Two-level plasterboard ceilings for the living room: advantages, design, installation

Ceiling design - this is an important stage of repair in the apartment. It can complement other elements of the interior or take on a major role in the design ensemble. With the help of drywall and spotlights, you can create intricate designs that will delight the hosts and surprise guests. You can do the plasterboard ceiling in the living room with your own hands, you do not need to hire specialists for this.

Plasterboard ceiling in the living room

Characteristics of structures

Drywall is the most popular material for leveling walls, ceilings, as well as creating three-dimensional structures. It is easy to work with it, installation of drywall can be carried out even by a beginner in repair. The advantages of this material:

  • affordable price;
  • environmental friendliness;
  • plastic;
  • ease of installation;
  • light weight;
  • sound and heat insulation;
  • incombustibility;
  • does not conduct electricity.

The main purpose of drywall is the alignment of walls and ceilings. It is suitable for any premises, even in bathrooms it is possible to use its moisture-resistant variety. Also, drywall can be used to make boxes for batteries, water pipes, electrical wiring, as well as decorative ceiling structures that will perform both aesthetic and practical functions in the interior.

GKL - a material with a wide range of applications

There are several types of ceiling structures.

One-level ceilings

Installation of a single-level structure - the easiest way to remove all the flaws on the ceiling. A metal frame is installed on the entire surface, and sheets are attached to it. Lamps can become decoration of such a ceiling.

Advantages of a single-level ceiling:

  • You can remove any irregularities.
  • It is convenient to hide electrical wiring and other communications under the sheets.
  • Additional soundproofing of the apartment.
  • This leveling method requires less time than plaster.
  • The height of the room does not decrease as significantly as when using multi-level structures.

Simple false ceiling in one level

Duplex ceilings

The first level of this design is a solid, even base for the second, more complex level. The following subspecies of such ceilings can be distinguished:

  • frame structures;
  • abstract;
  • diagonal;
  • soaring;
  • zoning.

The simplest in execution, universal, and therefore the most common option is a frame structure in the center or around the perimeter of the room. It can frame a chandelier or be illuminated by spotlights. Such a ceiling can also be decorated with painting or photo printing.

Two-level design with lighting in the hall


Drywall allows you to make a ceiling in several levels with lighting on each of them. With its help, you can zone the space by dividing the room into several independent zones without any walls and partitions. But it should be remembered that these structures still occupy some of the space, so it is best to install them in rooms with high ceilings.

Below you can see a photo of plasterboard ceilings for the living room.

Multi-level ceiling option

Living room design

Probably the hardest part of renovating a ceiling is deciding on the design. Modern technologies can make any of your dreams come true, so everything is limited only by your imagination.

The main rule is that the design of the ceiling should fit into the overall design of the room.

  • If the main word that can describe the interior of the room is “calm”, furniture and walls are neutral colors, then it is best to choose simple designs with straight or smooth lines.
  • If your interior is made in the Baroque style, then more complex, curved, intricate designs can be made on the ceiling. They should emphasize a large massive chandelier. You can decorate them with golden ornaments or paintings on mythological themes, following the example of palace interiors.

Ceiling structure for baroque interiors

  • For a room in the style of constructivism, simple geometric three-dimensional figures are suitable - squares, circles, rectangles. The contrast will look original: a white ceiling with bright figures (yellow, red, black).
  • For a Japanese-style room, you can make a painting with sakura in a round plasterboard frame. Spotlights will help emphasize the beauty of the picture.
  • Rooms in modern styles - hi-tech, fusion - will be decorated with designs in the form of letters, Apple logos, Twitter or other companies. Drywall bends well, you can make any figure out of it. Colored lighting will emphasize the beauty of the ceiling. The photo below shows what can be done with this material.

GKL ceiling in the spirit of high-tech

How to make a drywall ceiling

If you have already worked with drywall, it will not be difficult for you to make a ceiling structure yourself. You will need a metal profile, fasteners, drywall sheets, a construction knife, a laser level.

single level

Stages of installation of a single-level structure:

  • Using a level on the ceiling, mark the places for attaching metal profiles. Usually they are located at a distance of 70 cm from each other. Remember that the grid of profiles must be symmetrical.
  • A guide profile is fixed along the perimeter of the walls.
  • First, long longitudinal ceiling profiles are mounted. After that, the transverse elements are fixed.
  • Sheets are attached to the frame using self-tapping screws, which are best placed at a distance of 30 cm from each other. The sheets are joined in the middle of the profile.
  • At the last stage, joints and caps of self-tapping screws should be sealed.

A beautiful ceiling will turn out only if there are a minimum number of joints. Also pay attention to the manufacturer of the material. In one room, you need to use sheets from the same brand, since different manufacturers may have different thicknesses and other characteristics.

Lathing for single-level construction


Bunk ceiling is created like this:

  1. Measure the height of the corners in the room. Determine the difference in height. The lowest angle is taken as the basis for the entire structure, from which the distance to which the first tier will be lowered is set back (depending on the size of the fixtures, hidden communications).
  2. Using a laser level, make markings for profiles.
  3. First, a profile is installed along the perimeter of the ceiling, then the longitudinal and transverse profiles are fixed.
  4. Self-tapping screws fix the sheets on the profiles. Seams and caps are covered with putty.
  5. To install the second level, markup for the future design is made with a pencil directly on the drywall of the first level.
  6. Set the frame of the desired shape.
  7. With the help of special profiles, the frame is lowered to obtain a three-dimensional structure.
  8. Sheathe the frame with drywall sheets.
  9. After that, they move on to finishing work.

Subject to good theoretical preparation and familiarity with detailed technology, you can make two-level ceilings in the living room with illumination of the original form.

Plasterboard ceiling assembly with two levels

Finishing methods

After you have assembled a three-dimensional drywall structure, you can proceed to the decorative finish. To do this, you can choose one of the following materials:

  • Dye. This is the most common finishing method. It is best to use acrylic or latex paints, they are more suitable for drywall. You can apply glossy or matte paint or combine these types. Combinations of bright and pastel colors also look interesting.
  • Decorative plaster. Volumetric plaster effects can be used not only on walls, but also on the ceiling. In addition to the decorative effect, that material can close defects on drywall sheets.

Finishing the ceiling surface with decorative plaster

  • Wallpaper. This is not a very common ceiling material. It is best to choose abstract patterns or symmetrical ornaments. You can stick textured wallpaper with a three-dimensional pattern.

Plasterboard ceiling design is limited only by your imagination.This plastic material will help to realize all your desires. From it you can make a design of any shape. Painting, colored lighting, textured plaster can serve as an additional decoration of the ceiling.


