What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

How to equip a bathroom in Khrushchev

There are not so many opportunities in terms of design techniques and design options for a small bathroom in Khrushchev. In fact, there are two points that need to be addressed when preparing her design project - a partition to the toilet (if it is separate) and the placement of plumbing with furniture. And with the choice of style and finishing materials, everything is extremely simple. The first is simpler and more minimalistic, and the second is simpler in design, the better.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathroom arrangement

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

A shower cabin in a small bathroom will save space

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Two-tone tile in the bathroom

Combined bathroom

If the bathroom and toilet are separate, then the wall between them can be demolished. In Khrushchev, this partition is plaster and not load-bearing. However, it is often not necessary to break anything, the bathroom in Khrushchev's houses is almost always united anyway. It is in this design that it is most often found in the photo of finished interiors.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Combined bathroom in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Placement of the washing machine and appliances in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

How to place plumbing in a combined bathroom

Bathroom with toilet:

  • gives more options for planning, tk. more spacious;
  • allows you to save on finishing materials for the partition;
  • reduces by one the number of interior doors in the apartment;
  • easier and more convenient to clean.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

More space in the combined bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Can even fit a washing machine

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

How to place a bathroom in a bathroom

If there are a couple of people in the family, then the combined bathroom is unlikely to cause special problems. But not everyone likes to take a shower when someone is sitting next to them on the toilet. The only option here is to fence off the latter with a partition or curtain. But then the already small-sized bathroom in Khrushchev becomes simply tiny and cluttered. It is worth resorting to this method of zoning only as a last resort.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Glass wall instead of a curtain

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Shower cabin in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Combined bathroom interior

Shower cabin as an alternative

To carve out some space in the bathroom in Khrushchev, the cast-iron bath can be replaced with a compact shower cubicle and glass doors. At the same time, it is recommended to select the pallet of such a hydrobox with a low side from the floor. So the cabin will visually clutter up the available space much less.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

a shower cabin can also be made from an ordinary bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Combined shower with bathtub

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

A shower cabin will free up space for a washing machine

Washing machine

It is also possible to save some space in the bathroom in the case of a washing machine, it is enough to put it under the sink. It is difficult to find an appropriate model of a washbasin without a siphon from below. However, such options for this plumbing are on sale.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Washing machine under the sink

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

How to fit a washing machine in a small bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

How to hide a washing machine

Cabinets and other furniture

Closed cabinets in a small bathroom design are best avoided completely. Open shelves and various stands fixed on the wall are more appropriate here. It is also worth abandoning the cabinet under the sink (maximum narrow pedestal) and the screen for the bath. The more floor is open, the better.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathroom cabinets

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Vintage vanity unit

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Built-in bathroom furniture

Choice of finishes

Since the bathroom is the wettest place in the apartment, all finishing materials must be resistant to moisture and fungus, which actively develops in such conditions. It is also worth taking care of good ventilation, so the finish will last longer, since excess moisture will evaporate faster from the surface without forming condensation.There are a lot of ideas for repairing a bathroom in a standard Khrushchev, the most popular finishing methods can be seen in the photo below.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

The most popular material for finishing the bathroom is tile.


The most suitable material for finishing the bathroom floor is tile or stone. These are wear-resistant coatings that are not afraid of water, temperature changes, constant humidity. For the floor, it is better to choose a finish a tone or two darker than the color of the walls, this will visually make the room a little higher.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev Consideration should be given to the fact that more durable tiles are used for the bathroom floor.

Do not choose smooth glossy plates, they are too slippery. It is better to lay a rough tile or stone on the floor. Other options for repairing the floor in the bathroom in Khrushchev can be seen in the photo.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev Laying tiles on the floor diagonally helps to visually expand the space


There are much more options for wall design in Khrushchev. In addition to tiles, you can choose paint, plaster, vinyl wallpaper or PVC or chipboard panels. However, it is more convenient to combine different materials, choosing a tile for the most humid places.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev Ceramic tiles with a pattern perfectly complement the monochrome painted walls in the bathroom

As a decor, you can use geometric ornaments. Vertical or horizontal lines can change the proportions of the bathroom for the better, the herringbone pattern will give the same effect. But it is better not to use mosaics with large images or artistic tiling in the interior of a small room. Various types of tile design on the walls of the bathroom in Khrushchev are shown in the photo.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev Rectangular tile helps to visually expand the room


White is traditionally chosen for the ceiling, but there may be other options up to canvases with photo printing or frescoes. The budget option for finishing is whitewashing or paint, this decor is suitable for any interior design, although it looks quite simple.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev Whitewashing is considered a classic design of the ceiling in the bathroom.

Stretch ceilings are also good for the bathroom, but they will need about 10 cm from the height of the walls. To minimize this effect, it is necessary to select glossy light canvases. PVC ceilings are very durable, able to withstand up to 100 liters of water per square meter. meter, which is very important in case of unexpected flooding from above.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev Glossy stretch ceilings are inexpensive materials, but look very impressive on the ceiling of rooms with high humidity.

Stretch ceilings are not afraid of water, easy to clean, create a perfectly smooth surface. It is convenient to embed lamps in them, placing them in any part of the room. A variety of designs of stretch ceilings in the bathroom in Khrushchev can be seen in the photo below.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev Built-in lighting on a stretch glossy ceiling looks very impressive

Bathroom with washing machine

The cast-iron standard bath itself occupies about a third of the total area in rooms with a combined bathroom. For the installation of a full-size washing machine, it would seem that there is no space at all with such a layout, but there are as many as three compromise solutions possible.

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What should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Read more about organizing a bathroom design with a washing machine.

  • Not everyone appreciates the opportunity to soak up lying in a full-sized bathtub filled with water, for someone it is more important that fresh linen and clean clothes are always at hand. Sitting baths - will help solve this issue, the installation of such small-sized plumbing will free up space for a washing machine. This method requires the cost of buying a new bathroom and installing it. We should also not forget that the old bathtub will also have to be dismantled and taken out of the apartment, which requires certain labor costs.
  • The second of the options does not require moving the bathroom, but involves the rejection of the sink.The washing machine is installed in its place in the space between the toilet and the bathroom. This is the least expensive installation option, as removing a sink or washbasin is not comparable to moving a bathroom.
  • The third option is to install a small shower cabin instead of a bathtub. Such an upgrade is not cheap, but it looks much more modern with a shower cabin and a washing machine.

If for some reason the owner does not want to change anything in the bathroom, then the washing machine almost always “lives” in the kitchen, and mountains of laundry for washing often coexist with ready-made food, which is not entirely hygienic.

If the design of the bath in Khrushchev is thought out to the smallest detail, then this corner of the apartment will become, if not the most beloved, then certainly a very pleasant place to visit. Rooms combined with a bathroom have both advantages and disadvantages, which everyone is well aware of. In order for the bathroom to harmoniously fit into the interior of the room, designers do not lose sight of the slightest detail during sketch modeling, including the color of the toilet bowl and the type of cistern. In addition to traditional white ceramics, designers have other color schemes for this interior element in their arsenal.

Space savings are achieved by using an integrated drain when the tank is placed in a shaft or in a corner under the ceiling of a room. In some cases, when remodeling a bathroom with a combined bathroom, the toilet itself also moves.

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What should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

The washbasin can be made in the form of a cabinet or a hinged sink. Most often, it does not have its own mixer, and water is taken from common taps. This is not very convenient, and in many modern apartments a separate mixer is installed on the washbasin.

The tasks that modern designers face very often come down to how to turn a typical apartment layout into a unique cozy world for its inhabitants.

We select details

We decided on the main components and colors. Now it remains to complement our design with various details.

What else matters? It's up to you to choose


Of course, a coffee table or a linen closet will not fit in Khrushchev's bathroom, but some of the necessary furniture will be able to fit. What is this necessary furniture:

  • Mirror. A mirror is a must. It can be placed above the sink or on a free wall. Choose the configuration and size yourself, depending on the availability of other parts.
  • Wardrobe for small things. It is usually placed near the sink. It is intended for storage of bathing accessories and a subject of personal hygiene. Its size doesn't matter. The main thing is that the maximum perform its direct function.
  • Cabinet for household chemicals. Often all three of the presented details are combined with a washbasin. So, you can pick up a set consisting of a sink, the upper part is reserved for a small cabinet and a mirror, and at the bottom there is a cabinet for household chemicals, which also hides the pipes leading to the sink.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

The mirror will visually double the size of the bathroom.

A wardrobe or a laundry basket often does not find space in such a small room. Therefore, you have to choose what to give preference to. The main task is to place everything compactly, functionally and beautifully.


Textiles play an important role, both practical and design. There must be a bath, a towel for the face, and for hands. Based on this, you need to purchase a towel ring or hooks. It is advisable to find a place for a heated towel rail.

From a decorative point of view, textiles play the role of bright accents. With it, you can dilute the monotony of white, or bring a cold current into the room. There may also be a dressing gown, matched in color to the rest of the textile elements, which will become a convenient and functional solution.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Choose textiles based on the principle of stylistic unity in color or pattern


A small space does not allow fantasy to develop in this direction, but the design of a bathroom in Khrushchev cannot be completed without the appropriate accessories. These include unusual lamps, paintings and floor decorations.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Add unusual and elegant accessories to your bathroom interior

The best way to implement these details will be a tile with an ornament or pattern. Add a few nautical-themed decorations to the shelves, decoupage or mosaic on the wall. Perhaps this is all that dimensions will allow. But by competently combining colors and decorations, you will be able to create a beautiful design even in a small space of Khrushchev apartments.

Do's and Don'ts in a Small Bathroom

It is forbidden!

  • Put in a small bathroom cabinets for towels and bathrobes. These items will only take up space. All this can be stored outside the bathroom. Or place towels on shelves built into the wall.
  • Install massive furniture. It is better to purchase narrow furniture with glass doors. If you want to hide something, put these things in cute decorative boxes.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

The best combination of colors for a modest-sized bathroom are light colors with elements of tropical mixes, as well as marine themes.


  • Install towel rails in the door.
  • Make a shelf above the door.
  • Use shower organizers.
  • If you are buying wardrobes, then choose with drawers to make the most of the available space.
  • Divide drawers into zones using dividers.
  • Make bright lighting.
  • Install a lot of glass and mirrors.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Dark colors, as you know, narrow the space, so you need to focus on light and bright shades.

Features of this design

The first, and, perhaps, the main difficulty that the designer faces is the dimensions. Rooms in Khrushchev do not differ in high ceilings and large quadrature. Many consider this a disadvantage. But our task is to turn these indicators into virtues by applying the appropriate tricks in interior design.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

With the right approach, a small footage of the bathroom is not a hindrance to your plans

The main criteria that the premises must meet.

compactness Since the bathroom in Khrushchev is small, you have to make it compact, which will affect the design methods.
Functionality The bathroom should fulfill its primary function, and decor should not interfere with this. Our task is to make it a work of art, so that, at the same time, it fully fulfills its functions.
spaciousness Since we are working with a small room, we need to apply all the tricks to smooth out this shortcoming and make the room as spacious and free as possible.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathroom design in Khrushchev should be extremely practical and stylish

Now let's take a closer look at the essence and methods of arranging a room so that it meets the stated criteria.

The choice of plumbing

How to place a bath and a bathroom in a combined bathroom in Khrushchev

The advantage of this placement is that the space is larger, there is no need to leave the toilet and enter the bathroom. With a separate location of the toilet and bathroom, such convenience is excluded. Therefore, many people want to combine a bathroom and a bathroom.

Large families may be inconvenienced. When the bathroom is occupied there is no way to use the toilet.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Minimalism is the best option. In this case, there is no problem with unnecessary details, everything is strict and neat.

As a rule, the bathroom takes up the most space in the restroom. An excellent option would be a corner bath. It saves usable space.

Corner washbasins and toilets are also available.You can choose a hanging sink to place a cabinet, washing machine or dirty laundry basket under it. Also used is the location of the corner sink exactly above the bathtub. So it absolutely does not take up the perimeter of the room and will not interfere at all while swimming.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

A great idea is a hanging toilet, the tank of which is installed in a wall or in a niche.

Shower cubicle instead of bath

If you do not care about the presence of a bathroom, then the best option is to install a shower stall. It takes up much less space than a bathroom. Due to the glass panels, water does not have the ability to scatter around the room. While taking a shower, there is no possibility of freezing, as there is no entry of cold air. Also, when bathing in a shower, much less water is spent than when using a bath.

Moreover, if there are elderly people in the house, it will be more convenient for them to enter the shower with a low step than to try to climb into the bathroom with difficulty.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

This creates a particular problem for bathrooms, where the walls have to be tiled and a sink with a shower stall attached to them.

Of the shortcomings, one can only list the fact that it is not possible to completely immerse yourself in water when bathing, and the shower stall requires daily care, as plaque may occur on it. Also, showers with high sides can bring inconvenience to the elderly.

Also in many countries, the following option is used, resembling a shower stall. The shower is built into the wall, and the water drain is installed directly in the floor. To prevent water from flying around the room, a sliding glass partition is mounted. A budget option for a shower stall and very comfortable. And most importantly, it does not take up much space, about 1 * 1 meter. Depending on your preference.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

When designing a bathroom in limited conditions, it is necessary to strive for the solidity of the interior.

Furniture. Final decor

The complexity of the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev is the need to use a minimum number of pieces of furniture, accessories, small details.

What furniture can be supplied:

  • cabinet or laundry basket under the wall-mounted sink;
  • shallow hanging cabinets above the washbasin;
  • tall wardrobes;
  • racks;
  • corner cabinets;
  • open shelves and shelves;
  • folding shelves or false panels under the bathroom;
  • homemade narrow shelf above the entrance.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

For tight spaces, you should choose cabinets without hinged doors, it is better if they are closed with curtains or sliding panels.

An element of decor can be a coil perpendicular to the wall, made in the form of a shelf for towels. Bath towels themselves can be used as a color accent. Also, a small bright rug, a dressing gown, a pretty curtain will suit this role. The main thing is that all the filling of the bathroom is combined with each other in style and color.

Arrange small items like cups, toothbrushes, soap dishes in an orderly manner on open surfaces. Niches in the walls can be decorated with candles, a vase with fresh flowers.

It is difficult to fit everything you need for water hygiene procedures, having a very small room at your disposal, so repairs in the bathrooms of Khrushchev houses must obey the rule of minimalism, the laws of visual preservation and increase in space.

creative designs

Often, mirror surfaces or entire walls are used to add volume.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Narrow stripes or mosaic panels perfectly expand the room. If you create blurry images or an abstraction from broken tiles, they seem to dissolve into the space of the walls.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

You can continue the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev with original tiles on the floor. It can be laid in beautiful rhombuses, i.e. diagonally. This will visually enlarge the room. "Chess" is better not to use.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

A mosaic rosette or floor patterns will make the bath look much wider.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

For complete safety, you need to choose a rough tile so that you do not accidentally slip with wet feet.

Fashionable style - suspended plumbing, effective especially with the "seamless" laying of beautiful porcelain stoneware without chamfer.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

If there is no place for mirrors on the walls, you can decorate the doors of cabinets or shelves with them.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

We offer stylish solutions in the bathroom photo in Khrushchev, which can be adapted to the individual characteristics of the room.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Photos of bathrooms in Khrushchev

The choice of design for a bathroom in Khrushchev rarely causes problems. Limited space leaves its mark, it is difficult to turn around in such a room with decoration. Tiles on the walls should be selected small or medium in size. And the more open the floor under your feet, the more spacious the room looks, so we try to avoid cabinets and cabinets.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Red tiles in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bright accents in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Washing machine with boiler in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Combination of white and chocolate

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Azure tiles in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Combination of chocolate, beige and white

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

How to diversify white tiles in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Blue wall in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

The combination of bright colors in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Jacuzzi for a small bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Red tiles in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

purple bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Finishing the bathroom with foam blocks

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Brown tiles in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Round bathroom mirror

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Beige bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Modern bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathroom in modern style

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Laundry basket in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

pink bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Brickwork on the walls

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Stencil drawings on the wall

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathroom renovation

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Small bathroom in the apartment

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Compact toilet in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Small bathroom in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathroom pixel wall

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Purple tiles in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Horizontal stripes make the bathroom look bigger

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Tile boar in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

The mirror wall will erase the boundaries of a small room

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Vertical stripes visually add height

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Shower box in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bright colors make the kitchen more fun

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Tile panel

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathroom tile combination

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bright accent in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Corner bath

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Combining a pantry and a bathroom, you can get a fairly large bathroom.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Glass panels protect walls and mirrors from splashes

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Shelves in the bathroom are a great storage solution

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Hanging washing machine

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Modern manufacturers create special collections of sanitary ware for small bathrooms.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Using tiles you can delimit the space in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Contrasting bathroom trim

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

bright bathroom floor

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Doors can also become a highlight of the interior.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Dark colors must be diluted with light ones.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Patterns on the walls in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Mosaic in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathroom furniture

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

The combination of red and gray in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Shower cabin suitable for a small family

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Eco style bathroom design

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Placement of the washing machine in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Accent wall in the bathroom

How to increase the area

We'll have to rethink the floor plan. You will need to think over a new location of communications, a doorway (if necessary, transfer), where to place plumbing and a washing machine in the bathroom. The modest area greatly limits the possibilities, you have to use every centimeter.

The most radical way to expand a bathroom is to combine it with a toilet. If possible, you can move the wall between the bathroom and the hallway, if the dimensions of the corridor allow, and the wall is not load-bearing. This will add a couple of square meters to the main area, where a washing machine and a cabinet for bath accessories or household chemicals can easily fit.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev Expanding the area due to the corridor will make the bathroom more functional

In Khrushchev, communications are often inconveniently located, it may be necessary to change the wiring, taking into account the new location of plumbing

It is important to think it over in advance, for convenience, drawing a scaled plan with dimensions and all important interior details.For inspiration, you can see a photo of a renovated bathroom combined with a toilet, this will help you find interesting ideas

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Even in a small area you can make a stylish design in the bathroom

Where to place the washing machine

When everything is decided with the dimensions, still the problem of placing a washing machine remains given the small size of the bathroom. There may be several options, consider the most popular of them.

Under the sink

A classic technique used for small-sized Khrushchev. If you see that after installing all the plumbing and furniture there is very little space left, the machine under the sink is the best choice. This allows you to save space in the bathroom, as well as increase the functionality of the room itself. However, not every sink is suitable for such a case:

  • It is more convenient to choose a ready-made set from a typewriter and a compact water lily shell. In this case, you do not have to independently select each element.
  • If you decide to install the sink with the washing machine separately, choose narrow designs.

What should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

This placement has its advantages - compact design and attractive appearance. The downside is the high cost of the kit, as well as a small load on the washing machine. Options for such placement in a small bathroom in Khrushchev can be seen in the photo after the repair.

What should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev


This arrangement option is suitable if there is enough space left due to a minimum of furniture or the selection of more compact plumbing. The main thing here is to put the washing machine so that it does not interfere with free movement.

The most convenient place is a corner or space along one of the walls. The area above the washing machine can be used to advantage by placing hanging shelves, a cabinet with a mirror or a laundry basket there. A similar design of a bathroom with a toilet and a typewriter in Khrushchev is shown in the photo.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Under the tabletop

A practical and convenient way to put the washing machine without interfering with free access to the toilet, bath or shower. The countertop in the bathroom can be used as an additional surface, and the appliances themselves can be hidden behind decorative screens or curtains.

What should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

In the closet

If you plan to put a closet in the bathroom or equip a niche for this business, nothing prevents you from placing the washing machine below and placing shelves for powders, cleaning products or towels at the top.

What should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

outside the bathroom

If there is very little space, the machine can be placed in the kitchen. To do this, it is most convenient to choose built-in models that will not stand out much against the background of the intended design. Also, washing machines are placed in the corridor or taken out to the loggia.

What should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

To equip a small bathroom with a washing machine no worse than in the photo, it will take a little more effort than when repairing more spacious rooms. Light colors, a minimum of objects, as well as compact plumbing fixtures with furniture, will create a cozy comfortable space.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in KhrushchevWhat should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathroom layout in Khrushchev

Even in the photo, the toilet and bathroom in Khrushchev look narrow and cramped. Moreover, often both of these rooms in such houses are combined into a common bathroom, which also does not differ in space. In almost all projects of the "Khrushchev" five-story buildings, both of these rooms account for about 2-3 square meters of usable area, a maximum of 4 squares.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

small bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Placement of equipment in the bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathroom in a small room

It is extremely difficult to place all the necessary plumbing with a washing machine on the existing patch. Therefore, the choice of furniture and other furnishings, as well as the layout of the bathroom interior and its design, in this case, should be approached more from the standpoint of ergonomics than aesthetics. It is impossible to forget about the beauty of finishing when repairing an apartment. But putting it at the forefront in Khrushchev is not worth it.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Blue bathroom

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathroom in Khrushchev

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Bathroom with curtains

Bathroom furniture materials

A bathroom in Khrushchev implies constant contact of furniture with water, so it is better to refuse models made of solid wood. It absorbs moisture and quickly becomes unusable.

A good option in terms of aesthetics, durability and price is MDF furniture. Manufacturers cover the facades, body and countertops of MDF cabinets and cabinets with a special water-repellent coating.

The manufacturing technology involves several stages: applying a polyurethane primer, glossy enamel, and then drying using ultraviolet rays. The surface is perfectly even and smooth, and most importantly - resistant to moisture.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

Recently, models in the bathroom made of plastic are very popular. A wide color palette allows you to embody any design solutions.

Furniture can even be translucent, resembling real glass. Plastic furniture is easy to care for and is not afraid of excess moisture.

The presence of glass elements is not only beautiful and stylish, but also helps to increase the space. Glass facades and countertops are not afraid of moisture.

But remember, water drops easily flow down a flat and slippery surface, so be sure to provide bumpers along the walls.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

How to economically use usable space

The bathroom must be installed close to the wall, leaving no space between them. And decorate the joints with a corner.
Allocate a place for a washing machine under the sink

Please note that there is a large selection of compact washing machines that fit perfectly under the sink.
You can also place a small cabinet under the sink.
It helps to save space by using a shower cabin instead of a bathtub.
If possible, make a niche in the wall and place a washing machine, water heating equipment there, or simply install shelves for cosmetics.
Choose plumbing that takes up less space, such as a corner bath and toilet.
Use stainless steel corner shelves. They perfectly save space and hold a large number of bathroom accessories.
The front door must open outwards.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

If the layout of the apartment allows, you can also grab part of the corridor.

To rationally increase the functionality of the room, it is necessary to properly zone it.

The classical division into zones presents the following points.

  1. Utility zone - the territory on which lockers, shelves, a washing machine will be placed.
  2. Area for the adoption of air procedures (washbasin, shower or bath).
  3. Area of ​​natural needs (bidet, toilet or urinal).

You can highlight a specific area using stylistic techniques. For example, highlight a certain area with lighting, make a floor with several levels or create an accent through contrasting colors of materials.

What should be the design of the bathroom in Khrushchev

You can try to hide communications in the walls, provided that space is preserved.


