How to protect the toilet from defrosting without draining it

The end of the summer season is the time to process the cellar and basement so that the “mold kingdom” does not start up in them during the winter. First of all, in dry weather, take all the jars outside and dry the room, and then treat the walls and other structures with an antiseptic (this procedure must be repeated every few years).

As an antiseptic, you can use a solution of copper sulfate (100 g per 1 liter of water).

Fans of solving problems in a radical way recommend using a sulfuric smoke bomb to process the basement. Seal all ventilation openings in an empty room, cover metal parts (if any) with polyethylene. Check that there is no one in the house (you will have to leave it for a day), and then set fire to the fuse of the checker, go out and close the doors tightly. Upon your return, thoroughly ventilate all rooms.

Best Answers


before dismantling the toilet, flush the water in the usual way. then they block the pipe supplying the tank with water, and take out the insides. if you forgot to drain, now you just have to scoop it up with a ladle.

Mother of Doom:


Uncle from Future Future:

absorb it with a sponge..

Alexey Lurie:

Drain the water from the tank or from the toilet itself? If from the tank, then just turn off the water and press (pull on) the drain. If from the toilet itself, then this is called a water seal (water stopper so that it does not stink). You can drain the water from the water seal anywhere after dismantling the toilet bowl. And you can not drain.

Vladimir Petrov:

First, shut off the water in the drain tank, then drain all the water from the tank, remove the flexible hose and draw water with a jar or scoop. How much can you drain. Then Unscrew the fastening screws, remove the corrugated toilet bowl and completely drain the water from the toilet bowl.

Evgeny Longinov:

If there is no separate valve for the toilet, then block the general one. Drain the tank, unwind and do what you need. It is not necessary to block the sewer - it is at an angle (pipe) and will not trample back. Just plug it with a rag so it doesn't stink.

Cat smile:

I didn’t drain it in any way - you just tilt the toilet towards the fan and the excess will merge itself, then carefully without tilting it strongly to the side) ...

Can't find the fire?

It will not pour out anywhere - on the contrary, you will have to tilt it, gently holding it in your hands.

Peter of Sevastopol:

don't do what you don't know. Making repairs to neighbors is a troublesome business

Georgy Glurdzhidze:

First, turn off the general valve in the apartment so that water does not go into the toilet bowl.

Then drain the water from the tank, and only then remove the toilet.


there is only 5-10 liters of water - drain into any sink or bucket,

You can also take a bath - the water is clean.



THEN TILT AND EVEN Flip so it all blends together.

If you forgot the water in the toilet itself - there are about TWO liters of water.

Drain the same way.

What of this catastrophe of a universal scale to do?

Grandfather Au:

Leave the matter to a specialist. Otherwise you drown your neighbors

f f:

when you unscrew it from the floor, tilt it towards the pipe, some will pour out, but you can take it out without incident.


Shut off the water on the flush tank, drain all the water from the tank, remove the tank, you can scoop out the water from the toilet, just absorb and squeeze it out with a rag, then remove the toilet itself, maybe a little water will remain, it's not scary


contact the specialists ct-servis /services/kanalizaciya who will come, merge, remove, what needs to be trimmed, installed and use it to your health))) in such things I try to entrust everything to those who are engaged in this professionally, change the mixer, light bulb or socket - it’s easy ... but here ... I wouldn’t take risks myself))) then to scoop kokashki from myself and from my neighbors, but here there is someone to blame later)))

foxxxr ---:

It is strange that no one said about communicating vessels: First, as always, turn off the water and press the flush button to empty the tank .. Then take any flexible hose, for example, an old flexible hose from a tap about a meter long, so that it can reach the bottom with one end toilet bowl, hung over the top of the toilet bowl and reached the bottom of the bucket (to the floor) with the second. Pour a full hose of water from the tap Close any end with your finger so that the water does not spill out. .Water itself will pour from the toilet into the bucket. When the water stops pouring, raise the end of the hose from the toilet bowl higher so that all the water goes into the bucket.

Exchange contacts with neighbors

If you are still not familiar with your neighbors in your dacha, fix it immediately. This is necessary not only in order to fit into the framework of social etiquette, but also for mutual assistance “in which case”. Exchange phone numbers or other contact information with neighbors. Agree to contact each other if there is suspicion that something is wrong with the neighboring site.

In addition to all of the above, do not forget about the flower garden: dig up and store perennials that require it, cover roses and other flowers. Read about what else needs to be done in the garden in our material:

Toilet preparation.

The largest water plug in terms of volume is in the toilet, and it is understandable - the largest traffic through the toilet. In addition to the fact that this plug is the largest, it is located in the knee of the ceramic toilet bowl, which has very low deformation properties. Simply put, when water freezes in the toilet bowl, the bottom of the knee simply breaks off. Sometimes this happens very nicely and neatly, so that the broken part can be glued into place, but it's better not to risk it.

When conserving a dacha for the winter:

  • flush the toilet bowl several times
  • Shut off the water supply to the toilet bowl and flush the water from the tank.
  • unscrew the tank lid and make sure that there is almost no water left in the tank; if desired, you can remove the remaining water with a rag or sponge (this is not necessary if there is not much water left in the tank).
  • Drain as much water as possible from the toilet bowl. It is best to use a special scoop for this, made with a wallpaper knife from a plastic bottle, shaped like a ladle. However, you can scoop up water with any means at hand.
  • Remove any remaining water from the bowl with an old rag or sponge.
  • To prevent odors from the sewer network from entering the house in winter, plug the hole in the bowl tightly with a rag.
  • From above, you can still throw rags on and even close the lid, although this is not necessary:

How to drain the toilet for the winter

It may be necessary to install or change a toilet under a variety of circumstances: moving, repairing, or its unexpected breakdown. If there is no time to wait for a plumber or you want to save money, then it is quite possible to do it yourself.

Preparing your dacha for winter - 15 important things you might have forgotten about

In order not to be “overwhelmed” with the beginning of the next season, you need to properly close the current season. It's time to carry out work that will help save the suburban area until spring. So, we tell you how to prepare the cottage for winter.

Surely, you have already begun to carry out the main part of the work. We have no doubts about your dacha experience, and, nevertheless, we suggest checking it out - suddenly something “flew out of your head”?

Prepare your lawn for winter

The first step is to clear the lawn of debris. A layer of fallen leaves or twigs will interfere with photosynthesis and can also be an excellent home for pathogens and pests. Also, the lawn must be mulched to preserve the sown grass and reduce the evaporation of moisture. Do not forget about mowing the grass - this procedure in the middle lane can be carried out until the end of October.Moreover, the mowing height should be 1-2 cm more than usual (i.e. if during the season you cut the lawn to 4 cm, now the grass height should be 5-6 cm).

In the first half of October, do not forget to feed the lawn with phosphorus-potassium or special autumn lawn fertilizer (according to the instructions). If pits and bald spots have formed on the cover, they need to be “patched” by adding soil and sowing seeds.

Communities Boys & Girls Blog How to protect the toilet from defrosting without draining it

How to protect the toilet from defrosting without draining it

How to protect the toilet from defrosting without draining it

Comments 163

from some kind of dacha forum, apparently stale) I have a rustic one in my dacha. in general nishtyak, does not even smell particularly

We drain the water from the tank, disconnect the supply, squeeze the water out of the siphon with a plunger. Even if a drop remains, it will simply freeze and that's it. Is this a problem?

complete stupidity to build a comfortable toilet on the street

even at + 5 no buzz on the toilet cold no ice sits down

Such smart advice, I'm shocked. Buy a pack of salt, dissolve it in warm water and pour it into the toilet and all the siphons in the washbasins. Cheap and cheerful!

Previously, there were amenities on the street) Now I am completing the construction of the cottage there everything inside, everything is convenient and thoughtful)))

All the same, it’s more pleasant to have an army in the fresh air))

yeah, maybe in the summer and in the winter? at -25?)))))

I'm not in the minus there)

Elementary. Like a car. Pour antifreeze into the tank.

Well, if there is a crack, then it’s unambiguous to change, but if it’s just from the inside, then it’s easy to fix.

And what is difficult to change? This is just ridiculous to discuss.

What if it's not released yet?

You take off the mechanism and go to the store

I heard a story how quite a long time ago in the toilet at the factory someone thought of pouring a bucket of solvent into the toilet ... a man came in, sat down, lit a match and threw the match into the toilet unaware of the surprise ... they say he ran out the door of the booth running out)))) For a long time he was imagining picture)

Heard this fable

I heard a story how quite a long time ago in the toilet at the factory someone thought of pouring a bucket of solvent into the toilet ... a man came in, sat down, lit a match and threw the match into the toilet unaware of the surprise ... they say he ran out the door of the booth running out)))) For a long time he was imagining picture)

because nefig kuirt on the point ...

But free epilation)

on your ass? is it needed at all?

As an option, antifreeze for heating systems, it does not freeze into ice.

How to protect the toilet from defrosting without draining it

Check the well

The well does not require special preparation for winter. But if the water has acquired an unpleasant smell of hydrogen sulfide (the smell of rotten eggs) or cloudy sediment, it is necessary to take measures for cleaning and disinfection. With a small well (2-3 rings), you can probably handle it yourself. Using a drainage or pump pump, pump out water, go down into the well, clean the walls of dirt. Then disinfect the well.

To disinfect the well, you can use tablets designed to purify water in the pool. They are dissolved in a bucket of water (1 tablet per 1 well ring), then the mixture is poured into a well filled with water and left for 6-8 hours. After that, the water is pumped out again.

If you clean the well in the fall, it will not be necessary to do this in the spring - ordinary disinfection is enough.

Prepare plumbing

The plumbing in the country in winter is especially vulnerable, so you need to take care of its safety in advance. If you do not plan to use it in the winter, then the water from the pipes will have to be drained. To do this, turn off the water supply and open the drain taps at the lowest points so that the water flows out by gravity. If there are no drain taps, use an autocompressor. To blow out the pipes in the country for the winter, close all the valves on the manifold and attach a compressor to the pipe. Then you need to create a pressure of 3-4 atmospheres and open one of the manifold taps - under air pressure, water will come out of the pipe. Repeat the process for each line.

For the safety of the pipeline on the street and in unheated rooms, leave the valves slightly ajar, and dismantle the mixers.Also, don't forget to drain the water from the filters.

If the pipes are not deep enough, they must be insulated. To do this, place sheets of expanded polystyrene or polystyrene over the place where the pipes pass and fix by pressing down with bricks and digging.

Expert answers


Take a toilet brush and use it to push the water down the pipe. Almost all the water will go away, it will become a little. And then a good remedy, I have SANOX, fill it for a few minutes.

Smirnova Oksana:

right in gloves and directly into the water with a special chemical agent. I do not pump out anything and everything is washed


don’t start it and the duckling helps cool + an ordinary toilet brush, go for it)))

Yana Sh:

buy those chem. a means that is washed with water, and if anything, gloves + a brush of some kind and that's all. what is so complicated about it.

Bob Yukhnenko:

don't want to bother pour 33% hydrochloric acid solution and leave for a few hours and you will be happy

grandfather fir:

try baking soda


buy 4 different products, then fill them with them, and the plunger will finish its job)))

Irina Irina:

All you need is a good toilet bowl cleaner. I bought it here, I don't have to drain the water. everything washes well. just pour for a few minutes


xylitol for toilet bowls and you don’t have to climb anywhere, everything eats off in 10 minutes

Natalia Shklyaruk:

Look more often, use special tools and there will be no problems.

Dmitry M.I.:



Think correctly if the toilet bowl is very dirty and there is no stratification without pumping out. Put on gloves, soak it with a sponge, then pour Silit for toilet bowls, let it stand with it for 5-10 minutes, then take an iron washcloth and go ahead. This is for heavy dirt.

Vladimir Novikov:

You go and buy a new fan pipe in the store,


Throw a rag, then pull it out as it absorbs water


Push it out with a plunger, of course it won’t work dry, but it will be enough


So turn off the faucet

Can't find the fire?

Disassemble and replace with corrugation, it will be cheaper; you can’t remove the water, what will spill out will spill out, you need to do it on weekdays, at 11 o’clock, when there is almost no one in the apartments.

Grandfather Au:

buy a cuff and a gfr, as Toffel said, of course, a lot of fuss, but reliably

Vladimir Petrov:

There is no water; it is all up to the junction in the hydraulic seal; the finished one is made with the letter G on the contrary. See for yourself the drain is above. If it leaks a little


Has anyone bought plumbing, namely a toilet bowl via the Internet? (Santehnika-Online) We chose more or less inexpensive and suitable for our small bathroom. How to order, place an order? What should be taken into account?


