Types of ventilation in the sewer
There are two ways to ensure full access to air. The simplest and most common option is the natural system. The draft created in the outgoing pipe carries away the air masses with the undesirable impurities contained in them. The return flow occurs through the second hole. In some cases, do-it-yourself sewage of a septic tank is done with forced supply, when air does not enter in sufficient quantity. This is due to the design features of the septic tank, when ventilation is not possible in a natural way or this is provided for by the type of treatment plant. The forced system is equipped with additional devices for sufficient air flow.
Cesspool ventilation purpose and types
Ventilation pipes are necessary not only to prevent the appearance of smell in the house, but also to balance the pressure within the entire system. However, there is another reason for the mandatory arrangement of ventilation: in the process of decomposition of organic waste, combustible gas is formed and a fire is possible with a large accumulation of matter. To prevent this from happening, ventilation of the cesspool is necessary. The device does not require large expenses, but you can do it yourself.
The hood circuit can be equipped extremely simply:
- install a conventional sewer PVC pipe with a cross section of 100 mm;
- attach the pipe to the wall at the back;
- bring the upper end over the roof of the septic tank to a height of approximately 20 cm;
- insulate the pipe from below with tow soaked in bitumen;
- cover the exit from debris with a sheet of tin;
- concrete the exit shaft.
If cesspool ventilation is installed without a toilet, installation also does not take much time:
- install a pipe system next to the hatch, the size of which is calculated by the immersion depth and output height;
- equip the top of the output with a motor to increase traction;
- cover the exit with a tin sheet.
The sewer hood is ready, and thanks to the presence of a motor, there will be no stench on the site even on the hottest summer days. In addition, there will be no unpleasant odors in the toilet, decomposition vapors will no longer affect the wood, which means that the toilet will last longer.
When building a toilet with a drain pit, it is better to build a toilet away from the pit. It is not difficult to connect structures using a conventional sewer pipeline with a cross section of 100 mm or more. And if you mount a tee, it will be easy to attach a ventilation pipe, which guarantees good ventilation. In any case, the ventilation device is possible in two ways:
- a natural option occurs when the pressure in the drain pit increases;
- forced - air moves through the operation of fans connected to the power supply.
natural ventilation
A vertical pipe is installed, which is needed to remove odors, and the installation is carried out not below the level of filling the pit with sewage, and the top goes beyond the roof.
The cross section of the outlet must be more than 100 mm, the upper end must be at least 70 cm from the roof level. Sealing the pipe and fastening with clamps is mandatory - so you don’t have to worry that the pipe will be blown away during a strong wind.
Forced ventilation
The most efficient way, but requires electricity. Making a hood with your own hands is easy:
- bring electricity to the toilet;
- pick up a medium power fan (300 watts is enough);
- form a hole for the device, and the fan should work for distillation so that the air does not stagnate in the toilet room;
- equip several openings for the influx of fresh air (this can be a regular slot at the threshold).
In this case, the scheme does not provide for the installation of ventilation pipes in the drain pit itself, a fan is enough, which will perfectly expel the air and, along with it, all the unpleasant odors.
Well, to avoid the appearance of a strong smell in the drain pit, it is enough to purchase biological cleaning products. These can be powders, tablets or liquids for sewer pits. As you can see, the ventilation device is quite affordable for any owner, and the choice of systems is quite diverse.
In a private area with an equipped drain tank, such an unpleasant phenomenon as stench is often observed. Properly equipped ventilation of the cesspool will completely solve the problem of bad smell from the drain and the accumulation of gases in the tank.
Any ventilation is of two types:
Natural ventilation is the simplest option for arranging the removal of gases from the pit. But, at the same time, it does not differ in high efficiency. An unpleasant odor will be brought directly to the surface and spread throughout the site, which may cause some discomfort to residents.
For the organization of forced ventilation, engineering calculations are carried out. .they take into account the required length and diameter of the air passage, as well as its distance from the exhaust pipe (if any). It is much more expensive than natural (pipes, fans, engineering services), but it is more efficient.
Installation of forced ventilation
A more effective, but also more costly way to remove unpleasant odors is to make forced ventilation in the cesspool. To implement it, it is necessary to connect a fan to the base of the hood, the technical parameters of which are selected taking into account the volume of the pit and the nature of domestic wastewater.
Fan selection
The main characteristic by which the fan model should be selected is its performance. According to sanitary standards, the air exchange rate in the cesspool should be at least 80 m³ / h. Typically, fans with a power of 30 W or more can provide such performance. Another important parameter is the overall dimensions of the fan, which must correspond to the inner diameter of the ventilation outlet.
The exhaust fan is mounted directly into the ventilation pipe
Installation and connection of the system
To properly make forced ventilation in the cesspool, you must adhere to the following recommendations:
- Installation of the ventilation pipe is carried out according to the principle of installation of natural ventilation. The only difference is that the lower pipe should be located directly under the ceiling.
The duct fan is mounted at the bottom of the pipe and fixed with seals, self-tapping screws or duct connectors, depending on the model.
When using self-tapping screws, it is important to ensure that their fastening does not interfere with the rotation of the impeller.
- The supply of electricity to the cesspool can be done in two ways: underground and air. In the first case, a trench is dug with a depth of at least 70 cm (according to the PUE and GOST), into which the cable is laid. To protect it from groundwater, it is better to use a plastic or metal pipe. The second option involves cable laying, which is carried out by air. For such purposes, a steel cable is used, on which the cable is wound.
- To automate the process of turning on / off the fan, a timer (time relay) is used, which is programmed taking into account the peculiarities of the operation of the sewer network.
Timer for automatic ventilation operation
Inspection of ventilation should be carried out at least 2 times a year
Particular attention must be paid to the fan blades, where solid deposits can accumulate.
It is important to make the hood in the cesspool in such a way as to prevent internal vacuum
And if in an outdoor toilet an air flow is formed between the ventilation pipe and the hole in the structure, then for a hermetically sealed pit, an inlet pipe should be installed. It is important to make the hood in the cesspool in such a way as to prevent internal vacuum
And if in an outdoor toilet an air flow is formed between the ventilation pipe and the hole in the structure, then for a hermetically sealed pit, an inlet pipe should be installed
It is important to make the hood in the cesspool in such a way as to prevent internal rarefaction. And if in an outdoor toilet an air flow is formed between the ventilation pipe and the hole in the structure, then for a hermetically sealed pit, an inlet pipe should be installed
In winter, moisture can accumulate on the surface of the hood, which, when frozen, reduces the inner diameter of the channel, which reduces the intensity of the air flow. To eliminate this problem, a deflector should be installed at the outlet, which improves air movement. In addition, this device protects the pipe from debris and foreign objects.
Types of deflectors for ventilation
The best option is to make ventilation in the cesspool during installation work on the arrangement of an autonomous sewer. In this case, you do not have to modify an already functioning system and you can choose the best place to place the hood. As for the type of ventilation, it is not always advisable to use forced air exchange. For some sumps, natural airflow is sufficient. However, such a conclusion can only be given by specialists after visiting the facility and familiarizing themselves with the operating conditions of the sewer network.
In a private house intended for permanent residence, it is necessary to organize water supply and install a warm toilet located in the house
. These functions belong to the basic life support functions. These are water supply and waste disposal.
At the moment, the installation of a warm flush toilet in a private house and a septic tank that recycles waste is not an impossible requirement. Modern technologies make it possible to carry out a full-fledged water supply system from a well and arrange a sewerage system.
Independent arrangement of ventilation
Cabin ventilation
. The exhaust channel is located as close as possible to the hole directed to the cesspool. The installation height should be maximum, but the distance from the ceiling to the upper end of the pipe cannot be less than 150 millimeters. The channel, which provides the supply of fresh air, is located in the wall, in its lower part. From floor level, it must be mounted at a minimum height. It is necessary that the distance between the two holes be maximum, so they are placed on opposite walls of the bathroom.
Installation of a cesspool pipe
. Initially, the required length of the ventilation pipe is calculated, and if it is necessary to cut off an extra piece of the product, use a hacksaw. Dig a small hole with a shovel before starting the cesspool.
If the technology is strictly adhered to during the work, then an effective system will be obtained, and the smell from the ventilation in the toilet will not disturb summer residents vacationing outside the city. In addition, the building will be protected from the negative effects of gases resulting from the presence of human waste in the pit.
The absence of a fan pipe and other devices will sooner or later lead to the fact that the ventilation of the sewer will be disturbed and the unpleasant smell will quickly spread throughout all the premises of the house. Regardless of the presence of a centralized or autonomous system, ventilation problems need to be solved as quickly as possible.But if the incoming master successfully copes with this in an apartment, the care of a private house falls on the shoulders of the owner. And it is about how to arrange the ventilation of a private house or fix problems with your own hands, it is worth talking in more detail.
The presence in the house of risers with a cross section of more than 50 mm, two or more floors and a large number of plumbing fixtures dictates the need to install a ventilation system. A sharp volley discharge of a large volume of water forms a vacuum in the pipes, as a result of which the siphons are emptied. And it is the absence of a water seal that allows odors to freely enter the room.
Even if the house is equipped with large pipes and there is a minimal threat of blocking the section with a drain flow, air from the sewer can still appear in the room. The reason is the small size of the siphons. If the sewerage is not used for 3-5 days, the water dries up and a void forms, the water seal valve does not work again and the aromas spread into the house. Troubles can be avoided if there is sewer ventilation in a private house, which is quite easy to do with your own hands. The system may consist of a conventional downpipe or use a vacuum valve. Both options are good, they are used not only in private houses, but also in apartments, and the most effective is the scheme where there is both a fan pipe and a valve that plays the role of the desired addition.
sewerage pipe
The device is a continuation of the sewer riser, brought out. The principle of operation is simple: warm air always rises and is discharged outside, as a result of which a small type of vacuum is created in the pipe system (like draft in a stove) and air is pushed out of the rooms of the house into the sewer, and not vice versa.
But in order to equip the ventilation riser with a fan pipe with your own hands correctly, take note of the following recommendations:
- The height of the fan pipe cannot be less than 0.5 m from the roof level. In the case of an attic, the length increases to 3-3.5 meters;
- The cross section of the hood diameter must be equal to the diameter of the riser pipeline;
- If there are a lot of sewer risers, it is allowed to connect the elements in the upper part and equip the system with one fan pipe;
- It is impossible to connect sewer-type ventilation with stove or exhaust general house ventilation;
- The best place for pipes is a blank wall of the house. If taken out near window openings or a balcony, the smell can seep into the house. In the absence of a blank wall, the distance between the windows and the outlet of the sewerage pipeline must be at least 4 meters;
- If the roof of the house is multi-pitched, the fan pipe should not be led out under the overhang of the slope, the structure can easily break from snow melting;
- Equip the top of the hood with a deflector - it is guaranteed to block the ventilation in the winter. Condensation forms on the deflector, which, when frozen, will tightly clog the outlet and the air will go into the rooms.
The hood is made from a pipe from which a common riser is made and is a continuation of the pipeline, bringing it out. The use of cast iron is not desirable, since the material is susceptible to corrosion and there is a risk of complete rusting and falling of the pipe, it is best to make the outlet plastic.
The design of the ventilation passage
Consider the features of forced ventilation. When it is arranged, the usual cover is replaced by an inspection hatch. In such a hatch it is possible to equip an air window. This hole not only acts as a vent for the exhaust gas, but also provides a constant circulation of fresh air.
This is extremely important for the normal course of fermentation processes.
An additional hole for the ventilation pipe is equipped to the top of the cesspool. Experts recommend choosing communications made of plastic - they are more resistant to constant exposure to aggressive environments and have a long service life.
A fan is connected to the base of the pipe in the pit. You can use a conventional deflector with protective caps or buy a special device for a cesspool. To connect to the network, an additional electrical wire is inserted into the waste tank, which is directly connected to the fan contacts.
With natural ventilation, pipes are used that are installed directly on the lid of the cesspool. The length of such a pipe can be different - it depends on the desired efficiency of the system. But the depth is strictly normalized - the pipe is installed in the drain 20 cm above the maximum level of the tank.
How to make forced ventilation of the drain pit
To organize such ventilation in the cesspool, a fan will need to be connected to the base of the pipe. Its characteristics are selected, taking into account the volume of the tank.
The fan model must be selected according to its performance. An air exchange rate of at least 80 m 3 / h, provided for by sanitary standards, can be given by devices with a power starting from 30 watts. The dimensions of the selected device are very important, because it is installed inside the duct. The dimensions of the mechanism must match the diameter of the air outlet.
When organizing ventilation of a cesspool made of concrete rings, the following recommendations should be followed:
The installation of the air duct is carried out according to the principle of a natural ventilation device, with the exception of one moment: the bottom of the pipe must be under the ceiling.
The selected duct-type fan is installed at the bottom end of the pipe and fastened with self-tapping screws. Using self-tapping screws, it is necessary to ensure that such a mount does not cling to the impeller blades.
It is possible to conduct electricity to the drain pit underground and through the air. To implement the first method, you need to dig a trench into which the cable is then laid. The depth of the trench, according to GOST, must be at least 0.7 m. A steel or PVC pipe should be used to protect the cable from groundwater. The air method involves an external cable laying. For it, a metal cable is used to fasten the cable by winding.
To automate the process of turning on or off the fan, you can use a time relay. Its settings take into account the features of the home sewer system.
Inspection of the ventilation system of the cesspool is recommended to be done a couple of times a year.
Increased attention should be paid to the fan impeller blades, as solid deposits can accumulate on them.
Advice! When installing the fan, it is necessary to correctly determine where the air flow is moving. Its direction should be oriented upwards, but not vice versa.
In addition to the above material, we will give some tips.
When organizing ventilation of the cesspool, it is recommended to avoid rarefaction of the air in the tank. If a ventilated area is formed between the tank and the air duct in the yard toilet, then it is recommended to install an inlet pipe in a closed tank. Two air inflow and exhaust openings are usually located at opposite corners of the drain pit. The exhaust port is always higher than the supply port.
Moisture that appears on the surface of the ventilation pipe can freeze in winter, reducing the passage of the channel and thereby reducing the intensity of the air flow. To eliminate such a problem, the upper opening of the pipe must be provided with a deflector. It will speed up the movement of air and protect the channel from street debris.
The most rational option is to ventilate the cesspool when installing an autonomous sewer. Then you do not have to change the existing system and it is easier to choose a convenient place to install the exhaust pipe.
As for the type of ventilation of the drain pit, it is not always necessary to arrange forced air exchange. Some settling tanks are managed by natural ventilation.The final conclusion on this issue can be given by the relevant specialists after familiarizing themselves with the operating conditions of the network on site.
How to make ventilation in the cesspool - look at the video:
After installing the ventilation of a cesspool in a private house, it is important to ensure that the tank does not overflow and the air channel is not blocked by waste. In addition, you need to monitor the air permeability of the fan pipe.
For the possibility of prevention and repair in the ventilation system, it is worth considering the installation of inspection hatches.
Many people associate an outdoor toilet in the country with an unpleasant smell, dirt and danger. But modern summer residents strive to make the most comfortable and safe place out of such a toilet.
The design is a small cabin, wooden or brick, inside there is a toilet or a seat. Under the cabin is a cesspool, it is she, or rather, the accumulation of waste in it, that causes an unpleasant smell. In the process of decomposition, human waste emits a foul-smelling gas - methane, which, moreover, is also dangerous to health - when visiting the toilet, a person can lose consciousness.
Methane vapors penetrate the wood and destroy it, as a result, wooden floors deteriorate and there is a risk of collapse of the structure. Hence the conclusion: it is necessary to prevent the accumulation of gases and ensure their free exit. For this, ventilation is needed in the outdoor toilet.
Ventilation Device Methods
There are two types of cesspools:
Autonomous building - septic tank. If the cesspool is located on the site next to the house, the unpleasant smell from the drains will certainly spread throughout the site. How to remove the smell from the cesspool? During the construction of a sewage treatment plant in its cover, it is imperative to leave a hole for the ventilation pipe. The cross-sectional diameter of the pipe is from 10 cm. Most often, plastic pipes are used for arranging ventilation - they are light and easy to install. Insert a second pipe with a diameter of 5 cm into a pipe with a diameter of 10 cm.
The pipe is inserted into the septic tank, its lower end must be 30 cm higher than the maximum filling level of the pit. The height of the pipe must be higher than human height so that unpleasant odors go up. The upper end of the pipe must be protected from water, snow, for example, with a special cap.
Such a simple structure effectively eliminates odor. The higher the pipe, the higher the smell goes. It is not necessary to place the pit very far from the house, and the land next to the pit and above it can be used like any other: for beds or a lawn.
Cesspool under the toilet. An outdoor toilet is a frequent construction in summer cottages or in private homes. Even if there is a bathroom in the house, the owners often arrange a toilet outside in case of problems with the sewer.
Typically, an outdoor toilet is presented as a place with an unpleasant smell, located far from home. Why is there an odor? Waste accumulates in the pit under the toilet, which releases methane gas. The gas rises. This is what creates the characteristic smell. Cases of methane poisoning and fires have been reported. In addition, under the influence of methane, wood, the main material for the construction of outdoor toilets, is destroyed faster.
Today there is a way to turn the usual view. An outdoor toilet can be located close to the house and not be a source of stench. When building a toilet, it is imperative to take care of ventilation, otherwise the smell will spread both in the toilet cubicle and around it.
There are two ways to install ventilation in an outdoor toilet:
1. Natural. Based on the natural laws of air movement.
2. Forced. Accelerates the process of removing polluted air with a fan, so it is more efficient. The air in the cabin will be perfectly clean.But for its device, electricity is needed, it must first be brought to the booth in order to connect the fan. In addition, the organization of forced ventilation requires additional material costs - the purchase of a fan.
Both systems involve the installation of an inlet, an exhaust duct, an exhaust located above the cesspool
The easiest way to install ventilation is to install a pipe. The length of the pipe is about 3 meters, the diameter is from 11 cm. A hole needs to be made in the lid above the pit behind the toilet.
The lower end of the pipe is inserted into this hole. If there is a space between the cover and the pipe, it must be covered with sealant or filled with foam. The pipe is exposed vertically, attached to the rear wall of the toilet with clamps. A protective cap-umbrella is put on the upper end of the pipe. The pipe must be at least 70 cm above the roof of the toilet.
There are two openings in the toilet cubicle:
- Exhaust - located closer to the ceiling. It is usually cut at the top of the door. With a natural ventilation system, it also performs a second function - a window. When installing forced ventilation, an exhaust fan is installed in the exhaust hole.
- Supply - located in the lower part opposite the exhaust. To prevent mice from entering the booth, for example, a grill is installed on the air inlet.
Ventilation of a cesspool in a private house is a fairly simple matter, it does not require much time and high material costs. At the same time, ventilation effectively eliminates odors and prevents premature destruction of the toilet cubicle.