Gypsum plaster is successfully used for leveling walls in apartments. With its help, you can get a high quality surface, which will minimize puttying work.
Important features of gypsum plaster
It is convenient to work with gypsum plaster; if the technology is followed correctly, even a beginner in plastering can handle its application. However, this material has its own characteristics, which must be taken into account when working with it.
- Gypsum-based plaster hardens very quickly, so the solution must be prepared in small portions, each of which can be used up in one go.
- Hardened gypsum plaster mortar can no longer be made usable.
- It is important to follow a clear sequence during solution preparationotherwise it won't stick to the wall.
- To apply plaster in a thin layer, the mortar must have a more liquid consistency; for a layer with a thickness of 2 cm or more, it must be thick.
- The room in which plastering work is carried out must be dry, the temperature should be from 5 to 25 degrees.
The minimum set of tools for work
For plaster work using a gypsum composition, you will need the following tools and materials:
- wide spatula;
- trowel;
- a container for preparing a solution;
- construction mixer or drill with a nozzle;
- long rule;
- lighthouses;
- trowel or sponge grater;
- dry plaster mixture;
- pure water.
Wall preparation
Surface preparation before applying the gypsum plaster solution is carried out in several stages.
- Cleaning the wall from the old coating. Especially important remove oil painton which gypsum plaster will not hold. The paint is cleaned off with a metal brush or a special nozzle on a drill. In the presence of old plaster with defects, problem areas are cleaned to a hard base.
- Removal of dirt and dust. When cleaning walls from dust and small debris, it is convenient to use wide brush brush.
- Primer wall treatment. This is done to improve adhesion - adhesion of the solution to the surface and reduce the hygroscopicity of the walls. For concrete surfaces, the composition "Concrete-contact" is suitable. For brick or block walls with increased absorbent properties, you need to choose a deep penetration soil. There are also specialized primers for wooden or painted substrates.
Important! To obtain a high-quality result, it is necessary to prime not only the original surface, but also each layer of the solution after it has been applied and dried.
Lighthouse plastering
Alignment method using lighthouses suitable for large surfaces and provides a high quality coating. As lighthouses, metal profiles sold specifically for this purpose, strings, wire or thin cables can be used.
Installation of beacons
Lighthouses need to be leveled, trying to do it in such a way that the finish layer ends up as thin as possible. Let's consider the installation of standard beacons from a perforated profile, fixed with a solution. If you choose this installation method, follow these steps:
- Determine the position of the lighthouses using the level, make markings on the walls. Extreme beacons should be 20 cm from adjacent walls, the distance between intermediate beacons should be less than the length of the rule.
- Mix a small amount of mortar and sprinkle it in heaps along the extreme marking line at a distance of 30–50 cm from each other.
- Dip the bar in the solution, adjusting its position according to the level. Do the same with the second extreme beacon.
- For convenience, when setting intermediate beacons, you can use a long rail or thread stretched between the extreme beacons.
It is advisable not to leave the profiles under a layer of plaster, but to get it after the finished surface has completely dried, smearing the grooves with a fresh solution. If the beacons are not removed, they can rust over time. Rust can show through to the surface and ruin the finish. You can not worry about this only if tiles are laid on the plaster.
Mortar application
Gypsum mortar is convenient in that it can not only be thrown, but also smeared. When using lighthouses, it is most convenient to throw it with a trowel so that the mortar cakes can provide the desired layer thickness. You can apply the plaster mass on the wall with spatulas.
Important! The layer of gypsum plaster should not exceed 1 cm. If a greater thickness is required, additional layers will have to be made.
There are different methods of applying gypsum plaster, consider one of them.
- Wet the wall with water.
- Throwing or applying plaster on the wall, fill it with a plane bounded by two lighthouses, a ceiling and a floor.
- Using the rule, distribute the solution over the area between the beacons. Move the rule from bottom to top, resting it on the beacons and moving it slightly from side to side.
- Remove the excess solution with a narrow spatula from the rule and throw it on the places where voids have formed.
- After the mortar has set, go over the surface with a rule to cut off excess plaster. It is necessary to correctly wait for the time so that only the top layer is cut off and the whole mass does not follow the rule. You can’t wait too long either, the approximate waiting time is half an hour.
- If there are notches or small flaws on the surface, you need to wait for the layer to dry, knead a new solution, apply plaster with a spatula to problem areas and level it with a rule.
- After the applied mixture dries, the surface is moistened and rubbed with a grater in a circular motion.
- Additional smoothing can be done with a trowel, sponge grater or wide spatula. You can achieve a glossy surface by moistening the surface with water a day after the plaster has dried and smoothing it with a spatula until the desired result is obtained.
Qualitatively applied plaster does not require puttying before wallpapering. Before painting, the wall must be prepared more carefully: sanded, coated with a primer and applied finishing putty.
Helpful Hints
To succeed when working with gypsum plaster, use the following tips.
- Do not forget that gypsum plaster is not suitable for rooms with high humidity.
- Before starting work, cover the floor with clean plastic wrap or cardboard. This will allow not only not to stain the floor covering, but also to select and use the fallen solution for its intended purpose.
- Do not try to achieve the desired surface in one pass as a rule and do not smooth the plaster in one small area. Try to work on the entire area between the beacons at once.
- If you do not need perfect alignment of the walls vertically and horizontally, you can not use beacons. Using the rule, you can achieve visual evenness of the walls.