Types of pumps
Pumps for potable water and for dirty
Industrial water pumps
They are divided into two types:
- fecal type;
- drainage type.
However, drainage pumps are capable of pumping liquids with large solids. Therefore, in order not to damage the unit, a filter with a fine mesh is attached to the pipe. This will prevent large debris from entering the unit. This type of pump is universal and can be used not only for basements and cellars. It is used when cleaning dirty pools, artificially created reservoirs, wells.
There is no such thing in the faecal pump. It is not intended for pumping liquids containing solids. Some models of such devices may have a cutting mechanism for crushing large debris.
Submersible pump "Kid"
A representative of this type of pumping equipment is the submersible pump "Kid". The pump is immersed in water, and it should not lie on the bottom, because it draws liquid from the bottom, and at the bottom there are silt deposits that can clog it. The device does not require special cooling of the elements of the electric motor because the waste masses themselves have a low temperature.
The appliance may be equipped with a circuit breaker. So when the liquid reaches a specific point, with the help of a float, the device is disconnected from the network. If the maximum level of waste water is exceeded, the unit will start working again.
The body of the Kid is equipped with a reliable waterproofing. If the housing is leaking, water can enter the engine and damage it. Therefore, periodically you need to remove the device from the water, and check the integrity of the case.
Submersible and external pumps
Principle of operation
These types, depending on the methods of work, are divided into submersible and external. The operation of a submersible pump implies its complete immersion in water.
These pumps must meet the following requirements:
- resistance to chemicals;
- to corrosive formations;
External pumps are lowered into the liquid only partially, the main part of the device is on the surface of the water. Basically, these devices are mobile, but less powerful than the submersible type, which contributes to energy savings.
Features of outdoor pumps
These devices are designed for periodic pumping of water. Prolonged use of them heavily loads the mechanism, which leads to breakage.
Fluid intake occurs by flexible sleeves. In this way, it is possible to pump liquid up to eleven meters deep. Moreover, it is permissible to find large particles up to ten millimeters in water.
The design of the centrifugal type unit
The unit has a pumping chamber and a motor compartment. The rotor (shaft) connects the working compartment and the engine. On the shaft there are wheels with blades designed to pump liquid and maintain high line pressure.
This pump is easy to install. Basically, the body is made of polymer or stainless steel.
The manufacturers of these pumps are such world brands as Gardena, Pedrollo, Karcher, Dab. There are also domestic manufacturers - Dzhileks and Octopus. The most popular brand of devices for pumping out dirty water is Pedrollo Pkm60. This model is capable of maintaining pressure up to forty meters, as well as pumping up to two thousand liters of water in 1 hour. Equipped with a cast iron body.
It is also worth highlighting the OPTIMA JET 80S-PL pump, which has proven itself among the owners of country houses as the best. The case is made of steel, has a power of up to eight hundred watts.Holds pressure at a distance of up to thirty-three meters. Capable of pumping water up to 3 cu. m/hour.
Centrifugal units
The case of centrifugal pumps is monolithic or cantilever. The top of the device performs a protective function, and the bottom is the location of the work area. The chamber contains impellers with an impeller in a circle. Under the wheels is a filter with a mesh. There is a stand on the bottom of the device. They have a bandwidth of no more than two to two and a half centimeters.
There are such brands of submersible pumps Aquatica, Grudfos, Gileks, Metabo, Sturm.
The most common is the Aosta AB SMP 400SS DO pump, which has a power of up to four hundred watts. The unit has an auxiliary discharge fitting. Automated operation occurs due to the float switch. Can work at a depth of up to five meters. Withstands water pressure at a distance of up to ten meters. Capable of pumping liquids up to 298l/min.
You can also highlight the domestic pump Drainage 200/25, manufactured by Gileks.
Vibrating aggregates
Liquid is pumped by means of oscillating movements of the resonator. Centrifugal apparatuses are represented by dynamic apparatuses, and vibrating volumetric devices.
The working chamber of such devices has a membrane that serves as a closure of the engine compartment. It is fixed on a metal rod. The engine here is replaced by a capacitor, which attracts liquid during the working process.
In this case, the working chamber expands, and water is drawn in by means of a vacuum. When the chamber narrows, the liquid is pushed into the pipe and the inlet is closed using an inverted valve. Thus, water supply without jerks is ensured. In terms of productivity, this type is inferior to centrifugal.
Water pumps, both submersible and surface type, are quite expensive. So for periodic use it is not always advisable to purchase an expensive electric pump. The best option here would be to purchase a hand pump. This device is made according to the type of pneumatic hand pump. Here the piston represents the working body.
When the handle is raised up, the rod and cylinder are pulled up. In this case, the chamber is filled with rarefied air and water begins to be sucked in. When the handle is turned to the bottom, the pressure rises and the liquid closes the valve in the suction hole and all water under pressure is discharged through the pipe.
Naturally, in terms of functional characteristics, a manual type device cannot compete with electric devices, but in terms of easy operation it can compete with electric models.
Operating recommendations
In order for the pump for pumping dirty water to work without interruptions and frequent breakdowns, certain rules for its use must be observed. This includes the conditions that must be created during the operation of the drainage pump.
- The ambient temperature in which the self-priming dirty water pump operates must not exceed 40°.
- The density of the liquid, for which self-priming drain-type pumps are used, should not be more than 1000–1200 kg/m3.
- The amount of solid inclusions in the liquid medium, which will be pumped out by the drainage pump, should not exceed 10%.
- Industrial hydraulic machines for contaminated water are connected to a three-phase electrical network with a voltage of 380 V, household models - to a single-phase (with a voltage of 220 V and a frequency of 50 Hz).
How to choose the right model
Among the models of drainage pumps for dirty water, how to choose the best one? When purchasing a pump for pumping water from a basement or cellar, you must first decide on the list of tasks for which such equipment will be used.We list the parameters by which drainage, as well as well or borehole electric pumps are selected.
Characteristics of the pumped liquid
This refers to its type, degree of pollution, as well as the maximum particle size of solid inclusions contained in its composition. From this characteristic, in particular, the diameters of the inlet and pressure pipes of the selected pump, as well as the volume of its internal working chamber, depend.
Stainless steel filter mesh is reliable and durable
This parameter characterizes the volume of liquid that the pump is able to pump per unit of time. You should focus on the degree of intensity with which it is planned to use pumping equipment, as well as on the amount of dirty water that it has to pump out.
Created pressure
This parameter determines the degree of contamination of the liquid that a pump of a certain model can pump out of the cellar or basement, and the distance over which the pumped liquid will be transported along the horizontal section of the pipeline or hose. The depth from which such equipment can pump out a liquid medium also depends on the value of the pressure created by the electric pump. If you are thinking about how to pump water from a well or well and ensure its transportation through an irrigation or water supply system, consider not only the depth of the underground source and the total length of the horizontal section of the pipeline, but also the height to which the water pumped by the pump must be raised above the ground.
Ease of use will also be an important criterion for choosing a pump. For example, easy adjustment of the pumping level by moving the sensor or quick connection of the pressure hose
Location of the inlet
The receiving nozzle can be located in the upper or lower part of the pump casing, as well as on its side. In the event that the selected hydraulic machine is planned to be used for pumping liquid medium from flooded cellars or basements, preference should be given to models with a lower nozzle location. If, with the help of a drainage pump, water will be pumped out of silty reservoirs, it is better to choose equipment with an upper location of this element.
Availability of additional options
If you are interested in purchasing a really good drainage pump, it is better to opt for models that are equipped with all the necessary automation elements. This includes, in particular, idle and overheat sensors, as well as float switches. At the same time, you need to know the following fact: if floatless drainage pumps can be selected for pumping water from basements, trenches or cellars, then they are not recommended for pumping a liquid medium from wells, septic tanks or cesspools.
If you do not take into account the prestige of the manufacturer, then the cost of drainage pumps is significantly influenced by their performance and the ability to pump liquids with large solids.
Operating modes of universal pumps
Choosing a universal pump for arranging a pool, the owner of the pool can set several modes of operation. So, acting in the "circulation" mode, the pump solves the following tasks:
— uniform heating of water;
- its supply to the filter system;
- prevention of flowering;
- help with cleaning.
The "heating" mode can also be used by the user. It involves work, both for pumping water and for draining it, and also helps in the process of mixing the supplied water layers. As a result, the temperature at different depths will be the same and swimmers in the pool will feel maximum comfort during water fun.
Selection of the pumping unit according to the pool type
If a mobile inflatable or frame pool is installed on the site, which the owners mount from season to season, there is no need to spend money on expensive stationary equipment of the pumping group. Water can be scooped out of the bowl with buckets, provided that it has a small volume, and the rest can be drained by gravity using an ordinary garden hose. You can also use portable filtration pumps, which are usually supplied with portable pools.
However, this option is completely unsuitable for capital pools made of monolithic concrete, which are built in a house or in a backyard. For such pools, you need high-quality equipment, correctly selected in terms of power and functionality.
Criterias of choice
In addition to the main criterion - the power of the pump and its format, in the process of buying equipment in a store, the buyer's attention should also be focused on other technical characteristics that determine the scope of use and functionality. Among them:. - throughput;
- throughput;
— dimensions and weight of the body;
— network parameters;
- the presence of a guarantee from the manufacturer;
- ease of use;
— features of the engine;
- appointment;
— complete set of equipment;
- diameter of pipes;
- material of manufacture.
Indirect parameters are also important. Therefore, the list of the following positions deserves careful consideration - the noise level emitted by the pump, the availability of emergency engine shutdown options in it, the possibility of uninterrupted continuous operation, ease of maintenance and operation of the device.
Video: submersible pump for pumping water from the pool
Properly selecting pumping equipment for pumping water from the pool, the developer will be able to avoid many problems. If necessary, he will be able to quickly drain the bowl, preparing the pool for conservation for the winter or cleaning the walls of the pool as part of the scheduled maintenance of the structure.
Compact domestic pumping stations
For the uninterrupted and efficient functioning of autonomous water supply systems for cottages and private houses in automatic mode, compact pumping stations have been increasingly used in recent years. The use of such stations, which include several technical devices, allows minimizing human participation in controlling the operation of pumping equipment due to automation elements. The compact dimensions of household pumping stations for pumping water, which, despite their small size, are characterized by high performance and are able to create good pressure in the pipeline system, allow such equipment to be installed in any convenient place, including in the basement of a residential building.
The household pumping station includes the following technical devices:
- submersible centrifugal pump pumping water from an underground source;
- a filtering plant in which water from an underground source is purified from solid inclusions;
- a circulation pump designed to pump water from the filter unit to the station's hydraulic accumulator;
- a hydraulic accumulator, the internal chamber of which, filled with water, is equipped with a special membrane (the task of this device is to maintain a constant pressure of the liquid medium in the autonomous water supply system, and also to provide this system with water at those moments when the station pump does not work due to a breakdown or lack of power).
Automatic pumping station for individual water supply systems and small garden plots
The operation of a household pumping station in automatic mode is provided by a pressure switch that automatically turns off the pumping equipment if the water pressure level in the accumulator rises to a critical level, and also turns it on when such pressure falls below the permissible value.
Mini-pumps are actively used not only in everyday life, but also in industry, in particular in food industry enterprises.For pumping liquid and viscous media used in technological processes at enterprises in this industry, special food pumps are needed, the structural elements of which are made of materials that are highly resistant to oxidation and do not emit harmful substances into the pumped medium.
Overview of options
A pool in the basement, in the backyard or in the house must guarantee the safety of swimmers. Therefore, the presence in the bowl of flowering water that does not meet the requirements of sanitary and hygienic standards should in no case be allowed. To prevent problems and timely clean the walls of the bowl, periodic pumping of water from the pool is carried out using various pumps.
1. Immersion format - a combination of simple design and impressive functionality
Using the submersible equipment of the pumping group for its pool, the developer will be able to pump water through the grate located in its body. Using the equipment is very simple - it is placed on the bottom of the pool and the motor is started, after which the water is pumped and fed up. The device is used not only for pools, but also for draining wells, cesspools, basements and cellars.
Of the advantages of the pump, it is worth highlighting the prevalence, light weight, compact dimensions and affordability. Disadvantages also cannot be ignored. They are represented by limited performance.
2. Surface pump - easy operation and high power
If for some reason the developer does not consider the possibility of using submersible equipment, he still has the option of using a surface pump. It has a completely different format. The equipment is placed above the surface of the water surface, and a special flank connected to the body is lowered into the bowl with water. When the engine of the equipment is started, the pumping of water from the tank begins.
Overview of models and manufacturers
The selection of equipment begins with an inspection of how much this or that model costs.
But it is important to pay attention to the manufacturer. Here are some options for equipment for pumping / pumping water, which is well-deservedly popular:
- Water cannon - equipment designed to pump flows from a well / well. The throughput of insoluble inclusions is low, the price is from $ 80
- Kid - a design ideal for summer cottages. Low performance affects the low price (from $ 40).
- A brook is a device for supplying water from wells and wells of medium depth. Unpretentiousness to the percentage of pollution, excellent performance, ease of installation and lightness of the device are complemented by a low cost (from $ 30), but the duration of operation is no more than 3-5 years.
- The Gileks range is equipment designed for domestic use in both water supply and sewerage systems. Excellent practical qualities, work with different depths, unpretentiousness to pollution, a very long service life and good maintainability are the obvious advantages of the brand. Equipment cost from $200
- Belamos - models are used to supply clean drinking water and irrigation. They have a built-in control unit, which facilitates the use of the units, and can work in manual, automatic and scheduled modes. There is also a filter to improve the quality of the supplied flow, overload protection, productivity up to 2800 l / h, supply depth up to 8 meters. Price from 150 $
- Gardena is a brand of high reliability equipment. Universal devices are able to cope with the supply of liquid without interruption to high floors, be used for irrigation and at the same time are unpretentious to pollution, as they are equipped with a high-quality filter.Power up to 4000 l / h, ready for use immediately after purchase, the presence of 2 outlets for the hose (for irrigation and drinking water), a low noise threshold and a drainage tube for draining liquid add pluses to the device. Price from 120 $
- Aquarius is an ideal pump for wells up to 45 meters deep. The reliability of the unit is confirmed by the execution of parts made of brass and stainless steel, there is a thermal relay, as well as a complete non-susceptibility to power supply drops (performance will decrease, and the device will not break). Silent operation is also a plus, but it is better to use the unit on clean streams. Price from 120 $
- Whirlwind - pumps for deep wells (from 60 meters). Chrome-plated parts, durable housing, pressure up to 100 meters and price from $ 100 are the pluses of the unit. But power consumption up to 1100 W is a drawback. However, the presence of overheating protection functions, smooth running, high pressure, high-quality assembly exceed the shortcomings.
All presented models from the Russian manufacturer have unique features - they are adapted to power outages, are resistant to mechanical stress and are easy to install. For users who prefer more expensive units, there are alternative options:
- The Grundfos range is an offer from German manufacturers. The company is engaged in the production of equipment for supplying and pumping liquids from wells, wells, tanks. The devices are equipped with sensors for overheating, overload, protection against dry running and voltage surges. Such functionality significantly extends the life of devices, but raises the price to $ 150. However, no matter how much the units cost, they deserve their price - the brand, according to consumers, is considered a leader in its field.
- Unipump is a brand of equipment indicated for use in wells with a high content of insoluble inclusions (up to 100 g/cubic meter). Feeding height up to 52 meters, productivity up to 4.8 m3/hour. There is overheating protection, soft start, automatic operation, but you will have to be careful in use if the liquid is very hard. The price is from $ 110, efficiency and noiselessness are pluses, but a weak network drive is a minus of equipment.
A preliminary analysis of the needs, the design of the water intake source, determining the length of the flow and the functional features of the water supply will allow not only to choose a device of good quality, but also to correctly determine exactly how many pumps will be needed to provide uninterrupted water supply to the house, household or suburban area.