is more afraid of dampness than others: it gets moldy, rots, and quickly becomes unusable.
  • It will significantly extend the life of the walls and floor of the bathroom.
  • Will prevent development of fungus and mold.
  • It will allow you to keep the finishing materials in their original form for a longer time.
  • If for any reason a flood occurs in the apartment, then the water will not be able to pass to the neighbors from below - it will be stopped by waterproofing.
  • A healthier microclimate is created in the bathroom.

Protecting surfaces from water has several important goals.

Varieties of waterproofing

The variety of materials that protect against moisture is quite large. It is difficult to say unequivocally what is better to perform waterproofing in the bathroom or for the shower: you need to take into account many subtleties and nuances. However, everyone can find a waterproof material that suits their needs and wallet size. There are several main ways to waterproof a bathroom:

  • Coloring. Bituminous and polymer-based mastics are applied to the walls and floor with a brush or roller. The result is a flat surface with no joints or seams. If you try hard, you can achieve almost perfect smoothness. In order for this type of waterproofing to be sufficiently reliable, it is necessary to apply mastic in several layers.

Waterproofing materials are presented in several options

  • Coating. In this case, a special mixture is prepared from a solution of sand, cement and special additives for waterproofing, which is applied to the surface with a spatula or trowel. Often the same mixture is used instead of a concrete floor screed, because it can also be laid in a fairly thick layer, which allows you to hide all the bumps and bumps.
  • Pasting. With this option, roll or sheet materials are used. They can be welded or self-adhesive: they are heated with a burner or the protective layer is removed from the adhesive base and the material is pressed to the surface. Outwardly, such waterproofing resembles materials for a roof: roofing material, bikrost, etc. Bitumen or fiberglass is used as the basis. As a result, after pasting, the floor in combination with the lower part of the walls resembles a trough.
  • Fill. A solution is prepared from a special mixture, which includes materials such as liquid glass or concrete with additives that make it waterproof. Then the resulting waterproofing is poured and cover the floor in the bathroom. The result is a monolithic, without seams and joints, layer.
  • The use of waterproofing compounds that penetrate the material and change its structure. They are applied from a sprayer or with a brush, as a result of which the treated material acquires water-repellent properties.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Semi-dry floor screed

Spray type waterproofing

  • Spraying. In this case, a special moisture-resistant composition based on polymers or rubber is sprayed onto the walls and floor. After some time after application, it hardens and turns into a dense film that reliably protects against moisture penetration.

Each of the presented waterproofing methods has its own characteristics that are suitable or not suitable for certain operating conditions. Their characteristics will affect the possibility of use in one case or another, so it is worth considering in more detail each of the methods of waterproofing a bathroom under a tile. Then it will be easier to decide what is better in this or that case.


A universal method of waterproofing, equally suitable for walls and floors in the bathroom, if desired, it can even be used for the ceiling. One of the easiest methods. Work is carried out in the following order:

  1. Mastic is diluted with a special solvent to the consistency of thick paint.
  2. The first layer of waterproofing is applied to the floor and walls (at least 20 cm from the level of the future plinth), as well as to “wet zones” (shower, washbasin, bathtub, near risers, etc.) and 50 cm around them.
  3. Dry the 1st layer.
  4. A second layer is applied perpendicular to the 1st layer. It is very important to carefully monitor that there are no gaps.
  5. Sprinkle the still dry mastic with fine sand to improve the adhesion of the tile adhesive.
  6. Excess powder is swept away after drying. Now you can start laying tiles.

Moisture-proof painting of the floor in the bathroom will protect the neighbors from below


Bathroom waterproofing under tiles should be carried out using modern materials: they are easy to work with, they protect the surface well and last for a long time, for decades. Decorate the room as follows:

  • The material is rolled out on the floor, allowed to lie down and straighten.
  • Cut the waterproofing roll into strips. At the same time, it is taken into account that the material should be 20–30 cm on the walls, and the strips should overlap by 10–15 cm.
  • The surface to be treated is coated with bitumen or mastic made on its basis.
  • Lay out the cut strips.
  • The burner heats the sheets and mastic. Rubber becomes plastic, and mastic becomes sticky.
  • Lay the material, slam if necessary. At the same time, it is taken into account that joints or seams in the corners are unacceptable.
  • All connections are additionally coated with mastic. Waterproofing is ready.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Is it possible to make a stretch ceiling in the bathroom?

Self-adhesive roll waterproofing material


Coating waterproofing is one of the simplest, safest, and therefore its most popular types. It is very similar to ordinary plaster. The working solution is prepared in a similar way: a ready-made mixture is bought, consisting of sand, cement and polymer additives (usually they are sold in paper bags, packed in 5, 10, 15 or 25 kg) and mixed in a certain proportion with water. The finished waterproofing solution is applied to the walls with a spatula, “coated” with them. The mixture tightly clogs the smallest pores and cracks in concrete and cement bonded concrete. The solution can be applied both on the floor of the bathroom, and on the walls and even the ceiling.

Working with coating compositions is similar to working with ordinary putty

The putty dries for a day, that is, the next day you can start laying the tiles, because in this case a concrete screed for the floor is not required. However, when working, it must be remembered that the viability of the solution is short, it seizes in just a few minutes, so all work must be done quickly.

What is the best waterproofing?

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It is difficult to say unequivocally which waterproofing under the tile will be optimal in one case or another. For greater clarity, you can compare all the methods of waterproofing walls and floors under tiles in the bathroom.

Choosing the right materials for a particular case

Type of waterproofing Positive sides Negative sides
Coloring Takes up little space, does not reduce the volume of the room;


low cost of materials;


The layer is smooth and thin, but without joints


For dilution, substances with a pungent odor are used, there is a risk of toxic poisoning when applied;

For some time after applying the waterproofing, toxic fumes are released;

Do not use in a room with "warm floors";

fragility (easily damaged)

Coating versatility;

strength and durability;

no additional concrete screed is required;

· high level of adhesion to glue;

It can level small bumps and pits on the floor and walls

the area of ​​the room decreases, slightly;

short pot life of the solution, all waterproofing operations must be carried out quickly

pasting · thin layer;


waterproofing does not reduce the size of the room;



Requires additional equipment (burner);

If not handled carefully, the sheets may break;

Can only be installed in well-ventilated rooms where gas will not accumulate;

weak point - seams, they need additional reinforcement;

can be torn or scratched when laying tiles

fill · very strong and reliable waterproofing;

perfect waterproofing of the floor under the tiles;

No concrete screed required

Can even out all floor imperfections

the level of the floor rises strongly;

Reducing the size of the room

Such waterproofing is used only for floors

Hydroprotective composition Easy to apply waterproofing

high speed of work;

can be used on walls, i.e. where water does not stagnate

low efficiency (compared to other waterproofing methods);

the material is not suitable for floors

Spraying thin and durable protective layer;

Do not change the size of the room;

Material holds water securely


Requires careful handling and accuracy when laying tiles, because the resulting film can be torn;

It is not possible to apply it in all rooms;

Requires special equipment

As you can see, each material has its own specifics. This must be taken into account when choosing.

What else to look for when choosing a waterproofing method?

In addition to the specifics of materials, a number of factors and parameters must be taken into account:

  • Features of the room, so not all methods of waterproofing can be used in small rooms.
  • Wall and floor material: concrete, CSP, GVLV, wood, etc.
  • In some cases, it is impossible to raise the floor even a centimeter, then pouring and putty will not work.

When working with moisture-proof materials, take into account some important points

  • Features of the technology, if it is planned to perform waterproofing work on their own. For example, with spraying, difficulties will arise, since special equipment and skills in working with it are required.
  • Do not work with toxic materials for allergy sufferers and people sensitive to odors.
  • The bathroom does not require global waterproofing, everything should be done in moderation.
  • How much do materials cost and their consumption: repairs should be affordable.

Waterproofing bathroom walls and floors tiles is not an easy task, requiring careful attention and careful weighing of all the pros and cons.


