How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

Valve types

To determine the position of the device, and to find out how the valve opens or closes, you first need to know the type of device installed.

In household systems, most often installed:

ball valves. In the case of the device there is a metal ball, which is a locking mechanism. The body and the locking element are usually made of durable metals (brass, steel, bronze), which ensures a long period of use of the device;

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

Valve with locking mechanism in the form of a ball

plug valves. Locking elements in this type of device are plugs of cylindrical or conical shape. The cork valve body is also made of high-strength metal. The device of the locking mechanism allows the valve to be used in pipelines with aggressive media.

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

Cylinder plug valve

In most cases, ball valves are installed on heating and water supply systems, and plug valves on a gas pipeline.

Is it possible to block the radiator for the summer

All operating organizations declare that the system is not drained for the summer, but cold coolant is “driven”. In reality, the system is drained: for repair, replacement of pipes or equipment, etc. And although all radiator manufacturers say that it can stand without water for two weeks (or a week) a year, no one guarantees that the system will be filled in two weeks. This situation is not critical for copper and copper-aluminum radiators - copper generally still has oxygen or not - it practically does not react to its presence in any way (after an oxide film has formed on the surface).

To avoid damage to radiators, many after the end of the season close the radiators with ball valves. But this cannot be done: the battery can simply break.

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

If you close the radiator for the summer and do not open the air vent, the battery can simply break

The fact is that in the presence of water in the radiator, chemical processes occur, which are accompanied by the release of gases. When the taps are closed, the possibility of their exit is cut off. Gases accumulate more and more inside, creating excess pressure. As soon as it exceeds the tensile strength, the battery will burst. And this will not be a warranty case: the operating conditions are violated.

This problem is relevant for aluminum. cast iron, bimetallic and steel radiators. That is, for everyone. But what to do? And so bad, and so bad. And the way out is this: close the battery, but at the same time open the air vent.

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

If you turn off the radiator for the summer, make sure that the air vents are open and in working order.

Today, every modern radiator has this device. Most often - the Mayevsky crane. This is a small washer with a hole, through which, after starting the system and during the heating season, it is necessary to bleed air. In manual models, for this you need to turn the screw counterclockwise with a key or screwdriver. In automatic bleed occurs as air appears. But even here there is a twisting cap that blocks the exit of gases. So. If you decide to close the battery for the summer, make sure that the air vents are open and the air is bled (not clogged). It also doesn’t hurt to make sure at least once a month that the air vent is still open, otherwise you never know: the children played, or someone twisted it out of distraction ...

Some features of popular systems

In order to somehow highlight their protection against water leaks, manufacturers are trying to increase reliability or come up with other moves. It is impossible to systematize these features, but it is better to know about them when choosing.

Features of one block

For different manufacturers, one control unit can control a different number of devices. So it doesn't hurt to know.

  • One Hydrolock controller can serve a large number of wired or wireless sensors (200 and 100 pieces, respectively) and up to 20 ball valves. This is great - at any time you can install additional sensors or put a few more cranes, but not always such a reserve of capacity is in demand.
  • One Akastorgo controller can serve up to 12 wired sensors. To connect wireless, you need to install an additional unit (designed for 8 pieces of Aquaguard Radio). To increase the number of wired - put another module. This modular extension is more pragmatic.
  • Neptune has control units of different power. The most inexpensive and simple are designed for 2 or 4 cranes, for 5 or 10 wired sensors. But they lack a crane health check and no backup power source.

As you can see, everyone's approach is different. And these are just the leaders. There are even smaller campaigns and Chinese firms (where to be without them), which either repeat one of the above plans, or combine several.

Additional functions

Additional - not always unnecessary. For example, for those who are often on the road, the ability to control cranes from a distance is far from superfluous.

  • Hydrolock and Aquatorozh have the ability to turn off water remotely. For this, a special button is placed at the front door. Come out for a long time - press, turn off the water. Aquawatch has two versions of this button: radio and wired. Hydrolock has only wired. The Aquastorge radio button can be used to determine the “visibility” of the wireless sensor installation location.
  • Hydrolock, Aquaguard and some variants of Neptune can send signals to the dispatching service, security and fire alarms, and can be built into the "smart home" system.
  • Hydrolock and Aquaguard check the integrity of the wiring to the taps and their position (some systems, not all). In Hydrolock, the position of the locking ball is controlled by an optical sensor. That is, when checking in the tap there is no voltage. Aquaguard has a contact pair, that is, at the time of checking, there is voltage. Protection against water leaks Neptune also monitors the position of taps using a contact pair.

The hydrolock can be controlled using a GSM module - via SMS (commands for switching on and off). Also, in the form of text messages, signals can be sent to the phone about accidents and “disappearances” of sensors, about cable breaks to electric cranes and from a malfunction.

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

Being always aware of the state of your home is a useful option

On the issue of reliability: power and other points

Reliable operation does not only depend on the reliability of cranes and controllers. Much depends on the power supply, on how long each of the blocks can work offline.

  • Aquawatch and Hydrolock have redundant power supplies. Both systems shut off the water before the standby power supply is fully discharged. Neptune has batteries only for the last two models of controllers, and then the taps do not close when discharged. The rest - earlier and less expensive models - are powered by 220 V and have no protection.
  • Neptune's wireless sensors operate at a frequency of 433 kHz. It happens that the control unit “does not see” them through the partitions.
  • If the batteries in the Hydroloc's wireless sensor run out, an alarm lights up on the controller, but the taps do not close. The signal is formed a few weeks before the battery is completely discharged, so there is time to change it. In a similar situation, Aquaguard shuts off the water. By the way, the Hydrolock battery is soldered. So changing it is not easy.
  • Aquawatch has a lifetime warranty on any sensors.
  • Neptune has wired sensors installed "flush" with the finishing material.

We have considered all the features of the three most popular manufacturers of water leakage protection systems. In short, the worst thing about Aquastorage is a plastic gearbox on the drive, while Hydrolock has a large system power and, accordingly, the price. Neptune - Inexpensive systems are powered by 220 V, do not have a backup power source and do not check the performance of cranes.

Naturally, there are Chinese leak protection systems, but they should be chosen with care.

What to do if the mixer drips

The problem of faulty plumbing is of concern to many, even on the Internet you can often find requests on this topic, for example, "a tap is flowing, how to fix it, video." Meanwhile, most faults are easily fixed.

Currently, single-lever mixers with a cartridge (faucet box) are the most common. Both hot and cold water in such a mixer is turned on by raising a single lever. Most often, the incorrect operation of mixers of this type is caused by a cartridge that has become unusable. In this case, you just need to replace the cartridge with a new one. To repair, you will need a small flat screwdriver, an adjustable plumbing wrench and a new cartridge.

A faucet is leaking in the bathroom or kitchen. Procedure:

  • Turn off hot and cold water.
  • Remove the upper part of the lever-handle.
  • If there is a protective clip that blocks access to the screw, remove it.
  • Unscrew the screw with a screwdriver.
  • Now carefully remove the lever and unscrew the decorative trim covering the cartridge nut.
  • Using an adjustable wrench or a suitable wrench, unscrew the nut and remove the cartridge by hand.
  • We insert a new cartridge and repeat all the steps in reverse order.
  • It remains to restore the water supply and check the operation of the tap.

How to block the heating riser

The heating tower belongs to the common property. It must be blocked by employees of the service organization who have the right to do so.

If you follow the letter of the law, you must come to the DEZ, ZhEK, DEU, etc. write an application, pay for the service at the cash desk. At a certain time (specify in the application), a representative of the service organization should come and shut off the valve in the basement.

How much does it cost to turn off the heating riser? This is a tricky question. The thing is, there are no fixed prices. There is a price list for services, but it is only a recommendation. In fact, each organization sets its own rates. On average, you will have to pay from $15 to $20 for this operation.

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

The valve that shuts off the heating supply is located in the basement of the house

There is a workaround. Negotiate with neighbors and independently block the riser without the knowledge of the campaign. But you know that this is not always possible: neighbors are different. If in the summer, when the heating is turned off, such actions can meet with understanding, then during the season it is unlikely. There is another difficulty: it is not always easy to find a heating valve. You either need to have a communications plan, or just know where it is. They usually know a locksmith. But they will not block the riser for nothing, and will require at least $ 10-15. Savings, it seems, are, but small. And if this fact becomes known to the management or operating company, you face substantial fines.

Whom to entrust the execution of work

Since you still have to pay, it is better to do everything at once. In any case, with all the radiators on the same riser. And then the question arises: who will carry out these works. To get started, you can go to the Housing Office or DEU, ask about their prices. As a rule, the prices there are rather big, and the quality of work is not up to par. To verify this, you can ask your neighbors who have already dealt with them.

You can find a private owner. Only not from ads, but on the recommendations of acquaintances, colleagues, friends. Their prices are rarely higher than those of operators. And the quality is better - this is their bread: if they do a bad job, there will be no customers.Therefore, they try (if they are sane) to do everything honestly.

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

Choosing an artist is not an easy task.

There is still an opportunity to negotiate with a housing office employee bypassing the cash desk. But this is debatable. Firstly, they tend to ask for a price based on the wealth of the client and it is far from a fact that they will require less than the price list. Rather, more. And why, tell me, for the same quality of work (it is unlikely that they will work more diligently than at their main job) to pay more?

Another option is to contact a specialized organization. And again, it is desirable according to the recommendations. Although, organizations are forced to monitor the quality of work for prosaic reasons: they need customers. If they have a bad reputation, no one will go to them

Therefore, if you do not know the organization, there are no recommendations, you can pay attention to the period of its existence on the market. If it’s not a year or two, then it’s clear that they know how to do something, otherwise they wouldn’t have existed for so long

Naturally, pay attention to the services they provide. Many offer questions with permission and disconnection of risers, coordination with the managing or operating organization to take over. You only stipulate the list of works and time. How much will it cost? Different: organizations, like their leaders, are different. It may be more expensive than the work of a locksmith from the housing office, but at least you will have someone to present claims in case of problems: you sign an agreement that clearly states who does what.

And the most economical option: do everything yourself, with your own hands. It's not an easy task, but it's not the gods who burn the pots. Only first you need to find out everything to the smallest detail, purchase everything you need, prepare tools and equipment, and only after that write an application to turn off the riser.

It all concerned planned repair or maintenance work. If the radiator or pipe is leaking, you definitely have to act on your own. How to fix a radiator leak, read here.

Eliminate whistling, hum and noise

In addition to the banal flow, the following problems are quite common: the tap is scrolling; weak water pressure in one of the taps; noises that appear when the water is turned on.

First, let's figure out why the tap whistles (or buzzes). Noises can be caused by a worn gasket on the faucet valve or a poor-quality cartridge on the mixer. Change the gasket to a new one (made of thick rubber) or a low-quality faucet box for a ceramic product from a reliable manufacturer and the whistle will disappear when the water is turned on.

What to do if the water of one tap flows in a weak trickle? Presumably, a clogged coarse filter installed on a mixer or faucet can cause a problem. It is enough to clean and rinse the filter and the water pressure will be restored. The reason may be even more banal - a clogged mesh on the mixer tap, it is easily unscrewed and washed.

Valves spin due to worn threads or a leaky gasket on the valve head. This happens due to a torn or worn thread. To fix the problem, we change the valve to a new one. If the thread is in order (this can be seen during disassembly), just change the gasket.

How to close the battery

To perform some work, it is only necessary to turn off the radiator:

If shut-off valves are installed - ball valves. it is simple to do this: you need to turn the cock handle to the stop on the supply and return pipes. The coolant flow is blocked, the heater can be removed.

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

If there are ball valves in front of the radiator, they are closed and the radiator is removed

Sometimes a manual control valve is installed on the supply. It can also shut off the supply of coolant, but its main function is to regulate: it is installed to maintain a constant temperature in the room.

If the heating season is over, by closing the taps, you can safely remove the radiator.If there is a need to perform work during the heating period, it is necessary to take into account the peculiarity of the installation. In a one-pipe system with vertical wiring, shutdown without shutting down the system is only possible if a bypass is present.

A single-pipe system with vertical wiring looks like this: one pipe comes out of the ceiling, enters the radiator, the second one comes out of another hole in the battery and goes to the floor.

The bypass is a jumper in front of the radiator. It connects the supply and return pipes. It is performed, as a rule, with a pipe size one step smaller than the diameter of the liner.

If there is a bypass, then when the radiator is turned off, the coolant continues to circulate through the riser, but already goes through this jumper. As a result, no one suffers: the neighbors are warm, you carry out the required work.

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

Bypass is a jumper in front of the battery. In the photo on the right, although there is a bypass, there is nothing to shut off the battery: there are no ball valves

When connecting according to a two-pipe scheme, there are no problems: there are taps, close them, remove the radiator. With a single-pipe system, but with horizontal wiring, jumpers are also needed. But, in their absence, you will freeze your apartment.

In general, a bypass is a very necessary element: if necessary, it allows you to install a thermostat (thermostat) at the radiator inlet, with which you can maintain a constant temperature in the room. Without this jumper, the installation of control devices is prohibited. It's just that without it, it turns out that you regulate not only the temperature of your battery, but also the entire riser, which the neighbors are unlikely to like.

But only the presence of a bypass does not guarantee the possibility of disconnecting the battery during the heating season. There should also be ball valves on the supply and return. Moreover, it is better to take full-bore taps for heating batteries. There are also standard ones. In them, the clearance in the open position is approximately 70-80% of the diameter. In full bore models, it is 100%. To ensure normal heat transfer, they are needed.

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

The battery can be disconnected at any time if there are ball valves at its inlet and outlet. But so that the heat transfer does not fall, it is necessary to install full bore models

If there is no bypass, to carry out all these works, you will have to turn off the riser, and this is not done soon, and even for a fee.

Manufacturer Ariston

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

How to turn on the Ariston boiler? First of all, you need to fill the boiler with water and connect the device to the power supply. Within the first couple of minutes, the indicator panel will start working. At the moment, your boiler is not yet turned on, as indicated by the flashing temperature indicators.

In order for the device to start working, press the “turn on” button, on the display you will see the temperature of the water at the current moment in the tank. In order to select the temperature you need - press the "+" or "-" buttons, by pressing any of these keys, you will enter the temperature mode selection mode. The temperature is available in the range from 35 to 70 degrees.

The manufacturer also equipped its models with the ability to change the available power: 1500 or 2500 watts. You can activate this setting by pressing the "power" button for a couple of seconds. The boiler does not have a memory function, therefore, when it is turned off, the settings will be reset.

The mechanical Ariston model has even more simplified controls. After you have connected the boiler to the power supply, press the "turn on" button - it will turn red. As soon as the water reaches the desired temperature, the power button will turn off.

The power of the mechanical model can also be increased. Its main feature is that during the operation of the water heater, the red shutdown button is lit. As soon as the device stops working, the button goes out. This immediately allows us to understand that the water is ready for use.

How to turn off the water

You can do this in a single apartment only if there are special valves in the bathroom.But this method is appropriate only when it is planned to carry out minor work. For example, repair a faucet. If you plan to install plumbing in the toilet / bathroom or other labor-intensive work, you need to turn off the water throughout the riser. This design is a pipeline. The riser is intended for 1-2 apartments.

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

Shut off with a faucet

If there is a valve in the bathroom, turn it clockwise to the end. What to do if the apartment is old and there is no valve in it? In this case, you will inevitably have to contact a specialist from the Housing Office. A locksmith will not be able to turn off the water in a single apartment, only in the entire entrance.

In the event that the main pipe has broken through, the overlap is made throughout the house. This work may even affect several buildings.

The pipes in the bathroom and toilet, located in new buildings, usually have valves. Through them, you can easily turn off the water in a separate apartment. In other cases, there is even a special sensor on the pipes that automatically detects problems and turns off the structure.

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

How to turn off the water in the toilet riser?

The riser is usually located in the toilet or in the kitchen. Its main purpose is to supply water. It is possible to overlap in it only if there are valves on the structure. If they are not, you need to think about installing elements. Ball valves are the best choice in this case.

If old elements with defects are installed on the pipeline, it is better to think about replacing them, because in the event of an emergency they can fail, and you will flood your neighbors. It is better to entrust their installation to a specialist. The plumber will be able to determine what diameter of the product is required specifically for your riser.

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

After installing the valves, you must not forget about the importance of preventive maintenance. Once every three months, it is recommended to close the risers, and then turn them on again

This is necessary so that the elements do not stagnate, they cope well with all their functions. It is better to prevent their breakdown, because in an extreme situation, the valves may fail, and you cannot do anything about it. If any problems arise, it is better to call the master, who will check the condition of the valves and carry out the necessary repairs.

How to turn off the water in the apartment without paying

In conclusion, we can say that turning off the water is easy only if a person has taken care of it in advance. If the valves have not been installed, it is almost impossible to make a shutdown in one apartment. For this reason, it is better to get ahead of the occurrence of further problems and install them, because a shutdown may be required not only during repair work, but also in case of emergencies.


Now you know how to properly turn off the battery and the heating riser. And you even know how to do it correctly for the summer period.

What to do if you have a repair in a new building in a pine meadow and you need to turn off the water? At the same time, do not leave all the neighbors in the entrance without cold and hot water for an indefinite amount of time. Look for the answer to this question in our instructions.

1) It is possible to stop the water supply for one apartment only if it is equipped with special valves on pipes that conduct hot and cold water. Usually, this method of shutting off the water is useful if minor work is being done, for example, to replace a tap.

However, for a larger repair of the plumbing system in an apartment, by the way, you can buy an apartment in the secondary market of St. Petersburg here, you need to turn off the water throughout the riser (vertical pipeline), which serves an average of one or two residential premises on each floor.

2) If your apartment has such valves, turn them all the way clockwise. In order to shut off the water supply in the apartment, this will be enough.However, apartments in old houses may often not be equipped with pipe valves.

To carry out any repair work in such apartments, you will be forced to call a locksmith from the Housing Office and turn off the water in the basement for the entire entrance. If at least one of the main pipes leaks, the water supply stops immediately for the entire house, and sometimes for nearby buildings.

In new buildings, the situation is different. Most often, each pipe has a special valve that allows you to stop the water supply for a separate section. Sometimes pipes can also be equipped with special sensors that can independently detect a breakdown and shut off the water.

3) Sometimes an unexpected situation may arise. For example, in one apartment, the pipe leaks, and the owner is away. In this case, it becomes simply impossible to turn off the water in an apartment with damaged pipes, so all living quarters along this riser are without water.

In addition, it is prohibited by law to carry out repairs without the consent and personal presence of the owner of the apartment. All that can be done in such a situation is to look for the owner of the apartment in any way possible and agree on repairs. For entering the apartment in any way without the consent of the owner, you can be held liable under the Criminal Code.

4) If hot water is not supplied to your apartment because of one tenant, and it is not possible to find him, you should demand a recalculation for lost services from the Housing Office. If you do not do this, you will be forced to pay the rent in full, even if in fact you lived without water for a month.


