How to provide heat in a house without electricity

Key points of installation work

In order for the boiler equipment to function with maximum efficiency, and the coolant to quickly circulate in the system, it is extremely important to strictly follow all the basic rules for installing the boiler. This applies to both single-circuit and double-circuit boilers.

Among the main requirements are:

  • the boiler must be mounted at an angle, that is, at an angle, so that the working resource circulates well through the pipes;
  • during installation, only pipes with a large diameter are used, due to which it is possible to reduce the resistance of a moving thermal resource;
  • the system is equipped with an expansion tank, which collects all the excess volume of the coolant.

Self-installation of the boiler is fraught with considerable risks, therefore it is recommended to seek help from specialists who can quickly and accurately mount the heating system, guaranteeing its technical safety and reliable operation.

It is not only about laying pipes, but also about the smoke extraction system, since the slightest mistake leads to malfunctions and a threat to the environment, as well as to a deterioration in human health.

If you have specialists in the installation of gas boilers, do not forget to check if they have permission to perform such work, and the services provided must be supported by a written agreement between the customer and the contractor.

Models of gas heating boilers

Among the variety of boiler plants, the most popular and practical are floor gas boilers, which are designed for a heating area of ​​200 square meters or more. If you prioritize compactness and ergonomic design of the boiler, then you can choose a wall-mounted unit, but its power level is much lower compared to the first option.

It is possible to install a gas boiler of a non-volatile type only in a separate room, specially allocated for such equipment, in which must be observed. So, the room should have a separate exit, as well as a good supply-type ventilation system, due to which air will constantly circulate inside the room. For a floor-standing gas boiler, a separate chimney is required, mounted in the wall, through which all the exhaust smoke will be emitted to the outside.

If we consider the design of wall-mounted boilers, they do not require a separate room, since it can be installed anywhere.

This model is equipped with a special coaxial pipe, the main function of which is to remove smoke and attract oxygen, which enters the closed combustion chamber. Wall-mounted boilers also work without a mains connection, so they are great for installation in residential buildings where there is no electricity.

A circulation pump may also be present in the gas boiler system, which allows you to bypass some installation rules. Thus, with the help of the circulation pump, all work is carried out inside the system, the heat carrier is supplied and carried out. However, the circulation pump must be installed first, even before the installation of the boiler itself, in which case the working resource will circulate faster in the pipes.

In installation work, it is recommended to use a special bypass with the desired diameter. Control valves are fixed at both ends. There must also be a tap on each line, and if the pump stops, the system is shut off. Due to the working taps, you can remove the circulation pump at any time, and not be afraid that water will spill out of the tank.To guarantee a long service life and trouble-free operation of the pump, filters should be used that purify the coolant and prevent hard particles from damaging the working system.

Non-volatile gas heating boilers are the best and very practical choice for anyone who wants their home to always be warm and comfortable. Such installations have a wide and powerful functionality.

Positive and negative aspects of non-volatile installations

How to provide heat in a house without electricity

Gas boilers: classification of types PARADIZZA

Before deciding to purchase the described equipment, it would be useful to get acquainted with its advantages and disadvantages:

  1. The most important advantage is the lack of dependence on electricity. Where it is supplied with great interruptions, the described boilers help to solve rather complex domestic problems.
  2. Almost all models, which are single-circuit and double-circuit floor heating boilers. have sufficient power. It can be enough for connecting water radiators, and for a floor heating system, and for heating a boiler or providing the required volume of hot water in a flow way.
  3. By familiarizing yourself with the installation requirements, you can easily select compact floor-standing options with a large number of useful options and functions.
  4. Gas installations have a high efficiency - up to 92%. You can use them without fear for the safety and health of your loved ones. The fact is that each modern model is equipped with a thrust sensor and a sensor that controls gas pressure. In the event of a critical drop, the feed is automatically shut off. Therefore, the occurrence of dangerous situations in this regard is excluded.
  5. Non-volatile floor boilers are an order of magnitude cheaper than similar volatile models. Low cost is sometimes the decisive factor in shaping supply and demand.

There are few shortcomings in the described heating boilers. Almost all of them are associated with the need to strictly comply with the rules for installing a heating system with natural circulation of the coolant. All this has been described in detail above.

It is important to choose and install the chimney correctly, as well as to ensure high-quality ventilation of the room where the described installations will be located. It is possible to use floor-standing gas boilers only where the gas pressure in the supply line does not fall below 5 atmospheres

Types of non-volatile boilers

Combined heaters have one design - this is a floor version. They can be single-circuit and double-circuit. The former are intended only for heating, the latter will cope with both heating and water heating for the needs of residents.

How to provide heat in a house without electricityHow to provide heat in a house without electricity

Floor scheme - boiler Lamborghini WBL 5

Combined options are heavy, as some of their elements are made of heavy alloys of cast iron or steel. In this regard, they are not available in a hanging version.

How to provide heat in a house without electricityHow to provide heat in a house without electricity

Mounted version of a non-volatile boiler

Another option for heating appliances are boilers that operate only on gaseous fuel. They can be performed both in suspended and floor versions, and also have a single-circuit and double-circuit scheme.

Floor and wall

How to provide heat in a house without electricity

Floor boiler Protherm

The only way to achieve independence of heating from electricity is to use natural circulation. It is simply impossible to do without a volumetric heat exchanger or storage tank, because the main part of non-volatile boilers is designed for floor placement.

The larger the volume and heat capacity of the heating system, the better, together with the strong heating of the coolant in the boiler, this gives a noticeable increase in the speed of water circulation through pipes and radiators.

The emphasis is on cast iron heavy and heat-intensive heat exchangers with a volume of over 50 liters of water.The simpler models use steel walls of the storage tank with an anti-corrosion coating and a variety of tricks to increase the heat exchange area and increase the efficiency of the boiler.

All this is very difficult to keep on the wall. However, among foreign manufacturers you can find compact wall-mounted gas boilers, which can be called non-volatile.

Wall-mounted boilers are not suitable for heating systems with natural circulation. It is possible with a stretch to use units with vertically oriented volumetric heat exchangers, in which an active convection process is maintained, however, in the presence of floor models at a lower price and with greater productivity, this approach naturally has not become widespread.

How does a gas boiler work without electricity

The principle of operation of all models, the operation of which does not depend on electricity, is the same. The gas boiler is connected to a gas distribution line. Through it, the blue fuel enters the burner, where it lights up with the help of a piezo ignition and burns out, releasing a large amount of heat. This heat enters the heat exchanger that heats the coolant and hot water if a double-circuit gas heating boiler is used. Or all the heat is spent on heating water for heating when single-circuit installations are operated.

In addition to piezo ignition, other options for turning on the burner can be used in non-volatile boilers. Sometimes uninterruptible power supplies in the form of conventional batteries or generators running on liquid fuel are mounted in boilers.

Models with piezo ignition are gradually fading into the background. After all, its presence implies a constant burning of the wick, which means that there is a constant consumption of fuel. Due to the regular increase in prices for it, the operation of such models does not allow saving.

Almost all modern manufacturers offer a range of non-volatile boilers powered by batteries. Such a compromise solution made it possible to use all the innovative technologies that exist today - complex automation with thermostats, pressure indicators and a multi-stage security system.

The only drawback of this choice is the need to constantly change uninterruptible power supplies. Batteries should always be at hand, otherwise, when their charge runs out, the boiler will stand up and will not be able to work. In winter, this situation can lead to rather disastrous results.

Models where the starting element is a generator running on liquid fuel have the same advantages and disadvantages as models running on battery-type batteries.

The specifics of the use of non-volatile boilers and their classification

How to provide heat in a house without electricity

Gas floor boiler Danko-8 VS

The specifics of the use of non-volatile boilers is based on the principle of their operation. Such installations can only be located where natural circulation of the coolant is implied. Water heating is carried out only thanks to the elements that kindle a gas burner without electricity.

Almost all non-volatile heating boilers are divided into two large groups - single-circuit and double-circuit. The first are used when it is necessary to organize only the heating of the house. The presence of a second circuit allows you to provide hot water for technical needs in one of the ways - flow or storage.

In models that provide DHW supply in a flow way, a second heat exchanger is installed. It can be located above the burner and be independent of the heating circuit. And it can fit inside it like a pipe in a pipe

When buying a model, you need to pay attention to this feature.

It is definitely difficult to say which option is better. It all depends on the conditions under which the installation is operated, and what quality the coolant is.We can safely say only one thing - it is easier to carry out maintenance and repair the installation in the event of a heat exchanger breakdown where the second circuit is located parallel to the main heating circuit.

Usually double-circuit non-volatile heating boilers are purchased when there is no need for a large amount of hot water, and only one or two water intake points are used. If more than three people live in the house, then the flow-through double-circuit boiler will not be able to meet the needs for hot water supply.

In this situation, it is advisable to purchase equipment equipped with a storage boiler. Today, there are compact floor models on sale, in which the storage tank is located inside the case. They cost a little more than conventional units. The design of the latter implies the possibility of independent completion of boilers with the necessary technical elements, including a storage tank.

Note! Practice shows that the cost of installation, the purchase of fasteners and the allocation of a technical room are quite large. Therefore, it is better to immediately buy one unit and enjoy its presentable appearance, as well as ease of operation.

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of such boilers

Among the advantages of the operation of such devices, several main factors should be noted.

  1. The most important advantage of such boilers should be called, of course, their undemanding to the presence of all kinds of sockets that provide the ability to connect to the central power supply.
  2. Also, the advantages of this equipment should include their ultimate safety and simplicity. In fact, such devices are the simplest boiler, which requires neither liquid nor solid fuel, but standard gas.
  3. Another advantage of such devices should be called the fact that their design completely lacks any electric pumps, as a result of which they produce much less noise during their operation.
  4. Among other things, non-volatile boilers have been produced for several decades, as a result of which their design and scheme have long been worked out in practice.

Disadvantages of non-volatile boilers

How to provide heat in a house without electricity

The whole point is that, in accordance with a number of reasons, with the help of this boiler it is not possible to achieve complete circulation of water throughout the system. In particular, this is due to the fact that initially the system layout was incorrectly carried out, including the procedure for selecting the boiler model or calculating the thickness of the pipes. At the same time, it should be noted that when using such a heating system, it is often necessary to use pipes of a rather large diameter, which are installed in a special way under a certain slope. .

Also, in order to ensure the correct operation of this equipment, it is imperative to use a specialized chimney with good draft, which is extremely difficult to implement in practice in most situations.

Given the above disadvantages, it becomes extremely problematic, and often even impossible to implement the installation and subsequent operation of non-volatile boilers in two or more storey buildings.

Ultimately, if the system is not pressed through with the help of such a boiler, then in this case uneven heating of the room will be carried out. If the correct draft is not provided, which depends on the chimney used, then in this case the equipment will constantly stop due to the operation of the backdraft valve.

Among other things, it is often possible to observe such an inconvenient moment when the boiler is installed somewhere down in the basement, that is, it is not possible to get quick access to it.

With a scheme based on natural circulation, there is a need for the system to be supplemented by a special open expansion tank, which will need to be replenished periodically. At the same time, it is necessary to correctly understand that feeding the system can ultimately adversely affect the overall life of the heat exchanger and its general condition.

At the same time, it should be noted that both on the heat exchanger and on all installed pipes, excess deposits and sediments begin to appear, which arise from poor-quality purified water.

We thought for a long time about how to insulate the cottage, we decided to install non-volatile gas boilers with a boiler for hot water. The lights are often turned off, especially in winter, when most people do not come to rest, but my family and I still try to get out into nature, so this boiler has become a great option for us.

We decided to install non-volatile boilers, because we consider them more reliable. Of course, we felt a number of omissions compared to the standard boilers that our friends have, but on the other hand, if the lights are turned off in the area, we continue to heat normally, and this happens here quite often.

When they wanted to insulate themselves, they immediately decided to use gas boilers, but did not know which ones. The husband said that it is better to install non-volatile ones, so that it is more reliable. Of course, at first I was against it, because, as everyone told us, they are not as efficient in terms of heat, but after the first few power outages, I realized that he was right and this option is really better.

General tips for choosing models

How to provide heat in a house without electricity

Choice of Danko model boilers

The popularity rating of products of different brands and brands is the subject of a separate discussion. It is rather difficult to explain in a nutshell which floor-standing boiler of which manufacturer is better.

Therefore, it makes sense to voice the general selection rules that experts in boiler equipment recommend paying attention to.

The power of the boiler must comply with the existing operational requirements. If a double-circuit boiler is selected, the calculated indicators are multiplied by one and a half. It makes no sense to choose models with a flow-through method of supplying hot water for a family with more than three people. It is better to immediately buy a floor installation with a storage tank. The power of boilers with a storage boiler is calculated on a separate scale.

Boiler models

The most common are floor-standing non-volatile gas heating boilers, the main advantage of which is the ability to easily heat rooms of 200 m2 or more. But their wall-mounted counterparts, due to their more compact dimensions, do not have such power, and therefore are used much less frequently.

How to provide heat in a house without electricityModels of gas boilers

The installation of a non-volatile floor boiler is only permissible if a separate room is provided for the equipment that meets a number of requirements. In particular, it must have a separate entrance and high-quality supply ventilation, which ensures a constant supply of air into the room. In addition, such a boiler assumes the presence of a special chimney - a pipe through which smoke will be removed outside the house.

Such a model has a special coaxial pipe designed to remove smoke and supply the required amount of oxygen to the closed combustion chamber. Such a wall-mounted boiler is non-volatile - which makes it possible to use it in homes where power supply problems are possible.

Many modern heating systems involve the use of a circulation pump - this means that compliance with the rules that are important when installing a gravity system is not mandatory. The presence of a circulation pump in the system suggests that it is with its help that the coolant will circulate.But this is only possible if the pump is installed before the boiler. That is, while working, it contributes to a faster movement of the coolant into the heating boiler.

When mounting the pump, a bypass of the appropriate diameter must be used. Cranes are installed on both sides of this element. The main line must also be equipped with a tap - it must be closed if the pump is planned to stop. The presence of taps in the system allows, if necessary, to remove the circulation pump without draining the water from the system. If you want to extend the life of the pump, use filters that will reduce the level of hard particles in the coolant.

The use of non-volatile heating boilers is an excellent solution for those who observe regular power outages in their home. At the same time, in terms of functionality, equipment of this type is in no way inferior to volatile boilers.

Features of non-volatile boilers

Heating boilers are divided into two broad categories - volatile and non-volatile. The first has many advantages:

  • More accurate temperature control.
  • More service features.
  • Ability to work on the program.
  • High level of security.

There are also disadvantages - they create additional costs for electricity, they have too fragile electronic filling, they do not work in the absence of electricity.

It would seem that having a modern double-circuit boiler in the house is cool and convenient. But behind the convenience lies the need to have an auxiliary source of electricity. The role of such sources are generators and uninterruptible power supplies on batteries. In any case, the consumer will face additional costs for fuel and batteries.

Non-volatile heating boilers are able to work without electricity. They use mechanical control systems that control the temperature of the coolant and the operation of all nodes. Their efficiency index may be lower than that of electronic models, but there are also quite energy-efficient samples (such distortions are observed in all lines of heating equipment).

Advantages of non-volatile gas boilers:

  • No dependence on power sources - if the lights go out in the house, the heating will continue to work.
  • A simpler internal device - without flimsy electronics that are not resistant to power surges.
  • They can work both for heating and for hot water supply - double-circuit gas boilers are on sale.
  • The ability to work in homes without electrification - for example, in rural areas or in the outback.

Many well-known brands are engaged in the release of non-volatile models - these are Protherm, Lemax, Baxi, MORA-TOP, Atem, Electrolux and many others. Both floor and wall models are on sale, including gas boilers with cast iron heat exchangers.

Possibilities of a non-volatile heating system

Working without electricity is a distinct advantage in places where turning it off is a very common problem. However, it may seem that the use of the "old" technology, natural circulation, will greatly affect the comfort and functionality of heating, and most importantly, safety.

This is not entirely true. Energy independence does not mean a complete rejection of the ability to control the temperature in each room or strict control of the temperature of the coolant. It does not mean that the safety of the boiler will suffer.

Mechanical control, more precisely hydropneumatic. Automatic control units for gas boilers have been developed since the middle of the century before last and are still being improved.

How to provide heat in a house without electricity

Scheme of a non-volatile heating system

At the moment, the EuroSit control unit has gained great popularity, capable of ensuring uninterrupted operation of the boiler throughout the season and at the same time is fully responsible for safety. The same applies to the own developments of boiler manufacturers.

The advantage of mechanics is reliability. Their work is built on a very simple and effective principle.

For the functioning of the boiler, that is, the combustion of gas in the burner, it is necessary that all the necessary conditions are met:

  • the presence of traction;
  • adequate operation of the igniter, piezoelectric element or arrester;
  • the presence in the heat exchanger of water with a temperature not exceeding a given threshold;
  • the optimum gas pressure in the pipes is 130 MPa.

A separate sensor and corresponding valve are responsible for checking each condition. If any condition is violated, gas access to the burner is blocked, the boiler stops. If this is a stop in normal mode to maintain the set water temperature, then the boiler will automatically start over time.

If the shutdown occurs due to an emergency, it can only be started manually and after the fault has been eliminated.

The sensitivity of a thermoelement, more often a gas-filled tube or a thermocouple, reaches 0.1-0.5 degrees, which is more than enough to maintain heating at the desired level with minimal drops. The aging and cumulative error of thermocouples in mechanical control units is much less than in electronic components.

The presence of bypasses for each radiator, which are recommended for use with any type of radiator connection, allows you to set the heating temperature in each individual room.

The main emphasis is on the correct calculation and design at the initial stage of heating installation. At the same time, the boiler will work as if nothing had happened, even with a constant change in the volume of the system.


