Service features
The preparation of hot water for the needs of hot water supply occurs at centralized heating boilers, in the same place where the heat carrier of the heating system is heated.
Boilers can be connected to a looped DHW system or be dead-end - designed for a group of houses or one house (for example, rooftop boilers). The closer the consumer is to the source of hot water (boiler house), the better the service will be, the higher the water temperature. However, connection to looped networks is preferable in terms of reliability and uninterrupted hot water supply.
The service includes:
- Boiler service. Unlike heating, hot water supply is provided all year round, while boiler houses switch to summer (minimum) operation.
- Track maintenance.
- Carrying out planned maintenance work on networks.
The water heated in the boiler room for an open (non-closed) DHW system enters the consumers' apartments through the supply water pipes, being distributed through the domestic DHW networks.
The temperature of hot water at consumers is regulated by sanitary and legal norms and is + 50 ... + 65 ° С. In fact, it often does not exceed +40 °C.
This is due to heat losses during the supply of coolant along the routes (poor-quality pipe insulation, gusts) or due to low temperature at the outlet of the boiler room. Boiler house operators adjust the output parameters based on the outdoor temperature.
The task of the service provider is to provide the apartments with a communal resource of proper quality.
Sometimes the heating network justifies the poor quality of the service by the deplorable state of the networks - the routes built in the last century that require major repairs will not withstand the temperature difference in winter, if the parameters of the coolant at the outlet of the boiler house are maintained at the standard level.
It turns out a vicious circle - many residents often do not pay for hot water due to its low temperature, or even refuse this service, switching to electric water heating. And the enterprises of the heating network cannot carry out repair work, because. the debt of the population to pay does not give them an inflow of funds.
On the video about the DHW service
Whether or not to pay for the DHW service, if it turns out to be of insufficient quality, is a purely personal matter.
It is important to understand that by deciding to go down the path of non-payment, you do not just need to produce debts. It is necessary to collect the evidence base according to the following scheme: make commission measurements of water temperature, send the results to the company providing services
Be sure to get an official response explaining the reasons for the low quality of the service. Having collected a package of evidence, you can go to court to defend your rights.
Cold water and hot water in the receipt what is it
The list of all utilities subject to mandatory payment by consumers is clearly assigned in Article 154 of the LC RF. It also states that public utilities have the right to use abbreviations to refer to a particular service.
The law states that it is strictly forbidden to change the names and their abbreviation, and they must comply with current recommendations. Considering the fact that there are a lot of abbreviations in the receipt, users often have a question what is HVS.
The abbreviation HVS refers to cold water supply, and DHW refers to hot water. In addition, in payment documents, the column may contain the term HVS DPU. It means that payment for consumed cold water is based on a common house meter. If the receipt indicates HVS KPU, this means that the consumer in the apartment has his own metering device, on the basis of which they make payment.
What is sewerage in utility bills in 2018
In utility bills, water disposal is taken out in a separate line.To determine the volume of water that goes down the drain, the readings of individual meters for hot and cold water or the average monthly standards for its consumption are used. In the first case, this expense column is often called “Water Disposal of the KPU”.
Since 2013, residents could come across an additional line in the receipt “Water disposal of ODN”. The abbreviation stands for "Common House Needs". This is the amount of water that is spent on heating and cleaning entrances, basements, attics, on watering adjoining plantings, “technical” losses, etc.
From 01/01/2017, the costs of disposal of "general" wastewater should be included in the costs of maintaining the property of the MDK. And their volume is calculated either using the standards determined by the regional authorities, or the amount of the supplied resource according to the general house (collective) water discharge meters, and if there are none, according to the water supply OPU.
That is, the management company (HOA, cooperative) is not entitled to prescribe “Water disposal for the maintenance of collective property” in a separate line. Such an overpayment must be challenged by means of a claim or statement of claim in court.
Read here how to pay a utility bill through the terminal.
How is it calculated
Calculation of payment for utility services in the presence of KPU is made according to the formula:
Where HVS and DHW - the volume of cold and hot water consumed by the residents of the apartment according to the meters for the previous month.
As with other housing and communal services, federal or regional benefits apply to water disposal:
- for invalids;
- veterans of the Great Patriotic War and other wars;
- Heroes of Labor, Heroes of Russia and the USSR;
- pensioners;
- large families (having 3 or more children);
- single mothers;
- the poor and some other categories of citizens.
Benefits are issued in the department of social protection of the population or in the management company. In this case, up to 50% of utility bills will be covered by the federal or regional treasury.
Current rates
Tariffs and standards are set by regional authorities. So, in the capital in 2018, the Decree of the Government of the mountains. Moscow No. 848 dated 12/13/2016. According to this act, the rate was indexed in July 2018; sewerage prices have risen, compared with the previous value, by about 7%.
The increase in utility bills in the middle of the year occurred in all regions of the country:
Example. A metropolitan family used 8.3 m³ of cold and 4.1 m³ of hot water during the month, according to the apartment metering device. The total volume of water supply and, accordingly, water disposal is 12.4 m³. The family must pay for sewerage an amount equal to 12.4 * 25.12 = 311.49 rubles.
If there is no counter
If there are no meters, water disposal is calculated according to the average monthly water consumption standards in force in the subject of the Russian Federation.
The calculation includes the value of the standard, the number of registered (including temporarily) residents and the tariff:
The standards are also set at the regional level and depend on the area of the premises, the presence and number of baths, sinks or sinks, the climate zone, the state of the centralized sewer system, etc.
For instance:
At the same time, according to Decree No. 354, if meters are not installed in the house, but there is a technical possibility for this, the standard is applied with a multiplying factor. In 2018, it is 1.5.
Example. A Moscow family of 2 bought a new building with a mortgage and did not have time to install individual meters in it. Accordingly, she pays for the use and disposal of water according to the standards multiplied by the multiplying coefficient and the number of registered ones. Thus, the cost of wastewater will be 11.68 * 2 * 25.12 * 1.5 = 880.20 rubles.
They pay for water disposal, as well as other utilities and housing services, until the 10th day of the next month. Having found an error in the receipt, you need to submit to the managing organization (HOA, cooperative) an application for recalculation in free form.If the issue cannot be settled amicably, the case is resolved in the district court at the location of the property.
Here you can find a sample utility bill subsidy certificate.
Ministry of construction proposes to abolish mandatory social norms for electricity
Counter or standard
Amounts for individual consumption (utilities used in the apartment) and for common house needs (ONE; for example, the cost of heating and lighting the entrance) in the payment must be posted in different columns.
There are cases when the amount of payment for the use of utilities per person per person exceeded the amount of individual consumption in apartments.
This can happen when payments for ODN are accrued not according to meters, but according to standards (with a multiplying factor due to the lack of a meter).
However, so far the practice is not in favor of the residents.
It must also be remembered that if more than 10% of a family's income goes to pay for housing and communal services in Moscow, you can get state support in the form of subsidies.
In this case, you must contact the district housing subsidy department, submitting a certificate of income and a certificate of ownership. At the same time, there should not be excess living space: the established norms are 33 sq. m per person, 42 sq. m for two.
What to do if the bill is too high
If it turns out that the bill is too high, you need to file a complaint with the management company. If she does not answer, you can file a complaint with the Housing Inspectorate (you can also write there immediately, without waiting for a response from the Criminal Code).
You can also contact the regional commission on tariffs.
“The housing inspectorate can be asked to conduct an inspection, on the basis of which a recalculation will be made.
Payment for gas supply is calculated according to the tariff for each consumer living in the apartment.
Limit indices
The marginal index of changes in the amount of citizens' fees for utilities is a universal tool for monitoring charges for hot and cold water supply, sanitation, heating, and gas. Changing the amount of the fee above the limit index is unacceptable and should entail an immediate response from the executive authorities to eliminate such a situation.
In the capital, the limit index was approved by the Decree of the Mayor of Moscow dated June 30, 2014 No. 542-RM and from November 1 to December 31, 2014 is 6.5 percent.
If you are paying for a house metering device (DPU), the abbreviations are indicated in the payment document: “HVS DPU”, “DHW DPU” and “Vodootv. DPU "- cold and hot water supply, water disposal according to the readings of the house water meter.
Calculation of accruals for cold and hot water for apartments where KPU is not installed is carried out in accordance with the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated February 10, 2004 No. 77-PP.
From the volume of water consumption, according to the indications of the house meter, the volumes of consumption for all apartment devices, the volume of consumption for non-residential premises (if the house has, for example, shops, a hairdresser, etc.), are deducted, as well as general house expenses are deducted, which are determined according to the indications a metering device installed at the place where water is drawn for general house needs.
Install their resource supplying organizations.
Formerly Gazeta.Ru wrotethat utility companies often sabotage the installation of meters, since the regulations bring them much more income.
If such a problem is found, you need to contact the Housing Inspectorate.
Pay attention to square meters and the number of residents
You should check whether the area of the apartment is indicated correctly in the payment. Heating and overhaul payments are calculated per square meter. Regional authorities allocate subsidies that compensate for part of the payments, but they operate only within the limits of the social norm (in Moscow it is 33 sq.
m - per person, 42 sq. m - on two), explains Valery Novikov. You will have to pay for housing surpluses.
Also, do not rush to register new tenants.
What is hvs kpu and dpu in the receipt
The situation is as follows, in our apartment, before the installation of water meters, the calculation of consumption was calculated according to DPU DHW DPU 50m3 per month Cold water DPU 49m3s per month area, we have had water meters for a long time, and despite the fact that we very often use a washing machine, a dishwasher there, we wash ourselves by pouring a two-seater jacuzzi, we wash our hands in the shower, we drink water, and we use the toilet to its full height, the total consumption of hot water + cold water is approximately 5-10 m3. Okay, we think since we don’t have meters in this apartment, then the EIRC can sneer as it wants, recouping on conscientious payers for malicious non-weavers. They did not wait long and experience injustice, they installed and registered water meters in the Otradnitskaya apartment as expected, well, we think now everything will be fair, now we will pay according to our consumption, now we will be happy.
What does the abbreviation HVS DPU mean?
The nuance is that if accounting is maintained by an enterprise, then it will write off all kinds of losses in water and its temperature (for example, breakthroughs, leaks) to consumers, and they will pay for it. If a house-wide meter is installed in the house, then residents will pay for the water and heat that entered the house.
Cold water supply (HVS)
- Permissible interruption of cold water supply - 8 hours (in total) within 1 month
- Permissible interruption of cold water supply - 4 hours at a time, in case of an accident in centralized networks of engineering and technical support
- The composition of water must necessarily comply with sanitary standards SNiP 2.04.02-84
- Pressure in the cold water supply system in apartment buildings and residential buildings - from 0.03 MPa (0.3 kgf / sq. cm) to 0.6 MPa (6 kgf / sq. cm)
- Pressure in the cold water supply system at standpipes - not less than 0.1 MPa (1 kgf / sq. cm)
Hvs in the receipt what is it
Water supply and sanitation are two completely different utilities. Water supply implies that cold water passes through cleaning and disinfection before entering the apartment, and hot water is heated to a certain temperature.
Water disposal is the removal of any waste water from the apartment. The service involves the primary treatment of water and its direction to the sewer. This is a complex technical process consisting of several stages.
After the water is removed, it is delivered to the treatment plant, where it undergoes a multi-stage treatment and is disposed of.
Opinions of the Arbitration and Appeal Courts
The first court to consider the case was the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region. RSO insisted that the managing organization should pay for the supplied resource according to the readings of metering devices. In response, the MA provided a counter-calculation of the debt, based on the application of the calculation of the payment for thermal energy used for heating water, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 05/06/2011 No. 354. The figures that the RSO required were more than those calculated by the MA.
The Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region decided to partially satisfy the claims of the RNO and recover from the managing organization a large part of the amount claimed by the plaintiff as a debt, fines and payment of the state fee for legal expenses. He explained that the heat supply organization calculates the fee incorrectly, so the MA must return the amount that will be obtained if correct calculations are made.
Although the requirements of the RSO were satisfied, it turned out that the court sided with the managing organization, because it did not refuse to pay at all, but wanted to get a correct calculation.
The heat supply organization was dissatisfied with this decision and filed an appeal with the Tenth Arbitration Court of Appeal, which overturned the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region.
The Court of Appeal relied on Art. 157 of the Housing Code of the Russian Federation and Federal Law No. 190-FZ of July 27, 2010, and proceeded from the need to determine the volume of thermal energy supplied for heating water in the disputed period according to the readings of a serviceable meter previously installed to the subscriber, and not on the basis of the standard for heating.
This time, the management organization did not agree with the decision. She was confident that she was right and decided to appeal the case to the Arbitration Court of the Moscow District. But this court came to the defense of the RSO and refused to satisfy the requirements of the managing organization, leaving the decision of the previous court in force.
The MA decided not to give up and filed a cassation appeal with the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. In it, the MA referred not to the incorrect application of the rule of law and asked to cancel the said decisions of the courts of appeal and the district, leaving in force the decision of the Arbitration Court of the Moscow Region.
Representatives of the resource-supplying organization objected to the satisfaction of the complaint, referring to the legality and validity of the contested decisions.
That Kpu In Receipts What It Is 2019
Consumption standards for ODN can be found on the official website of the local administration or your management company. Exceeding these standards is unacceptable by law, but the exception is the existence of an agreement signed by the general meeting of residents.
- lighting of the local area and entrance;
- the functioning of the elevator and water supply pumps in the house;
- heating of technical premises and entrance;
- elevator, attic and basement lighting;
- cleaning of premises and adjacent territory;
- operation of intercom and video surveillance (if any);
- preparing the house for the heating season;
- clearing communications.
Residents without meters will pay in full, since tariffs from January 1 will be calculated according to the increased multiplying coefficient for all residents of the country. Housing and communal services tariffs will also change for those Russians who live in premises where a common house heat energy meter is not installed. The growth of electricity tariffs, unlike gas, will be slower for the population than previously expected.
The component for cold water is determined by:
There are many lines in this document, and each of them contains a service, the meaning of which cannot be quickly understood. Even a child knows that it is necessary to pay for electricity, gas and heating. But what is water disposal in utility bills?
If water is taken from a water supply source by some third-party organization that has the right to do so, or is processed to turn it into drinking water, then the tariff for cold water can be set based on the material costs of this organization per 1 m3 of water.
In order to deal with this abbreviation, residents and owners of apartments in multi-storey buildings must have a complete understanding of all utility bills that are charged for the services provided.
Tereshkova, 12 and 8 weather control systems not installed yet. However, energy-saving measures that have already been taken (replacing windows in entrances and basements with plastic ones, insulation of basements, partial replacement of risers, etc.) have yielded a good savings effect. Compared to last year, payments have decreased.
It is not permissible to change the names of these services, although some regional housing and communal services arbitrarily enter such lines as “heating hot water supply”, “topping up hot water supply” or “draining hot water and cold water” into their own payment receipts. It is not at all necessary for the consumer to know how much water heating costs, the last price that is presented for payment is important to him.
Some of them continue to operate, setting, for example, tariffs and requirements for the quality of water supplied to apartments and then discharged into natural reservoirs.
It is unacceptable to change the names of these services, although some regional housing and communal services arbitrarily enter such lines as “DHW heating”, “DHW make-up” or “DHW and cold water disposal” in their payment receipts. It is not at all necessary for the consumer to know how much water heating costs, the final amount that is presented for payment is important to him.
Water outlet KPU - drainage of some kind of KPU. I have not even heard about collective metering devices for water disposal, and even more so about apartment meters. And for some reason, in the “quantity” column, a figure is shown equal to the sum from the “quantity” column for cold water and hot water. Those. how much came into the apartment, so much went away. What about cooking, drinking, mopping, etc., watering flowers?
Many people still associate the increase in payment for heat supply with the increase in the tariff. But it's not. Charges for the service in the new heating season were made according to tariffs approved in the summer. And the amounts in payments grow when, due to cold weather, the temperature of the coolant increases and, accordingly, the volume of consumption of thermal energy, which is recorded by the collective metering devices of the KPU.
Submit meter readings to the supplier or management company every month. You can calculate for yourself how much wastewater disposal costs, and compare the amount received with the amount of payment indicated on the receipt.
If there is none, the management company makes a calculation according to current standards and issues an invoice to the tenants. In different regions, local governments set their own tariffs for wastewater disposal.
kpu in the receipt
The concept of KPU drainage can be met by apartment owners in many houses. It means drainage, that is, the discharge of all wastewater. This takes into account in total how much hot and cold water goes into the sewer, spent on general house needs. At the same time, this wording is largely incorrect, which misleads consumers.
- there are no metering devices for water drained into the sewer, which could separately calculate how much is spent on general house needs. Therefore, this column can indicate almost any value that will be convenient for the service provider, since the end user will not be able to verify or refute them;
- laws do not contain this wording. What payments the management company can require from people is prescribed in the laws. Therefore, all correct columns contain the entry "common house" or "common house." metering devices. You can really check them and compare the accrued fee with real values.
Water disposal kpu in the receipt what is it
In the absence of metering stations, the consumption of consumed cold and hot water, and, consequently, the amount of water disposal, is determined according to the standards approved by local authorities in each region of the Russian Federation and in federal cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg.
- there are no metering devices for water drained into the sewer, which could separately calculate how much is spent on general house needs. Therefore, this column can indicate almost any value that will be convenient for the service provider, since the end user will not be able to verify or refute them;
- laws do not contain this wording. What payments the management company can require from people is prescribed in the laws. Therefore, all correct columns contain the entry "common house" or "common house." metering devices. You can really check them and compare the accrued fee with real values.
How to refuse TO KPU
By the way, the Consumer Protection Society characterizes the imposed service “as optional for meters. Maintenance is nothing more than a multibillion-dollar scam in which major officials and deputies of the State Duma of the Russian Federation are involved.”
and all the sanctions from this year will actually begin, because the lack of a certificate of timely verification is equated to the absence of a meter as such, respectively, the Criminal Code will begin to charge at the current rate, this time, but here the Jewish nature is very often included in some residents: and I have two registered, but four live, it’s more profitable for me without meters, and this case is now provided for: starting from this year, multiplying coefficients are introduced to calculate the cost of water in apartments that are not equipped with water meters /schetchik.html
When checking water meters, unscrupulous organizations often allow pensioners or simply inattentive people to sign an Agreement for the maintenance of water meters (TO for the maintenance of meters). They take in 2019 for this about 50 rubles a month, 600 rubles a year, 3000 rubles for 5 years.
How to deal with this scam?
In addition, I inform you that my civil rights were violated when concluding this agreement: i.e. I didn’t know that I was signing such an agreement, the citizen who introduced himself as an employee of STEK LLC did not let me read the agreement and did not explain the procedure and essence of this agreement.
Tariff calculation in an apartment building
Payment for wastewater disposal is made taking into account the indicators of the used water. The amount of water used is taken into account.
The funds for this payment are used by the utility to arrange for the transport of the bleed liquid to a special treatment plant.
The specified indicator is calculated very simply: CHW (HWS + DHW) is multiplied by the established tariff. Such a formula is provided for by law, so even if the resulting amount is large, you cannot evade paying for drainage services.
Features of drainage in the house:
- In an apartment building, it is customary to use common house equipment for accounting. It is according to the indicators of such a device that the payment for drainage is calculated.
- In the absence of common building equipment, the bill for this service will be provided by the utility company.
- Some owners install their own counter in the apartment. Before installing such a device, an application must be submitted. Only after obtaining permission, the device is mounted and sealed.
In order not to pay extra cubic meters, it is recommended to pay attention to information about the amount of hot and cold water used. If the sum of these values in the payment is less than the indicator indicated in the column "water disposal", you should file a complaint with the court
Payment for water disposal in an apartment building tariff and calculation
The tariff for wastewater disposal is set based on various parameters. Note that there is no single tariff for Russia, and each region has its own special values. When determining the size of the tariff for payment for wastewater disposal, the following parameters are taken into account:
- climatic and weather conditions of the region;
- current state of sewer networks;
- assessment of the performance of water supply networks;
- distance of pumping water and wastewater;
- the quality of pumping stations, as well as their remoteness;
- the number of users consuming this service (in particular, those who have a separate meter);
- payment for the services of emergency teams and specialists who ensure the maintenance of networks in an acceptable condition. Separately pay for the services that the water supply needs;
- wages for water utilities employees.
Depending on the above parameters, there are always serious differences in the size of the tariff scale. So, for example, for residents of Surgut there is an indicator of 25.44 rubles per cubic meter. m, in Rostov-on-Don this value is 24.26 rubles per cubic meter. m, and in Krasnoyarsk the tariff differs the most - 9.42 rubles per cubic meter. m. If the value has increased, the consumer will be notified in advance.
There are 3 ways to calculate wastewater:
- Each apartment (private house) has an individual metering device that determines water consumption.
- Water consumption is determined on the basis of indicators of common house meters.
- On general standards.
Each of the methods has its own characteristics, however, for consumers, the most beneficial is the one in which a personal meter is installed in the apartments.
TO KPU maintenance of water meters
Thank you for your answer, but in paragraph 4.1.16 of the contract I mentioned, it is clearly stated that if the Criminal Code concludes an agreement for the repair and maintenance of water meters with a third-party organization, payment for these services will be included in a single payment. The question arises, how will it turn on? Upon the provision of these services?
Dear Lydia! Services for KPU maintenance, repair and verification of meters are regulated by a separate agreement that you can conclude with any specialized organization, or you may not do this and pay for repairs upon the fact of the service provided. No one is going to include you in a single payment document neither a fee for maintenance of the KPU, nor a fee for repairs and verification. The site clearly reflects the changes in the provision of these services. In a word, you do not conclude an agreement with the UK for maintenance, repair and verification and do not pay for it, and we do not provide this service to you! All relations with special organizations in terms of meter maintenance (repair, verification) you will build on your own. In any case, the Criminal Code has the right to take control readings, inspect the safety of the seals and require you to conduct another verification (the deadlines are indicated in the passport for meters), no additional fee is charged for this.
Otop en pl decoding
The more people, the more expensive, for example, water will be (if meters are not installed). If one of those registered in the apartment does not live in it for a long time, then a recalculation can be achieved. It is only necessary to prove the absence - for example, to bring a certificate from the management company from the real place of residence.
The same applies to summer residence in the country and long business trips: if the relevant documents are available, the Criminal Code is obliged to recalculate. A new line is a major overhaul
Calculating how much you have to pay for a new service is easy. In Moscow, the monthly fee is 15 rubles. per sq. m. The new line appeared in the capital in July and has already caused wave discontent.
Formerly Gazeta.Ru wrotethat Muscovites want to conclude an agreement with the Capital Repair Fund on their own terms and demand that a number of significant points be taken into account in the agreement.
Such systems do not protect the apartment directly, but the entrances, stairs, attics, etc.
AUR is also a specific line of expenses in bills. This includes a set of payments aimed at ensuring the work of the administrative and managerial apparatus, for example, a management company.
The GTC includes the amount and types of costs for the collection, repair and installation of various metering devices, such as water or gas meters.
This is the "daily consumption of the electricity meter." As a rule, such an expense is not indicated in all regions.
A separate line may also indicate the night consumption of ELDT.
The decoding of this concept includes the provision and maintenance of gas equipment. VDGO includes stoves, gas boilers, and columns.
There are also services that citizens do not use in reality: for example, paying for an antenna and radio points. They can be waived on an individual basis by contacting the Criminal Code with a request to exclude these items from the general account.
Drainage in receipts what is it
In other words, KPU is a counter that shows how much sewage has been drained during a given time. However, there is no abbreviation KPU in any official document; in the lines and columns there is “Common house or common house.
It turns out that the KPU is an invention of the housing and communal services and nothing more, especially since the use of abbreviated names of devices in official documents is not allowed unless it is indicated by the rules or an addition to the resolution.
So, if your house has a common house heat meter, then the monthly fee is set by calculation based on its readings. Accordingly, the payment may change monthly, although the tariff remains unchanged.
Ulyanovsk, where possible. By the way, the owners often find out about the presence of the KPU in the house only from payment documents. And this fact in itself is a wake-up call. This means that there is no contact with the management company, no understanding of what is happening in the house, and as a result, there is no control over payments. Drainage is not even sewerage. Sewerage is part of it, therefore the concepts under consideration are often confused. But plumbing is much more complex.
To better understand the calculation procedure, an example should be given showing what the calculation operation looks like.
In general, in order for the house to function normally, and the residents feel comfortable in it, it is necessary to pay for water disposal. But our inquisitive people need to know how this communal unit is calculated.
You will be given an application form - fill it out, carefully double-check all the specified data, sign and decrypt.
If the homeowner does not make timely payments to the established accounts, then a penalty in the amount of 1/300 of the refinancing rate of the Central Bank of the Russian Federation for each day of delay will be charged on the amount of the debt. You can read more about the measures taken against debtors here.
In addition, the item that the maintenance fee will be paid in the monthly EPT is often printed in the smallest print. And since the amount is 50-100 rubles.
After the procedure is completed, documents will be issued that will need to be submitted to the management company.
Take with you a passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation and a document certifying the ownership of real estate - for example, a certificate of ownership or a contract of sale, if you have not yet completed the purchase procedure in Rosreestr.
Recently, a resident of the East Administrative District noticed that for almost a year now he has been paying 50 rubles a month for the maintenance of water meters - this line is indicated in his single payment document. According to the Department of Housing and Public Utilities of Moscow, it is obligatory for a resident to check the water meter within the time period specified in the technical passport of the device, for example, once every 6 years.