Is it possible to combine two stoves into one chimney

Firebox walls

Is it possible to combine two stoves into one chimneyThe walls of the firebox of fireplaces with increased heat transfer (Fig. 5.2, 1-3) are placed “on edge” with a 6 cm indent from the fireplace body to form an air chamber behind the walls. The side walls of the upper firebox 1, in accordance with the recommendations for the design of a classic fireplace, are installed at a slight angle with respect to the side walls of the fireplace body. However, experience shows that it is not possible to find the optimal angular position of the walls (respectively, to find the angle that sets this position) in fireplaces of a small group (A = 51 cm and A = 63 cm) and the effect of their turn remains practically zero.

Recall that the turn of the walls of the firebox is done to better reflect heat into the room. Some experts believe that turning the walls is better to use to support the combustion process of the fuel, so they try to concentrate this direction on the middle of the firebox. For this reason (due to low efficiency) in fireplace 2 (this is fireplace A = 51 cm), the side walls of the firebox are placed without turning, they are parallel to the walls of the fireplace body.

A different picture in the firebox of fireplaces of medium and large groups, as can be seen from the fireboxes on the right (4-6). But even in these cases, it is impractical to predetermine a specific angle that determines the position of the side walls of the firebox. It is clear that it will depend not only on the width of the portal (size A), but also on the chosen depth of the fireplace body (respectively, the depth of the firebox). For medium and large fireplaces, these values ​​\u200b\u200bcan vary significantly. In our example, the depth of the fireplace body is 2.5 bricks, it could be 3.0 bricks, which could also affect the choice of the angular position of the walls of the firebox.

Therefore, for fireplaces of medium and large groups, it is also impractical to set the specified angle in advance, usually it is ~ 30 °. The decision is best left to the discretion of the designer or contractor.

Rear wall of the firebox

The beginning of its masonry (2 rows per edge for fireplaces on the left and 4 and 5 rows for fireboxes on the right) should be put in binding with the side walls of the firebox, this is somewhat difficult to perform, but the problem is solved by appropriate trimming of bricks.
Let us pay attention to the exception made with firebox No. 4: for laying the first 4 rows, halves of bricks sawn along: 250 x 60 mm were used. This releases an additional 6 cm of the depth of the firebox, more precisely, its hearth in favor of placing a fireplace (this is in conditions when the depth of the firebox, respectively, and the hearth, too, is made minimal)

Firebox No. 4 is the only one where the laying of the back inclined wall is carried out in horizontal rows, and the inclined surface of the wall is formed due to the angled cut of the brick (20o from the vertical). Accordingly, the extreme bricks go into binding with the side walls, which are placed with a bevel. Due to this, the entire firebox receives strength qualities: under temperature loads, it does not form cracks and crevices, which, as the solution crumbles from them (in case of poor, low-quality solutions), can become through.

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Rules to keep in mind when building a fireplace

Building a double-sided fireplace with your own hands is almost the same as laying out a regular fireplace, the only difference is that you need to equip it with two doors equipped with heat-resistant glass. In addition, you can buy a ready-made double-sided fireplace in a specialized store, and then with your own hands you will only have to make the foundation for it and lay out the chimney.

There are several very important rules that should never be forgotten when building a fireplace:

Both rooms, where the doors of the double-sided fireplace go, should not be walk-through. In addition, the firebox should not be located next to the door or windows in the room.

This is important not only from the point of view of comfort, to be honest, it is difficult to sit with all the comfort near the door, but it also matters from the point of view of the fire safety of the fireplace.
If you have chosen a wall-mounted type of fireplace, then you must remember that it should be placed exclusively near a brick wall.

  • When building a fireplace, it is necessary to carefully protect the floor under it from exposure to high temperatures. To do this, you can use fire-resistant brick or metal sheet. The size of such a platform should be several centimeters larger than the size of the base of the fireplace.
  • When building a fireplace, certain proportions should be observed. For example, the depth of the fireplace should be related to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room where it is located, approximately like 1 to 50. Accordingly, if we are talking about a two-sided fireplace, then both rooms into which the combustion chamber exits are taken into account. And the height of the fireplace should not exceed its depth by more than 2 times.

And, finally, one more very important rule, which is usually forgotten by the owners of country houses, striving to “test in practice” a structure built by their own hands as soon as possible. The first time you can light a fireplace no earlier than about a month after the completion of its construction

The fact is that the whole structure must dry very well. And such a long drying time is due to the fact that bricks previously soaked in water are used in the construction of the fireplace. Yes, and the solution needs to dry. If you light a fireplace without waiting for it to dry completely, then the entire masonry may become cracked, and such a design will not last long.

Requirements for the premises

Before you build a fireplace in a house or in a country house with your own hands, you should familiarize yourself with the requirements for the premises for installing this design. It is best to provide for the possibility of installation at the design stage, and it will be possible to build a fireplace with your own hands later.

It is necessary to take into account some features:

  • Furnaces are massive, and therefore they require a reinforced foundation.
  • If the oven is full, it will be useful not only for cooking, but also for heating the room. It is desirable to have enough space for the oven.
  • It will be very expensive to carry out work if in the finished house you have to disassemble the floors to create a chimney.
  • A fireplace is easier than a stove to build in a finished house. However, although it is lighter than the stove, it may require a reinforced foundation.
  • Structurally, a fireplace insert is simpler than a furnace one, requires less space and is mounted faster.


