Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Decorative screens for heating pipes

Plumbers have the most complaints about this type of decor: they block access and impair circulation, reducing heat transfer. Therefore, when choosing a decorative screen for heating pipes and / or radiators, do not forget that its surface must be perforated.

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Decorative screens for heating pipes

And the more holes, the better. Moreover, any screen should provide access for maintenance and repair. Ideally, it should be easily dismantled or have a removable panel. There are plenty of options too, from magnetic latches that hold the panel in place, hidden hinges and locks, to simple stops that the panel rests on in the frame. Actually, the requirements are clear. Doing them or not is up to you. But even the highest quality communications require maintenance and revision. Moreover, heating: the environments are not the safest (if antifreeze was used as a coolant), and the temperatures are far from always gentle (the heating mode when using heating boilers provides for a coolant temperature of 95 ° C).

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Decorative screens for heating pipes

Decorative screens are made from sheets of perforated metal, MDF, wood. They can have different perforations and designs. The choice is again yours. Moreover, you can close both the radiators and the entire wall on which these communications are located. You can get some ideas from the photo. The option of disguising the radiator as a chest of drawers looks very promising and interesting. Only, as you can see in the picture, most of the doors should be with holes. This option, of course, will limit the heating, but still not drastically. Another option is suitable for the kitchen, if the heating pipe runs close to the window. Then you can take a little space from the room, but make a false wall or build something like a locker. You can close part of the wall or all of it up to the corner. But just do not forget about the need for access: breaking and then restoring the screen is not the most pleasant experience.

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Decorative screens for heating pipes

A stained-glass screen that covers an unsightly section of the wall looks very attractive. And if you install a backlight for it, it also serves as a highlight of the interior.

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Decorative screens for heating pipes

The methods of decoration are quite diverse, but still the heating pipes remain in sight. You can completely get rid of them if you hide them in a wall or floor, and read about it here.

Some interesting ideas

Let's take a closer look at some of the design techniques that can be useful when working on "hiding" or giving a more aesthetic appearance to heating pipes. Examples can be seen in detail in the photo.


Here are some examples of ready-made solutions:

  1. You can try to make the pipe part of the interior, for example, a children's room.

If you deviate from the generally accepted white color, which is traditionally painted pipes of the heating system, you can "turn" a vertical pipe in the corner of the room into a tree. And already from this trunk, move on to painting the adjacent walls, drawing branches on them. Such work is within the power of even a non-professional artist.

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You don't have to be an artist to turn a pipe into a "tree"

And since there are already branches on the “tree”, then leaves are also needed. The process of “growing” leaves on a tree can be entrusted to your child if he has already learned to hold a brush in his hands. It is very easy to interest your child in this process if you periodically change the color of the leaves on the home tree according to the seasons.Such a “seasonal” decoration of heating pipes will be an excellent game that combines not only the unobtrusive teaching of a child to be accurate in work, but also a way to develop observation and love for nature.

  1. Quite differently than in the nursery, you can approach the issue of painting heating pipes in the bedroom or living room.

Here, a noble golden tint, or discreet silver, would be appropriate for decoration. A muted bronze color will also look good. The main thing is that this color is in harmony with the overall style of the room.

When choosing a paint color for painting heating pipes, you should focus on the color scheme of furniture, door and window fittings that dominates the room.

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With a skillful approach, you can turn heating pipes into a real work of art.


You can not limit your imagination or use one of the ideas in your own way:

An interesting technique for decorating a heating pipe is simply wrapping it with a hemp or jute rope. If you are not embarrassed by a slight decrease in the heat transfer of the pipes, then this option can be considered.

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Rope decorative trim

  • An interesting option may be the use of bamboo trunks split along. Such halves can be glued into the original likeness of a casing for a vertical pipe.
  • And if artificial flowers are used instead of bamboo (or together with it), such decoration will not go unnoticed by your guests, completely hiding its “base” - the heating pipe.
  • In those places where the pipes enter the floor or ceiling of the room, as well as in the places where there are outlets from the riser to the radiators, you can install nice decorative overlays on the heating pipes. By choosing the color and texture of such a decoration, you can logically complete the image that was conceived.
  • One of the options for ceiling linings can be rings, usually hiding the inevitable cuts that are made around risers in stretch ceilings.
  • Using fabric drapery similar to curtains on windows will add some charm to the room.

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Pipes hidden under curtains-threads

stained glass

The once fashionable way of decorating a home - stained glass - is returning to modern design developments. It is worth thinking about using such an unusual way to decorate a room by combining an original decorative element with the most ordinary heating pipe. An elegant partition with elements of stained glass can change beyond recognition that corner of the room that did not look very elegant before.

Before decorating the heating pipes with stained-glass windows, you can also provide a supply to the lighting composition. In this case, in addition to the decorative function, the stained-glass attire of heating pipes can serve as a night light or simply create romantic comfort in the room.

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The stained-glass window will not only hide unsightly pipes, but also give the room comfort.

We hope that the ideas proposed in the article will allow you not only to hide unsightly heating pipes, but also to create an interesting interior “chip” in the decorated room.

Copper pipes

The high cost of this material is not a guarantee of absolute quality.

When using it, you must strictly follow the instructions for proper work with heating pipes, while it is important to carry out not only specialized and high-quality installation, but also take care of proper grounding and mechanical water purification.

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Copper pipes are usually used in the distribution of large systems with autonomous boilers, while for the main circuit it is recommended to use pipes from other materials that are more resistant to accidental mechanical stress. In combination with copper, pipes and fittings containing aluminum or other incompatible metals should be excluded from the entire system.

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Decorative screen options

If it’s not difficult to hide the heating riser with your own hands now, then in order to hide the radiators, you increasingly have to resort to the help of specialist designers.

They can offer you ready-made designer radiators or tell you how to quickly and efficiently decorate the heating system with your own hands. Old heating radiators are mainly located in our houses under the windows according to the standard plan.

As a rule, such radiators have a far from fresh look, cracks in the coating, rusty streaks, but there is a wonderful solution that will help hide such problems. Decorating radiators is easy to do.

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Screen for heating battery. Click on the photo to enlarge.

There are many options for decorative screens that are ideal for any interior. Heating radiators are made from different materials, ranging from wood to high-quality metals.

For the manufacture of wooden radiators, pine or oak is most often used. Metal heating radiators are made in the form of metal grills of various configurations and sizes.

Such a design solution using screens will help not only transform the appearance of your room, but also protect radiators from various contaminants in the form of dust and other microparticles.

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Use of decoupage technique. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Decorating with decoupage technique

The next method by which you can decorate radiators with your own hands is decoupage. This is a special technique for fabric or furniture, which consists in cutting out different images from leather, paper or fabric.

Such images are attached to different surfaces and give the interior a new, original accent. Heating radiators are pasted over with decoupage pictures, and then varnished. You can choose the picture yourself, depending on your interior.

Before decorating heating radiators, you should pre-treat the batteries. First you need to wash them thoroughly, and then process them with sandpaper (this is how you remove old paint and bumps). After sanding, wipe everything again to remove any remaining dust. Cover the battery with enamel paint, measure the length and width of the battery.

After the final choice of color and image of your painting, proceed to cutting out fragments and subsequent decoupage. It is better to glue paper fragments to the battery with PVA glue, and then cover the radiators with a special varnish that will firmly fix the picture. You can involve your children in this cause. Thus, the work will become more interesting and fun, both for you and for young designers.

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Battery preparation. Click on the photo to enlarge.

Design processing of pipes and batteries is an excellent modern solution that will help give your apartment or house a special unique look and hide inappropriate details in your interior.

What factors to consider when choosing pipes

There are no universal pipes suitable for any room.

To understand which pipes to choose for heating a private house, you need to take into account a number of nuances:

  • pressure and temperature in the system. These indicators depend on the type of heating. With an individual type, the pressure is 2-3 atmospheres, with a centralized one - up to 16 atmospheres. The pipe material must have sufficient strength so that the system functions normally and there are no breaks;
  • Room area;
  • How will the pipes be laid (classic or under the wall);
  • The power of the heating boiler and the type of irrigation;
  • Type of room (heated or unheated);
  • Possibility of reconstruction of the system without significant repair damage.

Each of these characteristics is equally important when choosing pipes.

Knowing these criteria, you can start choosing the material that is most suitable for specific conditions.

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Photo of pipes for heating

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

We also recommend viewing:

  • Long burning boilers
  • Do-it-yourself potbelly stove
  • Installing a heated towel rail
  • How to clean a chimney
  • Heat accumulator for heating
  • Heating water pipes from freezing
  • Chimneys for gas boilers
  • solar collector
  • Heating of a private house
  • Do-it-yourself oven
  • Storm sewer
  • Sewerage in a private house
  • Plumbing in the country
  • Water to the house from a well
  • DIY fireplace
  • well pump
  • Chimney installation
  • DIY sewerage
  • Heating radiators
  • Swede oven
  • Warm floor do it yourself

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Decoration methods

Among the simplest finishing methods is staining. Pipes can be painted in a bright color or, conversely, give them the color of a wall to make them invisible.

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos It is a little more difficult to build a decorative structure in the form of a pipe box. You can choose different materials for this purpose. Drywall is the most popular, but PVC plates and laminate are also in demand. parquet board. Using these materials, you can create structures of different shapes and sizes. The box can also be further decorated with paint, paper crafts, artificial flowers, etc. There are also attempts to hide pipes behind furniture, but this idea is one of the most difficult. After all, pipes are often located where it is impossible or not recommended to place furniture for aesthetic or some other reasons.

Turning a pipe into a tree

This simple idea will require only the ability to work with paints, so almost any owner can handle it. The vertical heating pipe is painted to match the color of the trunk. For example, birch is the best option if the pipe is narrow, while the departure from the traditional white color will not be drastic. When the "trunk" is ready, you can add branches and leaves on adjacent walls; and you can attach a composition of artificial leaves. Such a "tree" is perfect for a children's room, where it can become part of the games. The color of the leaves can be changed depending on the season; you can do this together with the child, and then this process will become part of education - with its help, you can instill observation and love for nature. Another type of composition based on "wood" can be offered for the living room or bedroom. Here, colors and shapes are chosen more “serious”, and plots are symbolic.

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

It should be remembered that pipe paints must be heat-resistant and non-toxic, then they will last a long time and will not become a source of danger during the heating season. These are usually acrylic, alkyd enamels, water-dispersion paints.

Rope decorative trim

Another simple option is to wrap the pipes with hemp or jute rope. As an addition, you can attach the same branches with leaves. With such “clothes”, the pipes will give off somewhat less heat, so this option is used if heat transfer is not so important.

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos Split bamboo stems can also be used. The halves glued around the pipe will create an original "cover" for the pipe. You can add artificial flowers to it. In many cases, guests will not even notice that ordinary heating pipes are hidden behind this composition. Where the pipe comes out of the floor or rests on the ceiling, you can attach decorative overlays. Then the disguise will be as complete as possible. Curtains-threads will also hide the heating system from the eyes of the hosts and guests. Curtains will also give the whole room an original and amazing look.

It may seem incredible, but the heating pipe can be decorated with stained-glass windows. To do this, glass or transparent plastic with an applied composition is used. It is curious that such an element of decor is often combined with characteristic lighting. Light pours into the room due to the translucent composition, which can also be used as a night light.The lighting in this case will be soft and soft, which will create a special atmosphere in the bedroom.

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

false wall

This is a good way to hide the heating element, especially if it takes up a lot of space. First you need to make a frame, and then upholster with a suitable material. Before you “sharpen” a pipe or battery into a false wall, you need to make sure that everything is in order with it. The main disadvantage of a false wall is that it reduces the free space in the room.

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos Instead of a false wall, you can purchase a ready-made box. Commercially available models have a perforated surface that allows heat to enter the house. Batteries are usually masked by such means.

Video: false wall around heating

How to decorate heating pipes

Heating pipes are such an element of the interior that performs a very useful function, but does not look particularly attractive. Often the pipes in the house are rather “rough”, they take up extra space and give the impression of some kind of incompleteness.

In new houses, the heating system is located so that it is not visible, all this is calculated in advance. However, those who live in old houses have a hard time, because before they did not think about the design of the room. The owners of these houses and apartments have to decorate the heating pipes if they want to make their home cozy and beautiful. In fact, disguising pipes is not as difficult as it seems to some. Moreover, after such a “make-up”, a new, full-fledged element of apartment decor will appear in place of an unattractive heating system, creating a beautiful view. The pipes themselves, of course, will also remain, but they will not be visible.

Decoration using decoupage technique

Decoration made using decoupage technique looks elegant and original.

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

This technique for fabric or furniture involves cutting out a variety of images. Pictures from fabric, paper or leather are applied to the surface of the pipe. This design will help to give the design of the room a bright and non-standard accent.

Before decorating, the batteries are processed. They are cleaned and processed with sandpaper.

Then the battery is covered with enamel paint. Measure the length and width of the pipe. After that, you can start cutting out various images.

Plastic pipes for heating the use of PVC pipes in the heating system and advice on choosing a manufacturer 95 photos

Gluing fragments is best done using PVA glue. If the image is securely fixed, then it can be varnished on top. The drawing can be of a wide variety of subjects.

The main thing is that it fits well into the design of the room. By the way, you can involve children in decorating the pipe. The decor will be bright, original and cozy.


