How is the rate of water consumption per person calculated?
To determine how much water a resident of an apartment building approximately consumes, the following factors must be taken into account:
- consumption norms that apply in any region of Russia;
- consumption norms set by local authorities;
- how much water (according to the meter) a family with the same number of people consumes.
It was mentioned above that the standard is set depending on the region where a person lives, respectively, the season also affects the volume of water consumption: in summer - higher, in winter - lower.
If the apartment has serviceable household appliances and plumbing (an economical faucet, a flush tank for a toilet bowl, etc.), a person saves water, respectively, the consumption rate can be reduced.
The flow rate of the consumed liquid, on the contrary, increases when the equipment passes water, the faucet or the toilet bowl is leaking. If this fact is identified and documented by an employee of the housing organization, the consumption rate per person may be increased.
People pay for cold, hot water supply according to the tariffs set by local authorities.
In apartments where metering equipment is not listed, the cost of used water is calculated as follows:
- instead of readings from an apartment water meter, they take average indicators of water consumption in the house (separately for hot and cold water);
- multiply by the tariff for one cubic meter;
- and, if available, take into account the multiplying factor.
How to calculate how much water residents of a private house consume
Note that it is not easy to calculate how much water a person living in a private house consumes. In addition to the fact that water is used for personal needs (hygienic procedures, washing, washing dishes, cooking, etc.), the owner needs to water the green spaces adjacent to the house - a garden, a kitchen garden.
Water consumption increases if a private house has a swimming pool and other benefits of civilization.
It is possible to correctly calculate the volume of water consumption in a private dwelling only at the design stage. It is also necessary to consider what equipment and equipment the tenant uses.
- if you continuously use water for an hour, then a person will use up about six cubic meters of liquid;
- for watering green spaces adjacent to the house, about two cubic meters of water are required;
- watering the garden, in one hour the summer resident consumes up to four cubes of liquid.
These data are approximate, calculated for houses with standard equipment and conventional engineering networks.
How can you reduce the cost of water supply, general house needs when equipping meters
Most of the inhabitants express the opinion that without water meters per person, the monthly mandatory payments for an apartment exceeded all expectations. Installation of equipment is carried out at the expense of the owner of the apartment, but in the end he receives an undeniable benefit.
In residential buildings equipped with one central riser, several meters can be installed: hot and cold water supply. In multi-apartment buildings with two risers, 4 devices will have to be installed: respectively, two for hot water supply, two for cold water, while the amount of work is greater, the tariff will be slightly higher.
Meters for cold and hot water
2 How much water should you drink daily?
When calculating the daily norm of water, other types of liquid are not taken into account. Tea, compotes, juices and other drinks are recognized by the body as first courses, therefore they are not part of the drinking regimen. When determining the volume of liquid, you need to consider only ordinary drinking water. It is not recommended to boil it, since most of the nutrients are lost in this case.
The best option is to drink spring water.If this is not possible, it is recommended to use the liquid after cleaning with high-quality filters. You can also use the settling method. The liquid sold in stores should be discarded, since it loses many useful properties after distillation and mineralization processes.
The norm of water per day for children over 12 years old and an adult, depending on weight:
Weight, kg) |
Amount of water per day (l) |
40 |
1,2 |
45 |
1,4 |
50 |
1,5 |
55 |
1,7 |
60 |
1,8 |
65 |
2 |
70 |
2,1 |
75 | 2,3 |
80 | 2,4 |
85 | 2,6 |
90 | 2,7 |
95 | 2,9 |
100 | 3 |
You can accurately calculate the daily rate of water depending on weight as follows:
- A woman needs to multiply her body weight by 31.
- A man needs to multiply his weight by 35.
For example, if a woman weighs 60 kilograms, then she should drink 1.8 liters of water daily (60 x 31 \u003d 1,860 ml / 1000 \u003d 1.8 liters).
For a man weighing 90 kilograms, the calculations will be as follows: 90 x 35 \u003d 3,150 ml / 1000 \u003d 3 liters.
Hot water standard per person 2019 in the Moscow region
At the same time, municipal authorities can change the percentage of indexation, based on the well-being of their own budgets. In Moscow, the degree of tariff growth traditionally remains one of the highest. The 2019 utility consumption standards are a quantitative indicator of the volume of consumption of such resources:
Water standards 2019 in Moscow
The provided calculations are subject to careful verification by authorized specialists, the existing discrepancies are recorded in the minutes, and then approved by the relevant Order for each company, with the obligatory consideration of fixed marginal value increase indices, for the period from July 1 of the next calendar year to June 30 of the planned year.
Rules for calculating the cost of a cubic meter of water The tariff for cold water includes resource costs for its provision to the direct user, namely: and water disposal.
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Norms of consumption and consumption of hot and cold water per person per month without a meter
Payment for the consumption of hot and cold water by residents is calculated according to the readings of special metering equipment. However, in their absence, the calculation is carried out in accordance with the standards established by the regional authorities.
And in terms of water disposal, it is generally impossible to keep records using any equipment.
So its calculation is carried out either according to consumption standards, or based on the volume of consumed service - but the second option is not applicable without metering devices.
Consumption rate for hot water and cold water per person in 2019
Utility consumption standards approved by the Tariff Department of the Novosibirsk Region for 2019 According to formula 4 (1) of Appendix 2 to the Rules for the provision of utility services (Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. an individual metering device for the corresponding utility resource, a multiplying factor of 1.5 is applied.
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Water consumption without metering devices: norms, tariffs, calculation
Washing dishes per day requires up to 12 liters, and washing involves consumption of up to 100 liters. If the house is private, you also need to take into account such an important expense item as watering the lawn or other territory of the planted area. This work also consumes a large amount of liquid.
Norm of water consumption without a meter per person in 2019
- to drain from the toilet bowl 118 times 6 liters = 710 liters;
- to take a bath 4 times 250 liters = 500 hot and 500 liters cold;
- take a shower 25 times 100 liters = 1250 hot and 1250 liters cold;
- to use the sink in the kitchen 95 times 8 liters = 380 hot and 380 cold;
- for washing clothes and mopping 31 times 8 liters = 50 hot and 200 cold;
- using the sink for hygiene purposes (brushing teeth, washing hands) 107 times 20 liters = 1070 hot and 1070 cold.
Standard for cold water per person
As for the technical feasibility of installing a meter, there are certain criteria under which this process becomes impossible: Changing them can occur under the following circumstances: making appropriate amendments to the current Rules; the parameters of the room and the climate become different; if there is a need to recalculate using the analog method, if the previously set value was calculated based on the formula.
Hot water standard per person 2019 in the Moscow region Link to the main publication
How much water does a person need per day
According to many experts, the norm of water consumption by a person per day is 1.5 liters. Among fitness club trainers, the “8 glasses” rule is popular. However, it is difficult for many to get used to such norms, and some doubt that such a displacement is the same for everyone.
And they do it right: the required amount of water for all people is different and it depends on many factors.
This includes, in addition to 1.5 liters of clean drinking water, liquid that enters the body with food, including compotes, fresh juices and dairy products. Also, every day, approximately 300 ml of fluid is formed in the human body due to biochemical reactions.
How is the norm of drinking water per person per day determined?
How to determine the amount of water needed
As mentioned above, there are many factors that need to be guided in order to find out how much water a particular person should drink per day.
The main ones are:
- Gender identity. Since men have more muscle tissue, which consists of 70-80% of water, than women, their need for fluid is greater and amounts to 2 liters. In women, sweating is lower than in men, so the average daily water intake for them is 1.5 liters.
- activity and body weight. A person's daily need for water increases if he is actively involved in sports or physical labor - it can reach 3 liters or even more.
- Also, the required water consumption is adjusted in accordance with the weight of a person: 30-40 g of water is needed per 1 kg. For those who play sports, there is a special American drinking scheme. In accordance with it, in training every 15-30 minutes you need to take 3-5 sips of water. And at the end of the workout, it is advisable to drink the amount of water corresponding to weight loss.
- Seasonality. Of course, in winter, the body requires much less water than in summer. But even if you absolutely do not want to drink, this must be done to avoid dehydration, the signs of which are drowsiness, weakness, brittle nails, dry skin.
In order to feel good in summer, you need to constantly replenish the lack of moisture. The flow of water required to maintain the water balance increases with an increase in air temperature. So, if at 21 ° C per day you need 1.5 liters of water, then at 32 ° C - 3 liters.
Norms of consumption of hot water and cold water per citizen
The standard for hot water in apartments was determined in 1988. Instead of IPU, then a single meter was used along the entrance, connected to the water supply pipes in the basement. Therefore, some tenants paid more than they consumed, others less, and the concept of “saving water” was unfamiliar.
The calculation of the standard indicator was entrusted to the Ministry of Construction. To do this, we analyzed the life of an average citizen, calculating the number and volume of cases of water consumption.
This included:
- personal hygiene - how many times the consumer takes bath procedures;
- average number of flushes per toilet;
- laundry, cooking;
- use of sinks in the kitchen and bathroom.
Water consumption rates according to SNiP 2.04.01-85
DHW consumption rate
According to statistics, a citizen consumes about one hundred liters daily. Consequently, the monthly consumption of hot water per person according to the standard is about 3000 liters. The DHW used in the heating system is not included in this article, so an additional fee is charged.
With counter and without IPU
Based on the fact that the cost of heated water is higher and consumption is lower, the absence of a measuring device has a greater impact on the budget.
This is affected by the following payment calculation features:
- In case of shortage, the MC has the right to recalculate. This leads to a doubling, i.e. the hot water standard per person will be considered x2.
The final figure is 4.7 cubic meters. Actual consumption, with rare exceptions, is much lower. Hence the obvious benefit in the installation of IPU DHW.
Cold water consumption standard
Cold water is spent more often and in large quantities, so the ratio for it is higher, i.e. 200 liters per day, 6000 monthly. The result is about 6.9 cubic meters. meters.
You can calculate the consumption of cold water according to the estimated costs:
- shower and bath - 210 and 200 liters per week;
- toilet - about 200 liters daily;
- hygiene procedures - another 200 liters weekly.
The rest pertains to the kitchen sink, laundry, cleaning, running the faucet unnecessarily, and so on.
With individual device and without IPU
The cold water flow rate takes into account emergency situations and usually high consumption is associated with them. Because of this, the objective indicator has to be overestimated. In some cases, installing a cold water meter does not always turn out to be as beneficial as it obviously is advantageous in relation to a hot appliance. However, the owner of an apartment in an MKD, under normal circumstances, does not spend the entire standard per month.
How much money goes down the drain
Average consumption of hot water and cold water per citizen per month
Usually, consumption does not exceed the limits set by the legislator. The consumption rate of hot water per person per day is from 14 to 140 liters, cold - from 30. Therefore, in most cases, installing the device will be more profitable, even if the resource is not saved.
It is difficult to take into account the average indicator for two reasons - separate figures for the regions of the country and most of the regions. Consumption is strongly influenced by climate conditions, since in the North the consumption of hot water is higher. Additionally, the season matters.
Factors affecting the average consumption of hot water and cold water:
- the presence of a bathroom - in its absence, a shower cabin spends much less;
- connection to the central water supply system for heating water instead of using a heater;
- household appliances - "dishwasher", "washer".
The value varies with the condition of the plumbing, but the effect is more traceable over a yearly period. Faucets that require repair or replacement give a noticeable leak, and modern faucets save the budget and resources.
Ways to save money when paying for water
Definitely, it will not work to reduce the amount of payment for water without a meter. The expense will be calculated based on the standard values and the number of residents registered in the apartment. So the main solution to the problem of saving is the installation of the apparatus.
You can save on water by stopping using it for nothing, as well as equipping your home with modern household appliances. For example, with the help of an economical washing machine or dishwasher, the daily consumption rate will be almost halved. And with the help of the habit of periodically turning off the tap while brushing your teeth, shaving, washing dishes - by another 10%.
It is recommended to update all pipes and plumbing.The slightest deformation can lead to leakage, and hence increased consumption. Faucets should be repaired if they drip. Better yet, replace everything with levers. They are more economical than valve ones by 15-20% (according to research by specialists).
To streamline settlements, building cooperatives, condominiums and management companies install common house metering devices in the entrances. They help to determine the total volume consumed by all residents. As a rule, the amount consumed in apartments with meters is then subtracted from it, and the remainder is divided among the rest of the residents.
Is it profitable to install meters
For some reason, it is widely believed among the population that after installing the meter, you will have to pay many times more for water. This is true only for individual cases when a large family uses water. In other situations, the total consumption recorded by the meter is always significantly less than the standard values. Therefore, you need to pay less. Not to mention the other clear benefits:
- no need to pay for excess consumption of other residents of the house;
- receipts for payment are issued exclusively for the volume of water resources actually spent, which eliminates the need to pay for those periods when no one lived in the apartment;
- the multiplying factor is automatically cancelled;
- it becomes possible to monitor water consumption and take measures to reduce it.
In total, a family of 4 can reduce the cost of paying for cold, hot water and drains by 1.5-2 times a month after installing the meter. And at the same time, pay for what she really spent, and not for what they blindly count in the Management Company or housing department.
Without a metering device, water consumption must be paid in accordance with the standards established in the region. They are different for different types of resources and can be adjusted in each individual subject of the Russian Federation. Installing a water meter will help reduce the cost of water consumption. As well as other measures aimed at the competent use of water resources.
Hot water standard per person per month
In order to establish hot water standards for a month, the regional government must allocate statistical research. On this basis, H is also assigned - the regional standard for the consumption of cold or hot water supply, and T - that is, the regional tariff. In 2019, the transition to a two-component payment for hot water supply began.
Saving Options
Now the consumer will pay every month not for a cubic meter of hot water already received, but for the consumed cold water and the energy spent on heating it.
Water is heated in different ways, supplied from a heat source located in the house, or centrally. All this will be taken into account in the payment for the month and will inevitably lead to an increase in tariffs.
Such a payment system was planned to be introduced at the beginning of 2019. However, it became relevant from July 1, and by 2020 all suppliers will switch to a two-component calculation option.
Hot water standards do not depend on how the consumer will pay. Each person in a certain subject can consume from 2.5 to 4.7 cubic meters. hot water. The consumption rate depends on the region of the consumer.
Daily consumption by country
In Moscow, water consumption is paid more than in any other region. But it is impossible to answer definitely how much the Moscow region pays. It all depends on the locality and the method of water supply.
Interestingly, in a private house, if a person does not install a water meter, a fixed cubic capacity is certainly assigned based on watering the garden. You can not grow anything on the site, but in the absence of a meter, payment will be made for a hypothetically existing subsidiary plot.
Average value for hot water in 2019
The average norm per person for the consumption of hot water in Russia is 166 liters per day, and cold water is much more, about 233 liters.
But the average Russian is an abstract concept, so there are regional norms and counting nuances. If a meter exists, the costs of maintaining an apartment building are added.
For MBDOU and hospitals, taking into account their specifics, this figure can be increased. For those who installed the counter, there is an additional prerogative. You can save on real consumption per month and the discrepancy between the standards.
Calculation of water costs in multi-apartment residential buildings
Each person consumes a different amount of water per day. It can be calculated using the formula:
Volume per day per person \u003d the value of the estimated number of inhabitants * the value of specific water consumption / 1000
In addition, there are adjustment factors for residents of cities with larger and smaller populations.
In order not to fill people's heads with unnecessary numbers and indicators, a consumption standard has been created, which is taken into account when paying utility bills. When there is no metering device, charges are made based on the number of residents officially registered
If, for example, a water heater is installed in the apartment, the excess water consumption for this equipment is distributed equally among all those registered. Accordingly, the more tenants are registered, the higher the payment for water supply and sanitation will be.
Can water costs be reduced?
If the residents of the apartment postpone the installation of water meters, unnecessary expenses are unlikely to be avoided. The standards are set for each house separately, or the average water consumption is calculated according to the data of a separate microdistrict.
You can offer every resident of a high-rise building who does not have a water meter not to waste excess water, but it is unlikely that everyone will agree to abide by this rule.
Sometimes people try to prove in court that the introduction of a multiplying factor is unreasonable, but in practice, few achieve the desired result.
Some residents install special devices that save water. But even such "tricks" do not affect the numbers indicated in the receipt. This is because accruals are made based on the number of people registered in the apartment.
The best way to reduce this expense item is to install a fluid meter. Then you will pay only for those cubic meters that you actually spent. No one will look at the number of registered in the given territory, no one will have to pay for the water used by the neighbor.
Legal Ways to Reduce Water Consumption
To save as much water as possible, you must adhere to the following rules.
Install tools to save money. These include:
- special nozzles for cranes;
- aerators that are put on shower heads and thus reduce water consumption;
- two-button drain systems, which are equipped with barrels.
If the house has household appliances or plumbing that leaks water, you need to urgently fix it. This applies to:
- a dishwasher that is out of order and constantly leaking;
- continuously dripping faucets;
- a toilet bowl into which water flows in a thin stream, etc.
It will not be superfluous to get a modern model of a washing machine. Such an “assistant”, in addition to high-quality washing, will save. For washing clothes, the machine takes half as much water as the old automatic machines.
Those who want to save money will have to introduce new habits:
- turn off the faucet if you do not use water (for example, when you are washing dishes with dish soap, soaping in the shower, while brushing your teeth, etc.);
- give preference to bathing in the shower, i.e. fill the bath with water in rare cases;
- reduce the time of "water procedures".
Sometimes people do not use hot water at all or save it with the help of a stove - they heat the liquid as needed.
Advantages and disadvantages of a water meter
On this issue, people's opinions differ. At first glance, it may seem that the benefits are obvious:
- a tenant of an apartment building will not have to pay for water used by residents of other apartments;
- it becomes possible to independently control the flow of water;
- payment after the fact - if within a day or a month the water is not consumed by a person (for example, the tenant went on vacation), accordingly, nothing needs to be paid;
- there are no increasing coefficients, payment is carried out according to the current tariff.
But sometimes people are unhappy after installing a water meter. This happens if one person is registered in the apartment, but relatives constantly come to him and stay for a long time, that is, in fact, more people live.
It should be noted that such "reviews" are single, and in most cases, installing a meter saves a lot of money. Installation of such a device is not cheap, however, some "pay back" the installation of the device in a matter of months.
In any case, the choice remains with the tenant of an apartment building or a private house. And if a person is satisfied with the established norms for water consumption, no one can force him to install a water meter.
What you should pay attention to when checking water meters:
4 How to drink water
It is important not only to consume the required amount of water per day, but also to observe the drinking regimen. Improper use of the liquid will not only not lead to a positive result, but can also significantly harm health.
Water should be used as follows:
- The liquid should be drunk 15-20 minutes before meals. Its volume should be 1.5-2 cups. Drinking before meals will reduce appetite and avoid overeating, will help thin the blood and reduce the load on the cardiovascular system.
- Do not drink water immediately after a meal. Drinking after meals will lead to problems in the gastrointestinal tract, slowing down digestive processes and the formation of body fat. Immediately after eating, it is only allowed to rinse the mouth.
- The next portion of the liquid should be drunk only 1-1.5 hours after eating.
- Drinking water is recommended at least 4 times a day. With such a frequency, at one time you need to drink at least 1.5-2 glasses.
- Water should be at room temperature - not cold and not hot. It is a warm drink that is well absorbed by the stomach.
- It is necessary to drink liquid in small sips.
- If a person has not previously followed a drinking regimen, then you need to introduce water into the diet gradually. Start with 1 glass a day. Every 2 days it is necessary to increase the volume by half a glass. With this approach, already after 3-4 weeks, you can safely reach the required daily drinking rate.
The best option is to set the drinking regime by the hour. For example, you can consume liquid 4 times a day for 0.5 liters as follows: before breakfast, lunch, dinner and before bedtime.
The role of water in the human body
In the aquatic environment, first of all, all metabolic, biochemical processes, metabolism take place. Scientists have found that the water in a newborn is 90 percent of the total mass, in an adult - 70 ... 80 percent. The critical point is 55 percent of body weight water: this is precisely its percentage in the body of a person who dies of old age. Therefore, it turns out that when a person is said to be “shrunken”, this is not a metaphor at all, but a sad reality. The main ways water enters the human body:
- in the form of liquids (ordinary drinking water, mineral water, juices, etc. - up to 1.2 liters);
- with food products (fruits, vegetables, meat products, bread, seafood and much more - up to 1 liter);
- is formed naturally in the body (as a result of physiological and biochemical processes - up to 0.3 liters).
The main ways of removing water from the human body:
- through the kidneys (up to 1.2 liters);
- with sweating (up to 0.85 liters);
- through breathing (up to 0.32 liters);
- through the intestines (up to 0.13 liters).
5 The effect of water on weight loss
Water, when used wisely, has a positive effect on the process of losing weight. With proper observance of the drinking regimen, you can lose weight in the shortest possible time without harm to the body. Regular drinking leads to an acceleration of metabolic processes, as a result of which fats are burned naturally, and there is a rapid weight loss.
To lose weight quickly without harming your health, it is recommended to adhere to the following rules:
- Start losing weight with water should be in the summer. During such a period, the body is in dire need of a large amount of fluid, so the process of its absorption and excretion does not increase the load on the internal organs.
- The first days you need to drink no more than 1.5 liters. It is necessary to increase the volume of liquid gradually (by 1 glass every 2-3 days). Otherwise, its excessive consumption can cause an exacerbation of existing diseases.
- Drink water half an hour before each meal. Before each meal, you need to drink 1.5-2 glasses of liquid in small sips. Its use will help dull the feeling of hunger, as a result of which a person will eat less food.
- If protein food was consumed, then before the next drink you need to wait at least 3.5-4 hours, if the dish contained carbohydrates, then the liquid is drunk 2 hours after the meal.
- You should significantly limit the use of teas and coffee, carbonated and sweet drinks. These types of fluids have a diuretic effect, their intake leads to dehydration.
- Feeling hungry, you need to slowly drink 1 glass of water. You should eat only if after half an hour after drinking the appetite has not disappeared.
- It is recommended to follow a water diet for at least 2.5-3 weeks. Then you need to take a 3-week break, during which the drinking regime should be carried out in the usual manner.
If necessary, the diet for the purpose of losing weight with water is resumed for another 2 weeks. By adhering to the above recommendations, you can lose up to 4 kilograms of excess weight in a month. Compliance with the drinking regime will help to normalize the functioning of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, eliminate frequent headaches and significantly improve overall well-being.
It is important to know that not everyone can lose weight by consuming a lot of water. It is worth abandoning a strict water diet for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding
It is worth abandoning a strict water diet for women during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
In other cases, adhering to the drinking regimen and consuming the required amount of water daily, you can significantly improve your overall health and prevent the development of many different diseases.
Water source capabilities
are the only factor that is in no way subject to either the owner of the house or the designer of utilities. If the debit of a well or a well is low, then the total daily water consumption in the house will depend on it. After all, residents will be able to spend only the amount that the source is able to provide. It makes no sense to install a more powerful system and focus on the “desired” calculation of water supply: you will have to put up with it and learn how to save water.
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The consumption of water resources is one of the most costly items of utility bills for urban residents. Consumption values can easily depend on the region in which the service is provided, since the tariffs are different and there are other nuances. Standards and norms are not established by public utilities and management companies. Each settlement has its own standards, divided into norms for the consumption of hot water and cold.
Calculations are carried out using the relevant standards, which are approved by the committees and commissions of the sphere of housing and communal services of each subject of the Russian Federation. This suggests that there are no uniform indicators in Russia when calculating the consumption of water resources.
Water consumption costs are also variable. They change depending on the seasons, seasonal needs, the individual needs of each person and other features. That is why the coefficients of unevenness are used in the calculations
It takes into account the number of registered persons living and the norms of SNiP (sanitary norms and rules)