Liquid sealant for heating

What type of sealant can be chosen

Elements of the heating system can be connected in several ways. They can be securely fastened by welding, but in this case there is no possibility of disassembly if necessary. The use of flange connections is not always convenient and is more common during the installation of heating plant elements. The most popular is a threaded connection, the easiest to assemble, but it necessarily requires the use of seals, which can be divided into several categories according to their composition:

  • Solid, including various washers and rings;
  • Elastic, made of fabrics or threads;
  • Liquid or viscous formulations.

Each type of sealant has its own advantages and features of use.

What to look for when choosing

To eliminate leaks in the heating pipe, almost any sealants (acrylic, silicone, and so on) are used.

Liquid sealant for heating

When choosing the optimal substance, pay attention to the price, temperature, resistance to water and mechanical deformation. And also remember a few subtleties:

And also remember a few subtleties:

  • If the heating installation is not in the house, then it is advisable not to use acrylic sealant, since it does not tolerate water and mechanical damage (for example: if water gets into a crack during a long rain, this will lead to cracking of the substance).
  • Acrylic sealant is also not recommended when a powerful heating boiler is installed, as the product can crack at very high temperatures. It is better to give preference to heat-resistant silicone and thiokol mixtures.
  • To seal threaded connections, it is recommended to use silicone and thiokol sealants, since after hardening they do not deform and do not clog the thread.

Reference. In everyday life, it is recommended to use silicone sealant to solve most problems, as it has good performance and low price.

Preparatory work before filling batteries and pipes

First select the best sealant for your system

Before buying, pay attention to the consumption of the active substance. For every 60 liters of heating water in the pipes, about 1 liter of sealant is required, however, these figures may vary depending on the type of sealant

To determine the volume of the coolant, multiply the cross-sectional area by the total length of the pipe. And also add to this indicator the volume of radiators and the boiler (this information is indicated in the installation passport).

Important! You can perform the calculation by direct measurement - for this, all the water from the pipes is drained and the volume is measured using containers of a known size. This method is more time consuming, but more reliable.

Fill setting process

Complete the system setup process for priming:

Liquid sealant for heating

  • Remove air from the heating system, as premature solidification will lead to the formation of unwanted clots in the system.
  • If there are filters in the system, then dismantle them so as not to disable the system.
  • Open all heating system taps to allow sealant to penetrate every work area.
  • Install an automatic pump on the first radiator. Turn it on for 1-2 hours to warm up the pipe and etch out the remaining air (optimum pressure level is 1 bar).

Pouring procedure

After that, start filling:

  • Prepare a large container for preparing the solution.
  • Pour the required amount of water into it.
  • Add sealant and stir solution.
  • Inject the solution into the heating system immediately using a pump to minimize sealant contact with air.
  • Start the heating system in normal mode (the optimum water temperature is at least 50 degrees).
  • It is necessary to drive the sealant with the coolant for at least 4 days, and on the 5th day it is recommended to perform control measures to check whether the sealing is effective or not.

Steps to fix leaks with liquid sealant

Liquid sealant for heating

The procedure for using liquid sealants to repair a home heating system can seem quite complicated. In some cases, clots of sealing fluid cause partial blockage and prevent the movement of the coolant. Therefore, in order not to harm the heating equipment due to your inexperience, it is better to invite a specialist. In any case, you need to study the instructions for using a particular type of sealant for radiators and strictly follow it.

Having made the decision to use liquid sealant for fixing a problem in the heating system, you need to make sure that:

  • the cause of the pressure drop is precisely the leakage of the coolant, and is not associated with a malfunction of the expansion tank;
  • the selected type of sealant for heating systems corresponds to the type of coolant in this system;
  • the sealant is suitable for this heating boiler.

When using liquid sealant for pipes and radiators, it is important to maintain the correct concentration. On average, its values ​​range from 1:50 to 1:100, but it is desirable to determine the concentration more accurately, since factors such as:

  • coolant leakage rate (up to 30 liters per day or more);
  • the total volume of water in the heating system.

If the volume does not exceed 80 liters, 1 liter of sealant will be enough to fill the heating system. But how to more accurately calculate the volume of water in the system? You need to calculate how many meters of pipes and what diameter were laid in the house, and then enter this data into one of the online calculators. To the resulting volume of pipelines, you must also add the passport characteristics of the volumes of all radiators and the boiler.

Preparing the heating system

  • Dismantle or cut off all filters with taps so that they are not clogged with a viscous solution of sealant for heating systems;
  • Unscrew the Mayevsky tap from one radiator (the first in the direction of the coolant) and connect a pump to it (such as "Kid");
  • Start the heating system and let it warm up for an hour to a temperature of 50–60 ° C at a pressure of at least 1 bar;
  • Open all valves on pipelines and radiators for free passage of sealant through them;
  • Remove air from the entire system, including radiators and circulation pump.

Sealant preparation

  • It is possible to pour liquid sealant into the heating system, including using a manual pressure pump

    Drain about 10 liters of hot water from the system into a large bucket, most of which should be used to prepare the sealant solution, and leave a few liters for subsequent flushing of the pump;

  • Shake the canister (bottle) with sealant for radiators and heating pipes, then pour its contents into a bucket;
  • Thoroughly rinse the canister with hot water so that all the sediment remaining in it gets into the prepared solution.

Sealant solutions for heating systems must be prepared immediately before use so that the liquid does not come into contact with atmospheric air for too long.

Pouring sealant

Liquid sealant for heating systems must have time to mix with the coolant before it reaches the boiler, so it is more expedient to fill it into the supply:

  • Introduce a solution of liquid sealant into the system using a pump;
  • Pump the remaining hot water through the pump so that absolutely all of the sealant residue enters the system;
  • Release the air from the system again;
  • Raise the pressure to 1.2–1.5 bar and maintain the system operating cycle for 7–8 hours at a temperature of 45–60°C. This period is needed for the complete dissolution of the sealant in the coolant.

Popular brands

There are sealing materials for stoves, fireplaces and chimneys on the market. They are selected according to the composition and temperature regime of operation. It is recommended to use products from reputable manufacturers.


Soudal (Saudal) is a Belgian company that specializes in the manufacture of sealing compounds. Soudal sealant for stoves and fireplaces is the Soudal series.

Liquid sealant for heating

Calofer, heat-resistant compositions in black. Materials based on sodium silicate do not emit toxic substances when heated, and can be painted. Suitable for sealing cast iron elements of boiler units. One of the advantages of Belgian products is their resistance to cracking and crumbling.


An Estonian company produces silicate paste for Penosil +1500 ovens. The material has high heat resistance and is black in color. Penosil is cheaper than the products of the famous Belgian manufacturer, but is not inferior to it in quality. This makes the Estonian sealant widely in demand among professionals and home craftsmen. The company's product line also includes Renosil Hight Temp silicone sealant, which is suitable for use in mobile joints due to its elasticity.

Liquid sealant for heating


Under this brand, sealing compounds are produced by Selena Group, a group of Polish manufacturers of professional materials for construction and decoration. The composition of the sealing paste includes fiberglass, which provides the sealed seams with increased gas tightness. The material is designed for heating up to high temperatures (1250 degrees), which makes it suitable for sealing seams and cracks in fireplace and stove masonry, for installing chimneys. Products of the Tytan brand, as well as a sealant similar in properties, which is produced under the Baumaster trademark, belong to the middle price category. In terms of price-quality ratio, this is the best option for a wide range of consumers.

Liquid sealant for heating


A well-known Estonian manufacturer of sealing materials supplies the Makroflex HA147 refractory silicate compound to the market. It withstands short-term heating up to a high temperature of +1500 degrees and exposure to an open flame. The advantages of the paste of their inorganic materials include adhesion to most materials used in construction, and the absence of shrinkage during drying and under the influence of temperature fluctuations.

Liquid sealant for heating


The Russian manufacturer offers the refractory composition "Krass fireplaces and stoves". With the use of this material, fireclay masonry can be mounted in the furnace furnace, fireproof masonry. The composition withstands a sharp increase in temperature, is not afraid of open fire, is suitable for repairing brick stoves and fireplaces, as well as heating boilers. This is a non-shrinking material made on the basis of liquid glass. Thanks to its pasty consistency, it is easy to apply.

Liquid sealant for heating

Liquid sealant for home heating system and pipes

Usually, with the correct and high-quality installation of heating systems, a substance such as a sealant for a home heating system is used. Such substances belong to the category of vulcanizable. These are polymer components that serve to seal joints between surfaces.

Sealants for home heating system

Types of sealants

To date, the highest quality and most common is a universal heat-resistant sealant for heating pipes. Usually, the owners of heating systems use it, since this substance has all the necessary qualities for an insulating material. It is also used in everyday life and in industry. This is a viscous mass that can withstand high temperatures and quickly hardens.

Silicone sealant is also common. It is resistant to moisture and mold, as well as to temperature extremes. Such a sealant is often used in everyday life to seal the seams of various surfaces.

Silicone sealants for heating pipes

Less common types are urethane and polysulfide sealants for home heating systems. But such sealants may not be used everywhere, so you need to carefully study their characteristics and capabilities before use.

Very often you can find the use of such a sealant as heat-resistant. Such a sealant is able to penetrate even those gaps that are hard to reach.

Also, this sealant has increased ductility and excellent elasticity. Heat-resistant sealant for the heating system is used to glue metal, rubber and other materials. The main task of this substance is that it protects individual elements of the heating system from moisture.

The quality of the heat-resistant sealant is monitored by specialists who constantly test it, checking for strength and extensibility. That is why such a sealant perfectly fulfills the functions assigned to it, it is resistant to various factors - sunlight, water, and it is practical and easy to use.

We also note that heat-resistant sealant is currently produced in a wide range of colors and by a variety of manufacturers.

Of course, it is better to give preference to proven brands that guarantee quality.

How to choose a sealant for heating?

Chimney Sealant

The main criterion for choosing a sealant for heating systems is resistance to deformation. A good option is silicone sealant for the heating system (acidic or neutral). If you purchase an acrylic sealant, then only one that will be resistant to high temperatures.

There are sealants that can withstand temperatures above 1000 degrees Celsius. They are commonly used to seal targets and cracks in fireplaces, around chimneys and pipes.

Do not try to use one universal sealant for everything. It is better if these are specialized formulations for specific materials.

Fixing leaks in the heating system

Many owners of heating systems will sooner or later find out what a leak problem is. Using a sealant for heating, you can easily get rid of it.

First you need to fill the system with water as much as possible, remove all air from it and warm it up to operating temperature. Mud and other filters are preliminarily removed. The sealant must be mixed well until smooth and poured into a container convenient for you. The volume of water that corresponds to the volume of sealant must be drained from the system. The sealant must be pumped into the system using a pump that is connected to any available inlet to the system. The pump hose is connected, then the valve opens and the pump turns on. After pumping the sealant, the system must work for at least 7 hours with a temperature of 45-60 degrees Celsius and a pressure of 1.1-1.6 bar.

Remember that when working with a substance such as liquid heating sealant, you must follow all the safety precautions that are standard for working with chemicals. If suddenly this substance gets into your eyes or on your skin, then wash it off with plenty of water. If the sealant gets inside - rinse your mouth and drink plenty of water, then call a doctor! Do not store sealant near acid.

How to choose

It is important not just to choose a sealant for the radiator, but heat-resistant options to fix leaks. If you notice that a joint is leaking somewhere near the batteries, you need to decide which sealant will help, and reviews can help in this matter

The choice of sealant is carried out, starting from the tasks that he must solve to eliminate leakage in the heating system. If it will be used to seal the joints of the heating system, then paste-type silicone sealant is perfect for these cases.

It can be drying and non-drying option.

Liquid sealant for heatingLiquid sealant for heating

Differences between sealants can be as follows:

  1. Drying compounds. After the composition applied to the surface dries, it has the ability to shrink, but this happens if the drying technology is violated. So, deformation of the composition may occur, cracks and streaks will appear.
  2. Non-drying compositions. Ideal for removing small cracks and can also be used to seal heating system joints. But such compounds can be squeezed out if the pressure in the system exceeds the normal value.

Aerobic-based compounds, which are considered a type of acrylic sealant, are used in some situations to eliminate defects and leaks in heating. This type of sealant is able to withstand temperature changes, is resistant to mechanical stress and is resistant to alkali and acid solutions. If it is applied to the place of the defect, then it quickly fills the flaw and dries.

Liquid sealant for heating

Heating leak Eliminate leakage will help liquid sealant

German liquid sealant from BaCoGa Technik.

Eliminating a heating leak is an unpleasant thing. If we are talking about a hidden leak of the heating system, then doubly so. There are many reasons why a heating leak occurs. This is corrosion when a steel pipe heating system leaks. These are low-quality fitting materials, which over time begin to let the coolant through at the points of contact of different materials. Leakage of heating pipes and systems may appear in places of non-professional welding of plastic pipes. Leakage of heating pipes in the "warm floor" can occur if plastic pipes are primitively poured into concrete without compensating for expansion when heated. Even gaskets that have dried up at the junctions cause the pipes of the heating system to leak.

Yes, leaking heating systems are a problem. But the hidden leak of the heating pipe is just a tragedy.

It is one thing when a fitting or pipe drips in front of the owner of the house. The elimination of a heating system leak can be achieved by one of a variety of known methods. Elastic pads and bandaging with special tapes will help to eliminate leakage of heating pipes, and “cold welding” and hot welding, and, finally, elimination of leakage of a heating pipe can be achieved by replacing a piece of a defective pipe or fitting. The plumber will handle the elimination of the leak in the heating system.

Another thing is when the pressure sensor shows that the coolant is leaving, and the heating pipe leak cannot be detected and eliminated. If a wet spot appears on the wall or floor, it means you are lucky. It is expensive and troublesome to open parquet and concrete, cut out a piece of a defective pipe and fix a leak in the heating system. But, at least, it is clear how the elimination of the leakage of the heating pipe was achieved.

What if you can't see anything? Resourceful Russian craftsmen drain the water, pump air into the pipes of the heating system and crawl with a medical stethoscope, hoping to hear the hiss of air under the parquet in the place where the heating pipes and the heating system are leaking. Doesn't help fix the leak! Checked. You can call an expensive team with a thermal imager to try to find a heating pipe leak. Cases of success are rare.

— How to add BCG to the system?

Remove dirt filters before the repair is completed. The system must be filled with coolant. Shake the sealant until the sediment is completely mixed.

Pour BCG into a container with a pump and dilute with water. Connect the system and the pump with a hose with clamps. Open the valve and pump sealant into the system.

Close the valve, disconnect and flush the pump. Turn on the system in normal operating mode. The liquidation of the leak occurs in a period of 1 to 7 days.

For such hopeless situations, when it is difficult to find leaking heating pipes and fix them, BCG liquid sealant was created in Germany four decades ago.

How are such problems solved in Germany? The brigade called to eliminate the heating leak offers the owner of the cottage two options.The first - with breaking floors and walls. Expensive, dirty and takes a long time to eliminate leaks in heating pipes. And the second one is easier, cheaper, cleaner and faster using BCG Liquid Sealant.

The goal - to eliminate the leakage of the heating system will be achieved.

The use of liquid sealant does not give a 100% guarantee of success, since the reason why the heating pipes began to leak is not clear, and the place of the leak is hidden. Rarely, but there is a leak in the heating pipe, which the liquid sealant is not able to eliminate.

Here are some cases that we have encountered in our practice:

Fortunately, such cases are rare. More than 1000 repairs in Russia have been completed successfully. Thanks to the sealant provided by us, the heating leak was eliminated. And in Europe for several decades this account has exceeded one hundred thousand. If the leakage of the heating system by nature, the amount of heat carrier losses, and other factors correspond to the capabilities of the sealant described in the instructions, then the elimination of the heating leak will be successful. The owner of the house for a long time, if not forever, will forget what a heating system leak and heating pipes leak.

How the authorities of Sevastopol created problems for the state port

Liquid sealant for heating

According to information available to ForPost from its own sources, on the evening of January 17, in the government of Sevastopol, employees of special services were indeed seizing documents in the case of the possible deliberate bankruptcy of the Sevastopol Sea Port. It is for this reason, according to the source, that the governor of the region, Dmitry Ovsyannikov, refused to meet with Syrian President Bashar al-Assad during his trip abroad and flew to Sevastopol.

Recall that earlier a number of online sources and alternative media reported on the conflict that broke out within the walls of the government of the city-region around the anti-corruption unit, which discovered possible traces of the deliberate bankruptcy of Sevmorport.

Official sources

At the same time, public sources contain enough information indicating that the structure of the government of Dmitry Ovsyannikov took steps that, probably, have a chance to create serious financial difficulties for Sevmorport.

The point is that at the end of 2018, the department for property and land relations of Sevastopol flooded Sevmorport with lawsuits to collect debts. Let's take a few such examples.

The Sevastopol Arbitration Court issued the first decision in favor of the government on October 30, 2018, ordering to recover from the "Sevastopol Sea Port" 1 million 750 thousand rubles of debt for the lease of a land plot (a warehouse located on the 5th km of Balaklava Highway) for the period from September 29, 2017 to May 31, 2018

The second decision to recover in favor of the government 265 thousand rubles of a debt for renting a land plot in Kamyshovaya Bay (with berths No. 221, 222, 223, 224, 225, 227, 228, 229, 230) was made by the Arbitration Court on November 13, 2018.

And on November 28, 2018, the Sevastopol Arbitration Court made a third decision - to recover from Sevmorport 687 thousand rubles of debt for renting a land plot on Rybakov Street, 5.

unprofitable enterprise

Thus, the state enterprise "Sevastopol Sea Port", created by the government of Sevastopol itself in June 2014, as of the end of 2018, found itself with debts of more than 2.7 million rubles only after three trials. Add to this the possibility of other financial problems that we are not aware of yet, as well as the fact that as of the last reporting year, Sevmorport had a negative profit in the amount of about 1.94 million rubles, and we get a very unfavorable picture.

Why the state-owned enterprise, established by the government of Sevastopol, which includes the entire maritime infrastructure of the region related to maritime freight and passenger transportation, found itself in such a situation is a big mystery.

Why sealing is needed

Brick ovens and fireplaces are prone to cracking due to uneven heating of the masonry, especially if it is not protected by a layer of plaster or tiles. If the cracks in the body of the heating unit turned out to be through, this entails unpleasant consequences.

  • fuel is consumed faster, because it burns in conditions of additional oxygen supply;
  • soot can enter the room and settle on the walls and ceiling;
  • combustion products, primarily carbon dioxide, enter the room, which can cause poisoning.

Cracks in a brick chimney, slots in a metal pipe for removing combustion products reduce traction, and the heating unit cannot work in the optimal mode. This causes the fuel to burn at lower temperatures, producing a lot of ash, and more soot to settle on the inside of the chimney.

A large amount of soot and a leaky chimney is a dangerous combination. The intake of air causes the soot to flare up, and it burns out at temperatures above 1500 ° C, causing the chimney to heat up. An insufficiently thick layer of thermal insulation around the pipe will not save wooden structures from charring, there is a serious risk of fire.

For gas boilers, the leakage of the chimney turns into the fact that gusts of wind extinguish the burner. To avoid the need to regularly check the functioning of the boiler, the gaps in the chimney channel are sealed with a special sealant.

The choice of high-temperature sealant for the boiler and heating system of a private house

If the heating boiler is not located in the house, but on the street in a separate annex, then the temperature regime of the pipes connecting the boiler and home radiators is taken into account. This moment is especially critical for the northern regions, where in winter the temperature drops below -30 degrees. In such cases, it is recommended to give preference to thiokol types. In addition, silicone mixtures are suitable, which include additives that improve thermal properties.

Liquid sealant for heating

Photo 2. High temperature silicone sealant Torque used for heating boilers. The substance is red-brown.

If a crack appears in the boiler, then seal the equipment with a high-temperature composition. To accomplish this task, thiokol and silicone mixtures are used.

An anaerobic heat-resistant sealant is also suitable for this purpose. Anaerobic mixtures have a slightly different mode of action, so they tolerate high temperatures more easily and quickly harden. The main disadvantage is the rather high price, but the use of anaerobic sealant is fully justified in emergency cases.

Liquid sealant for sealing leaks in pipes, application with antifreeze

Liquid sealant for heating

Liquid sealant in the heating system is a self-hardening solution that is used to seal seams and small holes in pipes.

The substance is a thick liquid that is poured into pipes; on contact with air, it solidifies, which leads to sealing and elimination of leaks in the pipes.

Liquid mixtures in heating systems are used in the following cases:

  • When it is impossible to find the place of the leak.
  • A leak is detected, but it cannot be eliminated by soldering or a clamp.
  • When mounting pipes in closed insulated systems, when there is no external access to the pipes.
  • When the use of other methods is difficult due to the danger of violating the integrity of walls and floors.

Due to their properties, liquid mixtures are used in everyday life not only for repairing pipes and heating systems. And also the compositions are used for sealing cracks and cracks in walls, plumbing systems, car engines, and so on. Liquid compositions tolerate mechanical deformation well, and their properties do not depend on ambient temperature (with the exception of acrylic).

Chemical inertness and temperature stability allows the use of sealants in heating systems where water is used as a heat carrier.

If antifreeze circulates in the heating system, it is recommended to buy a sealant that matches the temperature properties of antifreeze. A good idea would be to buy a thiokol composition, since it can withstand large temperature changes. During pipe sealing, antifreeze is removed from the heating system, since most of even the most flexible sealed substances acquire heat resistance after complete solidification.

Attention! Liquid mixtures close up cracks well, but it's pointless to use them against large holes.


