How to choose and install hinges on interior doors

If you decide to purchase new beautiful doors, pay attention to whether the kit includes the door leaf, frame, handle and lock, door hinges. If the design is sold without hinges, you have to choose and install them on the door yourself. This process must be taken responsibly, as unsuitable fittings can spoil the appearance of the door, and improper installation can lead to skew of the canvas and problems during operation.

Installing hinges on a doorToday, there are many types of door hinges, which differ in appearance, fastening method and functionality.

Types of hinges depending on the design and installation method

Among the variety of hinges for entrance and interior doors, several types can be distinguished.

Overhead hinges

Such canopies are also called loops without tie-in. They are installed directly on the surface of the door leaf, without deepening the seat under the wings of the hinges. They are attached to the door leaf and the frame with wood screws.

Universal overhead butterfly loops


  • simplicity and ease of installation;
  • the possibility of self-assembly without special skills and tools.


  • the design of the canopies does not allow, if necessary, to remove the doors without unscrewing the screws;
  • they can not hang doors that have a lot of weight.

Recently, overhead butterfly loops have been especially popular - these are loops without a tie-in, the elegant shape of which resembles a butterfly wing. When folding, one part of the structure is embedded in another, ensuring a minimum thickness.


In appearance, they resemble invoices, but differ from them in the method of installation: for the installation of mortise hinges, cuts are made at the end of the door leaf and frame. The recesses must correspond to the thickness and dimensions of the wings of the structure.


  • relative ease of installation;
  • low price.

Insert hinges

The downside is the need to cut recesses in parts of the door structure.

Overhead and mortise door hinges are detachable and universal. Universal designs are considered more reliable, as they have a rigid assembly that prevents sagging and loosening of doors.


Not flat wings-plates, but corners are attached to the axial rod of such canopies. They are installed on interior doors in the same way as mortise ones.

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The advantages of such hinges can be called the convenience of placement and the dense vestibule of the door due to the angular shape. Minus - visibility against the background of the door structure.

Angle hinges


They differ from all other designs, as they are installed in pre-prepared recesses, sawn in the box and door leaf.


  • inconspicuous fasteners do not violate the aesthetic appearance of the door structure;
  • make it possible to adjust the position of the door;
  • such loops cannot be cut.

Hidden hinges

The only drawback is the complexity of installation; without certain skills, you are unlikely to be able to correctly install such hinges.


In such door hinges, instead of wings, pins are located on the axis, screwed into the door leaf and box. The device has a number of models with a different number of threaded pins designed for different door weights.

Screw hinges


  • universality (no need to select right and left loops);
  • stealth.


  • on such hinges you can hang only doors with euro-porch;
  • when used on structures made of low-grade brittle material, they can lead to cracking, chipping.

The choice of canopies according to the material of manufacture

Depending on the material, the loops are divided into three types:

  1. Steel - are considered the most reliable and durable.In its pure form, they are not very attractive, chrome-plated models look more aesthetically pleasing.
  2. Brass - beautiful in appearance, but less durable due to the plasticity of the material. Can be polished or chrome plated.
  3. Brass-plated - made of zinc or steel alloys, have a layer of brass on top, often additionally coated with enamel or compositions that imitate noble metals.

Types of door hinges

A few words about butterflies

If you decide to stay on the easiest version of the hinges to install, it is advisable to purchase them in specialized stores. When buying, make sure that the sides of the structure fold correctly, otherwise bumps will form during installation, and the door will not fit well or begin to spring.

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Interior doors, according to their characteristics, should be suitable for the installation of overhead butterfly hinges on them. Installation of this type of canopies is carried out only on the places of the door leaf intended for this purpose, suitable for tightening self-tapping screws.

Choice of butterfly loops

In connection with the overhead method of installation and the properties of the design, "butterfly" awnings are intended mainly for light interior doors. Due to their aesthetic shape, clean installation, which takes place without disturbing the decorative finish of the door leaf, they are excellent for hanging modern doors with an original design.

Installing hinges on a door

Consider the installation sequence of popular butterfly hinges on the door, which are mounted without cutting into the door leaf and frame.

An important advantage of butterfly loops is the exceptional ease of installation: you do not need the ability to handle carpentry tools.

  • First, the primary marking of the location of the loop is made. To do this, measure the distance from the upper and lower edges of the door leaf - it must be at least 200 mm. Attach the inside of the loop to the place of its future attachment to the canvas and circle the part with a pencil.

Hinged door marking

Note! The hinges are placed with hinges to the front of the door.

  • While holding the loop, mark the points for drilling holes for self-tapping screws with an awl or a thin drill, the diameter of which should not exceed the diameter of the axis of the self-tapping screw.
  • Screw the inside of each hinge to the door leaf with self-tapping screws.
  • Install the canvas in the box, observing the required gap, make sure that the top and bottom ends are located correctly (strictly horizontally), and fix it with wedges.
  • Mark the location of the outer part of the hinge, remove the wedges and screw the top hinge to the box.

Important! To avoid breakage or skew of the hinge, the door must be supported until the lower canopy is installed.

  • Set the door leaf in a strictly vertical position.
  • Mark the position of the bottom hinge on the box, prepare holes for self-tapping screws.
  • Tighten the self-tapping screws and fix the position of the lower hinge correctly.
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Now it remains only to check the progress of the doors: if the butterfly hinges are installed correctly, the doors close softly, tightly and do not spring.


