GKL "Gyproc": types and characteristics of the material

Drywall is the only finishing material that, having appeared on the Russian building materials market at the end of the 20th century, immediately gained popularity. Being environmentally friendly and non-combustible, it makes it possible to perform work in rooms that are subject to increased requirements. GKL is a unique building material that makes it possible to obtain absolutely flat wall surfaces with any complexity of installation. Due to its elasticity, it is indispensable for the installation of suspended ceilings and the construction of complex architectural and design structures. One of the most popular brands of this material is Giprok drywall.

Gypsum boards from Giprok

Technical properties of the material

Drywall of the Swedish company Giprok is a durable sheet consisting of a gypsum core, to which special components are added that increase the performance of the material. A layer of cardboard is applied over the gypsum, facing it on both sides. To achieve the necessary parameters required from the product, the manufacturer uses a variety of additives that help improve the desired characteristics.

  • The cardboard is processed by the structure interfering formation of a moldy fungus.
  • Gypsum filler contains additives that prevent moisture from entering the sheet and its destruction.

In accordance with the technical properties of the GCR "Giprok" is divided into 4 varieties:

  • standard drywall sheet;
  • moisture resistant;
  • fire resistant;
  • moisture and fire resistant.

Varieties of drywall Giprok

Since the company that produces this material cares about product quality, all production processes are under strict control. As a result, the resulting drywall has undeniable positive qualities:

  1. The material is highly resistant to external factors.
  2. It does not harm the environment and is made from environmentally friendly materials.
  3. Gives the opportunity to carry out repair and construction work at the lowest cost.
  4. Its operation in places of high fire danger does not cause problems.
  5. It has a low price compared to other materials.

The tolerance in deviation from the standard size can be no more than 5 mm in both length and width, which allows you to accurately calculate the amount of material needed for repairs.

GKL Giprok has attractive characteristics

Application in finishing works

In the Russian market, this type of drywall is less known than its competitors, but, nevertheless, it is in rather high demand among certain categories of builders. For example, the increased flexibility of the material makes it possible to use it for the construction of multi-level ceiling structures and in the construction of arched openings and niches.

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The use of Gyproc brand drywall makes it possible to design and execute installation of built-in shelves and niches directly on the wall, which is an indisputable plus when carrying out repairs in small city apartments, where you have to fight for every centimeter of space. The advantages of the material include the following features:

  • "Giprok" can be used in rooms where there are a large number of communications that need to be removed from public view, but at the same time they should remain accessible if necessary.
  • Drywall of this brand with a thickness of 5 mm has high thermal insulation characteristics, which is important when decorating walls facing the street.
  • Having a high fire resistance class, gypsum board can be used in niche mounting for the fireplace.
  • Moisture-resistant drywall Gyproc "Aqua Optima" is an ideal material for wall decoration in the bathroom and bathroom.It is not afraid of moisture and can be used both for leveling walls and for making a suspended ceiling.

GKL Giprok Aqua Optima

Making problem areas in the apartment

Gypsum plasterboard is an ideal solution for finishing the most problematic areas in an apartment due to the fact that it can be easily processed with a waterproof primer, any kind of paint and even ceramic tiles.

  • Finishing the entire kitchen space can be done with this material. It is not subject to deformation, so they can sheathe the wall near the hob. Its elasticity, which is higher than that of many similar building materials of other brands, will make it possible to make any rounded details, hiding communication systems.
  • The corridor in the apartment is the most difficult area. This issue can be resolved by installing plasterboard panels on the walls and ceiling and installing built-in lights in them.
  • Using Gyproc "Aqua Optima" gypsum boards 2500 × 1200 × 12, it is easy to solve the problem of insulating a balcony or loggia. This material alone, of course, cannot solve the whole issue, but if you fill the niches formed as a result of the installation of the frame with mineral wool, then even without additional heating in the room you can create the required microclimate.
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The use of GKL in difficult areas

Material qualities to keep in mind

Of course, this brand of drywall, in addition to the pros, has its cons.

  • Despite the fact that Giprok has high performance characteristics and almost does not break during transportation, nevertheless, it is not strong enough. This is due to the properties of the material from which the GCR is made. Therefore, if after the repair work it is planned to hang heavy objects on the wall, then it must be strengthened even during the frame mounting.

Drywall Giprok has features that can be attributed to disadvantages

  • In addition, this drywall does not have outstanding soundproofing qualities. Therefore, when installing a suspended ceiling made of plasterboard of the Giprok brand, it is necessary to lay soundproofing material in the frame structure, and then fix the sheets of finishing material.


