Correct location
The necessary conditions that are taken into account when placing wells are often very difficult to fulfill for the owners of narrow or small plots. Often, owners with funds try to save meters by building a shaft in place of the house, and then digging a foundation pit there. In this case, for a potential source of drinking water, the distance from the house does not matter if the house itself is planned in accordance with the requirements.
Village house and well
Being inside a building has many advantages, but there are also tangible barriers. The undoubted convenience for residents in equipping an in-house toilet and supplying water to the bathroom and kitchen (this will require pipes and a special pump) sometimes does not outweigh other possible circumstances in sound considerations.
For example, the need for repairs in case of breakdown or failure of the mine. In this case, the water will stop flowing, and special equipment will be required for repairs. And it will be extremely difficult to use it in the basement of the house.
Structure layout
In SNT, where the construction of residential buildings is now allowed, in the private sector of urban areas and on IZHS sites, the developer resembles a tightrope walker balancing on a rope stretched between abysses and peaks. Too many conditions he has to consider in his choice when it comes to sanitary facilities. The same well should:
- comply with remoteness standards so as not to cause undermining of the foundation and destruction of a residential building;
- not be at a considerable distance, as this will create inconvenience for residents or force you to make a local network of an intricate design, fraught with constant blockages;
- do not cause inconvenience to neighbors;
- do not interfere with the passage, driveway, beds or trees, fence, and also not be close to the road;
- be deployed at the required distance from potential sources of pollution;
- be located on a site on a hill, not only in relation to its own septic tank and cesspool, but also to the neighboring one;
- the distance between all buildings and structures, which is required by sanitary standards and building regulations, must be observed.
At the IZHS
In SNiP 30-02-97, which became after repeated editing of SP 53.13330.2011, and then SNiP 30-02-97 with changes for 2018, it is indicated that the well can be built at a distance of 3 m from the house foundation. But experienced builders, especially if a residential building is being built with a shallow strip foundation, are advised to increase it to five meters.
However, in the process of building the site, you will have to take into account other rules that also have their own specifics. It is also necessary to study special norms before installing a septic tank, local sewage equipment, a bath or toilet, taking into account the presence of pipelines, power lines and other main structures nearby.
Structure | Set of rules | SNiP |
septic tank | SP 31.13330.2012 | SNiP 2.04.03-85 |
Toilet | SP 53.13330.2011 | SNiP 30-02-97 |
What are the requirements for the location of underground utilities
The main regulatory document that is followed during construction is SNiP 2.07.01-89, indicating the distances when laying communications relative to each other and other objects in terms of safety and reliability.
During the operation of sewerage, heating and water supply engineering networks, the negative impact on the foundation of the structures of the transported medium in the event of a pipe break should be taken into account. Escaping liquid can wash away the soil foundation base, penetrate into the lower and basement rooms, causing significant damage to buildings.
In the case of laying water-bearing communications near the foundation during the operation of structures, measures should be taken to ensure their safe location relative to the building. When it is not possible to maintain a safe distance from the pipelines to the structure for technical reasons, casings are used to protect communications underground. After agreement with the supervisory authorities, it is allowed to lay a water supply system near the foundations in a case that provides pipe insulation in case of precipitation and protects the foundation itself from destruction in case of water supply damage.
Usually, networks of various types are located on the site with the built house, water, sewer, heating, gas pipes are laid in the ground, and a power cable is pulled. For a safe location relative to each other of various types of highways, it is necessary to know the norms of distances between communications with a parallel and perpendicular arrangement.
Also, knowing the standards will help save money, because some types of communications can be laid in a single trench without significant negative consequences in the event of a pipe break.
Fig.2 Site plan - example
Distance from underground utilities to foundations
SNiP 2.07.01-89 allows the laying of underground utilities within the boundaries of the supporting foundations and pipeline racks, subject to the provision of protection measures in case of settlement of the foundation, accidents in the line.
Construction acts SNiP 2.07.01-89 establish the following distance limits to the supporting foundations of houses:
- water supply - 5 m;
- individual and storm (rain) gravity sewer - 3 m;
- pressure sewer - 5 m;
- drainage pipeline - 3 m, associated drainage - 0.4 m;
- gas pipelines of low, medium and high pressure - 2, 4, 7 or 10 m, respectively;
- heating networks - from the tunnel wall 2 m, from the protective sheath of pipes with channelless laying - 5 m;
- electrical cable lines and communication cables - 0.6 m;
- switching channels and tunnels - 2 m.
Fig. 4 Building codes of distances between communications and underground networks
Passage of pipes through the foundation of buildings
The external water supply and sewerage network is introduced into the house through the foundation using steel sleeves of a larger diameter, their standard size for HDPE pipes is 75 mm, for a 110 mm PVC sewer, a pipe with a diameter of 160 mm is used.
The rules for laying external water pipes are regulated by the set of rules SP 31.13330.2012 and includes the following items:
- The entry of communications into the house is carried out through cuttings of metal pipes (sleeves) with a smallest diameter of 50 mm.
- To eliminate the consequences of linear expansions with temperature differences, compensatory bushings are used.
- The distance between the entrance to the foundation base of the water and waste pipes should be from 1.5 m., at the vertical entrance, the gap between the sleeves should be from 0.4 m.
- The diameter of the holes in the load-bearing structures increase the space of the inserted sleeve by at least 2 mm.
- To ensure gravity flow, the sleeve of the sewer pipes is inserted with a slope of 4 - 7 degrees.
- The depth of the pipelines suitable for the house is taken more than 0.7 m from the blind area.
Rice. 9 Scheme of laying the pipe entry into the building
When laying water mains, it is necessary to observe the norms of distances to the foundation - this will avoid negative consequences in the event of a pipeline breakthrough or building subsidence
In domestic housing construction, it is important to adhere to the standards when laying communications, which should be placed in different trenches, then a breakthrough of sewer pipes under any circumstances will not lead to contamination of drinking water
Sewer systems of private houses
In the arrangement of suburban areas, autonomous sewage systems are often used, which are distinguished by the presence of a large number of positive qualities.Some systems turn out to be more economical than using a central collector, while others turn out to be the only possible solution to the sewage problem. The system and its operation largely depend on factors, which include:
- topographic indicators of the selected territory;
- types of soils located on the site;
- the presence of water sources near the site;
- layout of engineering underground networks that are already present on the territory.
The sewerage device can be quite simple: the simplest design consists of a single piece of pipeline that transports drains to a pit or septic tank located outside the building. You need to know how far from the house to make a septic tank. The simplest septic tank can be made from car tires stacked vertically on top of each other: drains will still be filtered, and solid fractions are periodically pumped out by a sewage machine. This design is well suited for installation in suburban or small urban areas. In order for the sewer to work normally, it is enough for it to provide a constant slope and periodically pump out.
What should be the distance from well to well
For the construction of a well on the site, there is not enough space with an accessible level of occurrence of the aquifer. The fact is that there are a number of other requirements for the location of the source of water supply, and if they are not met, then the water will not be difficult to be unsuitable for food purposes.
Then we will consider these requirements, fulfilling which, you can avoid the troubles associated with poor water quality.
What are the specific sources of pollution?
The sources of pollution include a number of objects:
- Cesspools and pits;
- Burial places of animals and people;
- Warehouses for pesticides and fertilizers;
- Industry enterprises;
- Sewer facilities
- Landfills, etc.
From this it follows that when choosing a place, it is necessary to focus on the distance from the well to the toilet, and on the distance from other objects of pollution in your own and neighboring areas. This is due to the fact that unwanted elements will enter the water, as a result, it can be detrimental to health.
Methods for laying underground networks
Collectors, tunnels and canals are used to pull underground utilities in civil engineering; ditches dug in the soil are used to lay pipelines in households. If digging trenches in an open way is not possible, trenchless pipe laying is carried out by drilling, piercing or punching the soil with hydraulic jacks. Abroad (in Germany), an effective method of laying pipes is widely used using special equipment that cuts a trench and simultaneously immerses a polymer pipeline into it.
According to the method of arranging communications in trenches, consider:
Separate method. During installation, each highway is mounted in its own channel, the method is costly when laying a large number of adjacent communications.
joint method. According to SNiP 2.07.01-89, in common trenches it is allowed to lay heat mains from 50 to 90 cm in size, water supply up to 50 cm, more than 10 communication lines or power cables with voltage up to 10,000 volts, if there is not enough space for pulling lines in separate trenches plot.
It is allowed to lay water pipelines in tunnels with other communications (SNiP 2.04.02-84), except for pipelines with a portable combustible and flammable medium.
When laying pipe fittings in the ground, it is placed in technical wells.
If wells or wells are used on the site, from which an underground pipeline is laid to transport water to the house, the minimum depth of the water supply is taken equal to the lower freezing point of the soil in the area with the addition of 0.5 m. Soil layer on top to avoid unwanted heating of water in the pipes in summer leave at least 50 cm.
Rice. 3 Pulling underground utilities by a German pipelayer
What should be the distance from the septic tank to various objects
- If you carry out the location of the tank, assembled from concrete or polymer composite rings, it is necessary to take into account the distance from the well to the septic tank (houses, outbuildings). According to the rules prescribed in the SNIP, there must be at least 20 meters from the source to the drainage tank (this is the minimum distance allowed when installing a settling tank). The optimal and desirable distance from the septic tank to the well (septic tank-well) is 50 meters. At the same time, the more meters you retreat from all vital objects (houses, wells, outbuildings), the better it will be for everyone.
- Another point that needs to be taken into account when mounting the tank is the level of its location relative to the terrain and other objects on the site. The most correct point for installing a septic tank is the lowest point on the site. Thus, it will be possible to insure against accidental ingress of waste (albeit filtered) water into the receiver with a clean liquid.
Location of treatment wells relative to other structures
The choice of the optimal location depends not only on the nature of the internal buildings, but also on the type of sewer facility
It is especially important to correctly locate the facilities intended for wastewater treatment, which can be conditionally divided into accumulative (with a sealed bottom) and filtration (without a bottom)
The position of sewer facilities on the site is regulated by SNiP
The minimum distance from the house to the storage type sewer well is 3 m. This is the necessary distance at which the construction of a treatment plant will not have a devastating effect on the foundation of the building. In this case, the maximum distance to the first well should not exceed 12 m. A more remote location can lead to frequent blockages and complicate the maintenance of the pipeline.
When choosing a place for the location of a treatment plant, one should also take into account its volume. If the capacity does not exceed 1 m³, then the object can be placed at the minimum possible distance from the house. With an increase in volume, it is desirable to proportionally increase the distance.
The location of storage septic tanks relative to a residential building
As for the roadway and the neighboring fence, in this case the same requirements are imposed as for a residential building - a distance of at least 3 m. But the location relative to outbuildings has not so strict criteria. The main thing here is to maintain a distance of 1 m.
If the sewage treatment plant does not provide for a sealed bottom, that is, the effluents after preliminary filtration are discharged into the ground, then the distance between the sewer well and the building must be increased to 10-12 m. This arrangement will not allow to provoke the destruction of the foundation from high soil moisture.
In the case of domestic wastewater treatment, in addition to protecting the foundations of buildings, sanitary standards should be followed. To prevent contamination of the drinking water source, the filtration well is located 50 m from it. The minimum possible distance to the nearest reservoir is 30 m.
The layout of the point of wastewater discharge into the ground
Distance between sewer wells
In addition to storage and filtration structures, there are other types of wells that are used for installation and maintenance of external sewage. Among them:
- viewing;
- rotary;
- differential.
Since such devices are not designed to accumulate wastewater, they do not pose a danger to the foundations of buildings and natural objects. In this case, these structures must be correctly positioned relative to each other.
Such designs are intended for the revision and maintenance of sewers. They are used in complex outdoor networks with a large length of the pipeline. According to SNiP, the distance between manholes depends on the size of the pipe. There are the following standards:
- Ø110 mm - 15 m;
- Ø150 mm - 35 m;
- Ø200-450 mm - 50 m;
- Ø500-600 mm - 75 m.
In domestic systems, pipes with a diameter of more than 150 mm are rarely used. Usually, a diameter of 100-110 mm is sufficient for arranging external sewage. Accordingly, in this case, it is necessary to mount an observation structure every 15 m. Although for straight sections it is allowed to increase the interval by several meters.
Location of lookout points
Rotary devices perform the same function as viewing devices. The distance between them is not regulated, since they are located in strictly allotted places - on the bend of the pipeline, the angle of which exceeds 45 °. These points are most prone to blockages, therefore, in these places it is necessary to have access for cleaning activities.
The distance between the turning wells of domestic and storm sewers depends on the design of the network. However, if there is a long straight line segment between the turns, a viewing point is additionally set at this interval.
Large pipeline bends should be equipped with swivel structures
If it is necessary to install a sewer network on a slope, drop structures are used. Such wells are designed to normalize the flow rate of the liquid, since too much movement of drains can lead to blockages.
The distance between such structures depends on the specifics of the relief and is individual for each area. In this case, some technical nuances should be taken into account:
- the height of the drop should not be more than 3 m;
- damping baffles can be additionally installed to reduce the flow rate;
- with a drop of less than 0.5 m and a pipeline diameter of 600 mm, it is allowed to replace the drop well with a viewing structure with a drain.
Slope sewer installation scheme
If the correct distances between sewerage wells and other objects are observed in accordance with SNiP, you will not have problems with either supervisory authorities or neighbors. At the same time, it is better to plan a complex system together with specialists in order to prevent technical errors and inconsistencies that can lead to unpleasant consequences.
Distance between sewer wells
Distance between sewage installations for different types of wells
First you need to find out what types of tanks are:
- Viewing - control the operation of sewage effluent sections and facilitate the cleaning of the system in the event of blockages.
- Rotary - help to change the direction of movement of wastewater. Provides access to bends that can also become clogged.
- Differential - compensate for large or small slopes of the device, which affect the quality of the tank and contribute to the accumulation of solid fractions in it.
- Nodal - installed in places where pipes are connected.
For example, according to SNiP, the maximum distance between sewer manholes should be:
- if the diameter of the pipeline is 150 mm, then the distance is 35 m;
- diameter 200-450 mm - 50 m;
- diameter 500-600 mm - 75 m.
The larger the diameter of the pipeline, the further viewing structures can be located.
The minimum distance between sewer manholes is determined by the size of the pipe that connects the structures.Let's take a closer look at the diameter in the table.
Diameter, mm | smallest distance |
150 | 35 |
200-450 | 50 |
500-600 | 75 |
700-900 | 100 |
1000-1400 | 150 |
1500-2000 | 200 |
over 2000 | 250-300 |
That is, since the inspection tanks provide full access to the sewage system, they must have the maximum length of the nozzles. From the foundation, the device is located 12 m, between the inspection shafts 15 m. When arranging a rectilinear system, the gap increases to 50 m.
If this is a rotary tank that is mounted on the bends of the piping system, then the following conditions must be met:
- The gap is determined by the total length of the straight sections between the bends of the nozzles.
- If the length of this section is longer than specified in the regulatory document, then it is necessary to additionally mount wells.
Most often, specialists determine the required gap between sewerage devices, since it is they who calculate the required slope when laying the pipeline, which affects the installation of rotary systems.
In the case of differential tanks, which are installed on soils where there are slopes, and the slope of the pipes to be laid is necessarily taken into account, the maximum depth of the drops should be no more than 3 m. according to the formation of pipeline bends
It is important to consider that if you are building a multi-stage drop structure, then you need to reduce the gaps between the places where the height changes. The drop point should be between 1.5 and 2 m in this case
When installing a nodal tank, it is necessary to take into account the equipment of the sewer branches, the sections are determined using the section of the pipeline.
- The branch pipe has dm up to 600 mm - then the distance is 1 m.
- 700 mm - 1.25 m;
- 800-1000 mm - 1.5 m;
- 1200 mm - 2 m.
The device, principle of operation, installation of a septic tank Tver can be found on this page
The device, principle of operation, installation of a septic tank Topas can be found on
The device, principle of operation, installation of the Baikal septic tank can be found on this page
If the depth is more than 3 m, then the smallest diameter is 1.5 m.
The distance between the sewer well and the water well must be at least 30 meters so that sewage sewage does not affect the purity of the water. Also, the area where the installation of the plumbing system will be carried out must be at least 50 m from places of pollution, such as a cesspool with overflow in a private house.
The sewerage system includes viewing, differential and rotary installations that perform the necessary functions, such as providing access to the sewage structure and the ability to clean possible blockages
In order for the devices to be installed as conveniently as possible and for them to be always accessible, it is very important to take into account the necessary gap between the tanks, which complies with all sanitary standards provided for by law.
Distance from foundation to sewer
When laying, the distance from the sewer to the foundation of the foundation of buildings should be maintained, sewer pipes should be located in compliance with distance standards.
The sewerage system is laid parallel to the building red lines; when installed on the street, a side with a smaller number of other networks and the largest number of connecting pipes is selected.
The distance to the building should make it possible to carry out installation and repair work, ensure the protection of adjacent pipelines, in the event of accidents associated with soil erosion, the dimensional parameters should ensure the safety of the foundation from being washed away.
When determining the distance from the pipeline to the foundation, the slightest possibility of sewage penetration in case of emergency leaks into the water supply line should be excluded.
Minimum distances from sewers and storm drains to foundations:
- buildings and structures - 3 m, when installing a pressure sewer - 5 m;
- protective fences of enterprises, automobile overpasses, power grid supports, railway tracks -1.5 m;
- railways with a width of 1520 mm gauge not less than the depth of the trench to the bulk base and the edge of the excavation - 4 m;
- rail tracks with a gauge of 750 mm - 2.8 m;
- curbs of streets, reinforced roadsides - 1.5 m;
- external cuvette edge or the sole of the road embankment - 1 m;
- poles of lines of electrical networks passing through the air: - up to 1 kW (street lighting, contact wires of urban electric transport) - 1 m; - 1 - 35 kV. - 2 m; - 35 - 110 kV. - 3m.
Also, building rules regulate the location of the sewer line located in the ground in relation to the root system of trees, the distance from the pipeline to the central axis of the tree is taken at least 1.5 m, with drainage sewerage - from 2 m.
Fig. 6 Examples of laying underground utilities