What is the height of the window sill from the floor

Errors in the angle of inclination of the plastic window

The double-glazed window is mounted strictly vertically. It is almost impossible to visually understand whether the elements are correctly positioned. To a simple layman, only significant deviations from the norm are noticeable. But when installing PVC windows, any tilt violations, even 1-2 degrees, are unacceptable.

For the correct position of the structure, a special tool is used - the building level. In appearance, it resembles a large ruler with flasks with air bubbles.

What is the height of the window sill from the floor

To assess the evenness of the surface, the level is applied to the frame. The bubble should be exactly in the middle. If it shifts in any direction, then the frame is skewed.

To assess the even vertical position, the ruler is applied to the corresponding surface and look at the central flask on the ruler. The principle is the same - the bubble should occupy the middle position.

Installing windows requires compliance with three levels:

  • Horizontal position.
  • Verticality.
  • Lack of inclination of the double-glazed window inside or outside the room. To do this, the ruler is applied to the inside of the structure vertically.

You can check the correctness of the installation empirically. To do this, open the window in any way - completely or in the form of a window. If the sash does not change its position and remains static, then the window is installed strictly vertically. If, without outside help, the window closes or swings open more, then we can talk about a slope.

Measurements are usually carried out by installers. The customer can simply come up and personally look at the position of the building level bubble.

What is the height of the window sill from the floor

Errors in the slopes of frames and double-glazed windows at first glance seem to be an insignificant factor

But it is important to know that in the future such a design will warp, and there will be problems with opening and closing the window.

Types of window sills

For manufacturing, both natural and artificial materials are used. They differ not only in their technical characteristics, appearance and properties, but also in price.

What is the height of the window sill from the floor

Each customer chooses the appropriate material, guided by his taste, financial capabilities and the desired result. Today, various types of materials for window sills are on sale:

  • Wood is a traditional natural material that has an attractive appearance and high strength. Well-dried wood of various species is used, which is impregnated with antiseptic liquids and covered with a protective layer of varnish or paint. A quality wooden window sill will cost a lot. He will need careful treatment and a standard staining procedure every 3-4 years. In addition, wood is afraid of moisture - when wet, it swells and can be deformed.
  • In addition to natural wood, MDF and chipboard are used. Wood fibers compressed under high pressure and temperature, combined with synthetic resins, form a durable material at a lower cost. Thanks to varnishing and lamination, the plates acquire a variety of decorative coatings that allow them to be used in rooms of any design. Such products tolerate moisture and mechanical stress well.

  • Natural stone has high strength and noble appearance. It is used for exclusive design, because it has a very high cost. When in contact with colored liquids, stubborn stains remain on the surface, so it is undesirable to place, for example, cups with drinks on it.
  • Artificial stone is a composite material, which sometimes surpasses natural stone in its external qualities and physical properties. It has high strength, heat-resistant, is not afraid of chemical influences, while having a lower cost.
  • Plastic window sills are the most popular solution for balconies today. They are absolutely not afraid of moisture and temperature changes, are not subject to rotting and corrosion, have a long service life, and are easy to clean. Thanks to internal partitions, they have sufficient strength and heat-saving properties. A variety of color solutions are achieved by mass dyeing and lamination.

Window sill installation

As a rule, the length of the window sill corresponds to the length of the front window or balcony perimeter. The width is chosen depending on the size of the balcony. If it is small, a wide window sill will take up too much space:

  1. The installation site of the window sill must be dry and clean.
  2. Brackets are attached to the stand profile at a distance of 20-25 cm from each other using metal screws with a press washer.
  3. A window sill is laid on the brackets, leading under the frame until it clicks.
  4. Check with a level that the slope standard for moisture drainage is observed.
  5. Fix the front part to the wall with brackets.
  6. A load is laid over the entire surface.
  7. Blow out all the voids under the windowsill with foam and leave to dry for several days.
  8. Excess foam is removed with a knife.

What is the height of the window sill from the floor

The installation of the window sill on the balcony is carried out simultaneously with the glazing and gives the windows a complete look. The size is chosen depending on the size of the balcony and the purpose: as a shelf, countertop, flower stand, etc. The height depends on the balcony railing, usually it is at least one meter.

The minimum distance from the house to other objects during construction

At the design stage, one should not forget about the standards developed specifically for private construction. Compliance with these rules will help not only build your home safe and comfortable, but also keep peace with your neighbors.

The distance between houses during construction: where are the rules prescribed?

The distance between houses is regulated by two documents:

If the plot is more than six acres, all these norms are mandatory. The initial guidelines for planning are the neighbors' houses and the fence that separates the neighbor's plot from yours.

The minimum distance between houses during the construction of a private house (SNIP)

In the event of a fire in a neighbor's house, your home may also ignite. Of course, if during the construction the necessary distances between the buildings were not observed.

How far residential buildings should be separated from each other depends directly on what these houses are made of.

Table: Distance between houses during the construction of a private house (SNIP).

With the so-called. two-row buildings are allowed to build two buildings side by side. This method of planning is called blocking. The situation is the same with the division of a single building by the boundary of the site (when "one house - two owners").

Step-by-step instructions for making a will for a house and a land plot are contained in this article.

Where does home start?

An important point is how much the architectural elements of the building stick out. If the protrusion is more than half a meter, then it is from the protrusion that they begin to count the distance. If less, then from the windows of the house.

There may also be several buildings within the site itself. But here, fire safety standards give way to sanitary standards.

In what order is the redevelopment of non-residential premises in a residential building and how to carry out all the work in accordance with the requirements of the law - read here.

Scheme: Fire distances between houses on neighboring plots.

The distance between the house and the bathhouse, and other sanitary distances

All distances start from the outer wall of a residential building:

  • to an outdoor toilet - at least 12 meters. If the size of the site does not allow this, you can install a local treatment system or dry closet instead of a toilet booth;
  • to a bath, sauna or shower room with an external drain - 8 meters;
  • to buildings in which pets and birds are kept - 12-15 meters;

The well should be at least eight meters away from the latrine, as well as from the compost heap. The placement of an artesian well within the site is allowed everywhere.

The specified distances must be observed in relation to all buildings - both their own and neighboring ones.

Scheme: The minimum allowable distances between objects in summer cottages.

Distance from the house to the border of the site

First, make sure that the basic planning requirements are met:

  • from the fence to the house on the street side - at least 5 meters;
  • from the neighboring plot and from the borders of the passage to the house - at least 3 meters;
  • from outbuildings to the road - at least 5 meters.

Between the residential building and the fence should be at least three meters.

You can find out how to use maternity capital to build a house here.

Scheme: Minimum distances between buildings.

Distance from outbuildings to the fence

if pets or birds are kept in the building - 4 meters;
distance from the greenhouse - 4 meters;
distance to the garage or other outbuildings - one meter

But it is important that the roof slope should not drain rainwater onto the neighboring plot;
shower and bath - 2.5 - 3.5 meters. The minimum value (2.5) is possible if either a separate sewer for water or a gutter is used in the bath.

Do not forget that wood contributes to fires. Therefore, trees can be planted only four meters from the fence, while shrubs can be located a meter from the border of the site.

Compliance with all these distances will not only ensure the comfort of living for you and your neighbors, but also avoid problems with paperwork for the house.

You can get more information about the distance from the house to the boundary of the site and how to observe it during construction in the following video:

Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date! Our lawyer can advise you for free - write a question in the form below: Attention! Due to recent changes in legislation, the legal information in this article may be out of date! Our lawyer can advise you free of charge - write a question in the form below:

Installation of PVC windows, distance to the outer wall

Question: At what distance from the outer wall should a plastic window be installed?

Answer: A plastic window is inserted deep into the window opening from the inner wall by 2/3 of the total thickness of the outer wall. An ordinary wall in a panel house has a thickness of somewhere around 350 mm, so if the PVC window is installed correctly, the distance from the edge of the window to the edge of the wall on the front side should be 100-120 mm. At the same time, take into account the gap between the window and the quarter - the frame should not touch either the window opening or the quarter in order to avoid freezing. The distance between the frame and the wall of the opening should not be more than 30 millimeters, for subsequent filling with mounting foam.

In order to determine the correct location of the window in the opening, using a level applied to the side of the frame, we find such a position of the window that would provide a gap between the quarter and the frame of 20-25 mm no more. It is allowed to have a gap of 15 mm at the narrowest point, since the mounting foam squeezes the window from a quarter and where the distance is narrow it can move the frame, even if the anchors are already installed and tightened.

We fix all dimensions on paper, wedged the window, we carry out the same procedure with the second side of the window - the results should practically coincide.

The results for external distances may coincide, and should, even if it is necessary to change the internal distances, since the windows should have one common line along the facade. Mismatch of internal dimensions, unfortunately, is allowed, unfortunately we have such walls. Of course this will affect the symmetry of the sill installation, but it's better to have the sill in line with the window than with a curved wall.If this difference is not large and the apartment is not on the first floor, then you can get away from the accepted norms and turn the window a little to adjust the internal dimensions for installing the window sill. You can work with the configuration of the window sill plane, even shift one side relative to the other by 10 millimeters, visually this will not even be noticeable with a window width of 1400 mm.

After installing the window within 10 days, it is necessary to repair the slopes. Otherwise, the mounting foam under the influence of sunlight will begin to decompose and the tightness of your window installation will be violated.

Forum discussion:

Errors in the accuracy of geometric parameters

A very common mistake when ordering and installing products is measurement errors. Ideally, this procedure is carried out on empty window openings even at the construction stage of the building.

In practice, plastic windows are installed as a replacement for old wooden ones. The presence of the installed frame interferes with accurate measurements. In turn, this leads to an erroneous geometry of the finished double-glazed window. How to understand at the installation stage that the measurements are incorrect?


At a minimum, it is worth remembering that the distance between the frame and the wall of the building should be 3-4 cm. In the lower part, such a gap may be larger, taking into account the installation of an external ebb. A distance less than the specified one is unacceptable, because in this case the expansion and contraction of the plastic is difficult. This is due to a change in air temperature: at plus marks, the frame will increase, and at minus marks, it will shrink.

Rama has no choice but to rest against the wall. Because of this, a curvature occurs, it can deteriorate ahead of time. Sometimes cracks even appear in the double-glazed window. For the installer, narrow gaps also have disadvantages, because they are quite difficult to fully fill with foam. The empty spaces thus obtained violate the tightness of the seams.

What is the height of the window sill from the floor

It is important to choose the optimal distance to the wall, because even large openings adversely affect the quality of the installation. There is no normal fastening, and the design is shaky

Such defects can be corrected in rare cases. If the error is a few centimeters up, then it is corrected with mounting foam. In other situations, new products must be ordered.

TOP 10 mistakes when installing plastic windows

Incorrect installation of plastic windows can lead to heat leakage, the penetration of unwanted air into the building and the accelerated destruction of window frames. Portal OKNA MEDIA presents 10 mistakes most often made by installers.

What is the height of the window sill from the floorMany contractors install windows the way they did a few years ago, without the use of appropriate insulation materials and modern technology. They install a window block, apply foam and fix the frame without additional accessories to protect against moisture, considering this to be redundant. Installation is often done too quickly and carelessly, so as a result, plastic windows are weakly attached to the wall, and the mounting foam does not protect against moisture. What mistakes should be avoided during the installation of plastic windows?

What is the height of the window sill from the floor

Insufficient depth of the window in the opening

If the proper distance is not observed between the double-glazed window and the outer wall, the windows will get wet during the cold season. The cause is condensation. The close location of the unit to the surface of the outer wall contributes to the cooling of the glass. The impact of low temperatures is transferred to the inner layers of the window. As they cool down, the warm air turns into water droplets. All this moisture flows onto the windowsill, collects in puddles and spoils things.

What is the height of the window sill from the floor

Such phenomena are unacceptable, and they are absent with proper installation of a double-glazed window. The minimum installation depth is 1/3 of the wall thickness. Such a rule will limit the access of cold air to the glass and, accordingly, eliminate the problem of getting wet.

Some people believe that the appearance of condensate is typical only for domestic premises. This is an erroneous opinion. In such rooms (kitchen, bath) the process is faster, but in living areas the air also condenses, just slowly.

The air always has a certain humidity. In an apartment, this figure is usually 30-60%. The more people, the more water vapor in the air - due to the release of carbon dioxide. Humidity is always present, so the cause of wet windows are defects in the installation of double-glazed windows and the lack of effective ventilation.

Minimum distance between houses in the city

The distance of individual garages, structures performing an additional function for family residential buildings and structures, buildings for carrying out entrepreneurial activities on land to a family home with a common land border should not be less than 1.5 m; while the distance from the outer edge of the boundary roof shall not be less than 1 m.


Distances from buildings of preschool institutions, general education schools, boarding schools, health and recreation institutions, entertainment facilities and sports facilities to warehouses with a capacity of up to 100 m3 should be doubled, and to warehouses with a capacity of over 100 m3. 100 m3 - take in accordance with SNiP II-106-79.

Minimum distance between houses and garage

Outbuildings for keeping livestock, other animals and poultry are allowed in urban-type settlements, as well as in urban areas of estate housing construction, where, according to the regulatory legal acts of local governments and state supervision, their maintenance is allowed. The placement of these buildings on personal plots should be carried out in accordance with local rules for rural settlements.

It often happens when inexperienced summer residents, following the rules and regulations, do not take into account other important nuances.

They build, maintaining the minimum distances according to SNiP, and then it turns out that there is not enough space - it is crowded for people, cars, and trees.

Therefore, in order to avoid inconvenience, conflicts with neighbors and restructuring in the future, it is very important to carefully consider the improvement plan in compliance with all the rules and norms of construction.

YurClub Conference


From the date of entry into force of this Federal Law until the entry into force of the relevant technical regulations, the requirements for products or related processes of design (including surveys), production, construction, installation, commissioning, operation, storage, transportation, sale and disposal established by regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation and regulatory documents of federal executive bodies are subject to mandatory execution only in the part corresponding to the goals:

6.12* Insolation of living quarters of residential buildings (houses) in garden (country) plots should provide its own continuous duration for the period from March 22 to September 22 - 2.5 hours or a total of 3 hours, allowing one-time discontinuity during the day.

PRO new building 7 (499) 703-51-68 (Moscow)

Hello. We live in a private house, which is adjacent to the city (g

Vladimir, if it matters). In recent years, construction has begun actively in our area, new buildings are growing like mushrooms, and parking lots appear with them.

it so happened that on one side of our house they are building an underground parking (40 meters from it), and on the other, a ground paid parking (20 meters from the house).

Is this construction a violation, and what to do if so? Complain to the construction company first?

  • to an outdoor toilet - at least 12 meters. If the size of the site does not allow this, you can install a local treatment system or dry closet instead of a toilet booth;
  • to a bath, sauna or shower room with an external drain - 8 meters;
  • to buildings in which pets and birds are kept - 12-15 meters;

24 Jul 2018 yslygiur 485

The main mistakes when installing plastic windows

What is the height of the window sill from the floor

  1. Errors in the accuracy of geometric parameters.
  2. Errors in the angle of inclination of the plastic window.
  3. Insufficient depth of the window placement in the opening.
  4. Frame fixing failures.
  5. Other possible errors.

The purpose of installing double-glazed windows is to isolate the home from the street. This is possible only if the work is carried out correctly, and installation errors lead to big problems and additional costs.

Professional services require in-depth knowledge and modern equipment

But there are many unscrupulous firms and individual craftsmen, and it is important not to fall for such performers. It is best to choose specialists based on real reviews of acquaintances.

If it is not possible to contact a trusted manufacturer, then you should know the main criteria for assessing the correct installation

Such information will help the customer to detect defects in time and draw the attention of the contractor to them.


The location of the window sill for the living room

What is the height of the window sill from the floor

In choosing the height of the window sill, focus primarily on your own height and comfort.

The height from the floor to the window sill has no standards, so its choice in some cases is very difficult. When choosing a location for a living room, you need to rely on the following factors:

  • the growth of people who will live in an apartment or house;
  • view outside the window;
  • placement of heating equipment;
  • if you are carrying out repairs in an apartment or house, you will also need to take into account the future location of the furniture.

For example, if there is a pleasant view outside the living room window, then there is no need to hide it. In such cases, the landing should be approximately 25-40 cm. In this case, you will need to correctly arrange the furniture and take into account the location of the equipment for supplying heat.

Poor-quality deposition of a plastic window in the wall

Excessive adjoining of the window frame to the architraves or slope will make it impossible to properly seal in these places. If, in addition, the junction of the PVC window frame and the wall is plastered, then, after some time, cracks will appear in this place as a result of compression and stretching of the window frame due to thermal expansion of the material. Moisture will eventually begin to penetrate through the cracks formed, which will lead to dampness of the wall insulation layer.

An error is also too large a distance from the window to the slope. This leads to an excessive load on the dowels or anchors, creating a risk of deformation and displacement of the plastic window under the influence of external loads. The maximum gap between the frame and the opening should be 3-4 cm (a little more from below if a window sill profile is installed). The correct distance of the frame from the casing is approximately 1.5 centimeters.

What is the height of the window sill from the floor


