Marble in the bathroom

Bathroom interior design with marble tiles

Marble tiles can decorate any bathroom. Especially it will fit well into the interiors of the following styles:

  • classical;
  • antique;
  • rococo;
  • baroque;
  • retro;
  • art deco;
  • minimalism;
  • eco.


For such an interior, white, gray or beige marble is suitable. It is better to choose tiles with veins - this design is ideal for classics. The floor can be made plain light, or you can combine white tiles with black ones. This combination is always rich and interesting.

Marble in the bathroom

For a small bathroom, pick up a light glossy or semi-gloss tile - with it the room will seem more spacious. A part of the wall will be decorated with a panel of figured tiles - its borders can be marked with a golden frame. For a classic interior, a white bathtub and copper or gilded plumbing are suitable. If space allows, you can install a stone countertop in a contrasting color for the sink - brown, black, dark green. Furniture for such an interior is selected wooden white, beige or creamy. It can be decorated with carvings or soft, simple patterns.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom


To create a real antique interior, use white or beige marble with gold veins. It is suitable for walls, and for the floor it is better to choose a tile with a round pattern. It can decorate every tile or be only on two or three. The flooring should “echo” with the walls, so the pattern should also be with gold.

A distinctive feature of the antique style is columns and stucco. You can make a decorative column in the bathroom - against the background of marble, it will look especially elegant

One of the walls can be decorated with stucco, but it is important to choose the right material. For example, gypsum will not withstand high humidity and will crumble

Pick up a gold-framed mirror, candle-shaped lamps, and a couple of statuettes of Greek goddesses, and the interior is complete.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Baroque and Rococo

The bathroom will have a lot of gold, stucco and crystal. White, pink and beige marble will fit into such an interior. Large black tiles are suitable for the floor. A tile of the same color can be laid out on the wall. The use of mosaics is also welcome. Small tiles can decorate the bathroom from the outside, the countertop, the space around the mirror. In a large room, you can hang a crystal chandelier under the ceiling, for a small room - choose original lamps.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom


Here you need to choose in which retro style the interior will be made - marble is not always suitable. It is relevant if you make a vintage bathroom, in the style of the 30s, for example. For a later period, the use of natural stone is not typical.

Marble in the bathroom

In retro interiors, white marble tiles are more often placed on the floor, staggered with black or gray. She can also lay out an apron near the bath, and glue washable wallpaper on top.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

art deco

This style breaks stereotypes and allows you to combine the incongruous. For such interiors, they came up with a bright palette of marble tiles. In the design, you can use black, red, blue, brown tiles. The all-black bathroom is truly Art Deco.

In such interiors, a checkered black and white floor is often made, the room is decorated with a large crystal chandelier, plants in large pots, and a mirror in a wide frame.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom


Modernism is characterized by restraint and conciseness. In the design of a bathroom in this style, marble can be used, but it should be dim. Best suited gray, white and light brown. There will be no unnecessary items here, so the marble wall will become the semantic center and the main decoration of the room.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom


The minimum number of details, furniture, decor and colors are the main features of this style.But even with such restraint in everything, the interiors are rich and refined. To get real minimalism, it is better to use marble in natural colors - white, gray, and also black. Red, green, blue colors are not suitable for such interiors.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom


Only natural materials are used here. For walls and floors choose natural stone or artificial, imitating it. Soft marble will fit very organically into an eco-bathroom. It will go well with natural wood, glass, green plants. Such rooms are decorated in restrained colors - bright, glossy tiles are not suitable for such rooms.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Disadvantages of marbled tiles in the bathroom high price and care

If the owners of the apartment decided to finish the bathroom with natural marble, you need to know about the shortcomings of this material.

Marble in the bathroom

You should not choose marble for finishing the bathroom if the renovation budget is limited.

About the high cost has already been said. One can only add that facing from large slabs and the use of rare varieties of stone for this will be the most expensive (for example, the difference in the price of ordinary white and blue, which can be mined only in a few mines in Argentina, differs tenfold).

The disadvantage may be the porosity of this natural material. Of course, the walls will breathe, but moisture, chemicals, dirt will also be better absorbed. Before installation, stone slabs are ground and treated with protective solutions, but one small chip nullifies the protection.

Marble in the bathroom

With all its elegance, marble is a rather fragile and whimsical material.

Caring for natural finishes is not easy. Natural stone is sensitive to aggressive chemicals such as chlorine and acids. Read the ingredients of chemicals carefully. Even a small amount of any acid can ruin the coating. Marble cannot be cleaned with abrasive.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble tiles are perfectly combined with various materials.

Marble texture for bathroom

According to the texture, marble tiles can be of three types:

  • matte;
  • glossy;
  • semi-gloss.


A big advantage of matte tiles is that they do not require frequent cleaning. It absorbs light, due to which splashes, stains, wool, dust particles are not visible on it. On a matte surface, small scratches remain invisible, so it is better to lay such tiles on the floor. For the bathroom, this coating is ideal because even when water gets in, it does not slip.

Manufacturers offer tiles with varying degrees of porosity. If there are too many small holes on the surface, it is difficult to wash it. Over time, dirt can eat into such a tile, and it will have a grayish tint.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom


This tile is recommended for small bathrooms. Due to the fact that light is reflected from the glazed surface, the space visually expands. With a glossy tile, the interior seems brighter and “juicier”. The glossy marbled tiles in black and green colors look spectacular.

Marble in the bathroom

This material also has disadvantages: the surface is highly slippery, and small scratches and chips are very noticeable on it. This tile is easy to clean, but you need to do it often, because any dirt on it is clearly visible.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom


If both of the previous options do not suit you, buy semi-gloss tiles for the bathroom. It is slightly shiny, but has a rough surface. This tile does not get dirty as quickly as glossy tiles, but it also does not require frequent washing. It is suitable for both walls and floors of any interior style.

Types of marble effect bathroom tiles

Bathroom marble tiles are of the following types:

  • floor;
  • wall;
  • mosaic;
  • curly.

Each of them differs in color scale, design, the size and operational characteristics. So, the floor is much stronger than the wall, and can withstand heavy loads.Standard wall tiles are suitable for decorating large areas, and with the help of figured and mosaics, separate areas in the room are distinguished.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom


It is ideal for the bathroom and other rooms with high humidity. The tile is wear-resistant - the service life is at least 50 years. During this time, it does not lose color. Such a tile is not afraid of mechanical damage, it is several times stronger than concrete, so it is difficult to split it.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom


It has the same characteristics as the floor, but has less strength. However, it is marbled tiles that often decorate walls. It is easy to clean, not afraid of temperature extremes, high humidity and aggressive detergents. This tile does not need frequent cleaning. It has low electrical conductivity, so static electricity does not accumulate on the surface, and dust, hair and wool do not stick.

Buyers are offered a huge range of wall marble tiles. It differs in size, color, texture. In stylish designer interiors, a combination of tiles under natural stone of different shades is often found. The combinations are the most unexpected, for example, snow-white marble is combined with gray or pink.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom


Marble mosaic will fit into the interior of the bathroom - it has been a favorite for several seasons. Mosaics are small squares in the same color scheme that differ in shade.

She, like any tile, is not afraid of moisture, high temperature and mechanical stress. Mosaics decorate uneven surfaces, corners, countertops - this is very convenient, especially if the bathroom has a modest area. Decorate the interior and mosaic inserts on the wall. They can be selected either to match the tile, or in a contrasting color.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom


White marble in the bathroom looks beautiful, but sometimes boring. In order for the interior to have a zest and character, you can also use figured tiles. If an ordinary tile has right angles, then the curved edges have smooth, rounded ones.

It is more difficult to lay such a tile than a regular one. When laying, a lot of waste remains, so initially you need to buy more of it. Figured tiles do not need to lay the room from floor to ceiling. You can only decorate a small part of the wall above the bathroom or another prominent area.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

What interior elements can be made of marble

It is not necessary to stone the bathtub from floor to ceiling. Sometimes just a few details are enough for the natural elegance of the stone to add sophistication to the room. As practice shows, products made of marble and marbled are always appropriate and look great.

Marble in the bathroom

In addition to tiles, various pieces of furniture, decorative items and structural elements can be made from marble.

Marble bathroom countertop

Available in both natural and artificial stone. Combines beauty and practicality. Countertops made of artificial marble are lighter than natural ones, most of them are made using seamless technology, and therefore they are not afraid of mold and fungus.

Marble in the bathroom

The marble chips countertop will effectively decorate the bathroom and give the interior an aristocratic charm.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble countertop is practical and luxurious

Marble countertop will be a great addition to ceramic tiles of various textures and colors.

Marble kitchen sink

Another now popular application of this material. This sink is a worthy replacement for traditional stainless steel. It looks expensive and presentable, able to transform the entire bathroom.

Marble in the bathroom

Plumbing products made of cast marble allow you to equip the kitchen with beautiful products

Such sinks are durable, they are not afraid of corrosion. If damaged, they lend themselves well to restoration: a chipped piece can be glued, scratches can be rubbed off.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble sink can be matched to any interior style

The disadvantages are the same as those of marble tiles - high cost, weight and exacting care.

Marble in the bathroom

When choosing decor and furniture made of marble, it is worth remembering that the material requires special attention.

Bathroom Marble Tile Color Palette

The color of real marble without inclusions and veins is white. Tiles in this color are popular and often used for decoration. It looks restrained and luxurious, especially in combination with black tiles.

The color palette also includes gray marble. It comes in different shades - it all depends on how much extraneous impurities are added to the material. The more of them, the richer the gray color. Due to this composition, this tile is more durable. It is resistant to any mechanical stress, moisture, sudden changes in temperature.

Designers have come up with more shades of marble than nature. Granite chips of different colors are added to the composition, and blue, red, brown pink and green marble is obtained. The choice is so rich that the material can be used in interiors of different styles, and not just in the classic one.

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Marble in the bathroom

Toilet installation

A very important step in plumbing work is the installation of a toilet bowl. As for the toilet bowl made of artificial stone, its installation is no fundamentally different from attaching the same object from another material.

And the process itself looks like this:

  1. The sewer inlet is cleaned and plugged with something, such as an eggplant.
  2. A corrugated pipe is put on the outlet and the plumbing is placed where it will be based.
  3. A special gasket is placed under the base. It is usually included in the kit. If there is no gasket, then something soft will do. Then the toilet is put in place.
  4. Make markings in the place where the toilet should be located and where the fasteners will be located.
  5. Drill holes for the dowels, setting the toilet aside. If the floor in your bathroom is made of tiles, only its top layer is drilled without using perforation. And only then they drill it again with a perforated impact drill.

  6. Dowels are inserted into the fastening points just done.
  7. Apply a gasket or silicone sealant in the form of a gel and set up the toilet where it will stand. Sealant is needed in order to protect the fastener from contamination, as well as from the formation of rust on the fasteners.
  8. Make sure that the drilled holes match perfectly with the holes in the toilet for fixing. If necessary, there is an instruction in the kit, check it.
  9. Insert the screws and washers into place and screw them into the dowels. Please note that you cannot drive them in, only screw them in.
  10. The edges of the corrugation are treated with silicone sealant and connected to the drain pipe. The plastic bottle cap must be removed.
  11. Proceed to the installation of the tank. It is fixed with bolts having corrosion protection. The use of sealing washers between the cistern and the toilet, as well as between the cistern and the bolts, is mandatory.
  12. Mount a hose through which water will flow. The nuts are first tightened by hand and only then tightened with a wrench. Seal the joints with silicone or rubber washers. It is better not to use winding for this purpose, since further leakage is possible.

After all the steps are completed, you must wait for the silicone to dry. Usually six hours are enough for this, and only then can you start using the installed plumbing. As for the special rules for connecting a corrugated pipe with a drain pipe, the main thing here is that the sealant does not get into the pipe itself.

The advantage of installing a toilet bowl made of artificial stone with your own hands is also the fact that this does not require any special devices or complex installation tools. Enough of what is found in every home is a set of wrenches and adjustable wrenches for work.

Positive qualities of toilet bowls made of artificial stone

The advantages of such products are many. Here are the main ones:

Marble in the bathroom

Volumetric stone toilet

  1. In principle, toilets made of artificial stone are practically no worse than their counterparts made from other more popular materials, such as faience or porcelain. Plumbing made of artificial stone is quite hygienic. With this material, even equipment and furniture for treatment centers are made, where this is one of the main requirements.
  2. All products that were made from artificial stone are durable and have a long service life.
  3. Their weight is much less than that of their ceramic counterparts.
  4. Plumbing and other interior items with stone do not crack as easily as, for example, porcelain. But even a broken object, if it is taken to specialists, is much easier to restore than a similar one made from another material, such as earthenware or porcelain. At the same time, no visible trace will remain at the site of the split. The specialist will simply heat the object and treat the split surface with special glue.
  5. All plumbing, the material for which was an artificial stone, is made by casting, using natural stone chips. In addition, the mixture includes various additives that provide products with additional strength.
  6. Plumbing is also covered with a special layer that protects the product from mechanical damage and gives it hygienic properties.
  7. The advantage of artificial stone sanitary ware over that which consists of natural stone is that it does not absorb odors and dirt like its natural counterpart.

  8. Of course, natural stone is more refined, expensive and looks monumental, but artificial stone does not have its drawbacks, it does not need such complex, costly and thorough care.
  9. In addition, after a while, the natural stone toilet will have to be restored, which will also cost you a pretty penny. While a product made of artificial stone has only one drawback - it is its unnaturalness.
  10. And the last plus is, of course, a more affordable cost compared to an identical natural stone option.


