NPO geospetsstroy
Do you need to provide a country house or cottage with clean drinking water? Then an artesian well is what you need. Such a well is usually drilled to a depth of up to 250 meters, in other words, “on limestone”. This name is due to the fact that artesian wells are drilled to the limestone layer.
Water supply and sanitation in different areas and regions costs differently, so we offer you a free consultation from our specialist. It will help determine how much water in the country will cost for you. In addition, the consultant will answer all your questions - as detailed and accurate as possible.
: the process of drilling an artesian well
Artesian-type well drilling is carried out all over the world, this is a common and effective way to provide a site with clean water. Drilling artesian wells, the price of which is quite acceptable, allows you to provide water in the house from underground sources.
Depending on the depth and rock in which the artesian well is being drilled, the process can take from three to seven days. Before starting work, our specialist will come to you, who will assess their scale and finally determine the price of drilling an artesian well for limestone.
An artesian well in the country is a guarantee of the constant availability of clean drinking water in the required quantities.
The cost of drilling an artesian well
The cost of an artesian well is indicated for one meter of drilling at the beginning of this page. Accordingly, the price increases with the depth of the well. But over time, you will realize that the use of the well fully pays for its cost. And nothing can compare with the joy that now you have good water in the country.
The cost of the finished well includes:
- delivery of the necessary drilling equipment to the direct drilling site of water disposal wells and artesian wells,
- casing pipes for wells,
- drilling,
- complete waterproofing and piping,
- pumping until clean water appears.
For drilling artesian wells, the price always needs to be clarified in advance, you cannot name it without seeing the site, without knowing what materials will be used, etc.
For drilling, different types of casing pipes for wells can be used, among which steel and "steel-plastic" are the most popular. Depending on the design of the well, the diameter of the pipes may also vary.
On average, a ready-made artesian well for limestone with a depth of about one hundred meters costs about 190-220 thousand rubles. The price may fluctuate depending on whether water supply and sanitation is carried out in Moscow, Moscow region or other regions of Russia.
Therefore, there may be a difference in the cost of drilling an artesian well in a country house in different areas, even in the same region.
Benefits of drilling deep artesian wells
- Regardless of the weather outside, you will never experience a lack of water in the country.
- The water quality remains consistently stable.
- The level of water loss is quite high.
- Service life - up to 50 years.
- Over time, the water mineralizes and it becomes necessary to clean the well.
- It is necessary to issue special permits for drilling artesian wells.
- Considerable price.
So, we, the research and production association "Geospetsstroy", offer you the most professional drilling of artesian wells for drinking water at an affordable cost.
We guarantee the execution of works on time, reasonable prices, high quality, modern equipment and materials, the use of high-quality casing pipes for wells, a wide range of services.
You can find out all the details by calling: (495) 222-62-62, 781-62-62.
What well is called artesian
In individual water supply, three types of wells are used, differing primarily in depth. The smallest of them - Abyssinian, is located at a depth of 5 to 30 meters and is designed for water intake from the first surface aquifer. Abyssinians, many homeowners do-it-yourself drilling by hand or using the labor of hired workers who specialize in this type of drilling.
The shaft is passed with a hand drill (much less often with a bailer) of small diameter without the use of expensive and complex mechanisms, special equipment, water intake is carried out using a surface electric pump. They try to place the casing filter in an aquifer without relying on a sandy-silty bottom, so the pumped drinking water is of good quality.
Wells in the sand reach depths of 70 m, special equipment is used for their laying, and a column of polymer and less often steel pipes is placed in the drilled channel, resting on a sandy-clay bottom. The water intake is carried out by a submersible electric pump, the water has a high content of clay and sand impurities and therefore needs improved coarse and fine purification.
When answering the question of what an artesian well is, they first of all talk about its depth, which lies in the range from 35 to 300 m. When it passes, they reach hard calcareous rocks, over which the aquifer is located, so the water is highly transparent and lacks sandy - clay impurities. The column, when installed in the channel, experiences high transverse soil loads, therefore, the use of strong steel pipes is practiced in the well. For water intake, submersible pumps of the highest power are used - due to the significant pressure of the soil on the aquifer, the filling per unit time (debit) of an artesian source is the highest among other types of wells.
Rice. 2 Artesian well - device
Pros and cons of artesian wells
Artesian springs have the following positive properties:
- Drilling operations take a short period of time, in soft rocks the rate of penetration reaches 300 m per shift, and the average drilling speed when installing two columns averages about 40 m per day.
- The water extracted to the surface does not contain sand and clay impurities - this allows you to save money on coarse and fine filters.
- Also, the deep location of artesian water basins prevents the penetration of surface contaminated water, microbes, pathogenic bacteria, harmful effluents from septic tanks, industrial enterprises, and open cesspools into the source.
- The definition of an artesian well implies a service life of 50 years or more, while sand wells operate on average no more than 5 years.
- Artesian sources have the highest debit - this allows them to be used for water supply not only for individual residential buildings, but also for small private settlements, summer cottages or high-rise buildings when using industrial tunneling methods.
- Well sources of the artesian type, unlike sandy ones, do not need periodic maintenance, they are not threatened by silting during long interruptions in water consumption.
Disadvantages of artesian wells:
- The main disadvantage of an artesian well is the high cost of drilling, often requiring payment for the use of two columns.
- Also, crystal clear artesian water often has increased mineralization - it contains salts of iron, potassium, manganese, sometimes contains hydrogen sulfide.These chemical elements for extraction from water masses require the use of iron removal plants and other types of purification that are expensive to purchase and during operation.
- Since artesian water basins are classified as strategic water resources, well drilling may require agreement with a significant package of documents and a number of necessary conditions for their placement. The main prohibitions are as follows:
- All residential buildings and plantings on the site should be no closer than 30 m to the well.
- Sources of biological pollution (sewer sedimentation tanks, filtration fields, farms) must be located no closer than 200 mm, chemical enterprises, auto repair shops and gas stations - within a radius of 300 m.
- The distance between two wells must be at least 100 m.
Rice. 12 Scheme of iron removal installation for the house
The principle of operation of an artesian well
When studying the inner layers of the soil, scientists explained the principle of operation of an artesian well. Precipitation, moisture from melting ice sinks deep underground, accumulates in the bowls formed there, and is filtered in a natural way. When drilling a well or digging wells, it rises under its own pressure.
Well for the extraction of artesian water - a puncture of several layers: soil, clay, sandstone, rock. In different territories, the number, structure of these layers and the depth of the flow of groundwater are not the same. Experienced craftsmen know how to determine the location of the future source.
Artesian wells work on the same principle. In a hole drilled in the ground, the water rises to a certain level. It depends on the amount of liquid in the underground "bowl" (syncline). The more it is filled, the more water can be extracted from the source.
In such a bowl there may be several aquifers. They have different strength, pressure. Therefore, water in some wells gushes, while in others it simply rises and stops at a certain level. When fluid is taken, it spontaneously recovers.
What is an artesian well Drilling in Moscow and the region
The way out of the situation when there is no centralized water supply in the house, and there is no way to connect to it, which can be especially often observed in suburban settlements, can be drilling a well for water. With relatively low costs for its arrangement, the well will be able to regularly provide its owner with clean drinking water.
The most popular option among residents of suburban settlements in recent years is the drilling of an artesian source. Each of us has repeatedly seen this phrase on the packaging of drinking and mineral water, which is sold in stores, but how many people know its meaning? So what is an artesian well?
Two meanings of the phrase artesian well
At the moment, there are two interpretations of the meaning of this phrase, and each of them is correct:
- A well with a strong pressure and spontaneous release of water to the surface. It can be both artificially created and natural.
- An artificially created shaft, the depth of which reaches limestone horizons, that is, aquifers of the earth in which water is under constant pressure. In the case of opening such a reservoir using a drilling rig, water rises to the surface.
Since an artesian well has many advantages over a conventional one, it is not surprising that this particular drilling option has recently become more common and popular. However, it is not without its shortcomings, which will be discussed in more detail below.
Advantages and disadvantages of an artesian well
The advantages include such important characteristics as:
- High productivity, which is achieved due to the fact that aquifers lying at depth have a high water yield
- Better water quality. Since aquifers occur at great depths, they are less susceptible to pollution from sewage and groundwater, as well as chemical and other fertilizer residues.
- Long service life, which averages at least 20 years
Among the disadvantages of an artesian well, the following properties can be noted:
- Higher cost of drilling and development
- The need to subject water to special treatment in order to purify it from excess minerals and salts
To acquire your own artesian well in your area, it is enough to resort to the services of specialized companies. Turning to us, you can count on the fact that:
- Only highly qualified specialists will deal with your order
- The cost of services will pleasantly surprise you
- The work will be done not only qualitatively, but also in a short time.
What is an artesian well
If there is no possibility to connect to the central water supply system, or the quality of water in the water supply system leaves much to be desired, the only right solution will be an autonomous source. There are artesian springs and sand wells.
The latter lose in that their water quality is much lower, their service life is shorter and there are more problems during operation. But an artesian well is a reliable and durable supplier of the highest quality, tasty and healthy water.
It is drilled a hundred meters into the limestone layer, has a high flow rate and can be used up to half a century.
Artesian well, what is it?
We don’t know much about water extracted from an artesian source, most often we just read about it on a plastic bottle with mineral water. In science, industry, there are two terms that characterize artesian wells, what is it:
- In some sources, an artesian well is understood as a deep hole in the ground from which water flows, the source can be natural and artificial.
- In industry, an artesian well is a source created artificially on a limestone layer. The peculiarity of the layer is that when it is opened, water under pressure comes out.
That is why when creating an artesian well there is no need for pumping equipment.
Is an artesian well good or bad?
These sources are rapidly gaining popularity. They are created:
- Owners of country and private estates
- In cottage settlements
- For industrial purposes
- For irrigation and irrigation of greenhouses
- For business organization and production of bottled water.
Before deciding to equip artesian wells, that this structure has advantages and disadvantages, you need to know in advance:
- Strengths: high flow rate, high water quality, durability of the structure.
- Weaknesses: high price, the need to install filtration equipment to reduce the content of iron and salts, the need to obtain a license.
How much does an artesian well cost?
The cost of a well depends on the depth, diameter, drilling method, the cost of materials and equipment, and the type of construction. The depth of the source ranges from 35 to 200 meters, depending on the depth of the aquifer.
When arranging artesian wells, a 133 mm casing pipe is most often used, and a pipe with a diameter of 125 mm is installed on the limestone layer. If it is necessary to create a telescopic column, the diameters are selected accordingly. According to the type of construction, they are distinguished: classic, with a double casing string, with a conductor, telescopic design.
Please note that before starting drilling, it is necessary to prepare all the necessary documents and obtain licenses, and then register it as an official source of water
What documents are required and how are they processed?
Documentation and the process of drilling an artesian well of an industrial design consists of the following items:
- Obtaining a license for the right to use water resources.
- Development of project documentation and its coordination with Rospotrebnadzor.
- Carrying out drilling operations with the device of a production well according to the project.
- Implementation of a complex of geophysical studies of the soil and laboratory analyzes of water quality.
- Registration of a passport for a well, taking into account the physical parameters of water resources.
- Registration of the well with the assignment of a cadastral number to it.
- Installation of pumping equipment in a caisson, house, separate room.
- Development of design documentation for the installation of a water intake unit.
- Carrying out installation work on the assembly of the unit for water consumption.
As for the drilling of individual wells, according to the legislation (Article 19 of the Law of the Russian Federation On Subsoil), the owners of individual plots have the right to own common minerals, including water resources, if three conditions are met:
- The volume of water consumed does not exceed 100 cubic meters per day.
- The extracted water resources are used to meet their own needs, and not for commercial use.
- The operated water basin must be located above the aquifer used for the needs of centralized water supply.
Since water resources on an individual site are not listed on the state balance sheet and are actually equated to land, for drilling artesian wells on private territory, their owner does not need a permissive license and any further documentation, subject to the above three points.
Rice. 13 Scheme of well arrangement with an adapter
Drilling artesian wells for water in the Moscow region
Drilling an artesian well
The drilling of artesian wells makes it possible to provide garden plots, estates, cottages and other objects with autonomous water supply.
Prices for drilling artesian wells
Advantages of an artesian well
For water supply at home, we recommend drilling an artesian well. You can see the difference between a sand and limestone (artesian) well below.
Water depth, (m) | 20-30 | 20-130 |
Productivity, (m3/hour) | 1 | up to 100 |
Work execution time, (days) | 1-2 | 5-10 |
Service life, (years) | up to 15 | over 50 |
Operational Features | active water intake is desirable (the more often, the better): prevents well silting | Limestone perfectly filters water and prevents silt deposits |
Water quality | for technical purposes only | artesian drinking |
There are other advantages that facilitate the construction of wells in the Moscow region. The depth of occurrence of artesian waters in the region has been studied quite well, and its map has been drawn up in detail, so the drilling of artesian wells for water in any area can be accurately calculated in advance.
Approximate depths
south | 30-50 m |
southeast | 50-130 m |
southwest | 60-110 m |
west | 65-125 m |
East | 75-120 m |
north | 110-210 m |
northwest | 115-180 m |
northeast | 90-140 m |
The values shown in the table are preliminary and average. When drilling wells for water, an individual calculation is carried out in each case, therefore the cost of work may vary slightly.
Well cost
In many ways, the cost of drilling an artesian well depends on its depth. The cost of drilling limestone wells to a depth of 50-200 m, depending on the distance to the Moscow Ring Road, is 1600-2500 rubles / 1 meter.
After the drilling of the well is completed, it must be equipped. Arrangement of an artesian well includes:
- installation of a caisson;
- installation of the pump in the well;
- installation of a hydraulic tank, automation;
- excavation;
- pipeline laying;
- and connecting the cable to the electrical network.
50-60 meters |
80-120 thousand rubles |
50-200 meters |
120-170 thousand rubles |
Grundfos pump and Reflex hydraulic tank are guaranteed for 2 years, for other equipment - 1 year.
Calculate the cost of your well! |
Drilling technology
To drill an artesian well, special drilling rigs on a truck chassis are used. As a rule, rotary drilling rigs are used. In this case, the rocks are destroyed mechanically by cone bits.
Clay washing fluids are used to remove cuttings from the bottom of the well to the surface. Our company uses drilling rigs 1BA15V, URB 2.5, URB 2A2, UGB-1VS on the chassis of the Kamaz, Ural, Zil brands.
To save the wellbore from the collapse of rocks, it is cased with metal pipes. For artesian wells in the Moscow region, casing pipes with a diameter of 127, 133, 152, 159 and 219 mm are used. In some cases, the casing string is made telescopic, and perforated casing pipes installed in the aquifer can also be used.
The price of an artesian well depends on the depth of the aquifer and additional equipment used to supply water.
An artesian well gives clean water suitable for drinking and cooking. In some cases, the water may be hard and have a high iron content. To eliminate these shortcomings, special filters are used.
We offer our clients to familiarize themselves with the order of work and calculate their exact prices before starting the construction of an artesian well.
Among our clients
For more information, please call: 8 (495) 784-80-02 8 (910) 408-34-78
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What is an artesian well, what is its depth, pros and cons review
Owners of plots solve the problem of autonomous water supply in different ways. As a rule, the choice is small - either a well or a well
In the latter case, it is important to determine which
After all, there are several varieties of such a source of water. Let's figure out what an artesian well is, what are the pros and cons, and whether it is possible to equip it with your own hands.
Underground water layers have not only a complex configuration, but are also located at different levels. Those that are between the layers, called water-resistant, are called artesian horizons. Their peculiarity is that the main source of replenishment of reserves can be removed tens or even hundreds of kilometers from a given area.
Water is often under pressure, and when drilling an artesian well, it does not just appear in the trunk, but pours out of it to the surface. And if you add that the liquid in the process of moving goes through several stages of natural purification, it becomes clear why this option of water supply for suburban areas is gaining popularity.
- Long service life. If we focus on averaged data, then for about half a century the owner will not have to deal with the problem of providing the site with water again.
- High debit. An artesian well fills up quickly even with intensive water extraction, since the underground reserves of fluid taken from the lower horizons are practically unlimited.
- Excellent water quality. Melt water and sewage, various "chemistry" used in agricultural / work cannot get into it. But there is another aspect, which is discussed below.
- The cost of the site automatically increases. With an artesian well, it becomes more attractive to a potential buyer. Although this is hardly true in relation to the dacha. There is little chance that someone will agree to pay such an amount for a few acres (the cost of land + an autonomous source).
- The need for formalization. If a less deep well, subject to the requirements of SanPiN, can be drilled anywhere, then permission will have to be obtained for the arrangement of an artesian source. Well, what do the words red tape, bureaucracy mean, it is clear to everyone and they do not require decoding. And the list of required documents attached to the application is more than impressive. Some of them also do not issue in one day. For example, cadastral and situational plans. There are enough complications.
- Difficulty drilling. The minimum depth of an artesian well (m) is 30, the maximum is 150 (sometimes 250). But this is a theory. Practice shows that the necessary aquifers are usually located at a level of 70 - 90 m. With your own hands, and even with an improvised tool, such work cannot be done - definitely. As for a conventional well, its arrangement is described here.
- The need to clean the liquid. The fact is that artesian water contains many impurities. These are mainly salts of iron and manganese. So you can't do without installing the appropriate equipment.
- High price. This follows logically from the previous paragraphs. The price (in rubles) varies depending on the region, soil characteristics and season. With regard to the Moscow region, sinking 1 m of the trunk (on average) will cost about 1,850. Arrangement of a filtration system - about 18,000 - 22,000. Plus a pumping station and piping - about 40,000 more. It turns out that the pleasure of having excellently clean water on the site will cost quite expensive. The total cost of such an autonomous source is 155,000 rubles, at least.
It makes sense to equip an artesian well in areas where someone permanently (long-term) lives, or where continuous production activities are organized for a long time. At a typical dacha, it is hardly advisable to drill it.
Arrangement and operation of an artesian well
It should be noted that for water intake from artesian wells, submersible electric pumps are mainly used, which have higher productivity and efficiency compared to surface models as part of popular pumping stations. After installing the casing and production strings, they start piping the well source, for this, two main methods are used:
Installation of a caisson well. To install a caisson in the ground, they dig a hole about 2 m deep, place a steel or plastic container in it, or make a room out of concrete rings, cut the casing from above at a height of about 0.5 m from the ground level. The pipe is covered with a downhole head, a pressure pipeline is passed through it with an electric pump connected and suspended on a cable, and the entire structure is lowered into the well, tying the cable to the head. Through the side wall of the caisson chamber at a depth below the freezing point, a water line made of low-pressure polyethylene HDPE is connected to the pressure pipe of the electric pump, which goes along a deep trench to the house. Automatic control of the electric pump, which includes a hydraulic accumulator, a pressure switch and a dry run, a pressure gauge, is placed in a caisson well or house.
Installing the adapter. Recently, the budgetary connection of an external water main to a pressure pipe coming from an electric pump through an adapter mounted on the walls of the casing has been very popular.
When carrying out work near the casing, a hole is dug with a depth of about 1.5 m in size to accommodate a specialist, then a hole is cut out in the side wall of the column and an adapter is mounted in it. The pump is installed using a mounting rod, the pressure pipe is connected to the adapter inlet pipe inside the column. Outside, a HDPE water main going into the house is connected to the outlet of the adapter adapter, after which the trench is buried with sand, and the column is covered with a lid to which the pump is tied.
Rice.14 Connecting the electric pump in the caisson to the water supply - diagram