Remove grease and soap residue
In factory closed-bottom septic tanks, the main reason for the rapid filling of the sump tank is the formation of fatty or soapy deposits that impede the movement of liquid precipitation through the overflow channels. However, soap and grease plugs can also form in makeshift sewers. Moreover, the very fact of their occurrence is only a matter of time if there is no grease trap or a separate sump for kitchen drains in the sewer.
To remove soap and grease plugs, you can use two methods - mechanical and chemical. At the same time, the second option works much more efficiently than the first and is implemented without any effort.
To do this, pour the desired bactericidal preparation into the sinks, toilet and bathroom. And repeat this procedure until the throughput of the sewerage and overflows is restored.
In practice, it looks like this:
- We pump out the septic tank. We fill it with water. Let the water settle so that the chlorine evaporates from the liquid.
- Pour preparations into sinks, bathrooms and toilets that can destroy soap and grease deposits.
- We begin to use the sewerage system, monitoring the throughput of pipes and the water level in the septic tank. If necessary, fill in an additional portion of the drug.
- After restoring the capacity of the overflow channels, we introduce supporting cultures that can absorb fat deposits.
As a preparation for removing soap and grease, you can use the following options:
No drugs can solve the problem of insufficient power of the septic tank. If the daily discharge of water exceeds 1/3 of the volume of the sump, then building a well or filtration field is an almost inevitable step,
an alternative to which would be only the dismantling of the old septic tank and the installation of a new treatment plant.
drainage well
The basis of such a structure is a shallow mine of 3-4 meters, dug to the sandy layers of soil. Usually it comes off at a distance of up to 5 meters from the septic tank and is connected to the sump by a separate pipeline with a diameter of 110-150 millimeters. The pipe should go under a slope (towards the well), with a height difference of 2 centimeters per linear meter of the line.
The walls of the drainage well are reinforced with concrete rings, the lower of which will have to be perforated by drilling many holes in its body with a diameter of 15-20 millimeters. Clarified water from the septic tank overflows into the well and goes into the sandy horizon of the soil.
An alternative option is a drainage well made of polymer
, assembled by 2-3 people from plastic parts (bottom, ring with bends for the pipeline, telescopic neck).
Filter field
This is a larger system, consisting of a perforated pipeline buried a meter deep into the ground. Moreover, perforated pipes are laid on a sand and gravel bedding with a thickness of 25 centimeters or more and covered with the same mixture.
It involves digging a trench, placing bedding on its bottom and laying pipes. After the pipeline is assembled, it is covered with a 20-cm layer of sand and gravel bedding. In the final, the trench is covered with selected soil.
The pipeline of the filtration field runs at a slope of 2.5 centimeters per linear meter, so the depth of the trench can vary from 1 to 1.5 meters. As a rule, at least 8 linear meters of the pipeline of the filtration field are allocated per user, therefore, the owners of volumetric septic tanks dig not one trench, but several, placing 5 or 10-meter sections parallel to each other.
Types of funds by form
Chemical and biological-enzyme products for cleaning septic tanks and cesspools are produced in liquid form, powder, and also granular.At the same time, bacterial cleaning compositions are often produced in the form of special filters.
They are fabric or rubber brushes that contain a large number of active microorganisms. This type of cleaning agent is used exclusively in multi-chamber septic tanks or pits.
1. Liquid biological formulations are the most active and effective. They are a ready-to-use organic solution. Unlike powdered products or tablets, liquid formulations begin to act immediately after they are poured into the tank.
2. Chemical solutions also rarely need to be diluted with water, but at the same time, experts recommend reducing the concentration of these agents when used in metal drums. The metal is most sensitive to the effects of formaldehyde and ammonium, so if you pour a concentrated agent into the pit, you can damage the walls of the container;
3. Powders and granules are more convenient to store and have a long shelf life (especially for fermented products). They are very easy to measure and normalize depending on the volume of effluent or reservoir.
For effective cleaning of cesspool tanks, you need to use quality products. Some of the most famous means for cesspools are:
1. Dr. Robik. This is a well-known company that produces products for any plumbing needs. Products of this brand are represented by liquid solutions consisting of biologically active components or chemical compounds. Depending on the needs, you can buy a solid waste cleaner and solvent, an organic destructor, a chlorine and soap residue splitter;
Bioactivator Saneks
3. Microbec Ultra is characterized by three-phase action. First, the powder breaks down solid masses and other wastes, after which it neutralizes the action of soap. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of this product is significantly reduced due to exposure to chlorine;
4. Nitrate oxidizers are often sold from state-owned manufacturing plants. They are purchased wholesale - from 10 kilograms, and retail - 100 grams or less. The average cost of 100 grams of such granules is $ 2. More accessible are formaldehyde compounds, but they are much tougher, in addition, they corrode metal containers.
Ways to improve efficiency
There are several ways to improve sewerage performance. The work can take from several hours to several days, depending on the degree of complexity.
Improvement of the cesspool to a septic tank
An old cesspool can be modified to a simple septic tank
The silting of the bottom of the cesspool can be easily turned to your advantage by using the resulting sealed container as the primary chamber of a simple septic tank. In order to move a step forward in wastewater treatment, you just need to install a filtration well a few meters from the first structure and make an overflow and ventilation system. When doing this work, follow the recommendations of experts:
- You can dig a pit both with the help of earthmoving equipment and manually. The first option is preferable when arranging a septic tank away from buildings. In addition, the earth loosened by an excavator will absorb water much more efficiently. The second method is much cheaper and does not require access roads for construction vehicles. It should also be borne in mind that a manually dug pit will exactly repeat the outlines of the elements for strengthening the walls of the septic tank, so this method is much more effective in hard-to-reach places or near buildings.
- When choosing materials, if possible, preference should be given to prefabricated concrete rings with perforations. They are durable and very effective. Their only drawback is their heavy weight, requiring installation with a crane.The way out of this situation is the manual digging of the rings by the method of gradual selection of soil from under their walls and internal space. Also, to build a filtration well, you can use brickwork with a gap or car tires from trucks.
- The overflow pipe from the waste pit is installed half a meter below the level of the sewer sewer inlet. Usually use products with a diameter of 110 mm. The end of the pipe must be at least 20-25 cm from the inner wall of the filtration well. This requirement is especially important for red brick walls, since its surface will not be destroyed during the draining process. Note that it is better to use rejected burnt bricks. It perfectly copes with moisture and has a low cost.
- When arranging a filtration well, one should not forget about sanitary standards and SNiP, requiring that treatment facilities be located no closer than 30m to a well or well, 1m from the border of a neighboring site and 3-5m from the nearest structure, depending on its number of storeys.
In the process of using an improved cesspool, one should adhere to the same rules as when working with septic tanks - the regular use of biological products, the absence of chemical components of household chemicals in wastewater, and the periodic removal of sludge.
Cleaning with biological products
A good solution to the problem of pit overflow may be cleaning latrines with bacteria contained in specially designed preparations. There are various brands of such preparations, and in order to make the right choice, it is better to consult with professionals so as not to be mistaken with the type of preparation or its amount needed to clean a pit of specific dimensions. However, there is one quality that unites all substances of this type: after their use, the waste is processed into a liquid that does not have a characteristic odor and does not pose any threat to human health. You can pump out processed effluents with a conventional pump or a sewage machine, and this work will need to be done much less frequently.
Characteristic features of biological preparations:
such substances can process almost any type of waste, ranging from fats, ending with paper or cleaning products, and as a result, the amount of processed substances and the danger they pose will be much lower; biological products are intended exclusively for the processing of organic matter, therefore their influence on the structure itself is excluded; biological substances are unable to process synthetic materials, such as plastic or concrete, which indicates the need for careful use of the sewer system; microorganisms contained in biological products cannot withstand some aggressive environments, in particular, when the liquid from the washing machine is drained into the pit, the bacteria will mostly die, and cleaning will be unproductive; biological preparations usually begin to work after two hours after they are connected to drains, and an unpleasant odor is removed in about four hours; suitable temperature for bacteria to work - from +4 to +30 degrees; when using a biological cesspool cleaner, you need to carefully study the instructions so as not to use the substance in vain: some formulations require prior activation before work; Biological preparations are often used not only to disinfect drain pits, but also to restore their drainage capabilities, which is especially important after pumping out the pit with a sewage machine. However, the drainage properties of the cesspool may deteriorate for other reasons: the bottom may be completely flooded with organic matter, fatty or hard layers may form on the walls that block water drainage
The biological composition will allow you to remove such substances from the pit, processing them into a harmless liquid, as a result of which the sewage system will be able to perform its functions in its original volume. In addition, biological products are also used to remove the strong sewer odor, which often occurs after pumping with a sludge suction machine.
However, the drainage properties of the cesspool may also deteriorate for other reasons: the bottom may be completely flooded with organic matter, fatty or hard layers may form on the walls that block water drainage. The biological composition will allow you to remove such substances from the pit, processing them into a harmless liquid, as a result of which the sewage system will be able to perform its functions in its original volume. In addition, biological products are also used to remove the pungent sewer odor, which often occurs after pumping with a sludge suction machine.
Cleaning cesspools with the help of biological products makes it possible to be confident that they will not only effectively perform their function, including the neutralization of unpleasant odors, but also in a high level of environmental safety of these substances. This confidence is not without reason: biological substances have been developed over a long period of time, and today manufacturers produce safe and reliable products, which include special microorganisms that do all the work. All this allows you to understand how to clean the cesspool in the easiest and most convenient way.
There are many companies specializing in the production of biologics, and a wide range of their products will be suitable for solving any problem associated with autonomous sewer systems. In addition, experts can always answer the question of how to clean a cesspool in the country, and how much cleaner is required for this.
We improve the thermal insulation of pipes and septic tanks
The problem of ice jams does not arise from scratch. Usually, owners of home-made septic tanks suffer from this, having ignored the recommendations for deepening the structure below the freezing level of the soil. In addition, an ice plug appears in pipes devoid of external thermal insulation.
To eliminate the ice plug in the pipes, you will have to do the following:
- Rent or buy a steam generator and melt the ice plug in the pipeline.
- Buy and install a cylindrical
- Use modern solutions, such as -
Melting ice in a pipe with hot water will result in an inevitable “return” of liquid flowing out of the pipe after contact with the fecal plug. It is collected in a separate bucket, but the smell will not go anywhere, and it will take a very long time to spill the cork with hot water. That is why the only acceptable tool for breaking the ice plug is the steam generator.
If the plug has grown in the septic tank, binding the surface of the drains, then in this case you will have to do the following:
- We open the hatch, drill several holes in the ice, getting to the liquid.
- We melt the ice plug with hot steam using a rented or purchased steam generator. Moreover, our task is only to break the crust into separate ice floes.
- After the destruction of the ice crust, it pumps out fecal effluents, and pour hot water into the septic tank, which will melt the remaining ice. If necessary, repeat this procedure.
- Pour preparations into the septic tank or, which will start the fermentation process in the container.
- We make fires around the perimeter of the septic tank, warming the earth to the desired depth.
- We fill the coals of fires with sand and cover the ground with some kind of heat insulator, such as expanded clay or sawdust, or foam plastic slabs. Moreover, the bedding will have to be laid not only on top of the septic tank, but around it, at a distance of one meter from the walls.
Bacteria launched into the septic tank will start the fermentation process, accompanied by the release of heat.Backfilling on the lid of the septic tank and along its perimeter will change the depth of soil freezing in this area, eliminating the cause of the formation of an ice plug in the septic tank. After completing these works, you can use the septic tank without fear of encountering another ice plug.
The moment when the cesspool has completely silted up, you will feel in the literal sense of the word. After all, the deposition of silt on the bottom and walls of the sewer well will make it difficult for the outflow of liquid waste, the pit will be filled with drains and the water in the sink or toilet will not drain as quickly as before. In addition, a rather specific smell will be felt in the adjacent territory.
In a word, a silted cesspool promises only trouble. And in this article, we will introduce our readers to effective ways to deal with deposits at the bottom of a cesspool of any type.
In modern sewage disposal systems, three types of cesspool designs are used, namely:
- An open pit, which is equipped in the form of a well without a bottom. Usually such a pit is mounted at a country house. Moreover, such a “drive” is equipped with both domestic sewage and “conveniences in the yard”. The advantage of this solution is the simplicity of arrangement. The downside is the environmental threat posed by such waste and effluent accumulators.
- Sealed storage, which is supplied with temporary dwellings (country houses, wagons, eateries, small cafes, and so on). Such a "pit" is a concrete or polymer cylinder where waste flows. The advantage of this design is environmental safety (drainage does not come into contact with the ground). In addition, silt in this type of cesspool accumulates only at the bottom. Minus - the need for constant pumping of wastewater.
A septic tank is a complex structure consisting of a solid waste storage tank and a filter system that cleans the drains before being discharged into the ground. This design is relatively safe for the ecology of the site and does not require frequent pumping of silty or solid waste. And this is a definite plus of such a decision. But the arrangement of a septic tank, and even with a high degree of purification, will be expensive.
And this is a clear disadvantage.
Of course, each of them is cleaned of sludge in different ways. Therefore, further in the text we will go over the most effective options for cleaning open, sealed and filter pits.
Restoring the absorption capacity of the soil
This method is relevant only for owners of cesspools and homemade open-bottom septic tanks. In this case, to restore the absorbency of the soil, you will have to flush the sewer, and this is done as follows:
- We call a sewer and pump out the contents of a cesspool or septic tank.
- We fill the container, but not with fecal sewage, but with clean water.
- We let the water stand for a day, during which we do not use chlorine-containing preparations (detergents and cleaners) under any pretext.
- or biological products with an increased dose of such microorganisms. If it is recommended by the drug manufacturer, we repeat the procedure for 5-7 days.
As a starting drug, we can recommend the following options:
The role of drugs in cleansing
For do-it-yourself cleaning of cesspools, biological products and chemicals are used. They are able to solve the issue of functioning of an autonomous sewage system. As a result of their application:
- The smell is removed;
- Drainage wells, septic tank are cleaned;
- Organic waste decomposes;
- The bottom sediment is reduced;
- Waste water is disinfected.
An important note - regular use of drugs reduces the need for pumping wastewater, reduces costs
Effective cleaning agent - biological products
Preparations consist of microorganisms that are grown artificially. They help the decomposition of solid sewage in the sewer. Bacteria are cleaned of silt, fat, feces, remove the smell.Biological products reduce the mass of sewage, converting them into a liquid that is used for household purposes.
Means are issued in the form of powders, tablets, liquid solution. All drugs are divided into:
- 1. Septic tanks will help you effectively cope with the task of how to clean cesspools with your own hands. They decompose solid waste, improve drainage properties. It is based on cultural bacteria that live only in a specific environment. Therefore, where there is a lot of aggressive chemistry (powder, shampoo, etc.), bacteria die.
- 2. Antiseptics convert solid sewage into compost, which is considered fertilizer for the soil.
Features of the use of biological agents:
- Biological products are used at a temperature regime of +4 - + 30 degrees, and if they are used outside this regime, then the effectiveness will be zero.
- Biological products in an aggressive environment do not give an effect - they die.
- The cost of maintaining a septic tank is reduced.
- They do not affect the quality of the building materials that make up the septic tank.
- Protect the environment.
- It is better to purchase the drug from an authorized dealer, manufacturer, in order to protect yourself from fakes.
After falling asleep, the unpleasant odor disappears (after 4 hours).
Restores bandwidth.
Cleaning with chemicals
To clean cesspools with chemicals with your own hands, precautions must be taken, because drugs are harmful to health. The following chemicals are sold in stores:
- Nitrogen fertilizers. They are safe for health, but have a bad effect on the environment. Effectively clean up.
- Formaldehyde. No color, strong smell, dissolves in water, turns solid waste into liquid.
- ammonium compounds. Decompose solid particles, eliminate odor. It is better not to use if there are a lot of household chemicals in the tank, which reduce the effect.
Features of the use of chemicals:
They are used in winter.
They are not afraid of chlorine, hard water.
Badly affect the environment.
Cause corrosion of metal structures.
Solid particles are disposed of.
A cesspool is a structure that is considered an important element of the sewerage system. Maintenance must be done in an efficient manner. Under the conditions of use, the stock tank will serve reliably for a long time.
How to unfreeze a hole
As a rule, the freezing of the drain pit in winter is prevented by the snow layer and the thermal insulation system, but it happens that at very low temperatures the waste freezes. What to do if the cesspool freezes in winter?
It is possible to defrost waste in a cesspool using an extension cord, copper wire, a steel rod 20-30 cm long and a gripper.
In cases where only the sewer pipe is frozen, it is wrapped with a copper conductor, which is connected to the phase wire. Under the influence of current, the thawing of the pipe will take 2-3 hours.
When the entire pit freezes, a steel rod is driven into the middle, to which a copper conductor is attached. This is followed by the phase voltage supply. In this case, the pit will thaw for at least 24 hours. After the work is completed, the voltage is first turned off, and then the rod and wires are removed.
The further functionality of the sewer system depends on how well the work will be done.
Among the most popular cleaning methods of the structure are:
- manual cleaning with a bucket that is tied to a rope;
- pumping with a fecal pump;
- pumping out the pit with a cesspool machine;
- biological treatment with biological preparations containing bacteria;
- chemical cleaning.
How to remove sludge from a cesspool with a bucket? To do this, it is necessary to dilute the silt itself with water, take a bucket and a rope. You tie the bucket to a rope and lower it yourself to the bottom of the pit, scoop up the waste and all the liquid, and so gradually pull it out.This is a rather unpleasant procedure, as disgusting aromas come from the device. Moreover, it is only possible if your pit is without a bottom and has a shallow depth. After completing the procedure, be sure to fill the bottom with gravel in order to facilitate subsequent cleaning of the bottom. Cleaning sludge from cesspools by hand must be carried out in a special protective suit in order to avoid the ingress of toxic gases into the body.
How to clean a cesspool of silt using a fecal pump? This is an automated, easy way. You will need a fecal or water pump, as well as a special sealed container for waste disposal. If you have an automatic pump, then you need to place it inside the pit, it will filter out sewage and pump it out on its own as it fills up. If semi-automatic, then you will need to control the pumping process. Liquefy the liquid before pumping it out, pump it out and dispose of the waste. Flush the hole with water and pump it out again. The fecal pump crushes large human waste.
If you have sludge in the cesspool, then you can also clean it with the help of special biobacteria. There are special biological preparations for cleaning cesspools. It can be powder, liquid or tablets, all this is added inside the structure. They reduce the mass of liquid and solid household waste by 80%, moreover, they interrupt and completely remove unpleasant odors from the site, prevent the appearance of sludge, clean the sewage pipes and walls of the device from sludge. All this increases the service life of the plant. Moreover, these biological preparations are completely environmentally friendly and safe for adults, children and animals. As part of biological products there are special microorganisms (bacteria), it is they, getting into the drains, that begin to act and destroy the unpleasant odor and decompose sewage. For example, you can choose . These drugs are used in all seasons, except for winter, as they freeze and die. All features of the use of bacteria are indicated on the back of the packages with them. As a rule, you just need to throw them into the structure every 2-3 weeks and wash the device regularly with water.
How to get rid of sludge in a cesspool using chemicals? If your device is silted up in winter, then instead of biological products you need to use a chemical preparation. For example, nitrate oxidizers. They are similar in composition to nitrate fertilizer and are considered environmentally friendly. As a result, a waste product is formed from the action, which can be used for fertilizer. Formaldehyde and ammonium salts are generally strictly prohibited, since they are unsafe for humans due to toxicity.
Chemical reagents thin the sludge, eliminate unpleasant odors and reduce the volume of domestic wastewater. They work even in an aggressive environment, if there is household chemical waste.
The device of the drain pit and the principles of its functioning. Reasons for the rapid filling of the tank. Ways to release the container from the contents.
How to clean a sewer pit
The need to pump out the sewage pit will still arise sooner or later, so this issue should be thought about in advance. The vast majority of owners of summer cottages agree that using the services of sewers is the best decision that can be made in this situation: specialists can pump out sewage from the pit without any problems and ensure its high-quality cleaning. In addition, the list of sewage services includes the removal of sewage to a special place, which allows you to get rid of any work.
However, today there are various methods for which you do not need to “roll up your sleeves”.A lot of technical devices have been created, and the variety of substances for cleaning is amazing. For dirty work, devices are used that completely eliminate the need to work independently.
Various chemicals are also of considerable benefit, which can affect the nature of effluents in different ways. Some drugs accelerate decomposition processes, others can stop the spread of an unpleasant odor and disinfect wastewater.
Effluent is pumped out by a sewage machine in the following way:
With not the most active use of the pit, the call for a sewage truck can be made infrequently, about once a month, but if a large number of residents who regularly use water-consuming appliances live in the house, then the vacuum pump will need to be ordered almost every week. Nevertheless, despite the presence of some shortcomings, this method of pumping out cesspools is quite effective and allows you to qualitatively solve this problem.
To learn in detail how to clean a cesspool in a private house with an ilosos, you can pay attention to the photo
Classification by type of action
Depending on the active components, there are means:
- Chemical;
- Biological.
Chemical preparations differ from biological ones in their versatility. They dissolve feces in any conditions (at any temperature and types of effluents). They are suitable for use in the cold season and any kind of septic tanks.
Cesspool chemical solution
They are classified according to the active components of the mixture. Now mixtures with formaldehyde, ammonium salts and nitrates are actively used. The latter are considered the safest for the environment. But quaternary ammonium compounds are the most effective - they completely neutralize the unpleasant odor from the septic tank and eliminate old stool.
ammonium salts
These tools have their own advantages and disadvantages. Among the advantages it is worth highlighting:
- Versatility;
- Can be used in conditions of hard water, soap solutions and other additives;
- High efficiency. Preparations of this kind perfectly clean even complex blockages, dissolve perennial sediments on the walls of septic tanks and pits, and eliminate unpleasant odors in a short time.
Of the minuses:
- Low environmental friendliness. Water purified with the help of chemical elements cannot be used as technical water. In addition, chemical compounds through open septic tanks or leaky areas can soak into the ground or enter groundwater;
- Even after such cleaning, over time, it will be necessary to carry out a sewage pumping. The liquid purified by chemistry contains numerous pathogenic compounds that will negatively affect the quality of the soil. Its fertility may decrease, its structure may change. Therefore, such waters are necessarily removed from the site;
- Under the influence of some solutions, metal and plastic joints may
Biological cesspool cleaners are affordable and effective products for getting rid of unpleasant odors and drains. They are made up of bacteria and organic additives that serve as a habitat for microorganisms for some time. These bacteria recycle waste and are therefore completely safe to use.
Interaction between anaerobic and aerobic bacteria and air
Biological agents are also divided into:
- Anaerobic;
- Aerobic.
Anaerobic organisms do not need oxygen. Such connections are suitable for cleaning sealed closed septic tanks, as well as pipes. Aerobic "work" only in the presence of fresh air, because their activity directly depends on the level of oxygen in a certain environment.
Cesspool Bacteria
Advantages of using biological additives:
- Complete elimination of unpleasant odors and old waste.Despite the fact that biological additives clean cesspools much longer than chemical compounds, they are no less effective;
- Safety. Microorganisms not only purify wastewater from solid particles and liquid residues, but also saturate them with organic substances. This allows further use of this water for irrigation of fields or fertilizers;
- Suitable for use in metal and plastic drums. Bacteria do not corrode walls and joints, are safe for rubber couplings;
- Enzyme formulations are quite affordable and are characterized by prolonged action.
Among the shortcomings are:
- Impossibility of application in a cold season. When the temperature drops below 10 degrees, the bacteria become less active, which reduces the cleaning efficiency;
- There are only a few dietary supplements that can be used to treat shower, bath or chlorinated water drains. In most cases, microorganisms react negatively to the presence of chemical impurities in the effluent. In such an environment, they stop multiplying, and in the future they simply die;
- Depending on the type of biological pit cleaner, a certain level of oxygen must be maintained. Aerobic bacteria are considered more active than aerobic bacteria, but when they are applied, a certain oxygen level inside the pit should be maintained.
Remember that when using biological additives, mineral deposits fall to the bottom of the tank. This is not sludge, but they also require disposal, otherwise, the useful volume of the tank is reduced.
Chemical cleaners
Chemicals are sold in the form of tablets, granules or liquids, as well as powder form.
How to clean a cesspool without first pumping out? Such methods of cleaning a sewer pit in a private house have a common principle: the decomposition of aggressive impurities into organic compounds, their neutralization.
Formerly used formaldehydes and quicklime are now banned for use as environmentally hazardous and harmful to human health.
- Ammonium compounds (quaternary substances, HOURS) are safer. But if there are household chemicals (washing powders, detergents) in the water, then their effectiveness is significantly reduced. They are cheap, but draining them into the soil is not recommended. Their disadvantages: it is not recommended to use in pits with metal elements because of the threat of their rapid corrosion. Such substances can be toxic to humans and pollute the environment. Dispose of wastewater after pumping will also have to be removed from the site.
- Nitrate (nitrogen) oxidizers are the safest, however, they have a high cost. They are similar in composition to nitrogen fertilizers used in agriculture. They are not sensitive to household chemical residues in sewage water. In addition to the decomposition of biological inclusions, they also neutralize unpleasant odors, and are practically devoid of drawbacks.
- The action of acid cleaners is similar to the action of nitrate ones. They dissolve sludge and solids in drain tanks and then neutralize harmful bacteria. They cannot be used in tanks with plastic walls and open pits.
Chemicals are sold both in the form of tablets, granules or liquids, as well as in the form of a powder, which is pre-diluted in water and drained into wastewater. Tablets are immediately placed in the pit sewer, which is very convenient in a private house. Approximate consumption: 1 piece per cubic meter of water.