Related materials
In addition to a set of tools, before you change the toilet with your own hands, you need to purchase building materials for installation, including:
- pipe for connection to the water supply system;
- sealant;
- corrugated pipe for connection to the sewer riser;
- tap;
- FUM tape;
- fasteners.
When a toilet bowl is exchanged - an old product for a new one, the main point is to ensure reliable sealing. Any loose connection or gap may result in a leak. When connecting a plumbing fixture to the sewer system, the best solution is to use silicone sealant in a cylinder.
Before you replace the toilet in an apartment or house, to connect it to a pipeline that drains drains, you should purchase plastic corrugated pipe products. Such a product is convenient in that it is flexible and suitable in most cases. Bending, the corrugation can take a different position, shrinking and stretching. It is suitable for both horizontal outlet and angled outlet.
In order to seal the joints, a sealing tape is used or they act in the old fashioned way, using tow. The set of fasteners includes screws, bolts, dowels, nuts, washers, plugs for connecting all components and carrying out installation work. In the absence of any fastener, it can be purchased additionally.
Preparatory work for installation
Regardless of what will cover the floor (tile or regular screed), you need to wait for the mixture to dry on the floor surface. This will take approximately a week. This is due to the fact that the toilet bowl is fixed by means of fasteners and dowels, under which a reliable and solid base is required. In this situation, a hardened solution will act as a similar base.
The next step is to prepare those involved in the communication installation process. The area where the drain will be connected must be cleaned in advance of various contaminants and salt deposits. Otherwise, it will not work to connect the toilet to the sewer riser as needed. That is, the corner or corrugation in the outlet cup will not sit tightly, and a leak will definitely appear.
Even at the point of connection of the drain tank, a tap should be installed so that it is possible to carry out repair and cleaning work with incomplete shutdown of water.
Loosen the fixing screws
Disassembly diagram With the old Soviet method of fastening, you must first rip off the bolts. They can be unscrewed or simply broken. Most often, they are no longer amenable to the influence of the tool, so it is easier to break off the heads. Then you have to break out the toilet itself. It is very firmly built into the sewer pipe, because in those days they did it for centuries. Having finished dismantling, it is necessary to clean the place of work for the installation of a new unit.
If the model is relatively new, then nothing will have to be broken. It is necessary to unscrew the bolts, which, most likely, have not yet rusted too much. Next, you need to disconnect the plastic pipe from the sewer system.
Need to replace toilet
It is not always necessary to change the plumbing fixture if there are malfunctions in the sewer system. If water constantly leaks from the tank in the bathroom, this is a serious reason to think.
When it drips onto the floor, and all the pipe joints are in order, then, usually, the cause of the problem is the presence of a chip or crack. It is possible to eliminate the leak in this situation only temporarily - the toilet should be replaced as quickly as possible.
If the water from the drain tank drains into the sewer along the wall of the bowl, then most likely the installation of new plumbing will not be required, since the leaky valve most likely became the cause of such a malfunction. Since all internal elements for flush tanks are sold separately, they only need to be exchanged for new products.
Plumbing faience and porcelain are rather fragile materials that are characterized by instability to sudden temperature changes. The enamel can be covered with a grid of cracks that spoil the external aesthetic component of the device and threaten the complete destruction of the bowl. If chips or other problems have formed on this product, the toilet should be replaced as soon as possible.
None of the users of the toilet can know for sure when the ceramic coating on it will not withstand and burst under the influence of water flows, the weight of a person or as a result of internal stress. It’s good if at this moment the residents are nearby and one of them can quickly eliminate the emergency, otherwise the toilet will need to be repaired by the neighbors living on the floor below.
Another sign of a plumbing problem is the presence of an unpleasant odor. Most often, it is caused by improper installation of the sewer system, as a result of which the drains in the pipes stagnate. When everything turned out to be in order with the pipeline, and the faience was clean, the cause of the smell should be sought in the fact that the glossy coating began to collapse.
If the integrity of the enamel has suffered, and the porous structure of the sanitary ware has begun to come into contact with impurities, it begins to absorb unpleasant "aromas". It will not be possible to cope with these odors, since the destruction process is irreversible. In this case, it is impossible to do without how to replace the old toilet with a new one.
Another important reason for dismantling the old and installing new plumbing is the planned renovation in the bathroom. Few property owners decide to leave the old fixture in the event of a redesign in the bathroom.
Since new, more modern products appear on sale regularly, updating a bathroom with the replacement of plumbing can transform its interior beyond recognition. Regardless of whether the classic version or an unusual model from the catalog is chosen, the process of how to properly change the toilet occurs in the same sequence.
Most Common Mistakes
Before changing the toilet in an apartment or house, you need to carefully study the instructions of the manufacturers of these products. It is almost impossible to avoid mistakes during the dismantling and installation of plumbing in the absence of relevant experience.
There are several types of plumbing work in which novice craftsmen perform the wrong actions. Their knowledge will help to avoid unpleasant surprises in the implementation of installation activities.
To prevent liquid from stagnating in the sewer pipes, the slope must be observed when installing the sewage disposal system. According to building codes and regulations, it should be from 3 to 5 percent in the direction of the sewer riser. If the question is being considered not only how to change the toilet, but also to move it to another place, this should not be forgotten.
Some property owners are in a hurry to replace the toilet at the very beginning of the renovation in the bathroom. Experts advise avoiding such actions if possible. The fact is that faience plumbing is fragile and with further construction work in the room there is a high probability that it will be damaged. Therefore, it is advisable to change the toilet with your own hands last.
If a bidet is already installed in the bathroom, the hanging bowl should be placed flush with its upper edge.Only in this case, plumbing looks harmonious in the interior of the room and it is convenient to use it.
When replacing sewer pipes, revisions must be installed. Access to hatches should always be free - you can use aesthetic doors to cover them. This requirement should not be neglected, since in the event of an emergency, revisions will have to be used.
Replacing an old toilet with a new one without the help of a professional is quite risky, especially in the absence of experience. When installing plumbing yourself, the main thing is not to rush and follow the instructions.
Children's toilet
Most often, people do not consider the choice of this device a difficult matter. The list of requirements for it is limited to convenience, lightness and, sometimes, color. Beyond this, most buyers do not go. But in addition to external characteristics, each model has its own technical indicators. Leading companies in the plumbing market regularly update their product range, releasing more and more interesting new products. Focusing only on the appearance and convenience of the toilet, you can soon encounter problems that will not be easy to solve. Before you make a replacement, you need to think about some characteristics.
When choosing a device, you must consider the size of the bathroom or toilet. For large spacious rooms, it is recommended to purchase designs with a bidet and a tank. If the dimensions of the bathroom are very small, then you can organically fit a toilet without a tank into the space. Such models have a special built-in flush system. They are very convenient and will save space in the room.
The material of manufacture of the unit is very important. By purchasing cheap products, the consumer runs the risk of getting low-quality ceramics, which will very soon spoil all the pleasure of buying. Of all the proposals for the home, it is better to choose models made of porcelain and faience in the middle price segment.
Of great importance is the internal shape of the bowl. Some of the models have a special splash guard.
The design of the flushing device is also important. It is selected taking into account the features of the communication system in the house. There are three types of such structures: vertical, oblique and horizontal. To make the right choice, you need to look at the features of the flush device in your system.
Today there are many models of drain tanks. It is necessary to take into account the noise level of the tank, its capacity and other indicators. You should also pay attention to the location of the tank relative to the toilet itself.
Without tank
It is known that the simplest models are the easiest to install. Usually they also do not cause any special problems during operation. Choosing too complex a design, the consumer may later regret his choice. In the simplest models, most of the problems are associated with a drain tank, which is not difficult to fix.
Preparatory work
Of course, you remember that if you have ceramic tiles on the floor, then the floor must be even. If this detail is neglected, the toilet may crack or crack. But if you have tiles No, make sure to make an even screed. After completing the work, leave the floor to dry for at least three days. This is due to the fact that the toilet will be mounted using toilet dowels, and in order to securely fix them, you will need a reliable base. So it's better not to rush than to redo it later.
Since you are replacing the toilet with your own hands, you can now proceed to prepare communications:
Tank replacement
toilet cistern installation
Do-it-yourself toilet cistern replacement is the last step in the process of replacing a toilet bowl. If we are talking about a barrel that is attached to the toilet shelf, then the pipe must be connected to the neck with a rubber cuff.This will be enough to ensure a strong and tight connection. At the same time, one third of the rubber cuff is put on the pipe, and the remaining two thirds are turned inside out. Then this part must be pulled over the previous one. Here it turns out that the end of the pipe is released. Then the pipe and neck are combined with each other. The inverted part of the rubber cuff is pulled over the neck. Thus, we can say that the tank is perfectly fixed. No additional action is required. A rubber cuff is enough to ensure a tight connection. At the same time, it is worth checking the density of the cuff nozzle so that unpleasant events do not occur with neighbors from below.
attaching the toilet cistern to the toilet
Sometimes a situation arises when the tank is mounted at a short distance from the toilet on the wall. In this case, one rubber cuff is not enough. You will have to put in a little more effort and skill. In this case, a pipe is screwed to the barrel, and its opposite end is lubricated with red lead and wrapped with tow. The neck of the toilet bowl and the pipe itself are connected by means of a cuff. It is fixed on the pipe with a thin wire. Now you can power the flush tank and adjust the water level in it.
Thus, the work on replacing the toilet bowl can be considered completed. As you can see, all actions do not require any special preparation. The work may well be done by hand. Of course, if we are talking about a toilet that is installed on the floor. Otherwise, it is difficult to do without the help of a plumbing specialist. By the way, even before starting work on replacing the floor toilet, you should consult with a professional. It will help you understand all the intricacies of the work. For those who are well versed in the work associated with the installation of plumbing, this manual will definitely help. It is also suitable for those who have never tried to do such work on their own before. Here is a detailed instruction describing all the main stages of work, as well as a video showing clearly how the toilet is replaced with your own hands. Many will definitely benefit from this guide. In addition to the work related to the installation of the barrel and the toilet itself, it contains information on how to correctly dismantle the old unit so that there are no further problems in operation. The video will help even those who decide to save money and not call specialists, although they are dealing with this type of work for the first time. Everything is shown clearly and will be understandable to absolutely everyone.
Let's say it is - it will not be easy to remove the old toilet with your own hands. There are rare cases when it is not too securely fixed in place and all you need to do is disconnect it from the water supply and sewerage. But if you have an ordinary apartment in, then things are not so smooth, because, as a rule, the toilet bowl is immured in the floor, and it is not possible to pull it out of there. Then you will have to break the toilet with your own hands.
When dismantling the cast iron tee, please note that it has one outlet with a diameter of 10 cm for the toilet and 7.5 cm for other sewer pipes. Since you will be changing the pipes to plastic, you will need a 5 cm outlet so that you do not have to install a reduction in the tee
You can replace such a tee because of its large dimensions - the plastic one will be more compact. It must be removed carefully by loosening it so as not to accidentally damage the intermediate tee standing on the sewer riser.
Toilet replacement process
Installation of a hinged bowl and a hidden tank
It should be noted that the work on how to change the toilet bowl of a conventional design for a hanging product with a hidden drain tank differs from the previous version in greater complexity.In this case, not only the replacement of plumbing equipment will be required, but also the repair of the floor covering, the construction of a false wall with further finishing with tiles or other modern materials.
It is necessary to attach the hinged bowl to a solid installation. After finishing the walls, the fixed metal frame will not be visible. When carrying out repairs in a combined bathroom, when decorating the interior, it is advisable to mount a wall-mounted washbasin and a bidet of a similar design.
A detailed description of how to change a conventional toilet bowl to a hinged structure is as follows:
- Determine the location of the plumbing fixture. A sewer pipe having a diameter of 110 millimeters and a supply is brought to it.
- They try on the purchased installation, which is a rigid frame for mounting. You need to decide on the height. Standard placement is 450mm from the floor to the seat and 100mm from the floor to the bottom edge of the seat.
- Using a marker, mark the places of fixation to the floor and wall of the bathroom so that they exactly match the mounting holes.
- They are prepared using a perforator and a frame is installed. Using the level, check the correctness of the installation work.
- Water is connected to the drain tank.
- Included with the installation is a plan for sawing drywall sheets in order to complete the cladding of the installation site. GCR is attached to the metal profile and to the installation. It is better if they are moisture resistant.
- Finishing is carried out taking into account the personal preferences of the residents.
- When replacing the toilet bowl, it is connected to a corrugated sewer pipe and a waste disposal system, not forgetting the need for sealing.
- The bowl is screwed directly to the installation frame through drywall and tiles using studs.
- The device is connected to the sewer system and the drain tank.
Despite the fact that the process of replacing an old toilet with a hinged product takes a lot of time, the result of such a repair looks stylish and expensive. The work of installing an electronic plumbing fixture with the addition of automatic hygiene functions has much in common with mounting and connecting a conventional product, but there are still nuances.
The fact is that in order to connect an intelligent wall-mounted toilet, it is necessary to provide its power supply. For this, a separate line is usually laid, since smart technology is sensitive to voltage drops in the network.
Preparation process
Types of pipe supply from the tank to plumbing
When choosing a toilet bowl, it is important to consider the type of tank connection to the plumbing system. Distinguish between side and bottom connections
With a lateral type of supply, the tank is connected from the side, this option is more popular.
In the lower type of supply, the tank is connected from below, this option is considered quiet, it allows you to remove the pipes from sight. Little by little it is replacing the side type from the markets.
It is necessary to purchase a suitable type of supply for the existing sewer structure, if there are no plans for a major replacement of water pipes.
Tools you will need during the replacement of the toilet structure
To change a broken toilet, you will need standard tools. The composition of the set varies from the features of the plumbing that has gone out of work, the type of toilet bowl, the condition and location of the pipes.
You will need a puncher, a screwdriver and an adjustable wrench, a chisel with a hammer, a hacksaw, a rubber spatula, a measuring level, safety glasses and work gloves.
An adjustable wrench is used when connecting the water supply. A puncher makes holes in a concrete wall or floor for attaching a tank or bowl. Screwdrivers are needed to tighten the screws. Silicone sealant is used to process joints.
What items to prepare in advance
In order to quickly dismantle and install new plumbing, you need to buy the necessary items in advance, namely the toilet bowl - a compact. The composition includes rings for sealing rubber, fasteners, a tank drain device. If a cast-iron riser is installed under the toilet, you will need a chisel with a hammer. When setting the bowl for accuracy, use a measuring level.
Consumables that will be needed during the replacement of plumbing
If there is a shortage of bolts, screws, washers, dowels in the mounting kit, you can buy the missing ones yourself.
The process of dismantling the old toilet
Dismantling modern equipment will not cause many difficulties. The process of dismantling outdated plumbing has its own nuances if the sewer consists of a cast-iron pipe.
If the toilet is attached to a wooden stand, then removing it is easy enough. The stand itself is removed and the floor hole is filled with a special screed.
A step-by-step description of the dismantling of modern toilets
First of all, we restrict access to water, then we drain the water from the tank. We remove the remaining water with a bucket and a rag. At the bottom of the tank, unscrew the bolts and remove it, pull out a corrugated pipe or a plastic eccentric connecting the sewer and the bowl. It is necessary to wipe the bowl dry with a cloth or sponge. We unscrew the fasteners under the bowl with a wrench, and it can be freely removed from the floor.
Dismantling a toilet installed with cement mortar
In Soviet times, the installation of plumbing was done in good faith, the toilet was mounted using cement mortar. The dismantling of plumbing will be similar, as for modern toilets until the bowl is removed. Using a chisel, beat the base of the toilet in a circle and split the cement, and then rock the toilet, use a chisel to gently split the outlet and remove the bowl. Then remove the remnants of plumbing and cement mortar from the pipe.
The nuances of choosing a new plumbing fixture
Before carrying out repairs in the bathroom, you should carefully prepare for it. It is especially necessary to think about how to change the toilet bowl in the apartment with your own hands when the residents continue to use the toilet.
In this case, plumbing should be changed as quickly as possible, but without the proper organization of repair work, this becomes impossible. First of all, they make a choice of a suitable model, prepare all the tools and building materials, and then proceed to implement their plan.
The most important thing, before you install and dismantle the toilet, is to purchase a new plumbing fixture. Depending on the model chosen, a set of tools and materials is prepared for replacement.
Toilets are of two types:
- floor;
- suspended.
Floor models are more popular and their choice is huge. They are of the "compact", "monoblock" type, with a separate tank and bowl, as well as with a flush system of a hidden design.
A monoblock is a product that combines a water tank and a bowl into a single system. In the toilet - a compact, these two parts are sold as a set and connected during installation - this is the most popular option presented on the domestic market for sanitary products.
A retro model, during the installation of which the tank must be placed under the ceiling and connected to the bowl with a pipeline, has become less and less common in recent years. In them, in order to flush, you should pull the rope or chain with a handle. Such plumbing looks appropriate in a bathroom decorated in the appropriate style.
The modern solution is the arrangement of a hidden drain system. Before replacing an old toilet bowl with a new one of this type, it is necessary to consider the construction of a false wall, behind which a drain tank with an installation system will be hidden. Externally, hidden models look very neat, since only the drain button will be located on the wall, and engineering communications will remain hidden.
The bowl of the hanging toilet bowl is not placed on the floor. It is hung on anchor bolts built into the wall. As a result, there is free space under the bowl and it can be used to good use. This design is also advantageous from a hygienic point of view. It is not difficult to wash the floor under it, but a dirty coating often collects around the floor product.
Another important point that should be considered before replacing the toilet with your own hands is the direction of release from the bowl, which can be of three types:
- at an angle;
- direct;
- vertical.
As for devices with a vertical drain, they are usually used in the homes of America and China. Its convenience lies in the fact that the toilet can be located anywhere in the bathroom, and communications are laid in the interfloor overlap. We also implement this arrangement option in domestic sewer systems, but only in private households.
Instructions for replacing the toilet
wall hung toilet in the bathroom
Now it remains to solve the main problem, namely, to install a new toilet. The choice of toilet installation depends on many factors. The most important is the type of attachment and the type of the toilet itself. A hanging toilet for a small bathroom is often installed by specialists, since its design is quite complicated. If we are talking about installing a floor version, then you can use traditional installation methods. So, you can get to work.
Replacing the toilet can be done by installing it on a tiled or concrete floor. This is the traditional method. In this case, self-tapping dowels serve as fasteners. the second option is to attach the toilet bowl to a wooden board or taffeta. The best wood for this installation method is oak.
fixing the toilet to the floor with dowels
At the same time, anchors are installed at the bottom of the board. They provide a fairly strong attachment to the floor. As anchors, you can use nails that are driven in a checkerboard pattern. At the same time, they should protrude from the board by 30 centimeters. A recess is made in the floor, which is poured with cement mortar. It has taffeta in it. After the solution hardens a little, you can screw the toilet bowl with ordinary screws.
Whatever method the toilet is attached to, rubber washers should be placed under it to protect the base from damage. There are times when fastening is not done with screws, but with epoxy glue. For proper connection of the surface, it is necessary to carefully clean and then degrease. Only then can you connect them together. It is worth pressing the toilet firmly to the floor so that the connection is reliable and durable. The toilet cannot be used immediately. First you need to withstand it for 10-12 hours so that the solution or glue can harden.
You should also pay special attention when connecting the toilet to the outlet line. The part of the toilet that connects to the sewer is called the outlet.
Moreover, it can be straight or oblique. On any issue there are grooves that must be smeared with red lead diluted in drying oil. The release itself must be wrapped with a resin strand. At the same time, it is worth making sure that it does not reach the pipe by 2-4 millimeters. If this rule is not followed, the resin strand can get into the pipes and clog them.
The release itself must then be inserted into the socket. In this case, the annular gap is caulked with the help of flagella made of linen yarn. After that, the gap must be sealed with cement mortar.
Demolition of an old toilet
To change the toilet with your own hands, you first perform its dismantling. If the device is not too old, there are usually no problems with this process.When the plumbing model and cast-iron sewer pipes are still Soviet-style, in this case you will have to work hard.
If the device is not in a very bad condition, the dismantling process will not be too laborious:
- First, before draining the toilet when replacing, block the water pipe.
- Prepare containers for collecting water and rags.
- Disconnect the tank by unscrewing the bolts from below.
- Remove the plastic eccentric or corrugation connecting the outlet of the bowl and the sewer system.
- Using a regular sponge, remove the remaining water in the container.
- Using a wrench, unscrew the fasteners located on the sides of the base, there are usually 2 or 4 of them.
- Use a knife to remove the silicone sealant from under the base.
- The bowl is removed from the tile.
In the past century, they tried to do all the installation work so that the plumbing would last for more than a decade. Until now, when replacing a toilet bowl in Khrushchev, you can find a device planted on a cement mortar and embedded in a screed with rewinding with rags at the base and, finally, covered with paint in several layers. At the same time, its connection with the sewer pipe turns out to be smeared with a thick layer of solution.
Now this installation method looks ridiculous, but as long as the home craftsman does not have to dismantle the rare device. In the case when ceramics are not a pity, the toilet bowl can be dismantled in parts. To do this, you need a hammer with a chisel.
You must first knock at the junction of the bowl and pipe, at the same time swinging the mount. If the design does not lend itself, you should hit the neck of the plumbing fixture and it will crack. After that, it will be possible to extract it. The main thing at the same time is not to hit the cast-iron pipe with a hammer, since it is fragile and will easily crack.
Work on fixing and installing the toilet is as follows:
That's all the subtleties of replacing the toilet. In conclusion, I would like to note the following: if you find out another way how to change the toilet with your own hands, this does not mean that it is wrong. It's just that there are always several methods for solving a particular issue.
Toilet replacement is required when the old product becomes unusable. More often, the dismantling of an old toilet bowl and the installation of a new one are in demand in houses with a long-standing building, where all communications need to be updated. Self-replacement of the toilet bowl and other parts of the labor is not. However, it assumes possession of basic skills in working with a tool (perforator, drill, etc.) and the ability to fill and lay tiles. How to install a toilet in a private house with your own hands, read and watch the video tutorial below.
The process of installing a toilet-compact how to replace it yourself
In order to replace an old appliance with a floor product of the "compact" type when installed on a tiled floor, you need to use the step-by-step description of how to replace the toilet yourself:
- First of all, determine the location of the new device. The bowl is placed in the bathroom without fastening. You have to try to get on it. It is advisable to try several options.
- When the exact location is known, the base of the bowl is traced with a washable marker. With it, they also mark the places for attaching plumbing.
- The product is removed to the side, and after that all the necessary marks remain on the floor. Then, with a drill with a 12 drill, holes are drilled in the tile. If the surface is concrete, then it is better to beat it with a drill at number 12. Dowels are inserted into the prepared holes.
- Then they take a corrugation or cuff to connect the outlet of the device to the sewer system. The connecting element is placed in place, having previously treated the joint with a sealant.
- A new corrugated bowl is installed correctly. Bolts are threaded into the mounting ears and screwed in using an adjustable wrench.The main thing when doing this work is not to overdo it and not damage the ceramics.
- The device is connected to the sewer pipe, treating all joints with silicone.
- A tank is placed on the bowl.
- The elements are connected with bolts and the container is connected to the water pipe.
Finally, check all joints, as well as threaded connections for leaks. If no flaws and imperfections are found, you can use new plumbing equipment.
The process of how to change the toilet bowl of such a model on your own is simple, since modern products are designed so that when they are replaced, the floor covering remains intact.
When is a replacement needed?
If all sorts of problems appear with the toilet, this does not mean that it is necessary to change it. There are times when it is enough to simply repair an element or simply replace it. This can happen for various reasons. So, for example, if it leaks at the junction of the hose and the toilet, just turn off the water, disconnect the hose and coat it with silicone sealant. This will fix the leak. Or, if the tank does not hold water, and it constantly flows, then you need to open the lid and replace the drain system. These simple steps can extend the life of your toilet for a long time without the extra cost of replacing it.
Sometimes it happens that there are more serious problems that cannot be repaired.
In this case, you will have to buy and install a new toilet. The materials from which toilet bowls are made are most often very fragile, do not withstand shock or temperature changes. If cracks or chips appear on the toilet bowl, this can lead to its destruction. It needs to be replaced as soon as possible.
It happens that an unpleasant smell comes out of the toilet. This can be both a smell from the sewer itself, and in the case that pollution began to get into the cracks. Sanitaryware has a porous structure, microbes get there through chips. The solution to this problem is also only a replacement. The reason for the purchase of new plumbing can serve as a renovation in the bathroom. If you plan to make major repairs in the apartment, then it is best to buy and install new equipment, and not just replace the floor and walls. It is possible to do it yourself if you carefully study and follow all the instructions.
Before installing a new toilet, it is necessary to dismantle the old one.
, which most often already has an ugly appearance, is cracked in some places or covered with a thick coating. If the house is old, and repairs were made many years ago, then it is unlikely that it will be possible to remove the old toilet bowl without breaking it, since its base is tightly concreted into the floor. This method of cementing the floor and attaching a toilet bowl to this place was very popular in Soviet times, when it was customary to do everything efficiently and for a long time.