What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tank

Distance norms

Sanitary standards do not regulate the distance from the house, therefore, the placement of an object on its site is determined by the terrain and the minimum available water depth. However, from a street toilet and a septic tank, according to the requirements of SanPiN, on a site with a residential building, the structure should be located at least 50 m from the cesspool and septic tank. This means that improper layout will lengthen the distance between the house and the well or sump.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankDistance standards according to SNiP and SanPiN

An indentation of 3 to 5 meters from the foundation, depending on its type and type of soil, will not necessitate additional structures if a sewerage system is installed in the house.

You will have to make sewer wells - inspection, nodal and rotary, think about the design of a submersible pump and purchase covers to close them. And the more complex the piping, the more opportunities for blockage or breakage, as well as the higher the likelihood of potential inconvenience in use.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankIn the village

Especially meticulously, the sanitary inspectorate checks septic tanks, neighboring and on the owner's site. True, in recent years, with the advent of new advanced cleaning and filtration systems, it has become possible to reduce the distance even in areas with problematic soil.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankBuilding layout

But the distance still cannot be less than 20 m, no matter what advantages the cleaning device has. When obtaining a building permit, it is better to think in advance what type of septic tank will be used in order to report this to the sanitary inspection and minimize the distance based on technical specifications.

But if during the inspection it turns out that the type of device, on the basis of which it was determined at what distance the sanitary facilities will be located, has not been established, fines and administrative penalties will be severe.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankScheme of distances between buildings in accordance with the norms of SNiP and SanPiN

As for the distance to the fence of neighbors, it is not regulated. It is known that the well should be located at a distance of at least 5 m from the road, but this applies to the front or side side bordering the street. You can move away from the neighbor's fence by a meter, guided by the instructions in the column from other buildings, where the standards are clearly marked. Although those who have sued the neighbors usually advise to retreat two meters and continue trouble-free operation.

Regulatory documents to be followed

The sewer pit is a constant concern for the owner, unless it is equipped with modern biological or chemical means for filtering and cleaning. The treatment plant is the main determining factor, focusing on which the required distance is determined. When planning a drain pit, various indicators are taken into account:

  • the type of soil on the site and the degree of its permeability in the event of an emergency or gradual penetration of sewage (sandy soil is considered the most potentially dangerous);
  • the location of the aquifer is taken into account when arranging a cesspool structure without a bottom, with a small amount of content (it should not be located below its level).

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankWell in the garden

The minimum distance from the well may be less if the location is water-resistant soil. But if it is located downstream (this is not recommended), then the direction of fluid flow in the aquifer is also taken into account.

How to determine the distance from the well to the drain pit, you can see in the following regulatory documents:

  • SNiP 2.04.03-85 “Sewerage. External networks and structures”;
  • SNiP 2.04.02-84 “Water supply. External networks and structures”;
  • SP 31.13330.2012 - an updated response to SNiP 2.04.02-84, which took into account the changes that have occurred in the form and specifics of facilities for the extraction of drinking water and wastewater treatment;
  • SP 32.13330.2012 - an updated version of SNiP 2.04.03-85, carried out in accordance with Federal Law No. 184 "On Technical Regulation" and approved by the Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation;
  • SNiP 30-02-97 “Planning and development of horticultural and dacha associations of citizens. Buildings and constructions";
  • SP 53.13330.2011 - updated version of SNiP 30-02-97;
  • Law on dachas of 2018, Town Planning Code, Code of Administrative Offenses.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankThe layout of buildings from the well in accordance with the norms of SNiP and SanPiN

A source of additional information can be SanPiN, which contains standards for sanitary gaps, certain requirements for building materials, and tightness to avoid contamination of the soil and aquifers with sewage.

Requirements for the location of the toilet

The question of how far a cesspool can be placed from a residential building is easily solved if you study the relevant requirements. The placement of the cesspool in this case depends on its capacity and type. In IZHS and garden non-profit partnerships, the main factor affecting the location is the capacity of the cesspool and the number of people living in the house.

If a dozen people do not live in the building on a permanent basis, there is no need to build a large pit. But sanitary standards stipulate that it should be no more than 100 liters per tenant, however, stipulating that caring for this container requires cleaning at least once every 2 weeks.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankIn the village

This requirement should be guided only if the equipment of the restroom is of such a design that it provides for regular emptying with cesspools. Then the distance to the residential building should allow the passage of a car with special functions. It has long been discouraged to use open pit pits if feces get into them.

This is still an inconvenience for the residents, because the smell of excrement is indestructible, and getting into the soil and groundwater will certainly, over time, pose a danger of infection for crops, a source of drinking water, no matter what distance between it and the well is observed.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankIn the countryside

And this is an unrealistic figure for sections whose width is less than 12 meters. There are so many requirements for the conditions in which you can build a simple "birdhouse" that it is incredibly difficult to take them into account.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankThe layout of objects on the site in accordance with the norms of SNiP and SanPiN

But this has to be done, especially in capital buildings used all year round, because otherwise you can easily get a fine from the supervisory authorities that control such buildings. There are the following standards for the installation of a sanitary and hygienic facility for natural human needs:

  • to a natural source of water - no closer than 20 m, and if it is a reservoir, then even more - 30 m at least;
  • it is advised to indent 1 meter before the fence, but only if the roof slope is inclined towards the owner’s site, therefore it is often advised to build a simple toilet, but at a distance of 2 m from the fence (in this case, the desire to save money at a distance can be costly);
  • 1 m can be left to the foundation of their own outbuildings and shrubs (putting a toilet behind a bush, they get the same 2 m, but there will certainly be no complaints from neighbors);
  • the toilet should be at a distance of 4 m from the trees, otherwise there is a risk not only of undermining the structure with a powerful root system, but also of infecting the fruits used for food;
  • A 5-meter distance is recommended to the foundation of any residential building, gas pipe and the red line of the road;
  • from the toilet at the prescribed distance there should be not only your own well, but also the neighbor's;
  • the distance between the playground, pipes of the central or autonomous sewage system and the well cannot be less than 10 m, but this is the minimum norm, which in this case depends on the type of arrangement of the tank and the toilet used for hygiene purposes.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankDistances on the site

It is no secret that in rural areas a simple "birdhouse" is often used, which is periodically transferred from place to place, and the remaining hole is buried. This is a structure to which no special claims are made, because the cesspool rarely reaches a large volume and depth. The main requirement for such a latrine is that the excavated reservoir should not reach the level of groundwater flow (which means that its depth should not exceed 3 m).

Watch a video on this topic.

good neighborliness

This concept characterizes the legal relations between neighbors. According to legislative acts, the owner of the site can organize any buildings on his land. But, at the same time, he must take into account the safety of those around him.

An incorrectly chosen location of a cesspool can bring a lot of inconvenience to both its owners and its neighbors. Of the most common problems:

  1. Foundation destruction. The waste tank not only infects the soil and water, but also increases the level of soil moisture. In this case, the foundation begins to collapse over the entire area. This is fraught with cracks in the walls, deformation of the structure and even its destruction;
  2. Bad smell. Many believe that it is necessary to maintain a distance of only 20 meters from the facade of their house, but not from the neighbor's. Naturally, a stench will come from the tank, which, first of all, will interfere with those who live closer to it. The smell not only interferes with a normal life, but also harms health;
  3. Contamination of the land and decrease in its productivity. Not only buildings suffer, but also garden plantings. Many fruit trees, ornamental plants and vegetable crops die from changes in the chemical composition of the soil. This entails a certain liability for the owner of the cesspool.

All the requirements and norms described above are mandatory for both private homeowners and individual entrepreneurs, as well as legal entities.

Accepted distance standards

The distance from a residential building to a well in different sources varies from 3 to 7 m. Such a collapse in remoteness causes several circumstances, of which repair and maintenance in case of a possible breakdown is important. It is for these reasons that it is not recommended to build a well in the basement of a residential building, which at first glance seems to be a very convenient and economical solution.

Long-term operation of an artesian source with the help of a water intake installation seems impossible without professional maintenance, which should be carried out regularly. Much depends on the type of installation that is preferred. And it is also selected depending on the objective conditions - the terrain, the depth of the reservoir and its accessibility.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankThe layout of objects in accordance with the standards of SNiP and SanPiN

Professional builders in such cases will certainly warn that in the event of the slightest breakdown of the installation in the basement, the amount of work will be much higher and will require additional payment.

A major breakdown will lead to the need to build a new well, but not in the basement, but on the site. But the choice of a place for it will be difficult due to the presence of already built structures. The norms defined in the SNiP are not accidental, and the absence of a ban on building in the basement is due to the calculation for the presence of reasonable thinking and expediency.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankSite Planning

But the norm of distance from the house of 3–7 m is not the only parameter that will have to be taken into account when placing the well.Indeed, according to existing rules, it is also removed from other existing structures, especially for sanitary purposes:

the well is certainly located above the septic tank or cesspool, even equipped in accordance with all the rules, in order to prevent contaminated water from entering it;
the distance between the well and the septic tank according to SanPiN should be at least 30 m, but in a small area this is not feasible, therefore another is indicated - 15 m, but not only from one's own, but also from the neighbor's;
the distance from the fence depends on the objects that are located behind it, and from the fence itself, in any case, at least 3–4 m (some sources may also indicate 10 meters);
from the greenhouse and fertilized beds - 20 m;
from fruit trees of any height - 5 m, in order to avoid an accident from rotting of the root system;
special attention should be paid to the distance from the chicken coop or barn with animals - at least 8 m, and not only your own, but also stationed in a neighboring area;
drilling is prohibited in the immediate vicinity of a motorway or driveway, as well as in places where car parking is possible.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankThe layout of the septic tank on the site in accordance with the norms of SNiP

The opinion of construction and drilling specialists regarding the distance between the house and the well practically coincides with the SNiP norms governing the remoteness of the source of drinking water.

Expert answers


That is, you want to check the legality of your neighbor's cesspool, but the fact that you do not have the legal right to have a personal well 70 meters deep, which is most likely artesian, does not bother you? You both broke the law. Perhaps you both will answer for this soon.

This will not affect the quality of your water, because your water intake is too deep.

But if I were your neighbor, I would “lay down” you, because the responsibility for his pit is MUCH less than yours for your well. Please give me his coordinates, I will advise him on this.

Sorry, move over bitch!

I understand that 70 meters is the depth. What is 6 meters? Distance from the well or depth of the well?


A rhetorical question, to which you yourself know the answer, since it bothers you.


will not affect


will not affect

The Scarlet Flower:

Of course it will. We had a wonderful well with very clean water in our dacha village, the depth of which is 35 meters, we went to it all our lives for water, although there is a column nearby and one businessman made a cesspool, 15 meters from the well. the well began to plow and people stopped going into it.

Build City2640:

let him dig, and in that place do something else - so that his work is not in vain - a cellar or a pond or a room with steps


Up to a depth of 70m it will not seep. It would be worse for a well


complain .. there was a case in our village so there was about 15 meters and it was and the water stank horror like .. he has no right to dig a hole so close

Leela Leela:

According to the norms, at least 8 is necessary, the neighbor violated the norms According to TSN-40-301-97: 3.38. Sanitary protection zones of treatment facilities for wastewater disposal systems of low-rise residential buildings, depending on the productivity and type of facilities in accordance with SNiP 2.04.03-85, must be taken: - 15 m for underground filtration fields, with a capacity of up to 15 m3 / day. ;- for filter trenches and sand-gravel filters with a capacity of: 1 m3 / day - 8 m; 2 m3/day - 10; 4 m3/day - 15 m; 8 m3/day - 20 m; 15 m3 / day - 25 m. - 5 and 8 m for septic tanks and filter wells, respectively; - 100 m for biofiltration facilities, with a capacity of up to 50 m3 / day; - 150 m for biological treatment facilities with a capacity of up to 200 m3 / day with drying stabilized sludge on silt sites;- 50 m for aeration plants for complete oxidation, with a capacity of up to 700 m3 / day.

Mari Petro:

won't have any effect.


A little confused. This 70m well is subject not only to building codes, but also to the subsoil law. Within a radius of 60m (in some cases 30) there is a security zone in which there should not be not only septic tanks, but also buildings, plantings, etc. It may or may not affect water quality - it is not known what kind of geology there is, cracks, etc. And the shit can perfectly descend along the casing pipe - that's why such a large sanitary zone.


if it’s clay then don’t worry, what pressure is needed for the shit to penetrate such a distance and depth

A Pavlov:

so as not to swear - put filters!


Hmm, but in general it is forbidden to do unconcreted cesspools in our country, they recently went to check it. All wells.

Kesha Alpenstock:

but not how, if you talk like a human being, you did a well where you wanted, well, they dig a hole wherever they want, the land is theirs. although going to the Rospotrebnadzor may give some good advice, at least they will give some kind of answer, and you will act taking this circumstance into account.

Mansur Saidov:

Minimum 15 meters.

Materials from which to make a cesspool

The most common materials for making the walls of cesspools are concrete mortar, ready-made rings, bricks or blocks. From factory tanks - plastic PVC containers, eurocubes.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tank

Pouring a concrete tank

Lightweight and easy to transport, polymer tanks are the best choice for a sealed sewer pit or septic tank in a private house. Multilayer walls are airtight, and strength is not inferior to concrete rings. The material does not need to be sealed and additionally insulated: the air cushion between the walls of the container performs the function of thermal protection. They produce tanks of various shapes, which makes it easy to choose the best option for a home cesspool.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tank

Polymer tank installation

Light weight allows you to install a container of any size without the help of specialists. Installation is carried out on a prepared base: a sand cushion or a concrete slab installed at the bottom. For additional fixation, plastic tanks are anchored - tied to the base with construction or canvas straps. Before backfilling the pit, it is imperative to collect up to half the volume of water so that the walls do not squeeze.

According to a pre-calculated volume, the size of the rings for the cesspool is selected. Factory products are produced in diameters up to 200 cm. Accordingly, when choosing a sealed design, the maximum diameter is selected so as not to exceed the permissible depth.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tank

Capacity from factory rings

To simplify the process of arranging sewers, choose prefabricated products:

Sealed rings with a bottom for laying without a base - in a pit.

Wall products with locks allow you to increase the required height without additional sealing.

Openings with lids and built-in ladders - for organizing access to the inside.

If the receiver device occurs simultaneously with other construction work on the site, then instead of ready-made containers, standard materials are used - mortar and brick. Concrete mortar is a material that can be used to fill any type of pit. Brick is a porous material, which is desirable to use only for filtration tanks without a bottom.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tank

Brick two-chamber pit with a bottom

The calculation of the number of bricks for arranging a cesspool is carried out by analogy with the calculation for the construction of walls. After choosing the type of masonry, the perimeter of the structure and the quadrature of each wall are calculated. Multiply by the number of bricks in the masonry per square meter.

The best drainage option for a residential building is a septic tank. In addition to saving on regular pumping, the system is virtually maintenance free. When equipping a standard cesspool, try to use equipment - it is not worth digging a pit by hand for 15 - 20 cubic meters.If you plan to install a filter structure, get professional advice first: in addition to a fine for equipment of a prohibited type of receiver, you can permanently spoil the water in the well.

Norms and legislative documents

The distance from the toilet to the well is limited not only by sanitary standards, as one would expect in such a case. When determining the maximum allowable distance, the distance from the toilet is one of the most important parameters when building a site. Despite the presence in official documents of standards strictly defined in other decrees and acts, there are more stringent requirements.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankIn the country

  1. SNiP 30-02-97, as amended in 2018, should become a reference book for every developer who is unlucky enough to get a central sewer and main water supply at their summer cottage. But this is not the only document to be guided by. Other documents that have the force of legislative decrees should also be taken into account.
  2. SP 42.13330.2011 titled “Urban planning. Planning and development of urban and rural settlements” is nothing more than an updated version of a well-developed document, SNiP 2.07.01-89, created in the era of state standardization based on many years of practical experience.
  3. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation, paragraph 8.6, which takes into account the requirements of state structures for the equipment of special sanitary facilities in places where there is no sewage system, as well as liability for violations.
  4. SanPiN 42-128-4690-88 (sanitary rules for the maintenance of populated areas).
  5. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 52 "On the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the population".
  6. The Water Code of the Russian Federation, which categorically prohibits the use of a cesspool without a bottom, because it is in this way that liquid enters the groundwater and reservoirs of natural origin, which poses a potential threat to the health, and sometimes the lives of people living in this area.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankOn the territory of a private house

Sometimes developers refer to conflicting requirements governing how far from the well a toilet should be equipped. But the whole problem is that septic tanks are of different types, and the instructions apply not only to certain devices recommended for installation. Large distances to the well, previously recommended, may concern a cesspool without a bottom or a simple "birdhouse", often used in the country.

Technical innovations make it possible to circumvent the regulations without prejudice to the normal sanitary and epidemiological situation and at the same time keep a minimum distance. The latest improvements make it possible to dispense with machine cleaning and even use excrement to fertilize the site.

According to the rules that come into conflict with each other, it is difficult to navigate. Therefore, a toilet can only be built after consulting a specialist, and some types require permission from the authorities that control the sanitary condition of the area.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankIn the park

Fire regulations

Fire safety standards take into account the combustibility of the materials from which the buildings in the country house and residential building are made. Outdoor latrines are built from wood and other flammable materials. Therefore, based on the rules, the distance from the wooden house to the toilet should be more than 15 m. The building must be placed at a distance of 4 m from the neighbor's fence. If the site is not built up, a passage width of 1 meter is allowed.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankThe layout of the septic tank in a private house according to the standards

More than 8 meters should be retreated from the front border of the garden plot or country allotment. An outdoor bathroom should not stand in front of a residential building and block the passage to outbuildings.

From a barn, a bathhouse, a greenhouse on your site, a closet can be built no closer than 1 meter. Garage, gazebo with barbecue should be removed by 4-6 m.

The fire safety requirement prohibits planting shrubs and other plants at a distance of less than 1 meter from the walls of an outdoor toilet, regardless of the material from which it is built. The passage around the structure must be free.

A video on this topic is presented below.


The right choice of water intake equipment, suitable for type and quality, as well as its professional arrangement will help extend the operation of the installation up to 50 years. However, this does not mean that throughout the entire period of operation it will work smoothly.

What is the allowable distance from the wells to the septic tankSketch

The location of the well in relation to the residential building should provide for the possibility of repair and unhindered access to the place of breakdown of special equipment, if necessary. At the same time, such important conditions as the absence of communications, power lines, gas pipes and other structures that are a potential inconvenience for the work of repair specialists should be provided.


