pressure gauge

Pressure test based on water flow

The second way to determine the pressure is to perform calculations using data on the amount of water flowing from the faucet. In addition to these data, you will also need:

  • Find out the configuration of the pipeline and determine what material it is made of;
  • Calculate the diameter of the pipe;
  • Determine the intensity of fluid outflow;
  • Determine the degree of opening of the valve.

You can determine the approximate pressure after the operation, however, the results obtained will be very inaccurate. After all, in any case, the bank will be completely filled in less than 10 seconds, because of which the resulting pressure value will be significantly less than according to the regulations. However, you should always start from the fact that a 3-liter container will be completely filled with water in 7 seconds or less. In this case, the pressure inside the pipeline will be closest to the regulated one.

Pressure gauges and barometers are used to measure pressure. Barometers are used to measure atmospheric pressure. For other measurements, manometers are used. The word manometer comes from
two Greek words: manos - loose, metreo - I measure.

Connecting diameters of manometers

The pressure gauge for plumbing or heating must be liquid, that is, designed to work with water. Over time, the range of parts offered by retailers changes. The same applies to manometers. When I did my heating, I purchased a pressure gauge for a very small connection diameter. The thread is only 1/8 inch. Now such manometers are no longer in stores. There are gauges for 1/4 and 1/2. Maybe there are 3/8 inches, but this is not a very common size in our country and I have not seen such. There are no adapters from 1/8 inch in wide retail either. Thus, to connect a pressure gauge, you can safely make a separate tee with a diameter of 1/2 in the line. To such a tee, you can connect both a 1/2 inch manometer and 1/4 but through an adapter. There are no problems here.


