Do-it-yourself sink installation installation
If you think that self-installation of the installation is a very complicated process, then you are slightly mistaken. Yes, as elsewhere, this business has its own subtleties, but in general everything looks very simple.
- Having decided on the installation site of the washbasin, the frame is fastened - you will need to screw only four anchors - two into the floor and the same number into the wall. In this case, the most important point is to maintain the level. It is necessary to control it in almost all positions - the horizon along the upper part of the frame, the vertical in front and the vertical on the side. First, the required position of the frame in the level is achieved, then the fixing points are marked, holes are drilled, and only after that the installation is mounted.
- The second stage is the connection of communications - water supply and sewerage. Here all the subtleties depend on the type of pipes to be mounted.
- After the communications are connected, they are tested for leaks and if everything is fine, then the position of the mounting studs is adjusted.
- Next comes drywall and wall tiling.
Installation and connection of a sink with a siphon and a washbasin is carried out at the final stage of the bathroom renovation. At this stage of the work, you will need to screw the sink onto the studs, connect the drain siphon to the sewer outlet and connect the faucet to the appropriate water connections.
In principle, this is the whole answer to the question, how to install the installation for the sink yourself? Yes, there are subtleties and in most cases they are associated exclusively with plumbing matters - soldering and assembling pipelines. In general, the installation of the installation is a very simple matter, which, with the right approach, almost everyone can handle.
Bathroom and toilet in one room how to competently make redevelopment
After obtaining permission for redevelopment, you can proceed to the implementation of the project. It is advisable to warn about the noise of neighbors and carry out repair work during the daytime.
Technical implementation of redevelopment + video ↑
How to make a separate bathroom from a combined bathroom? Just follow a few simple steps:
- Dismantle all existing plumbing so as not to damage it when the wall is destroyed. Turn off the water and turn off the electricity in the room (the wires must be cut and insulated, and the sockets and switches must be removed).
- Break the wall with a sledgehammer, puncher and grinder (to remove parts of the reinforcement). It is better to start from the center of the wall, gradually moving down, and then sideways. After the lower part of the partition is demolished, the upper bricks will become much easier to dismantle (the part will fall off by itself). In addition, falling from a height onto a pile of construction debris, they will create much less noise.
- Remove construction debris and proceed with installation work.
- The first step is to build the missing walls and make a new piping. After - to conduct a new electrical wiring and perform additional waterproofing of the floor.
- Move on to finishing work, plumbing and furniture installation.
Asymmetric bathtub makes efficient use of space
The process of dismantling the wall is shown in detail in the video
Space zoning - the secrets of the rational use of space
To make the combined bathroom as comfortable as possible will help the observance of simple rules:
- A heated towel rail or towel holder is best placed near a bath or shower. Agree, reaching for a towel hanging over the toilet is not very convenient.Yes, and hygiene in this embodiment is questionable, given the presence of splashes when flushing.
- It is more rational to place the toilet near the door behind a small partition separating it from the bath. This will allow family members to take water procedures and use the toilet at the same time without additional discomfort. A rack with shelves, a screen, a high cabinet or a curtain can act as a partition.
- If the toilet is located near the shower cabin, care should be taken to ensure that the cabin glass is frosted. This technique will also add privacy and create comfortable conditions for using the bathroom.
- A great idea is to use niches and a wall-hung toilet with a built-in flush system. This will maximize the rational use of space and create a neat appearance of the room.
- The place above the toilet can be used for hanging shelves and cabinets. It is better to store detergents and cleaning tools in them.
Proper use of niches in the bathroom
Design solutions - how to expand the space with the power of beauty
What techniques do professional designers use when designing a combined bathroom:
- play with light
- color accents;
- non-standard ways of laying tiles;
- contrasts;
- mirror surfaces.
Zoning with different types of lighting
Monochrome floor and bright walls create a feeling of spaciousness
Large tiles combined with small mosaics add depth to the space
Stripes of rich contrasting color visually make the room more spacious and divide it into two functional zones.
A full-wall mirror expands a long, narrow room.
An interesting solution is also the rejection of the strict rectangular shape of the room. Hexagons are in fashion! By “cutting off” the outer corner of the former toilet, you will get additional space for a narrow corridor. As a result, in place of the wall, it will be possible to place a much-needed corner wardrobe for outerwear and shoes!
Bathroom in Khrushchev
small room layout
Some features of the choice
Before choosing an installation for the toilet, decide on its dimensions. Installation systems have different dimensions, the choice of which depends on the installation method. If the toilet is supposed to be mounted against a side or central wall, then the standard system is quite suitable. As a rule, its overall dimensions are 50x12x112 cm.
When installing two types of plumbing, for example, a toilet and a bidet in one bathroom, it is better to use a two-sided installation system, which is two combined structures. In this case, the "bowls" of plumbing fixtures will be placed on both sides on one wall, and a control panel is fixed between them.
When choosing a design, pay attention to the correspondence of its dimensions with the size of the niche where it will be installed. If you do not have such an opportunity, then you can solve the problem of mismatch of values using a design that has a sliding top
However, do not forget about the important point: the sliding system is attached to the sides of the niche, which means that the entire load will fall on them. Therefore, the side walls with this installation option must be strong and reliable.
Plasterboard partitions are not suitable for such fastening.
Divide by two how to properly separate the bathroom from the toilet
It also happens that the owners are not satisfied with the prospect of combining water procedures and using the toilet in one room. How to make a separate bathroom from a combined bathroom in this case? There are several ways:
- build a wall;
- install a light (or decorative) partition that does not completely enclose the bath from the toilet;
- zone the space with screens, curtains or shelving.
A light curtain will provide a sense of privacy and allow other family members to use the toilet while you are bathing.
When separating a common bathroom with a solid wall, it is first necessary to solve the problem of ventilation in both rooms. Since the lack of hoods in the bathroom and toilet will not only lead to unpleasant odors, but also contribute to the appearance of mold.
Ways to solve the problem:
- crash into the main ventilation duct, which will lead to a decrease in the quality of ventilation of the premises;
- carry out an additional air duct;
- install ventilation grills at the top of the partition separating the bathroom and the toilet (only if the exhaust duct is in the toilet, otherwise all the smells will be in the bathroom).
Mirroring the walls and diagonal tiling will help expand a small separate bathroom.
How to mount a new wall:
- Build a partition of moisture-resistant drywall. To do this, you will need to mount the frame from special galvanized profiles and sheathe it with plasterboard sheets. It is desirable to fill the space between the sheets with soundproofing material.
- Build a brick wall. It will take more time and require additional costs, but the partition will turn out to be very reliable. It will be possible to hang a sink or cabinets on it.
Shelving divider makes efficient use of space
It is human nature to constantly crave change and strive to improve everything. Therefore, owners of combined bathrooms are looking for the opportunity to separate rooms. And the owners of separate bathrooms and toilets are trying to combine them, winning the coveted square meters. In any case, the issue of redevelopment should be approached very carefully. And the best option in this case is to invite a specialist who can assess the possibility of making changes to the plan of the apartment. And also tell you how to do it with maximum efficiency and minimum costs.
Advantages and disadvantages of combining a bathroom and a toilet
Since the dilemma of which is better - a combined or separate bathroom, does not yet have its resolution, we will consider in detail all the pros and cons of both options. It is advisable to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of different types of bathrooms at the "family council" in order to avoid misunderstandings with relatives in the future.
Installing a toilet in a small niche perpendicular to the bath
Combining opportunities - the benefits of a combined bathroom
So, the combined bathroom is:
- The ability to make both rooms more ergonomic by increasing the space. In a spacious room, you can put a comfortable bath, comfortably carry out all cosmetic procedures, without fear of hurting anything with your elbow.
- The path to solving the most daring design ideas. Interesting options for laying tiles, bold color combinations - all this is impossible in a tiny room where your efforts will not even be noticed. But in the realities of the combined bathroom, there really is room for fantasy.
- The ability to correctly zone the room, highlighting several functional areas in it (for example, for washing and cleaning, for hygiene procedures, relaxation).
- A chance to significantly save on building materials and the cost of repairs. In a separate bathroom, you will have to tile the same wall on both sides. Accordingly, finishing materials will need twice as much and the fee for the work of the master will increase in proportion to this figure. Moreover, you will need as many as two interior doors, instead of one for a combined bathroom.
- More hygienic carrying out of all necessary procedures. In a small toilet, the owners often do not have the opportunity to install a sink for washing hands and a hygienic shower.This makes it uncomfortable to meet the natural needs of a person and increases the chance of catching an infection. After all, unwashed hands after going to the toilet are the main route of transmission of many infectious diseases. Of course, you can wash your hands after leaving the toilet, but in this case, all the germs will settle on the doorknob.
The use of hanging plumbing models will make the room even more spacious and facilitate the cleaning process.
Everything has its place - what are the advantages of a separate bathroom
A separate bathroom also has its advantages:
- No need to coordinate your trips to the bathroom with the rest of the family. You can spend hours basking in the bath without worrying that someone will urgently need to use the toilet.
- It is more convenient to receive guests. And, if the toilet is equipped with a mini-sink, you can generally forget about the trips of strangers to your bathroom.
- There is no need to install additional ventilation to eliminate unpleasant odors after visiting the toilet. In a shared bathroom, the presence of such “aromas” is a serious problem for many family members. After all, you see, it’s not the most pleasant thing to take a bath where it doesn’t smell like roses at all.
Solving basic issues which norms cannot be violated during design
small bathroom design
Before choosing how to make a combined bathroom, you should make sure whether it can be done in principle. What can interfere with the implementation of design plans:
- if the wall between the bathroom and the toilet is a carrier, there can be no question of any combination of rooms;
- if there are ventilation ducts inside the partition separating these rooms, or if it is necessary to move the riser, you will also have to forget about the demolition of the wall;
- if you are not ready for the paperwork process at the BTI, you will have to leave everything as it was.
A separate issue is the combination of a bathroom in a panel house. Indeed, in this case, you will have to “fight” also with such a phenomenon as a sanitary cabin. This is a separate block that is mounted in the building during the construction of the house.
If you leave it, then in the combined bathroom there will be a difference in the heights of the floor and ceiling. And, if dismantled, you will have to perform serious waterproofing and insulate the room. This is due to the fact that the walls and floor of the bathroom perform the function of additional noise, hydro and heat insulation in the apartment. And after dismantling, it is likely that dampness and condensation will appear in the bathroom.
Sanitary cabins are inserted in separate blocks during the construction of panel buildings