Obtaining permission to discharge effluents
For recently launched organizations, the justification for obtaining permission to divert wastewater to the central sewerage is an agreement with Vodokanal, and for operating enterprises that have undergone reconstruction, a water management passport.
Sanctions for the discharge of sewage into natural water bodies are issued with the consent of the authorities for the protection of natural resources and environmental protection.
In order to obtain a permit for the release of wastewater from the relevant organizations, you must provide:
- Documents that confirm the work performed on the installation of sewer pipes, drain wells, insulation, foundation, soil compaction.
- Technical passports for equipment and materials.
- A certificate that confirms the application of an anti-corrosion coating to welds and joints, as well as their diagnostics.
- Information indicating the existing deviations from the original design of the structure.
- Operational acts for the external and external sewerage system.
- Certificate of assigning an address and number to the object in the register.
In addition, design drawings of the drainage main, the dilution of the sewerage pipeline and sanitary equipment are attached.
Relief relief scheme
According to the laws of the Russian Federation, the discharge of clarified effluents from the sewer onto the terrain and burial into the ground is not allowed. This is allowed only in rare cases, when the liquid is pre-cleaned up to 95 percent. In this case, it is required to obtain permission with the provision of a document on disinfection. The location of the release is agreed with local governments and Rospotrebnadzor.
Scheme of discharge into water bodies
The project of substantiating the place of discharge into a lake, river or sea allows you to determine the possibility of such an action and is a technical report that includes the following steps:
- checking the distance from the treatment plant to the reservoir and the economic component of laying the pipeline;
- obtaining an extract from the water register, based on which information is generated on the state of the water body and the actual purpose of its use;
- hydrological characteristics;
- study of the state of the coast and the basin for the construction of a water outlet;
- obtaining fishery characteristics;
- establishment of a nearby sanitary zone and a source of drinking water supply;
- analysis of the likely impact on the environment.
Emission point approval is necessary when creating a project and constructing septic tanks, treatment plants with filtration fields and other VOCs, stormwater and industrial wastewater. It is one of the necessary steps in obtaining permission to discharge clarified liquid into a water body. Time for approval - no more than three months from the date of submission of all necessary documentation.
It is necessary to obtain a permit, take samples to control the quality of water, as well as drained volumes. The requirements that apply depend directly on the reservoir itself and its application.
Varieties of effluent release
Coastal, channel and deep outlets are used to discharge treated wastewater into water bodies. The former are divided into two categories: non-flooded and flooded. The latter are wells installed on the shore with the withdrawal of sewage water under the level of a river or lake. The unflooded ones combine streams at a certain angle. Deep outlets provide high volume ejection. They allow you to move the release point away from the coast.
Channel outlets, as a rule, are located at some distance from the coastal zone. They are of three types:
- Concentrated releases are needed to dilute the main water flow by a pressure method or to supply liquid to a certain mark, where the level of pollution will be acceptable.
- Scatterers are located on a horizontal section of the pipe line, along the entire length of which several heads are placed or slots are made. With their help, sewage is poured into rivers.
- Ejector nozzles are equipped with nozzles of different sizes. Due to this, liquids can be effectively drained in water bodies with different currents.
A suitable structure is chosen depending on sanitary standards, the need for dilution of wastewater, the "mirror" of the well and the water body.
Why Unilos
Today, residents of city apartments are increasingly thinking about living in private homes, creating a comfortable environment around them.
To create it, heating, water supply and sewerage systems are needed.
In this article we will tell you about the Unilos deep cleaning station.
Why was she chosen?
- Why not storage capacity? The container, according to sanitary standards and the requirements of the SES, must be airtight. Otherwise, it's like your neighbor "pissing in your soup": drains in the ground do not have time to be cleaned and fall into your drinking water well. And if it is a sealed container, then you have to spend less water, or more often call a machine to pump out domestic wastewater.
- You can talk about the septic tank (in principle, it also cleans drains). He is energy independent. Fine! But there is another side of the coin - the cost of installing a septic tank is higher, because. you need to arrange an aeration field. A volley dump is generally a disaster. The question arises: where to go to the drains? The septic tank overflows, because it works on the principle of overflow, and all drains go into the ground untreated, although we mean the opposite. The second question - due to what we clean? The quality of cleaning depends on the uniformity of the feed. In the case when it is either empty or dense, none of the equipment will work correctly! They did not run away from pumping out the dry residue. As a result, the problem is not solved. Draw your own conclusions.
- Deep cleaning stations are at the highest level in the development of this area. Very simple, but at the same time unique methods were used, as a result of which effluents are cleaned by 98%. In the future, already purified water is diverted into the soil, river, storm water, and activated sludge (sapropel), which is produced very little (15 liters per quarter), can be used by you as an excellent fertilizer.
Stations of deep biological treatment are energy dependent! The consumption of the most common "Astra 5" is -1.6 kW / day, multiply by the tariff 2.30 we get 3.68 .. This means that the cost of comfort is 3.68 rubles per day! Only 3.68 rubles per day!
The Unilos biological treatment system has a simple principle of operation. Drains through the receiving tube enter the station's equalizer. The averager is a large capacity that accumulates the entire volley discharge. Example: you took a bath and drained the water, the station cannot process this amount of waste at once, so they enter the primary chamber (average tank). In the primary chamber, large fractions are broken up into small ones using bubbles from the aerator. The pump (airlift) pumps the fecal mass into the second tank, where the main processing process takes place, and the already purified water enters the third chamber, where stabilization and drainage of water into the soil take place. Heavy fractions are collected by an air lift from the bottom of the second and third chambers and enter the activated sludge sump, where further decomposition takes place. You ask: "Where are the bacteria?" They are everywhere. First of all, in man. The station has created all the conditions for their life and active "work".
Simplicity is not a guarantee of reliability if the main stages are thrown out of the cycle.
A golden mean is required, which means Unilos.
We can talk about this question for a long time.Definitely the answer sounds like this - the best system is the one that is correctly installed. Highly qualified specialists of the Octopus company, who also provide warranty and post services, will perfectly cope with this. warranty service for wastewater treatment systems.
Whether you are our client,
we will give you a full consultation completely free of charge
on any type of sewerage and all the nuances of its organization.
If you have any questions feel free to call
+7 (920) 106 39 00
Discharge control
The state strictly regulates the norms for the discharge of pollutants into the sewer. Quality control of household and industrial wastewater is carried out by executive and local governing bodies, companies and individual entrepreneurs involved in water disposal. They coordinate their actions with Rosprirodnadzor and Rosrybolovstvo.
The main document containing the rules for the release of wastewater is SanPiN According to him, before draining, the composition is checked for the content of contaminants and the presence of pathogenic bacteria. A reconciliation is carried out with the indicators of the declaration, which is provided by each enterprise on harmful substances in wastewater.
Carrying out planned activities for sampling and their laboratory examination is carried out no more than once within three months, but at least once a year. Sometimes unscheduled inspections are carried out upon detection:
- violations during dropping, including without the use of treatment systems;
- inconsistencies with the data entered in the declaration on the composition and content, as well as the detection of prohibited impurities;
- problems not fixed as directed.
2 way.
According to the "volley" discharge of effluents ("volley" discharge is filling to a critical level of the station's receiving chamber within 1.5 hours). The calculation is carried out by adding the effluents of all plumbing fixtures.
Name | Volley discharge l. |
Bathroom | 220 |
Bathroom corner | 450 |
Jacuzzi | 450 |
shower cabin | 100 |
Toilet | 20 |
Bidet | 20 |
Sink | 30 |
Washing machine | 50 |
Dishwasher | 50 |
Models of stations by "volley" discharge:
Model | Volley discharge l. |
Astra 3 | 150 |
Astra 5 | 300 |
Astra 8 | 350 |
Astra 10 | 550 |
Astra 15 | 650 |
Astra 20 | 850 |
Astra 30 | 1200 |
Astra 40 | 1500 |
Astra 50 | 1800 |
Astra 75 | 2300 |
Astra 100 | 2800 |
Astra 150 | 4600 |
Two more parameters that reflect the modification of the station:
- Insertion depth
- Ground water level
Cutting depth. There are three types of station according to the depth of the insert: Standard, Midi, Long. The depth of the tie-in depends on the depth of the outlet of the sewer pipe in the foundation and the distance to the station. The lower edge of the pipe at the entrance to the station should be:
- Standard - up to 0.6 m.
- Midi - up to 0.9 m.
- Long - up to 1.2 m.
Ground water level affects the removal of purified water to the ground. By gravity - if the type of soil is sand or sandy loam. Forced by a pump - if the type of soil is clay or loam.
Given these parameters, you can make the calculation yourself. And the most optimal would be the departure of our specialist to the place, he will competently be able to make a binding to your site and building.
Regulations and prohibitions for discharged wastewater
In accordance with the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", "On Water Supply and Sanitation" and the Water Code, it is prohibited to discharge wastewater into natural reservoirs:
- containing impurities for which no acceptable content standards have been developed;
- suitable for reuse, for example, in reverse water supply;
- representing a danger of exceeding the epidemiological threshold;
- which are the final products of the neutralization of industrial and household waste;
- forming explosive mixtures, toxic gases, as well as harmful impurities that prevent biological treatment.
- containing components containing oil and construction waste.
In effluents allowed for discharge, the maximum permissible concentrations of impurities (MPC) are certainly taken into account. According to GOST - no more than 500 mg / l of suspensions and floating substances. The temperature is not higher than 40 degrees, and the pH is 6.5–9.
It is also necessary to take into account volley sewage discharges. This concept means the release of sewage into the treatment plant from all plumbing devices at the same time
To prevent the liquid filled with pollutants from entering the sewer or, worse, into the reservoir, it is important to correctly calculate the volume of VOCs