Dolomite is widely used in construction; in the manufacture of binders; thermal insulation materials; as a refractory material and flux in metallurgy; in the chemical industry.
Mineral properties
- Origin of name: named after the French geologist and mineralogist D. Dolomieu / Deodat Guy Tancrede Gratet de Dolomieu (1750-1801).
- Thermal properties: It doesn't melt, it cracks.
- Luminescence: Some samples fluoresce in either SW or LW UV. there is a glow under mechanical action (triboluminescence).
- IM status: valid, first described before 1959 (before IMA)
- Typical impurities: Fe,Mn,Co,Pb,Zn
- Strunz (8th edition): 5/B.03-10
- Hey's CIM Ref.: 11.4.6
- Dana (7th edition):
- Dana (8th edition):
- Molecular weight: 184.40
- Cell options: a = 4.8012(1) Å, c = 16.002Å
- Attitude: a:c = 1 : 3.333
- Number of formula units (Z): 3
- Unit cell volume: V 319.45 ų
- Twinning: Germination twins and polysynthetics
- Dot group: 3 - Rhombohedral
- Spatial group: R3
- Individuality: Marked along the twinning planes for lamellar twins along {0221} and slip twins along {0221}
- Density (calculated): 2.876
- Density (measured): 2.84 — 2.86
- Refractive indices: nω = 1.679 - 1.681 nε = 1.500
- Maximum birefringence: δ = 0.179 - 0.181
- A type: uniaxial (-)
- Optical Relief: moderate
- Selection form: Crystals are rhombohedral, tabular. Aggregates granular, cryptocrystalline, solid porcelain-like, rarely porous, stalactite-like, often crystals with curved, curved faces, compose saddle-shaped aggregates
- Classes according to the systematics of the USSR: Carbonates
- IMA classes: Carbonates
- Chemical formula: CaMg[CO3]2
- Syngony: trigonal
- Color: Grayish-white with a yellowish, brownish, rarely greenish tinge, pink, creamy, colorless
- Dash color: White
Shine: glass
pearl -
Transparency: transparent
shines through - Cleavage: committed by {1011}
Break: conchoidal
stepped -
Hardness: 3,5
4 - Fragility: Yes
- Literature: Palache, C., Berman, H., & Frondel, C. (1951), The System of Mineralogy of James Dwight Dana and Edward Salisbury Dana, Yale University 1837-1892, Volume II: Halides, Nitrates, Borates, Carbonates, Sulfates , Phosphates, Arsenates, Tungstates, Molybdates, Etc. John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 7th edition, revised and enlarged: 208-217.
- Additionally:
Photo of the mineral
Dolomite or brown spar
The Swiss scientist T. Saussure in 1792 was the first to name the mineral dolomite (in honor of the French geologist of the 18th century, D. Dolomieu)
Deposits of the mineral Dolomite
- Kovdor
- Republic of Karelia
- Kola Peninsula
- Russia
- Murmansk region
- Switzerland
- Botogol graphite deposit
- Vitebsk region
- Ruba
- Cabin
- Belki
- Osintorfskoe
- Rivers
- Bogushevskoye
- hit island
- Chelyabinsk region
- Morocco
- Astafyevskoye field
- Tuissite deposit
Fractions of lumpy dolomite in the assortment of the Shishimsky marble company
- dolomite lump 5-12 mm
- dolomite lump 3-7 mm
- lumpy dolomite10-20 mm
- lumpy dolomite 20-40 mm
10-20 mm 5-12 mm 3-7 mm 20-40 mm
Dolomite is a sedimentary rock with high strength, durability and frost resistance:
- An interesting pattern of dolomite allows you to create unusual compositions.
- The warm ocher color of dolomite goes well with almost all building and natural materials.
- This allows the use of dolomite in landscape architecture.
- Dolomite is one of the varieties of marble and is classified as a type of soft rock.
There are not very many dolomite deposits in Russia. The main deposits are located in the Urals, the Volga region and the Caucasus.
Dolomite properties
- Dolomite is a natural stone, belongs to the class of carbonates, is a double carbonate salt of calcium and magnesium;
- The color of dolomite is different - grayish-white, sometimes with a yellowish greenish or brownish tint;
- Glitter glass;
- Dolomite crystals are often "saddle-shaped", with curved edges;
- Dolomite is a widespread vein mineral in hydrothermal deposits.
Application of dolomite
Dolomite has been used in construction for centuries.The extremely high strength and wear resistance of dolomite make it indispensable for:
- Building construction;
- Structures, bridges;
- Production of slabs for steps and external panels;
- For the manufacture of particularly durable paving stones.
In the conditions of the Russian climate, it is especially important that dolomite practically does not absorb moisture, which means that it is as frost-resistant as possible;
Dolomite is used as a decorative stone for interior decoration;
The use of dolomite in cladding, both outside and inside, allows you to get a beautiful and unique design;
Indoors, dolomite is used to make seamless floors.
In production:
- Dolomite is a refractory material used in metallurgy as raw dolomite for the metallurgical industry;
- Raw dolomite is used for firing in furnaces and subsequent use in steel smelting in convectors.
- It is produced in the form of fractions: 5-20 mm, 20-40 mm, 40-80 mm.
Technical specifications:
- grain composition, permissible mass fraction of pieces below the lower limit, no more than, % 10;
- grain composition, permissible mass fraction of pieces above the upper limit, no more than, % 10;
- mass fraction of MgO2 %, not less than 19;
- mass fraction of SiO2 %, not more than 3;
- mass fraction of A12OZ + Fe2O3, % no more than 1.5.
Application of dolomite in metallurgy:
- The annual production volume is approximately 200 thousand tons;
- Raw dolomite for the metallurgical industry is produced according to TU RB 300200623.007-2005;
- In addition, it serves as one of the sources for obtaining metallic magnesium and is used in the production of steel, mainly in open-hearth furnaces (as a raw material for refractories and flux).
The use of dolomite in construction
- Dolomite is widely used as a facing stone in construction, or crushed stone for building work;
- Dolomite filler is used as a mineral filler and powdered dressing in the manufacture of roofing material.
Application in industry:
- Used in the production of paint and varnish products;
- Linoleum;
- Rubber products;
- mastic, sealants;
- And in other industries where more expensive talc is used. Shelf-life Unlimited.
Technical specifications:
- density, g/cm3, no more than 3;
- mass fraction of moisture, %, no more than 1;
- the concentration of hydrogen ions in the aqueous extract, (pH) 7-9.5;
- residue on sieve N 009, %, not more than 10;
- residue on sieve N 014, %, not more than 1.5.
Dolomite is used in the production of:
- Paint and varnish products;
- Linoleum, fiberglass wallpaper;
- Rubber products;
- Mastic, sealants, putty, exterior paint and other industries.
Until now, the main areas of application of dolomite were road and housing construction (dolomite as a filler for asphalt concrete pavement and the basis of cinder blocks for low-rise construction).
Application in agriculture:
In addition, dolomite flour is traditionally used in agriculture as a fertilizer for liming clays.
In welding production:
- In the production of welding electrodes, various materials are used, including dolomite, as a slag-forming element;
- Shelf-life Unlimited.
The universal pastel palette of dolomite and a pleasant and original pattern make dolomite a favorite material for many:
- Production workers;
- Builders;
- Metallurgists;
- Farmers.
Our company is pleased to offer you dolomite, which satisfies even the most demanding taste.
Location forms
It crystallizes in trigonal syngony, rhombohedral type of symmetry. It forms well-faceted crystals of a rhombohedral habit, the crystal faces are often curved and (or) have a block-mosaic structure. In contrast to calcite, dolomite usually has rhombohedra (1011), usually with saddle-curved faces.There are germination twins and polysynthetic twins according to (0221). Also spherocrystals, spherulites, large-, small- and cryptocrystalline granular (often porous), reniform-spherolitic, cellular aggregates and veinlets. Sometimes in the form of oolitic accumulations.