Types and types of water meters
There are several types of water meters, but all of them can be divided into two main groups: non-volatile (using mechanical processes) and volatile (requiring electricity).
In general, there are four types of counters:
Tachometric (turbine or vane). Relate to mechanical devices (non-volatile). The main working part is a small turbine or impeller that is in the water. The amount of water is calculated by the number of revolutions that the impeller makes. The revolutions of the impeller axis cause the mechanical counter to move. Works with any water (hard, high iron content, etc.), but the accuracy of the readings is not very high, it is likely that after a few years the impeller will overgrow and begin to rotate more slowly. But it may happen that it will spin faster than it should. In general, the option is inexpensive and this type of meters is mainly installed in apartments.
Induction or electromagnetic. This appliance requires electricity to operate. The operation of the device is based on the ability of water to conduct electricity. The device is expensive, the service life is long - more than 10 years, in the absence of foreign inclusions in the water and rust / scale in the pipes, it gives accurate data. Since clear water and the ideal condition of the pipeline are not about our networks, they rarely install it.
- Ultrasonic. They also require a power supply. The principle of operation is to compare the speed of propagation of ultrasound "along" and "against" the flow. The accuracy is high, but also only on clean pipes. The price is even higher, although the service life is around 15 years.
- Vortex. They analyze the speed of formation of a vortex street behind a specially shaped obstacle. The behavior of the water vortex is analyzed by an electronic device (power supply is also required). They work normally only with clean water without impurities, the service life is about 8 years.
From all of the above, it turns out that in our real conditions - old pipes and not the cleanest water - only tachometric meters are suitable. They are basically installed.
Ultrasonic Water Meter
Hot water meters with a temperature sensor for an apartment
The use of hot water meters with a temperature sensor is one of the attempts to solve poor-quality hot water supply.
It is used in cases where, when opening a hot water tap, cold or lukewarm water flows for a long time. The use of a hot water meter with a temperature sensor is another way to potentially save on housing and communal services.
Whether such savings are achievable or not, it will be clear, after a careful calculation, of all the components of the pricing process.
Purpose and device of a hot water meter with a temperature sensor
This is a unified device that allows you to record the amount of water consumed, while taking into account the temperature. It consists, in fact, of a counter, an electronic unit, a heat calculator and of temperature sensors, thermal converters. Let's consider each of the components in more detail.
Quite ordinary, unusual output of information. Not any scales, arrows. The rotation of the impeller of the counter is converted into electrical impulses, which are subject to further processing.
Heat calculator.
When 50 degrees is reached, a factor of 1 is applied. The following information is displayed on the instrument display screen. Set threshold temperature, amount of consumed hot water and cold water, actual degrees of hot water, adjusted volumes.
Thermal converters.
Thermal sensors measure temperature. The received information at regular intervals (1 second) enters the heat meter.
The cost of the device.
The cost of a GHS with a temperature sensor is quite large and this is the main drawback of the design. So, the Sayana-T model costs 5350 rubles, the LV-4T costs 7900 rubles.
Residents of houses that are not equipped with a circular pump suffer most from the substitution.
When the withdrawal from the riser is stopped (at night), the coolant stagnates and then cools, at best, to room temperature.
Residents of the floors most distant from the source of supply (supply can be upper or lower) are forced to drive the cold coolant through the DHW, which carefully fixes the amount.
In fairness, we must admit that you do not have to do it every day. Sometimes the neighbors do it for you. For the purity of the experiment, we will reduce the number of days by a third, 244 days will remain, in money it will be 2270.18 rubles. The device will pay off in three years, with a guaranteed service life of seven years.
The calibration interval is four years. You will have to pay for verification (500 rubles), but this does not mean that all components of the unit will pass it.
All reviews about SGV with a temperature sensor can be divided into several groups:
- Installed, satisfied. They constitute a small category of users who have successfully converged and resolved technical problems with the understanding of the problem by the management of the company involved in the operation of the building.
- We didn't, we're not going to. This is what most potential users do. The choice cannot be called the best option, but given the high cost of the device, in most cases, this is the least expensive solution.
- They installed it, but there were problems during operation.
If there are technical problems (device malfunction, misconfiguration). can be relatively quickly and easily resolved, then if the management company refuses to register the GHS with a temperature sensor, the decision may be delayed for a long time.
- A radical way, a complete rejection of the centralized hot water supply, or rather, from the water that the public utilities pass under the heading “hot”. People install water heaters, closing the problem of providing hot water for a long time.
This approach eliminates moral and physical ordeals, and comparable prices for a hot water heater with a temperature sensor and a storage water heater make you think about purchasing the latter.
Conclusions and conclusion
Contradictory reviews rather speak of differences in the circumstances of poor-quality hot water supply. Even for residents of the same entrance, the problem can manifest itself in completely different ways.
Still, rooted inertia stops us, they tell us, we pay. It is beneficial and necessary to purchase a GHS with a temperature sensor, to seek recognition of his testimony, for the residents of apartments who are forced to drive away stagnant water for more than ten minutes.
There are many such apartments where, after running, the water remains only warm.
In any case, the use of SGV with a temperature sensor brings only moral satisfaction, without solving the problem in the bud. If you are satisfied with this state of affairs, then this is your choice.
Beregun was founded in 2006. Beregun directs his activities to the production of goods for domestic consumers of housing and communal services, landscaping and construction. At the same time, when creating their products, Berezhun conducts full certification of their products. The company is also distinguished by the presence of many diplomas, awards and thanks. Berezhun located production exclusively on the territory of the Russian Federation. And in turn, this has a great effect on the quality parameters and the price of the proposed product.
One of the directions of the company's production is the saving and accounting of water. To count the water consumed by the population, the company's specialists have developed meters that have been successfully installed for a long period in houses, apartments and other premises where it is necessary to keep records of the consumed liquid.In particular, the hot water meter is able to function at temperatures of 90˚С.
The high quality of the counter is guaranteed by systematic quality control checks, which in turn minimizes the number of products released with manufacturing defects. The water meters of this company have proven themselves so well in the market that they have been included in the list of recommended water metering devices.
Which manufacturer is more trustworthy than the rest
If the liquid metering mechanism is installed incorrectly, an accident will occur in which all the apartments below are at risk of being flooded. In order not to become a hostage of such a difficult situation, it is necessary to approach the selection of a meter manufacturing company with all responsibility.
First of all, it is worth giving preference to those manufacturers who have been on the market for a long time, have proven themselves on the good side and have created a full-fledged brand. If we talk about domestic companies, then organizations producing mechanical devices meet all of the above requirements:
- Beregun;
- Guerrida.
The most popular manufacturers of universal water meters are factories:
- Staroruspribor;
- Gaselectronics.
It is a pity, but up to this point, not a single company in Russia has mastered the technology for the production of electronic type water meters. Therefore, our compatriots, acquiring such units, stop at such companies:
- Minol;
- Zenner;
- Siemens;
- Minomess.
But since, based on the above reasons, we have determined that mechanical meters are the best type of water meter, we will talk today only about the manufacturers of these units.
Electronic water meter
The cost of electronic mechanisms is undoubtedly higher (from 2000 rubles), but it is fully justified by the huge number of advantages of its use:
- Functioning regardless of whether there is light in your home;
- Unmistakable water counting, even when using low pressure;
- It can be installed both horizontally and vertically;
- To check, there is no need to remove the turbine connections, it is enough to remove the upper part of the water meter;
- Indicators and dial have a convenient location;
- Thanks to special pulse outputs, it became possible to transmit information using a cable network.
However, this device also has disadvantages. Its operation stops immediately after disconnecting it from the power source: mains or battery. This is what prompts the majority of the population to install mechanical devices in their apartment.
In the event that a centralized water consumption metering will be installed in your multi-storey building, you still have to install an electronic device. Thanks to its pulse output, its readings will be reflected on the dispatchers' computers.