Cover with sealant
This method is suitable if the gap between the window sill and the window frame is not very large. In addition, compared to other draft control methods, this one is the cheapest.
Defects are eliminated with a transparent sealant. Before using it, the gap should be cleaned of dust and dirt, degreased, and dried.
The gap between the frame and the window sill must be cleaned of dirt
Then, the maximum possible amount of the substance is applied with the nozzle of the tube until it is completely filled.
For the simplest elimination of the defect, use a sealant
For a beautiful seam, run the edge of a 10-ruble coin over it. Do this in a continuous motion to avoid seam curvature.
The advantage of this method is that the whole work takes a few minutes. The disadvantage is the fragility. After two years, the sealant begins to peel off, darken.
Check loops
Sometimes you can find that blowing from the hinges of plastic windows. Why is this happening? In search of an answer, you will have to examine the outside of the frame. Look for additional holes. These, most likely, will be technological gaps for attaching a mosquito net to a window. They are not needed in winter, so we close them until summer.
We hope that now you have received the necessary clarification about why it blows from plastic windows. And like any problem, this trouble is better to warn in advance. Meticulously choose a company for the installation of PVC structures, no less meticulously select a profile, fittings. Check the quality of the installation. Do not forget to inquire about the warranty service of windows. So it will be easier and cheaper to eliminate the detected defects. And also follow the rules for the operation of plastic window systems, monitor the condition of the seal, and eliminate the problems that arise in time.
This question really worries a lot of people now!
We answer in detail:
This is a normal situation! Glass cannot be warm, it is not a heater, it does not heat up itself, and heat loss through it occurs constantly (up to 25% of all heat loss in a house). And there's no getting away from it!
From the course of physics it is known that any material has a coefficient of resistance to heat transfer.
Heat loss in a house mainly depends on:
1. Temperature differences in the house and on the street (the greater the difference, the higher the loss),
2. Heat-shielding properties of walls, windows, ceilings, coatings or, as they say, enclosing structures.
So, the main task is to maximize the resistance coefficient of glass in plastic windows and reduce heat loss.
To do this, they first came up with a double-glazed window, with a different number of cameras It is clear that in this case, the heat loss has become less due to the number of glasses, their thickness and the air gap between them.
But this is not the limit!
The next step was the use of one of the glasses with a selective coating (i-glass) in the double-glazed unit, which is capable of reflecting heat waves into the room and at the same time transmitting solar thermal radiation from the outside. However, its use in sealed plastic windows often leads to discomfort in the summer. Solar radiation penetrates the house, and most of it remains indoors, you yourself understand what happens.
And then progress gave us multifunctional glass, at the moment - one of the most advanced inventions in the window industry.
It works in two directions. Its inner layer reflects heat back into the room, and its outer layer reflects solar radiation back to the street, which creates an optimal microclimate in the room.
For now, here are some good tips for improving thermal comfort in your home.
(suddenly you haven’t installed a heat pack yet or, it’s scary to think, you still haven’t changed the old cracked wooden windows to brand new plastic ones). 1 We increase the temperature of the inner surface of the window by blowing the double-glazed window with warm air
1 We increase the temperature of the inner surface of the window by blowing warm air on the double-glazed window.
We create ascending jets of warm air - we drill holes in the window sill, insert convection grates into the holes. The heated air rises up, which allows the temperature of the glass to rise and reduces the effect of cold air penetrating through the window.
2. We insulate the wall located under the window behind the heater. On top of the thermal insulation, we make a screen of shiny aluminum foil, reflecting the heat radiated by the battery into the room. Nice and warm.
3. We hang blinds on the windows. Yes, yes, they also have a coefficient of resistance to heat transfer.
How to insulate
If all attempts to adjust and eliminate the causes of drafts were unsuccessful, you need to think: how and with what to insulate plastic frames for the winter?
You can insulate slopes:
- Basalt or mineral wool;
- Drywall;
- Izover (fiberglass);
- Sandwich panels.
The material for insulation is glued with mounting glue, puttied and painted in the desired color.
As a last resort, seal the gaps:
- masking tape;
- Self-adhesive foam or rubber seal;
- silicone sealant;
- Adhesive for plastic windows.
Attention! If all the measures have been taken, but for some reason the plastic windows still let the cold through, then the entire plastic profile needs to be replaced. Practical, convenient, comfortable and modern plastic windows are designed to retain heat and prevent cold air from entering the room.
Practical, convenient, comfortable and modern plastic windows are designed to retain heat and prevent cold air from entering the room.
However, uPVC windows can cause a lot of trouble if they are not properly installed and adjusted properly.
Watch a video on the topic:
To prevent such problems, experts advise contacting proven manufacturers and entrusting the installation of window blocks only to highly qualified professionals with many years of experience.
By installing metal-plastic windows, most owners of houses and apartments hope that they receive reliable protection from the cold, drafts and street noise. But not all of these hopes come true.
How to insulate plastic windows with your own hands
When to insulate windows for the winter
Repair and insulation must be dealt with before the onset
cold weather. This is due to requirements such as:
more comfortable working conditions;
material requirements. Some building materials
for example, dry mixes and sealants can only be used in a certain
temperature range. Otherwise, they lose their characteristics;
optimal humidity;
lack of draft;
the ability to perform both internal and external
reducing the risk of catching a cold for tenants of the apartment.
1. Insulation of window openings for the winter
To insulate the window opening, you can use different
materials and methods:
assembly foam. Expanding, the foam fills all the voids along
the perimeter of the window opening, preventing the movement of air. Thanks to
foam is 90% air, it is an ideal insulation. However, the foam
needs protection from ultraviolet, high and low temperature. So herself
it is inappropriate to use it by itself;
mineral wool. Excellent thermal insulation material for
insulation of window sills and internal slopes. Vata has more limited
range of use for window insulation;
styrofoam / polystyrene foam.Used for slope insulation
plastic windows;
Note. Rigid insulation is used with a thickness
mounting seam no more than 3 mm, in other cases it is better to give preference
mineral water.
silicone sealant. A reliable way to eliminate blowouts
between the plastic elements of the window;
dry mixes for finishing slopes, used in
the need to insulate the window from the outside;
construction tape. Adhesive over sealant or instead
Advice. Use regular masking or window tape
not recommended, after gluing it on the plastic of the window frame remain
unattractive marks that are difficult to remove without damaging the facial
2. Insulation of the window unit
- sealant;
- construction tape;
- sealant;
- heat-saving film for windows (energy-saving);
- mechanical methods of warming, for example, pulling up
(adjustment) fittings.
After the issue of how to insulate is resolved, we will deal with
the question of how to insulate a double-glazed window, frame, plastic, aluminum profile, etc.
How to insulate plastic windows
Insulate plastic windows
it is necessary not when the snow has already fallen, but in the warm season, while there are still no frosts.
First, let's figure out what plastic windows are made of. This is a double-glazed window, PVC profile, seals and fittings. Frame for the window block - slopes. The reason for the "contraband" cold can be any of these components.
The profile rarely causes drafts: it is strong and elastic enough, which allows it to retain its shape as much as possible and not form cracks. The double-glazed window itself will also not cause problems - problems are caused by its leakage.
One of the reasons for the loss of tightness of the window is the wrong finishing of the slopes. It is quite easy to insulate window slopes, for this you need to fill the opening between the frame and the wall with mounting foam or foamed heat-insulating materials. From the inside and outside, reinforce the insulation with insulating material.
When windows or walls shrink, the structure becomes uneven, due to which the window warps and starts to blow out of it
. In this case, you need to adjust the fittings responsible for window sash clamp.
Such adjustment is carried out with the help of eccentrics, which, when turning the hand, go beyond special pressure pads, which are located along the perimeter of the frame. In order to press the sash to the frame more tightly, you need to rotate the eccentric clockwise. Look at the risk on the eccentric: in the position when it is directed to the street, the sash clamp is loosened; if it is directed towards the seal, the pressure is increased. Some eccentrics need to be rotated with pliers or a wrench.
Available clamping mechanism and from the side of the loops.
It can be adjusted with a hexagon. We look at the tongue located on the sash: if it is pushed in strongly, then the clamp is tight. To loosen the clamp, you need to extend the tongue by turning the hexagon counterclockwise (if the hinges are located on the left, if they are on the right, rotate the hexagon clockwise).
About once every 5 years in plastic windows it is necessary to change the seals - they lose their elasticity and cause cold. To insulate plastic windows,
seal must be replaced. To do this, remove the clogged glazing bead, take out the double-glazed window and replace the seal - remove the old one and put in a new one. It can be fixed with special glue. We put the glass back and put the glazing bead back
Attention: the glazing bead is a very fragile element, in no case should it be broken!
If you break it, the double-glazed window cannot be installed, so be careful
Sometimes the reason for the cold in the apartment is not the windows, but the balcony. About how, and turn it into another room, a greenhouse - in a word, into a habitable zone - read in our material.
Fixing the problem on our own
Blows from the side of the loops. Causes:
The installation of the window structure was carried out with violations of the technology.
Holes for mosquito net fastening are open.
- Inspect the sash, adjust and close tightly;
- Remove the mosquito net and close the openings;
- Replace cheap fittings with new ones.
Why do plastic windows let in cold around the plastic handle? Causes:
The handle does not fully fulfill its functions (the sash is not fully pressed against the base of the profile), as a result, a gap is formed that allows cold air to pass through.
Try to tighten all the handle fasteners.
- Remove the decorative strip (in the place where the handle is attached to the window frame), turning it at a right angle in any direction;
- Unscrew the fixing fasteners;
- Remove the old handle, and fasten a new one in its place with the same fasteners;
- Close the fasteners with a decorative strip.
Cold air blows from under the plastic construction bead. Causes:
Outdated rubber seal.
The manufacturer used a defective or low-quality seal.
Replace the seal with a new, better one (can be used instead of a rubber seal, silicone).
Replace the seal in the following order:
- Remove the old gasket;
- Clean the profile from contaminants (dust, dirt, debris);
- Install a new gasket;
- For additional sealing, blow out the gaps between the double-glazed window frame with silicone.
In the area of \u200b\u200bthe frame and window sill - a draft. Causes:
Incorrect installation of a double-glazed window or window sill.
The seal needs to be replaced.
- Blow out the gaps between the window sill and the double-glazed window with mounting foam or sealant;
- If the dimensions of the gap are large, then use mineral wool to eliminate it;
- Replace seal.
Through the slopes. Causes:
Poorly filled mounting joints or no filling at all.
Unscrupulous work of installers.
- Disassemble the slopes, foam the seams with construction foam;
- Set the slopes in place;
- In extreme cases, you will have to replace the window unit.
Blows from the gap between the window and the window sill
If your case does not apply to the above, and it really blows out of the window, there are two reasons for this development of events: the window was initially installed incorrectly, or the sealant that was used to install it sank and lost its properties.
In the first case, you need to contact the company that installed the windows and demand that they solve this problem. But if the warranty period has already expired, you can act on your own.
Unfortunately, the only way you can completely fix this problem is to completely reinstall windows. All other means will not be able to completely solve the problem, and sooner or later you will need a full repair.
The gap that has formed between the window sill and the window must be closed with a sealant. However, it does not apply to thermal insulation materials, so the room may be a little cool even after repair.
If the gap is very large, it will be possible to close it completely only with special foam. This should be done by a specialist.
In any case, when you have just installed plastic windows, you need to immediately check the work of the installers. Works of this magnitude should be carried out only by those firms whose reputation you trust.
What to do if a plastic window freezes through
Plastic or metal-plastic windows have gained well-deserved popularity due to the large number of their positive qualities. They contribute to the preservation of heat in the apartment and save money on heating.
Plastic or metal-plastic windows have gained well-deserved popularity due to the large number of their positive qualities. They contribute to the preservation of heat in the apartment and save money on heating.Beautiful appearance and the ability to make a design of any size, shape, color allow you to use them to create different design styles.
An important advantage of the products is their practicality, ease of care. To maintain the desired aesthetic condition, there is no need to regularly paint or cover them with protective agents.
At the same time, after installing new windows, residents of some apartments find that modern products can freeze in severe frosts. This usually manifests itself in the form of condensation around the perimeter of double-glazed windows in the area where the glazing beads are attached. Sometimes frost even appears at the bottom of the window. To eliminate this deficiency, it is necessary to establish the cause of its occurrence.
Why windows don't freeze everywhere
The formation of a moisture strip in a certain place of the window is explained by its design feature. The double-glazed window is filled inside with dry air or argon, which are good heat insulators, but along its edge there is an aluminum frame, which is characterized by high strength and increased thermal conductivity. Therefore, in the area of its location, the temperature indicators of glass are slightly lower than in the central part. However, the appearance of moisture on the windows does not happen to every owner. There can be several reasons for the formation of condensate moisture and its transformation into ice.
The easiest way out of this situation is to find a way to constantly get fresh air into the room. This can be solved by ventilation, installation of supply ventilation valves, forced exhaust system. Non-compliance of the selected double-glazed window with the climatic conditions of the region. When buying products, wanting to save money, the owners install windows with single-chamber double-glazed windows. You should buy metal-plastic PVC windows on the website ( in accordance with the regulations, use products with double-glazed windows. It is desirable that the glasses have energy-saving properties, and when choosing the design features of the profile, stop at samples with an additional sealing circuit.
The main causes of condensation and what to do about them
The most common cause of moisture settling on the glass in the edge area is the increased humidity in the apartment. This is due to the improved insulation of the new windows, which prevent noise and cold air from entering the room. Old houses are not equipped with supply and exhaust ventilation, as is necessary for normal air circulation and lowering the level of moisture in it.
To determine how true this statement is in a particular case, it is necessary to measure the humidity in the apartment. According to SNiP II-3-79, the parameters for determining this indicator are set:
- dry mode - up to 40%;
- normal - from 40 to 50%;
- wet - from 50 to 60%;
- wet - more than 60%.
Insufficient circulation of warm air near the glass can cause it to freeze. It is recommended to install a heating device under each window, without blocking heat flows with a wide window sill. If it is not possible to change its size, ventilation holes should be provided in it. Poor-quality manufacturing of products, the occurrence of cracks, depressurization of the structure is fraught with unpleasant consequences in the cold season. Therefore, you should buy windows from trusted and reliable companies that have quality certificates for their products.
Poor installation, unprofessional work can cause shortcomings during operation. Reasons may be:
- insufficient amount of mounting foam, the formation of non-insulated areas when sealing cracks around the window;
- poor insulation in the window sill area;
- wrong choice of installation location in the depth of the opening, placement of the product too close to the outer edge of the wall, in the place of its freezing.
Metal-plastic windows from reliable manufacturers with guaranteed quality of manufacture and installation will be able to provide their owners with warmth, comfort and good mood at any time of the year.
What to do to make the window warmer
For the most resolute - to replace the plastic windows in the house: to increase the temperature of the internal glass. Solutions can be very different - use low-emission glass, noble gases in the space between the panes, thermal mirror double-glazed windows, electrically heated double-glazed windows. If you have panoramic windows and there is absolutely no desire to change them, floor-mounted convectors around the perimeter of the panoramic glazing will help (combating cold air convection and heating the glass, taking into account possible thermal shock). If you don’t want to start a “construction site”, but it pulls cold from the window, use IR emitters to compensate for the low radiation temperature in the window zone.
Blowing from under the plastic windows
Under the windowsill sometimes there are similar gaps. Again, this is either a result of saving foam at the stage of installation of the structure, or simply wear and tear. In any case, it is necessary to disassemble the window sill and restore the tightness.
As a preventive measure, it does not hurt to take additional measures to warm the space under the windowsill. Just buy a sealant and carefully apply it along the seam between the PVC structure and the wall.
So that the mounting foam does not collapse too quickly under the influence of moisture, it is necessary to provide protection for it. Silicone or vapor barrier film does a good job with this. They protect the wall from moisture and prevent fungi and mold from developing.
Causes of freezing of plastic windows in winter
The winter period brings not only the joy of the first snowfall. In the cold season, problems can also come to the house, one of which is the formation of ice on the double-glazed window.
The reasons for this phenomenon may be the following:
- significant temperature difference between indoors and outdoors;
- increased level of humidity;
- poor-quality installation of window structures.
- temperature difference. A significant difference between street and home temperatures in winter does its job: sometimes double-glazed windows do not have time to heat up from the side of the room so that condensing moisture does not appear on their inner glass surface. With a further drop in temperature outside the window, the resulting condensate gradually transforms into a thick layer of ice. Usually its thickness is no more than 1 mm, however, in especially neglected cases, the layer of ice can reach several centimeters.
- High humidity level. Increased humidity, both in the entire apartment and in individual rooms, occurs, as a rule, due to insufficient ventilation. Ideally, the removal of warm air should be carried out automatically and in full through the ventilation openings located under the ceiling. However, this does not always happen qualitatively. Most often, especially if the house was built several decades ago, such ventilation openings are clogged. Their clogging makes it difficult to maintain the microclimate of the required level in the room, in which there would be no place for high humidity.
- Installation of windows, performed with deviations from the norms. Installation of plastic windows, as well as structures made of other materials, must take into account the requirements determined by GOST 30971-2002. Failure to comply with regulations during installation may result in condensation. This phenomenon occurs, as a rule, in the corner and at the junction of glass and glazing bead. In a relatively warm season, only the smallest drops are visible, while in winter, in frosts, moisture freezes, turning into ice.
Plastic windows freeze what to do
Very often, with the advent of cold weather and severe frosts, the owners of plastic windows find condensation in the lower part of the double-glazed window. A small amount of it does not cause much concern, but the formation of large puddles on the windowsill and the subsequent icing of the window lead to complaints to the manufacturer of plastic windows.
It should be noted that the presence of condensation on the inside of the window is not considered a malfunction. According to GOST 24866-99, a manufacturing defect is the appearance of condensate inside a double-glazed window, and such a design must be replaced by the manufacturer during the warranty period.
Before turning anger on the manufacturer due to the freezing of the window, it is necessary to understand the cause of condensation on double-glazed windows and try to eliminate them, or reduce them to a minimum.
The windows in the apartment are new, but next to them it's cold - what to do
Cooling upon contact with the double-glazed window, the room air slides down, rests against the window sill and goes into the room, creating a feeling of a draft. This can be combated by increasing the temperature of the surface of the double-glazed window - using low-emission glasses and noble gases (argon and krypton) in the inter-glass space. Perhaps it is in your region that the winters are quite severe and the installation of not ordinary, but energy-efficient windows is shown.
An example in the photo is a house in Novosibirsk. There is no heat loss through the windows: a warm profile with triple glazing is used. The top of the glass is covered with a film that prevents heat from escaping the room in winter and overheating in hot weather. The tinted glass appears to have a deeper blue color.
Blowing from a plastic window find and eliminate
Where can blow from plastic windows
To understand why it is blowing from a PVC window, you need to examine the nodes,
and for this it is necessary to know the constructive principle of the window unit.
The most common places to inflate:
- window glazing bead (glass unit holder);
- rubber compressor;
- window fittings (for example, blowing from under the hinges, into the handle);
- the perimeter of the window frame - the junction of slopes, window sills, walls.
How to determine where it is blowing from a plastic window?
The presence of a defect in one of the components of the window unit
leads to the fact that it blows from plastic windows. Determine exact location
heat loss of metal-plastic windows can be done in three ways:
tactile hand. To identify the gap, it is enough to carry out
palm on the surface of the window block;
lighter. The search procedure is similar to the previous one, but
the light is more sensitive to drafts and can reveal even the weakest
paper. A regular sheet of paper is pressed against a window
(inserted into an open window and clamped by fully closing the sash), if
pull the corner of the sheet and it is easily pulled out, which means the seal is not enough
is pressed (this may indicate that, in this mode, the old seal is poorly pressed against the frame).
Why it blows from plastic windows - the causes of heat loss
installation error. This is the most common reason
associated with ignorance or non-compliance with the correct installation technology
plastic window. 15 years ago, this service was in such high demand that
everyone who had at least some idea about the installation of window
blocks. Naturally, few people performed the installation of PVC windows in accordance with GOST;
skewed windows due to shrinkage of the house. current issue for
residents of new buildings and wooden houses;
an attempt to save money. One of the strongest arguments in
competition is always price, especially during economic
crisis. Price reduction often occurred at the expense of quality: saving on
foam, on heaters, ignoring the need to protect the heat insulator,
the use of low-quality components when assembling windows - all this over time
led to the fact that the consumer is forced to change or additionally insulate PVC
physical wear and tear of window components, in particular
sealing rubber bands, or weakening the clamping force of the valves;
violation of the rules for the operation of plastic windows, which
consist in the need to wash the window seal, and process it
glycerin. Such care prevents the loss of elasticity of the seal and its cracking.
What to do if blowing from a plastic window
Of course, eliminate the source of the draft. From practical
point of view, there are two simple options - call the wizard to
repair-adjustment (expensive) of windows or do-it-yourself (cheap).
The desire to close up all the cracks on their own improvised
means is reduced to nothing, because: firstly, it is not aesthetically pleasing, and secondly,
no guarantees.
When it is advisable to involve professionals:
plastic window installed recently. Installer company
is responsible to the consumer for the reliability of the windows
(if the warranty covers this period);
the window opening is located at a considerable height (in
multi-storey building). It is better to entrust any high-altitude work to professionals (services
industrial mountaineering). If the window is located on the second floor and above -
the performance of the work will be associated with increased risk;
if there is a manufacturing defect. For example, obvious defects
production or installation that occurred during the warranty period;
if parts need to be replaced. Better install
"native" fittings if it is necessary to replace individual elements of the window block;
work is carried out in the winter. Knowledge
installation technology, and how to insulate plastic windows for the winter, allows
installers to perform work quickly, without significant cooling of residential
However, often the cost of attracting specialists
equals the cost of installing a new window, and this fact makes it more profitable
do-it-yourself insulation work.
Blowing from the window sill of a plastic window
The concept of "chill" from a double-glazed window is common among builders. Very often, homeowners confuse this phenomenon with blowing. "Chill" occurs in winter, when the double-glazed windows themselves are cooled by street temperature. Warm air, circulating in the room, is cooled while sliding on the glass.
If you bring your hand to the double-glazed window and hold it from top to bottom, you can feel a light breeze. This does not mean that some mistake was made during the installation of windows. It's still worth checking though.
Double-glazed windows can be cold not only because of air circulation. If they are single-chamber, then in winter they will be cooled even to sub-zero temperatures. This cold can be felt at a distance of up to 10 cm. Sometimes it is also confused with blowing.