Meaning of laquo

12. Husks, mustaches and chamfers

Husk (Fig. 31) - an internal corner at the junction of two walls or a ceiling and a wall; usenok - an outer corner formed at the junction of two walls. Due to the fact that sharp corners (horns) break off quickly, they are blunted by rounding or chamfering. Chamfers are rounded and flat. Well-made husks, mustaches or chamfers adorn the plastered premises.

Rice. 31. Wall with husks (1), whiskers (2) and chamfers (3)

Rubbing and cutting husks, mustaches and chamfers are labor-intensive operations. Husks, mustaches and chamfers are performed with trowels, a rule, a template.

For rubbing husks or mustards, solutions prepared on fine sifted sand are used. A trowel or a rule is applied to the applied solution and, moving it up and down with a little pressure, rub until an accurate clean line of husk or mustard is obtained. These elements must be made strictly vertically or horizontally.

Defects are corrected with small trowels with additional application of the solution in the right places.

The chamfers are rubbed over the previously made mustaches. To do this, the finished whiskers are moistened with water, a trowel is applied to them from the end and, moving it up and down with a little pressure, they rub the whisker solution in one plane or round it. If the chamfer is wide, then you can first cut off part of the mortar from the mustache by cutting off, moisten the cut chamfer with water and then rub it with a trowel. The bevel must be perfectly straight. The flat chamfer must have the same width along the entire length. If the chamfer is rounded, it must also be of the same profile along the entire length. Correct the chamfers with a small trowel.

For rubbing husks, mustaches and chamfers, shaped trowels are also used (Fig. 32, a, b), the canvas of which is knocked down from two boards fastened at a right angle; plasterers also use simple templates and bevels (Fig. 33, a-c).

Meaning of the word laquo huskRice. 32. Rubbing of husks (a) and mustaches (b) with shaped trowels

Meaning of the word laquo huskRice. 33. Devices for pulling husks, mustaches and chamfers: a - a simple bevel 1 and rules 2, b - a template in the form of a trowel, c - a hinged template and rules 2

Husks and mustaches are also pulled out according to two hanging rules. Since hanging the rules takes a lot of time, templates are used from two profile boards fastened together, which are moved along a lighthouse frame made from two corners fastened at an angle. In this case, not individual rules are hung, but the whole frame, which increases labor productivity. However, the template and the beacon frame form only a right angle. To obtain an obtuse or acute angle, one side of the husk, mustache or chamfer has to be manually corrected, spending additional time. A hinged template with a sliding profile board allows you to pull out husks, whiskers and chamfers from different angles without additional adjustment. To increase labor productivity, husks are arranged as follows (Fig. 34). Marks are arranged in the corners, putting two rules in turn on them. First, one rule is established and a solution is thrown under it, then it is removed, a second rule is attached to another wall and a solution is also applied under it. After removing the rules, beacons 2 remain in the corners with an even sharp husk 1. This can only be when a plastic solution is applied under the rules and they fill the space between the rule and the wall without shells. You can make such husks-lighthouses according to one rule and with stamps on only one wall. In this case, the rule is attached to the marks so that it recedes from the other wall by the thickness of the plaster.

Meaning of the word laquo huskRice. 34. The device beacons (2) in the corners for the formation of husks (1)

In the future, husks in the corners can be used as beacons for leveling the mortar.When leveling the solution, these husks-beacons can be spoiled by the rule; to prevent this from happening, they can be made wider, 60-100 mm in each direction. When such beacons are arranged near the ceiling, their width can be 30-50 mm, since the solution is not leveled over them.

Characteristics of husk pellets

Name of indicator Actual value Unit of measurement Heat transfer 4142/5252 kcal/kg Gross calorific value 21.99 kJ/kg Net calorific value 17.34 kJ/kg diameter) 5-12 mm Size of granules (length) 50 mm Smell characteristic of sunflower husk —

Not so long ago, private individuals and industrial enterprises have chosen pellet as a solid fuel. But even in such a short time, the product managed to earn huge popularity and more and more people began to use it. According to statistics, the demand for alternative fuel is growing every year and is about 30%. For example, the Swedish government has created a program that provides for an increase in the use of fuel pellets at least 7 million tons annually, in the UK this number is no more than 600 thousand tons.

Meaning of the word laquo husk

Thanks to the analysis of various offers in the global network, it can be seen that wood pellets, for example, in Poland are about 110 euros per ton of material, and sunflower husks are five euros cheaper. Of course, such prices are hard to consider low. But since the tariffs for gas, oil, and electricity are constantly growing, for many countries, pellets will become a wonderful replacement, so the demand for them will rise.

What are the benefits of husk pellets?

Consumers husk pellet settled on the choice of this alternative fuel because of its many advantages, in contrast to traditional energy resources. Firstly, the material is environmentally friendly, as it does not contain chemicals, spores and plant seeds that cause allergies. Secondly, the use of pellets is economical, as their cost is affordable. Thirdly, they are functional, having low biochemical activity, they can be stored without observing special conditions, transportation of fuel is convenient due to standard sizes and flowability.


As mentioned above, pellets from sunflower husks have a fairly high percentage of ash. therefore, they are recommended for use in industrial boilers. There is a myth that they have a very detrimental effect on solid fuel boilers and chimney systems, this is not so. Such problems can only arise in incorrectly calculated systems where the diameter of the chimney is significantly narrowed or its system itself has sharp turns or loose pipe connections, which reduces draft. In such cases, ash deposition will be higher than normal, but this will occur with any solid fuel.


