Modern interior design often does not welcome the use of familiar wooden cabinets, cabinets or shelves in the interior. In many cases, it is more rational to use less cumbersome solutions that organically fit into the environment. Plasterboard shelves, photos of which can be seen in the catalogs of construction companies and on the Internet, will help to achieve maximum functionality in combination with decorative effect. With the right choice of their design and design, you can create an interesting and unique interior and make the room convenient and comfortable.
The use of plasterboard shelves
The use of drywall in the interior allows you to create beautiful shelves and exclusive built-in niches in the hall, kitchen, pantry and even in the bathroom.
- For zoning the premises, you can install functional partitions with through shelves.
- Plasterboard shelves in the bedroom look very original, made as a separate element or an integral part of the main structure. In terms of their functionality, such shelves are not inferior to standard wooden cabinets and chests of drawers.
- For storing kitchen and other household utensils, open shelves and built-in niches are widely used, which can significantly save space in the kitchen and pantry.
- Shelves and racks are often used to install household appliances in the hall, store books, favorite souvenirs and other small items.
- Embedded bathroom wall shelves not only harmoniously fit into the interior, but also hide pipes and communications. Due to the high humidity of the room, drywall with high moisture resistance is used for these purposes.
To decorate such structures, both spotlights and lighting around the entire perimeter are used. You can enhance the play of light with the help of mirrors and glass elements. Such an additional light source will create a romantic atmosphere and bring mystery and grace to your interior.
Plasterboard shelf design
The technical characteristics that GKL possesses allow you to create decorative elements in the interior of a variety of shapes and sizes. The main advantages of this material include:
- simple and fast installation;
- flexibility of the material (it is possible to create structures of any shape);
- a large selection of finishes (coloring with any paints and pasting with materials of different textures is allowed);
- low cost.
You can give the room individuality by making corner shelves from drywall with your own hands. Such designs will perfectly fit into the nursery, bedroom or living room. The use of corner elements is very important in a small room, where the issue of saving space is acute.
The manufacture and installation of a corner structure is an excellent way to use free corners in a room for practical purposes.
The classic option is rectangular built-in shelves of various sizes and shapes. They are built into special niches, which can be part of the wall decoration created during the renovation stage, or also be constructed from drywall sheets as a decorative element. If you decide to make drywall shelves with your own hands, the proposed photos will help you choose the most suitable design, and the installation guide will help you complete the job quickly and without errors.
Stages of manufacturing plasterboard shelves
Before you make drywall shelves with your own hands, you need to prepare materials for mounting the frame and the main elements, namely:
- drywall sheets;
- metal profile - bearing and guiding elements;
- fasteners (dowels and screws);
- mesh-serpyanka;
- primer and putty;
- finishing materials (wallpaper or paint).
A step-by-step instruction for making a shelf begins with creating a diagram. Before making a drywall shelf, the design, purpose and location of the shelf on the wall are determined. After creating a sketch, measurements are made of the section of the wall where the future structure will be placed.
Properly performed calculations allow you to determine the required amount of materials to create the supporting structure and component parts, as well as the amount of work performed.
The finished drywall construction can take the form of a built-in niche or a protruding decorative surface. In the first case, the shelves are mounted into the wall during the assembly of partitions or leveling the surface, in the second - on a flat surface of the wall.
Wireframe creation
The most time-consuming and complex process that requires certain skills and abilities. After designing, control marks are put on the wall surface, which will correspond to the location of the surfaces of the future structure. For a perfectly even arrangement of shelves when marking, it is necessary to use a building level.
After marking with dowel-nails, the guides are fixed to the wall. A profile is attached to them in accordance with the drawing, making the drywall frame voluminous. The perimeter is made of their guides, reinforcement - from the carrier (rack-mount) profile.
Installation of lighting fixtures
At the stage of creating the frame, wiring is laid for future lighting, if provided for by the project. The wires must be hidden in the corrugation. Under spotlights cut holes in the drywall sheet.
The best solution for illuminating a drywall shelf is to use an LED strip.
The finished shelf with lighting will harmoniously fit into any interior.
Sheathing the frame with drywall
Before sheathing, drywall sheets are cut into individual parts of the desired size. Further, along the marked lines, the necessary elements are cut out with a hacksaw or cut off with a sharp knife. All irregularities on the cut lines are ground with sandpaper.
With the help of self-tapping screws, individual plasterboard parts are attached to the frame made earlier. Possible distortions of the elements should be avoided in order to prevent fracture and deformation of the drywall shelves in the future.
Important! In order for the structure to withstand the load, you need to use a more durable drywall 1.8 cm thick or mount standard wall material (1.25 cm) in 2 layers. Additional strength will give the frequent placement of frame jumpers.
Joint processing
To obtain a perfectly flat surface of the shelves, it is necessary to carefully process the joints between the individual parts. To do this, a layer of putty is applied to well-primed seams, then sealed with a serpentine mesh and puttyed again, not forgetting to also fill the recesses from the screws with putty.
To give the edges of the structure an aesthetic appeal, special aluminum or plastic corners are used, which are glued with gypsum putty and hidden under its layer. The use of such corners will prevent mechanical damage and abrasion of drywall.
After drying and grinding the treated areas, the entire surface is puttied, which is then also polished to smoothness.
Finishing work
After you managed to make a drywall shelf with your own hands, you can start finishing the surface. To do this, the structure can be painted or pasted over with various materials.
To create a contrast in the interior, shelves and niches are painted in colors that differ from the main color of the walls in the room.To finish the plasterboard shelves in the kitchen, it is recommended to use a self-adhesive film with a pattern. You can decorate the shelves in the bathroom with tiles or mosaics.
In addition to performing a decorative function, any finish protects the drywall surface from damage and moisture, thereby creating a reliable design that will last you a long time.