Types of heating systems
The amount of heat that a heating radiator will radiate depends not least on the type of heating system and the type of connection chosen. To choose the best option, you must first understand what kind of heating systems are and how they differ.
Single pipe
A single-pipe heating system is the most economical option in terms of installation costs. Therefore, it is this type of wiring that is preferred in multi-storey buildings, although in private such a system is far from uncommon. With such a scheme, the radiators are connected in series to the line and the coolant first passes through one heating part, then enters the second one, and so on. The output of the last radiator is connected to the input of the heating boiler or to the riser in high-rise buildings.
Example of a one-pipe system
The disadvantage of this wiring method is the impossibility of adjusting the heat transfer of radiators. By installing a regulator on any of the radiators, you will regulate the rest of the system. The second significant drawback is the different temperature of the coolant on different radiators. Those that are closer to the boiler heat up very well, those that are further away become colder. This is a consequence of the series connection of heating radiators.
Two-pipe wiring
A two-pipe heating system is distinguished by the fact that it has two pipelines - supply and return. Each radiator is connected to both, that is, it turns out that all radiators are connected to the system in parallel. This is good in that a coolant of the same temperature enters the inlet of each of them. The second positive point is that you can install a thermostat on each of the radiators and use it to change the amount of heat that it emits.
The disadvantage of such a system is that the number of pipes when distributing the system is almost twice as large. But the system can be easily balanced.
Connection Features
Ways to connect radiators
When installing heating systems in private homes, the following connection methods are used:
In this case, the supply pipe is connected from above, and the return pipe is connected from below to the same section. This heating battery connection scheme allows the radiator to heat up evenly. However, if the accordion has a large number of sections, then significant heat losses will occur, so it is better to use other connection options.
Saddle and bottom
This method is an excellent option for cases where pipes run through the floor. The connection is made to the nozzles located at the bottom of the structure, in opposite sections. The disadvantage of this method is only low efficiency, since heat losses can reach 15 percent.
It is used when connecting devices with a large number of sections. As you might guess, the inlet pipe in this case is connected from above, and the outlet pipe is connected from below, in the opposite section. This scheme for connecting heating batteries in a private house contributes to the uniform distribution of the coolant and maximum heat transfer from appliances.
Note! When using a thermostat for heating in parallel with a radiator, a bypass must be provided. This will allow you to adjust the degree of heating of the device.
Radiator connection diagram
As we can see, the methods of connecting heating batteries depend on a number of factors, such as the method of laying pipes, the power of the equipment, etc. In particular, the type of system is of great importance. We will talk in more detail about the types of heating systems below.
Scheme of a one-pipe system
System types
When installing heating systems, two schemes are used:
- Single-pipe - is the simplest, since the coolant circulates through one pipe, to which heating devices are connected in series. Its disadvantage is that it does not allow you to regulate the heat supply. Therefore, heat transfer corresponds to the design norm laid down in the design. This scheme is used in small systems, since with a large length of the pipeline and a large number of radiators, the devices will heat up unevenly.
- Two-pipe - its meaning lies in the fact that hot water flows through one pipe, and the cooled water returns to the boiler through another. The connection of heating batteries in a private house in this case is carried out, respectively, in parallel. The advantage of such a device is the uniform heating of the sections, as well as the ability to adjust heat transfer. Of the shortcomings, only the need for more pipes can be distinguished, respectively, the cost of the structure increases.
Scheme of a two-pipe system
It should be noted that, regardless of the type of system, connecting heating batteries with your own hands can be done in two ways:
- According to the vertical scheme - the heating device is connected to a vertical riser, from which wiring is carried out to the radiators.
- According to the horizontal scheme - the circulation of the coolant is carried out through horizontal pipelines.
The choice of the scheme for connecting heating batteries depends on the characteristics of the house. For example, if the housing contains several floors, then the connection is implemented according to the vertical scheme.
In the photo - a radiator located under the window
Serial connection of two heating radiators
sanswar wrote. What the customer bought, I delivered. the number of sections and location, the choice made in advance before my recommendations and advice. For example, I generally suggested that he put one instead of two, well, I don’t like the diagonal connection. ugly like that, a lot of "extra" pipes
Yes, I understood it right away, I saw such packs, by the way, I know that there are freaks, that's enough.
sanswar wrote. you can’t put a tap on the bypass, I’m just not one of those ... if something is very critical in the wishes of the customer, I refuse even for an additional payment
And it is right.
I'll raise the topic. From the builder we have two steel panel radiators Maxterm type 22 (two-row, two-panel) with bottom connection (apartment-by-apartment wiring, Bir Peks). In appearance, they seem to have bypasses (nothing was answered on the manufacturer's website about this). No, I'm lying They answered:
Tell me, please, when the thermal valve is closed, the coolant bypasses the radiator (the coolant flow remains constant) or the thermal valve simply blocks the coolant flow. Thanks in advance for your reply. Yes. The thermostatic head regulates the flow through the radiator through the valve stem. Those. regulates the flow of coolant through the radiator. And the constancy of flow through the system is maintained. At the same time, if all radiators work to limit the flow, then the resistance of the system increases. And in this case, a bypass must be provided.
My task is to modernize the distribution of heating pipes in the apartment, in order to eventually get as few intersections and pipe joints as possible. There is already one piece of advice to replace my Wishlist with a collector circuit. But I can’t understand why it is believed that water shunted along the bypass (after all, there are very strong suspicions of its presence) will heat the second radiator badly?
Registration: 03/25/2011 Penza Posts: 7080
12/10/2013 at 16:18
Loki wrote. we have two steel panel radiators Maxterm type 22 (two-row, two-panel) with bottom connection
Loki wrote. have bypasses (nothing was answered on the manufacturer's website about this)
Bypasses are used only in a single-pipe heating system. And they are not inside the radiators.There are bottom connection fittings with built-in bypasses.
Draw a general diagram of the heating system for the apartment. Without it, even a single-pipe or two-pipe system is incomprehensible to you. Also indicate the brand of fittings used for bottom connection of radiators.
Loki wrote. will it be bad to heat the second radiator?
If the pressure difference on the supply and outgoing lines (supply / return) is sufficient, then the radiators will heat normally, subject to the calculation of the hydraulics of the entire apartment heating system, with its re-balancing and adjustment. Because the connection of an additional radiator will introduce an imbalance in the operation of the heating system of the apartment.
How critical the imbalance will be, it is not possible to answer without conducting hydrocalculations.
Hydraulic calculation of heating systems. Thermal calculation (calculation of insulation) of houses and apartments.
Sergants. poorly legible photo. But from what I could see, I conclude that the system is two-pipe.
It is better to put a floor (in-floor) convector of sufficient power under the window. Then additional radiators will not be needed.
Sergants wrote. And is it possible to leave the fittings the one that is now?
It is strange that there is an ordinary ball valve on the return line, instead of a shut-off valve. Then the thermal valve under the blue cap should be with presets. If so, then leave it, and do not knock down the design presets.
Hydraulic calculation of heating systems. Thermal calculation (calculation of insulation) of houses and apartments.
Connecting a radiator to a single-pipe heating system
"Leningradka" is the most common, cost-effective one-pipe heating system (see diagram). It is used in apartments and houses of small area. It can be vertical - in the entrances of the house between floors, and horizontal - in a room or on one floor.
It is possible to connect radiators with a lower and upper connection to a one-pipe heating system. If the radiator has a lower wiring, then the coolant is installed below the level of the heating devices, pipes run horizontally from it, which then rise up to the batteries. For radiators with top wiring, on the contrary, the coolant is installed at the highest point of the heating system, and from there water circulates.
Only in single-pipe heating schemes are valves used to shut off the water. They are located on the so-called branch sections, the volume of which is several times smaller than the main pipes of the heating system.
What is the importance of choosing a radiator installation site
Regardless of whether the heating radiators are connected in series or parallel, the functional purpose of these devices is not only space heating. By means of batteries, a certain protection (screen) is created from the penetration of cold from the outside. This explains the location of the batteries under the window sills. With such a distribution of radiators in places of greatest heat loss, that is, in the area of window openings, an effective thermal curtain is created.
There simply cannot be a battery in this place. With its help, cold air from the street creates a barrier
Before considering how to connect heating radiators, it is necessary to draw up a diagram of the location of these devices.
At the same time, it is important to determine the correct mounting distances of the radiators, which will ensure their maximum heat transfer. So, heating batteries are absolutely correctly located if:
- lowered from the bottom of the window sill by 100 mm;
- from the floor are at a distance of 120 mm;
- separated from the wall at a distance of 20 mm.
Violation of these standards is strictly not recommended.
Serial connection of heating radiators
With this method, the batteries are connected using one pipe.Most often, if a serial connection of heating radiators is required, then in order to increase the power of the heating devices and ensure a sufficient degree of heating of the room, it is necessary to increase the number of sections to the end of the line.
The series connection method is characterized by an uneven distribution of thermal power. As a result, the first of the radiators heats up much more than the subsequent ones, and the last device in the circuit will be barely warm.
Despite a number of inconveniences, this method is in demand due to its simplicity, and the desired degree of heat transfer is adjusted by building up several battery sections in different places of the heating structure. Examples of connecting heating radiators in the video:
All of the above schemes can be applied in a private house. If desired, two sources of heating can be used: a boiler built into the furnace and a gas or electric boiler that is connected in parallel.
Consider the correctly executed sequence of installation of a single-pipe heating system in a private house:
- installation of a heating boiler;
- wall decoration at battery installation sites, thermal insulation if necessary;
- installation on the walls of radiators;
- determination of places for fastening pipes and tie-in bends;
- filling the system with water and performing a test run.
Connection of heating radiators can be flow-through and with closing sections. The first method is simpler, requires less material and labor, and is used for small systems. The second method allows you to regulate the supply of coolant for each individual radiator, but requires the installation of additional bypass sections - bypasses. It also requires additional shut-off valves.
What is the importance of choosing a radiator installation site
Regardless of whether the heating radiators are connected in series or parallel, the functional purpose of these devices is not only space heating. By means of batteries, a certain protection (screen) is created from the penetration of cold from the outside. This explains the location of the batteries under the window sills. With such a distribution of radiators in places of greatest heat loss, that is, in the area of window openings, an effective thermal curtain is created.
There simply cannot be a battery in this place. With its help, cold air from the street creates a barrier
Before considering how to connect heating radiators, it is necessary to draw up a diagram of the location of these devices.
At the same time, it is important to determine the correct mounting distances of the radiators, which will ensure their maximum heat transfer. So, heating batteries are absolutely correctly located if:
- lowered from the bottom of the window sill by 100 mm;
- from the floor are at a distance of 120 mm;
- separated from the wall at a distance of 20 mm.
Violation of these standards is strictly not recommended.
Serial connection of two heating radiators
sanswar wrote. What the customer bought, I delivered. the number of sections and location, the choice made in advance of my recommendations and advice. For example, I generally suggested that he put one instead of two, well, I don’t like the diagonal connection. ugly like that, a lot of "extra" pipes
Yes, I understood it right away, I saw such packs, by the way, I know that there are freaks, that's enough.
sanswar wrote. you can’t put a tap on the bypass, I’m just not one of those ... if something is very critical in the wishes of the customer, I refuse even for an additional payment
And it is right.
I'll raise the topic. From the builder we have two steel panel radiators Maxterm type 22 (two-row, two-panel) with bottom connection (apartment-by-apartment wiring, Bir Peks). In appearance, they seem to have bypasses (nothing was answered on the manufacturer's website about this). No, I'm lying They answered:
Tell me, please, when the thermal valve is closed, the coolant bypasses the radiator (the coolant flow remains constant) or the thermal valve simply blocks the coolant flow. Thanks in advance for your reply. Yes. The thermostatic head regulates the flow through the radiator through the valve stem. Those. regulates the flow of coolant through the radiator. And the constancy of flow through the system is maintained. In this case, if all radiators work to limit the flow, then the resistance of the system increases. And in this case, a bypass must be provided.
My task is to modernize the distribution of heating pipes in the apartment, in order to eventually get as few intersections and pipe joints as possible. There is already one piece of advice to replace my Wishlist with a collector circuit. But I can’t understand why it is believed that water shunted along the bypass (after all, there are very strong suspicions of its presence) will heat the second radiator badly?
Registration: 03/25/2011 Penza Posts: 7080
12/10/2013 at 16:18
Loki wrote. we have two steel panel radiators Maxterm type 22 (two-row, two-panel) with bottom connection
Loki wrote. have bypasses (nothing was answered on the manufacturer's website about this)
Bypasses are used only in a single-pipe heating system. And they are not inside the radiators. There are bottom connection fittings with built-in bypasses.
Draw a general diagram of the heating system for the apartment. Without it, even a single-pipe or two-pipe system is incomprehensible to you. Also indicate the brand of fittings used for bottom connection of radiators.
Loki wrote. will it be bad to heat the second radiator?
If the pressure difference on the supply and outgoing lines (supply / return) is sufficient, then the radiators will heat normally, subject to the calculation of the hydraulics of the entire apartment heating system, with its re-balancing and adjustment. Because the connection of an additional radiator will introduce an imbalance in the operation of the heating system of the apartment.
How critical the imbalance will be, it is not possible to answer without conducting hydrocalculations.
Hydraulic calculation of heating systems. Thermal calculation (calculation of insulation) of houses and apartments.
Sergants. poorly legible photo. But from what I could see, I conclude that the system is two-pipe.
It is better to put a floor (in-floor) convector of sufficient power under the window. Then additional radiators will not be needed.
Sergants wrote. And is it possible to leave the fittings the one that is now?
It is strange that there is an ordinary ball valve on the return line, instead of a shut-off valve. Then the thermal valve under the blue cap should be with presets. If so, then leave it, and do not knock down the design presets.
Hydraulic calculation of heating systems. Thermal calculation (calculation of insulation) of houses and apartments.
Other types of connection
There are more profitable options than the bottom connection, which reduce heat loss:
- Diagonal. All experts have long come to the conclusion that this type of connection is ideal, regardless of which piping scheme it is used in. The only system where this type cannot be used is the horizontal bottom single pipe system. That is the same Leningrad. What is the meaning of diagonal connection? The coolant moves inside the radiator diagonally - from the top pipe to the bottom. It turns out that hot water is evenly distributed throughout the entire internal volume of the device, falling from top to bottom, that is, in a natural way. And since the speed of water movement is not very high during natural circulation, the heat transfer will be high. Heat loss in this case is only 2%.
- Lateral, or one-sided. This type is very often used in apartment buildings. Connection is made to the side branch pipes on one side.Experts believe that this type is one of the most effective, but only if the coolant circulation under pressure is installed in the system. In urban apartments, this is not a problem. And to ensure it in a private house, you will have to install a circulation pump.
What is the advantage of one species over others? In fact, proper connection is the key to efficient heat transfer and reduced heat loss. But in order to properly connect the battery, you need to prioritize.
Take, for example, a two-story private house. What to prefer in this case? Here are some options:
Two and one pipe systems
- Install a one-pipe system with side connection.
- Carry out the installation of a two-pipe system with a diagonal connection.
- Use a single-pipe scheme with lower wiring on the first floor and with upper wiring on the second.
So you can always find options for connection schemes. Of course, you will have to take into account some nuances, for example, the location of the premises, the presence of a basement or attic
But in any case, it is important to correctly distribute the radiators among the rooms, taking into account the number of their sections. That is, the power of the heating system will have to be taken into account even with such a question as the correct connection of radiators
In a one-story private house, it will not be very difficult to connect the battery correctly, given the length of the heating circuit. If this is a Leningrad one-pipe scheme, then only a lower connection is possible. If the two-pipe scheme, then you can use a collector system or solar. Both options are based on the principle of connecting one radiator to two circuits - coolant supply and return. In this case, the upper piping is most often used, where the distribution along the contours is carried out in the attic.
By the way, this option is considered optimal both in terms of operation and during the repair process. Each circuit can be disconnected from the system without turning off the latter. To do this, a shut-off valve is installed at the point of pipe separation. Exactly the same is mounted after the radiator on the return pipe. One has only to close both valves to cut off the circuit. After draining the coolant, you can safely do repairs. In this case, all other circuits will work normally.
Helpful Hints
Many people think that the option of connecting a radiator is not so important when it comes to heat dissipation. After all, much will depend on the type of heat source chosen. For example, bimetallic heating radiators have higher heat transfer than cast iron ones. But imagine that cast-iron appliances are installed according to the diagonal principle of coolant movement, and bimetallic ones along the bottom. In the first case, the heat loss is 2%, and in the second - 12%. The difference in losses is as much as 10%. For a heating system, this is a fairly high indicator, which will affect not only the temperature regime inside the premises, but also the amount of fuel consumed.
This is very important for private houses.
Today, experts give recommendations regarding increasing the heat transfer of devices. To do this, you can install a reflective panel on the wall behind the radiator, for example, a regular piece of fiberboard trimmed with aluminum foil. But keep in mind that the distance from the wall to the radiator in this case should be at least 1.5 cm.
How to connect heating radiators
Radiator heating systems are of two types: single-pipe and two-pipe.
Single-pipe requires fewer pipes, but its main drawback is the different temperature of the coolant at the inlet of the radiators. It turns out that the one that is closer to the boiler heats up more, the one that is further away is weaker. In long-distance networks, it may happen that a completely cold coolant enters the last radiator. This can often be observed on the first floors of high-rise buildings.A single-pipe system is usually used there, and the coolant is supplied from the upper floors down.
The figure shows a horizontal diagram of the serial connection of heating radiators, it is also called "single-pipe" and "Leningrad". Shut-off valves are installed on both sides of the heater to enable repairs. By closing them, you can remove, change and repair the radiator without stopping the entire system. A similar scheme is often used when connecting heating batteries in a private house. It is simply mounted, and with a short length, the heat transfer of each radiator is regulated using needle valves, which can be used to change the intensity of the coolant flow.
A single-pipe system is also called "serial connection of heating radiators"
Two-pipe scheme - parallel connection of radiators to the supply. A coolant of the same temperature enters the inlet of each of them, and the cooled water is collected in another pipeline. And although the consumption of pipes (and money) is greater here during installation, it is much easier to balance (adjust) the heat transfer of each heater.
Two-pipe system - parallel connection of heating devices
Other types of connection
There are more profitable options than the bottom connection, which reduce heat loss:
- Diagonal. All experts have long come to the conclusion that this type of connection is ideal, regardless of which piping scheme it is used in. The only system where this type cannot be used is the horizontal bottom single pipe system. That is the same Leningrad. What is the meaning of diagonal connection? The coolant moves inside the radiator diagonally - from the top pipe to the bottom. It turns out that hot water is evenly distributed throughout the entire internal volume of the device, falling from top to bottom, that is, in a natural way. And since the speed of water movement is not very high during natural circulation, the heat transfer will be high. Heat loss in this case is only 2%.
- Lateral, or one-sided. This type is very often used in apartment buildings. Connection is made to the side branch pipes on one side. Experts believe that this type is one of the most effective, but only if the coolant circulation under pressure is installed in the system. In urban apartments, this is not a problem. And to ensure it in a private house, you will have to install a circulation pump.
What is the advantage of one species over others? In fact, proper connection is the key to efficient heat transfer and reduced heat loss. But in order to properly connect the battery, you need to prioritize.
Take, for example, a two-story private house. What to prefer in this case? Here are some options:
Two and one pipe systems
- Install a one-pipe system with side connection.
- Carry out the installation of a two-pipe system with a diagonal connection.
- Use a single-pipe scheme with lower wiring on the first floor and with upper wiring on the second.
So you can always find options for connection schemes. Of course, you will have to take into account some nuances, for example, the location of the premises, the presence of a basement or attic
But in any case, it is important to correctly distribute the radiators among the rooms, taking into account the number of their sections. That is, the power of the heating system will have to be taken into account even with such a question as the correct connection of radiators
In a one-story private house, it will not be very difficult to connect the battery correctly, given the length of the heating circuit. If this is a Leningrad one-pipe scheme, then only a lower connection is possible. If the two-pipe scheme, then you can use a collector system or solar. Both options are based on the principle of connecting one radiator to two circuits - coolant supply and return.In this case, the upper piping is most often used, where the distribution along the contours is carried out in the attic.
By the way, this option is considered optimal both in terms of operation and during the repair process. Each circuit can be disconnected from the system without turning off the latter. To do this, a shut-off valve is installed at the point of pipe separation. Exactly the same is mounted after the radiator on the return pipe. One has only to close both valves to cut off the circuit. After draining the coolant, you can safely do repairs. In this case, all other circuits will work normally.
Types of piping
Connection of heating radiators in a private house can be carried out according to a single-pipe or two-pipe scheme.
The first method is widely used in multi-storey houses, in which hot water is first supplied through the supply pipe to the upper floors, after which, after passing through the radiators from top to bottom, it enters the heating boiler, gradually cooling down. Most often in such a scheme there is a natural circulation of the coolant.
The photo shows a single-pipe radiator connection diagram in an apartment with a bypass (jumper)
Its main advantages:
- Low cost and material consumption.
- Relative ease of installation.
- Compatible with various types of underfloor heating systems and radiators.
- Possibility of installation in rooms with different layouts.
- Aesthetic appearance due to the use of only one pipe.
- The complexity of carrying out hydro- and heat calculations.
- The inability to regulate the heat supply on a separate radiator, without affecting the rest.
- High level of heat loss.
- An increased pressure of the heat carrier is required.
Please note: During the operation of a single-pipe heating system, difficulties may arise with the circulation of the coolant through the pipeline. However, they can be solved by installing pumping equipment.
Installation of heating radiators in a private house with single-pipe wiring using a circulation pump
The two-pipe scheme for connecting heating batteries in a private house is based on the parallel method of connecting heaters. That is, the branch supplying the coolant is supplied to the system, in this case it is not connected with the branch through which it returns, and their connection is carried out at the end point of the system.
- Possibility of using automatic temperature controllers.
- Serviceability. If necessary, shortcomings and errors made during installation can be corrected without damage to the system.
- Higher installation costs.
- Longer installation time compared to a single-pipe type of wiring.
In the diagram, an example of a two-pipe heating distribution
Selection of the best option
The uniformity of heating directly depends on the choice of a suitable method for connecting a heating radiator in a private house, so this issue should be taken seriously. Each type of connection has its own advantages and disadvantages:
Diagonal connection of a heating radiator - the input is connected to the upper hole of the battery, and the return line is connected to the opposite lower one. This scheme most effectively contributes to the fact that heat is evenly distributed in the radiator. It can be used when it is planned to install equipment with a significant number of sections. The level is 2%.
One-way - the input is connected to the hole located at the top, and the return - to the bottom, located on the same side. This option is suitable for apartments, but is rare in private homes. The pipeline there, as a rule, is single-pipe, located in one of the corners, and only one battery needs to be connected. This method is aesthetic and can be used to save material.
Saddle - the supply pipe is connected to the lower hole, and the outlet pipe is connected to the lower one, located on the opposite side. This scheme for installing heating radiators in private homes is not very common, since it has low efficiency. The level of heat loss in this case is about 15%. It is usually used when the pipeline is hidden in the thickness of the wall. Then you have to remove the outlets and connect them to the nozzles.
Lower - entry and exit are performed at one point. This option is optimal when the pipes are hidden under skirting boards, hidden in the wall or located in the floor. Such a heating radiator connection scheme is only suitable for panel or steel devices in private homes. In principle, bimetallic units, which are monolithic, can also be connected in this way. But she has and a significant drawback - significant heat loss, amounting to about 20%.
Water heating structure
All liquid heating systems have a similar set of elements:
- Heating device. As a rule, this is a boiler. But also a wood-burning stove with a water jacket or a fireplace with a heat exchanger can be built from bricks. Any fuel for a heat generator can be used, from electricity to diesel fuel (basically, it all depends on its availability for a particular facility). If it is possible to connect to the main gas, this will be the best option in terms of price / practicality.
- Heating devices. The most commonly used radiators (cast iron, aluminum, bimetal). In many cases, a fairly good solution would be to create a water-heated floor. It is also possible to carry out heating in a private house using convectors, which are powered by a water system.
Underfloor heating and radiators can easily "get along" in one heating system.
The pipeline in the form of a looped circuit serves to transport the coolant. There are many schemes for laying pipes, the choice depends on general construction factors and the overall structure of the heating system.
Auxiliary equipment. Circulation pumps are used to pump water in pipes. Shut-off and control valves (faucets, valves, thermal heads) allow you to balance heat transfer, distribute heat efficiently throughout the house. Expansion tanks are needed to relieve excess pressure if necessary. In closed systems, relief valves are used to control pressure.
Typical radiator connections
One-way connection of supply and return (pipe coming out of the radiator) is most often used in apartment buildings. As a rule, in such buildings a system with an attic (upper) wiring is arranged. The efficiency of such a connection is almost 100%, but only under the condition of a small number of connected battery sections (no more than 15).
For heating radiators with 15 or more sections, a diagonal connection is used, i.e. from top to bottom from different sides - in the direction of water movement. This scheme provides the most uniform heating of all sections of the battery, and the value of the heat flow is as close as possible to the passport. The inconvenience of such connection is manifested in single-pipe heat supply - water, passing sequentially through each battery, significantly loses its temperature index.
Scheme of a vertical two-pipe heating system.
With a long riser or branch, the thermal pressure from the final devices will be small. Therefore, such a piping is used exclusively with a two-pipe version.
There is also a bottom two-way connection, but they try to avoid such a connection, because. heating batteries with a bottom connection give the room about 12-15% less heat energy from the nameplate power of the device.However, often the configuration of the heating system (especially in private houses with pipelines laid near the floor) forces the connection to be made in this way. Connection to the heating system of bimetallic radiators allows to reduce the loss of heat transfer due to the high value of the thermal conductivity of the materials used in their manufacture.