How to save money on door installation? You can try on your own, with your own hands, to assemble a door frame. This is not as difficult to do as it might seem at first glance. We bring to your attention detailed assembly instructions.
We prepare material and tools
Since we are talking about improving the interior of the room, before starting the assembly, you need to decide on the material:
- Metal - has excellent strength, so it is best suited for front doors. But keep in mind that working with metal requires special tools, skills and a lot of energy.
- Wood is an excellent combination of strength and environmental friendliness, so it is a versatile option. Noble varieties of wood are suitable for both exterior doors and interior doors.
- MDF (wood fibreboard) is an eco-friendly material made from sawdust with a natural binder, has a smooth surface, looks good, and therefore is perfect for when you need to install interior doors. MDF is easily processed, is not afraid of moisture, and in many respects is not inferior to wood at a price almost two times lower.
The material should be enough:
- timber under the door frame (two lengths L + 8 cm, where L is the height of the door and two more lengths N + 8 cm, where N is the width of the door leaf);
- architraves and extras (in case the width of the doorway is greater than the width of the standard timber).
If the box is without a nut, then only one beam of shorter length will be needed - on the upper crossbar.
Prepare the necessary tool. We will need:
- slick;
- hammer;
- a hacksaw (ideally, a special power saw with a rotary mechanism would be suitable, but we will assume that you are not a specialist and do not have expensive tools);
- an electric drill with a replaceable bit, which can also be used as a screwdriver;
- level;
- carpentry knife.
For fastening, we will use screws of different sizes with a fine pitch.
Suppose you have already carefully dismantled the door frame that you want to change.
Preparation of material according to the dimensions of the web, grooves for curtains
Using the example of an interior door, let's see how a door frame is made with our own hands (approximate order). First of all, we need a meter (ruler) and a hacksaw.
- With a level, we measure the differences in floor height in the doorway, remember or write down the difference in order to take it into account when preparing the timber in size. We measure the size of the door leaf.
- Using a hacksaw (preferably a butt saw), we prepare a beam of the desired size. If the saw is equipped with a function for measuring the angle of rotation, it is better to cut the end of the timber at an angle of 45 degrees. But for simplicity, it is easier for a non-specialist to connect the bars end-to-end, choosing a quarter on long bars as shown in Figure 1.
Rule 1: between the door leaf and the frame there should be a gap of 3 mm (sides and top) and 8-15 mm (bottom) (Fig. 2).
- We make a selection for curtains on the door leaf (option for mortise hinges). To do this, we put the door on the end and carefully make an incision on the upper end part with a knife, stepping back 20 cm from the edge, on each side. Then, using a chisel and a hammer, carefully select the notch so that the loop card lies flush. We fasten the hinges to the doors with a screwdriver.
Rule 2: before tightening the screws, it is better to pre-drill holes of a smaller diameter for them. This way you can protect the material from cracking.
Start of box assembly
Now it's time to assemble the details of the box for the interior door.
If the cut of the end of the beam was made at an angle of 45 degrees, the assembly of all components (three beams or four if there is a sill) passes through the fastening with three screws in each of the corners, at an angle of 90 degrees to the cut (see Fig. 3). Two screws should be installed on the side of the long bar and one on the side of the shorter one. A slight movement of parts during tightening must be taken into account. Don't forget about rule 2.
If initially the cut along the ends of the timber was made evenly, then you need to assemble the parts together with two screws at each corner from the side of the long bars (Fig. 4).
- When the assembly of the parts with your own hands on the floor is completed, you need to put the door leaf in the opening of the box and make markings for the hinges on the beam of the box, and then make a selection for them in the same way as on the canvas.
- Now the door frame must first be fixed to the wall. To do this, it is better with the help of a partner, you need to install the box in the opening.
- Using a level, align it vertically, drill two holes for flush heads of screws in the sample area for the hinges. Holes must be drilled exactly relative to the horizontal and vertical axes of the bar.
- Now we attach the box to the wall with long screws.
Rule 3: if the wall is sheathed with plasterboard or is drywall partition, you must first strengthen the opening by installing wooden bars inside the profile.
Box fitting
We fix the position of the door frame with pre-prepared wedges (struts) made of wood, achieving a vertical position in level. Initially, the wedges must be installed on the side of the vertical beam already fixed at the end of the wall, to which the curtains will be attached, and on the horizontal upper beam.
We fill the free space between the box and the wall with foam (on the inside of the doorway). We are waiting for the mounting foam to harden.
Door latch installation
In the meantime, you can assemble the door latch:
- We make a hole with a drill to install the latch to the desired depth. The stuffing for the handle should freely go into it.
- Perpendicularly drill a second hole for installing door handles.
- We install the handles, fix with a key.
- Now you need to make a selection for flush mounting the strip under the latch, fastening is done with screws.
Installing and leveling the door
The next step is to install the door itself in the opening.
- We raise the door leaf to a vertical position, substitute a spacer or a piece of bar under it, and, holding it, fix the hinges in the previously made grooves of the door frame with a screwdriver and screws. First we fix the upper curtain, after that - the lower one.
- We check the evenness of the door leaf sitting on the hinges, the level and uniformity of the gaps (Fig. 2). We adjust the door to the frame, carefully aligning the hanging side with the help of the upper wedge (photo).
Now we turn to the striker for the latch.
- We drill a hole of the required diameter, make a selection with a chisel.
- Before installing the striker in this hole, we drill and fix the door frame on the wall with the third, last screw.
- Now install spacers already on this side. We mount the backplate.
- We check the fastening: the door should not close or open itself.
As you can see, assembling with your own hands is not so difficult.
Finishing touches
There is very little left before the end of the work.
- We seal the gaps between the wall and the box of interior doors with mounting foam, both from the inside and from the outside.
- If necessary, we install additional strips, choosing grooves for them in the frozen foam.
- We install platbands, after cutting off the frozen foam where it interferes. The platbands are put on silicone glue, which is applied to the box, fixed with nails with reduced heads.
- Do not forget about the decorative design of all the details that are in sight.
If you follow the advice of experts, try to work carefully, you can even install doors with a box with your own hands even with the simplest tools.