How to make a septic tank with your own hands from tires

Pit and trench for wells

Outline the contours of the pit for future sewerage from tires. With a width of 110 cm, its length will be

  • for 2 wells - 240-250cm,
  • three - about 4 meters.

The depth in the pit is not the same everywhere. And should correspond to the total height of the tires + 40 cm on a concrete base and a gravel-sand filter. Under the last tire structure, the concrete base is not poured. First, dig a pit based on the depth of the first (or first two) wells. Pour sand into it first and then a layer of gravel on top.

On top of the gravel-sand filter, pour a concrete base 10 cm thick. While the concrete hardens, prepare the tires. Tire rim needs to be cut. This can easily be done with a jigsaw with a metal blade. The hole for the canvas is drilled with an 8 mm drill. On the first and last tires, cut off only one rim, there should be 4 such tires for a two-chamber septic tank, and 6 for a three-chamber septic tank. On intermediate tires, cut off the rim on both sides.

In those tires that will include pipes, cut out round holes for them. Please note that the pipe must be sloped. Therefore, on the cover of the first well, the hole for the pipe is higher than on the cover for the second, and for the next transition, also cut holes to maintain the slope of the adapter.

Important. Cut holes for pipes according to its size so that the pipe fits snugly

Then the tightness will be higher and less sealing means will be required.

When the concrete hardens, you can begin the installation of the septic tank. All the dirt gets into the first well. Therefore, having inserted pipes into it, it is desirable to seal these holes, as well as the joints between the tires, with sealant.

Put the first tire down with the uncut side, the last tire, on the contrary, the uncut side should be at the top.

Wrap the mounted well with roofing felt so that nothing leaks from the gaps between the tire joints. The tighter the septic tank is, the less problems it will create.


Deepen the platform for the last well. An additional 1-2 tires should fit into it, plus a 15-20 cm layer of sand and the same amount of rubble as a drainage filter should be covered under the tire well.

It remains only to fill the septic tank in the corners and edges, prepare round hatches for it. And the tire septic tank is ready.

Where and how to place a septic tank

It is important that a septic tank made of tires is located on the site, taking into account the factors prescribed by sanitary standards:

As far as possible from sources of drinking water - from a well, drainage system, manholes

This distance is defined as 25-30 meters.
Place a sewer well at a distance of at least 5 meters from the buried foundation of a residential building
It is important that the septic tank is located at a distance of no more than 3 meters from the road, so that a sewage truck drives up to it, and pumping out the tanks does not create problems. When digging a trench for a sewer pipe, it is desirable that there be as few turns as possible, blockages form in them

Dig a trench with a slope towards the septic tank, at the rate of 2-5 cm per meter of the length of the pipeline, so that sewage drains under a slope move more easily through the pipe

When digging a trench for a sewer pipe, it is desirable that there be as few turns as possible, blockages form in them. Dig a trench with a slope towards the septic tank, at the rate of 2-5 cm per meter of the length of the pipeline, so that the sewer drains under the slope move more easily through the pipe.

How to calculate the dimensions of a septic tank from tires

Before digging a sewer well with your own hands, create a project for it. Calculate the number of tires, the dimensions of the pit, the length of the pipeline.
The size of the septic tank depends on the number of family members living in the house, on the purpose of the house - on whether you constantly live in it, or come only for the weekend. For permanent habitation, proceed from the calculation of 600 liters per person. This means that for an average family of 4 people, a sewerage system from tires with a capacity of 2,400-2,500 liters, divided into 2 wells, will be required.

If it is planned to increase the family in the next 5-7 years, for example, one of the young will create a family, or elderly parents will move in with you, lay a supply in advance and make a septic tank for 3 thousand liters from 3 wells. Calculate how many tires will be required for this job.

Let's take ZIL-130 car tires for calculation. The outer diameter of the wheel is 1 meter, the width is 25 cm. It is more convenient to make calculations in decimeters, since 1 sq. dm corresponds to 1 liter. You have to remember what they taught in school. The tire is a cylinder, which means that the volume will be calculated using the cylinder formula V-πR2H, where

Substitute the numerical values ​​​​3.14 x 52 x 2.5, we get 196.35 liters. To simplify the calculation, we round up to 190, especially since the calculations were made on the outside of the tire. This means that 14 tires are required for 2500 liters. The second well will be about deeper, and the tires are distributed not 7 and 7, but 6 and 8. You can use 7 and 8. It will not be superfluous.

to make such a septic tank do not need any special knowledge

Perhaps you will have tires of other equipment at your disposal - tractor or from a car. It does not matter. The calculation is made according to the formula described above.

In order for the tires to fit freely and without interference in the well, add 10 cm to the diameter of the tires. We calculate the depth of the well by summing up the height of all tires 6 × 25 cm = 150, or 1.5 meters. Add 40 cm to this depth for a concrete base and a sand and gravel filter pad.

If you plan to make 3 wells, you will need 16-17 tires. Two wells are made the same in depth, and the 3rd one is more spacious and deeper. Performing a septic tank for 2-3 wells, you can dig 1 pit, ensuring a distance between the wells of 20-30 cm, or you can do it as in the picture.

Now that all the calculations are done, start the practical work.


