How to properly install a gas cylinder
- gas reducer
- Gas rubber-polymer or rubber hose
- Union
Almost all private houses use gas stoves that are powered by gas cylinders. Very often people are faced with the need to replace the gas cylinder. However, this is a rather dangerous business. Therefore, it requires special attention. Before connecting the cylinder to the gas stove, it is necessary to prepare in advance a gas reducer with an outlet pressure of 30 mbar, as well as a gas rubber-polymer or rubber hose and fitting, which is equipped with a spout for connecting hoses and an internal thread.
So, how to install a gas cylinder? First of all, a fitting must be screwed onto the inlet pipe of the gas stove. This procedure is safe. Many manufacturers include such a fitting in the kit for the stove. Without this part, it is simply impossible to connect a gas cylinder to the stove. It is worth noting that the gasket is also a mandatory element. You shouldn't forget about her. It can be replaced with a special sealant or fum tape. After that, a reducer can be connected to the cylinder. Be sure to use a pad. A gas hose should be connected to the fitting and the outlet of the reducer.
Before connecting, carefully inspect the flexible hose. You should monitor the condition of the hose while the gas stove is running. You can secure the hose with clamps. All work must be carried out in accordance with the rules and regulations. How to properly install a gas cylinder? The flexible hose must be chosen carefully as it must meet the requirements. The hose must be at room temperature. During operation, the flexible hose must not heat up to 30°C. The length of the hose should be no more than one and a half meters, and there should not be constrictions on it. Naturally, if traces of burning or cracks appear on the hose, then it must be replaced. The material must always be elastic and rigid. All clamps must be free of rust. You should also carefully monitor the life of the gas equipment. If the service life of parts and equipment has expired, it must be replaced.
How to connect the first generation HBO button to the carburetor
The first generation of gas-balloon equipment is still widely used on cars with a carburetor engine. The principle of its operation is based on the mechanical regulation of the pressure of the gas coming from the reducer.
Switching gas to gasoline and vice versa is carried out by pressing the corresponding button switch, which is mounted in any convenient place inside the cabin.
Connecting the first generation HBO button to a car with a carburetor engine is easy if you follow the following wire connection procedure:
- Red wire - through the fuse goes to the positive contact of the coil, where the wire from the ignition is also connected;
- Brown wire - 10 turns are wound on the central armored wire from the coil;
- The yellow wire of the button goes to the positive contact of the gasoline valve;
- Black - to the "minus" of the gasoline valve;
- The red positive wire goes to the gas valve, the black one goes to ground.
More clearly, the connection diagram of the HBO button to the carburetor is described in the video:
Apartment house
In the classical sense, this is a building with at least five floors and two entrances. Usually they are gasified, and connection of autonomous fuel sources is not required there.
The ban does not affect two-story buildings. And in an apartment of such a building you can place only one cylinder. It is connected in the kitchen to a stove or column. Its maximum volume is 5 liters.More voluminous versions are placed outside the house in the buildings of their fire-resistant materials, near a blank wall and are at least 5 m away from the entrance.
To place the containers, you can also use special cabinets or casings that isolate the upper zone of the vessel and the gearbox.
Placement of the gas stove relative to gas and electrical communications
Household gas appliances are modern, high-quality, complex technical devices that, on the one hand, help us in everyday life, on the other hand, are dangerous when used for their intended purpose.
Gas is a substance without color, smell, taste, and a person cannot determine its presence with his senses, while it is a dangerous flammable substance, since a large amount of energy is released during its combustion.
In this article, we will consider the requirements for installing gas stoves in residential premises.
There are several types of household gas appliances.
- A gas stove is a device that is designed to cook food directly on the stove. Appliances include from one to four burners. Cookers are available with or without an oven.
- Geyser - designed to heat water in a residential area. The columns are automatic (they ignite on their own and maintain the set water temperature), semi-automatic (they require adjustment depending on the water pressure, and so on), manual (each time you need to manually start the column and monitor its operation).
- Gas boiler - designed to work in the heating system of the room, if the boiler is single-circuit, and for heating and heating running water - if it is double-circuit.
- Gas burners for heating stoves - the name itself speaks of the purpose, that is, for heating a room using brick stoves.
- Gas metering devices - designed to fix the amount of fuel pumped through them. For the consumer, this means the amount of substance used.
Currently, the requirements for the installation of gas equipment in apartments, cottages, residential private houses in the Russian Federation are not provided for by any regulatory legal act. When designing the location and installation of such devices, they are guided by the installation and operation instructions that come with the equipment.
Compliance with these requirements is very important, primarily because the safety of our existence depends on it, and if it is an apartment building, then the people around us. Gas explosions and fires are highly destructive in nature.
The norms under consideration can be gleaned from SNiP 2.04.08-87, which was valid until 2002. This act provides that the distance to the boiler when installing a gas stove in residential buildings and apartments must be at least 50 cm.
And also the stove should be located next to the boiler, but under no circumstances under it. And you should not put a stove under the column either.
At the same time, the location of gas appliances among themselves should not be at a great distance from the hood, which must be mandatory and perform its functions (be cleaned).
The hood ensures the removal of combustion products, mainly formed carbon monoxide, which is not felt by a person in any way and is fatal even in small concentrations. Accordingly, the room, in addition to the hood, should have opening windows for ventilation.
Before the pipe that delivers gas to the room, the location of other devices is not regulated. And also there is no regulation for the installation of electrical outlets in the kitchen with a stove.
However, hanging sockets or other objects directly above the device is not recommended categorically, since during the use of the device a large amount of heat is generated, and objects located above it can melt, catch fire, or simply become unusable due to exposure to high temperature.
The only thing that can be placed above the stove is the electric hood receiving device, which is designed to work at high temperatures.
It is not difficult to connect gas appliances and, in particular, the stove yourself, if you follow the conditions of the operating instructions
However, before installation, it is important to turn to professionals to develop a project, if there is none, and then turn to them to carry out the work, since errors during installation and commissioning of this kind of equipment are very expensive for consumers.
In conclusion, I would like to note that gas appliances are very complex equipment, the misuse of which can lead to tragedy, which is confirmed by the numerous explosions of residential buildings in Russia and in the world, taking away the lives of innocent people. One makes a mistake, and many suffer. Remember - gas is not safe!
How to install and connect a gas stove, see the following video.
street location
What for giving, what for a cottage, a similar set of criteria applies. Thus, in a private house on the street, the following rules apply:
- The cylinders are in metal cabinets against the outer wall. Bases for cabinets are made of non-combustible materials. The top is at least 10 cm higher than the planned ground level.
- Wardrobes from windows and doors on the ground floor are separated by at least 50 cm.
- Their minimum distance from the entrance to the house, basement and basement is 5 m.
- On the cabinets there are inscriptions warning about the danger and the presence of full cylinders with fuel.
- From the vessels with fuel, the gas pipeline is introduced directly into the room with gas equipment.
Installation and connection of a gas stove, video instruction
Electrical engineering repair
Gas / Gasification and gas supply
What gas hob can be put in place of a traditional gas stove? What are the requirements for the distance from the burners to the wall and gas distribution? What documents govern all this? Such and similar questions inevitably arise when the owners of the apartment decide to replace the old stove with modern gas appliances. We are publishing explanations of MOSGAZ on this issue.
What are the requirements for installing a gas hob?
Question: Good afternoon. I want to install a built-in gas hob. I am deciding whether to buy a panel for 3 burners or for 2 burners. In the case of 3 burners, the distance from the gas pipe riser to the nearest burner is 32 cm. The horizontal distance from the nearest burner to the gas valve is 10 cm. The height at which the outlet of the gas valve is located is 35 cm. In the case of 2 burners, the corresponding horizontal distance is increased by 10 cm (42
and 20 cm, respectively). Please clarify whether the option with three burners is acceptable from a safety point of view, based on the available distances? If not, please clarify whether the option with two burners is acceptable from a safety point of view? Thanks in advance for your reply.
The answer of the specialist of MOSGAZ JSC
»: Dear Artem Viktorovich! To your request dated 21.08.2016 MOSGAZ JSC
” reports the following. Location of gas appliances (gas
hob, gas stove, gas oven) is not regulated with respect to the gas riser.
At the same time, we inform you that when installing gas appliances, it is necessary to comply with paragraphs 3.21, 3.24 of the Moscow standard for the operation of housing stock ZhNM-2004/03 "Gas pipelines
and gas equipment of residential buildings”, approved and put into effect by the Decree of the Government of Moscow dated 02.11.2004 No. 758-PP (in
version of Decree of the Government of Moscow dated January 30, 2013 No. 34-1111), which states that the shut-off valve on the device can be installed at the level of the connecting fitting at a distance of at least 20 cm to the side of the stove, and also with the upper wiring, the shut-off valve must be installed on lowering to the stove at a height of 1.5-1.6 m from the floor. In this case, the distance from the gas riser to the tap must be at least 20 cm.
Gas stoves are installed in kitchens with an internal volume of at least:
- 8 cu. m with a gas stove with 2 burners;
- 12 cu.m with a gas stove with 3 burners;
- 15 cu. m. with a gas stove with 4 burners.
Installing a new gas stove
The whole process is carried out in several stages:
- the gas valve is closed, and at the same time its handle should be raised to the very end;
- the old stove is disconnected from the gas pipeline and taken out of the room;
- a new plate is installed in the right place, and at the same time it is impossible to remove the protective film from the product so that it is not damaged during installation, and the plate must stand evenly and securely, since any distortions or wobbles are not allowed;
- all the components of the equipment are disassembled, and it should also be remembered that the stove must be at a certain distance from walls and other objects so that it can be easily connected to the gas pipeline;
- in the assembly, which is located at the junction of the product and the hose, you need to mount a special gasket that will protect the stove from various contaminants;
- the connection point must be tightened well, for which two open-end wrenches are usually used;
- the plate is installed at a certain distance from the wall, and this distance should be the same as indicated in the regulatory documentation for the product, and at the same time, its evenness must be checked using a special building level;
- if the product contains elements that operate on electricity, then it must be connected to the electrical network, for which a suitable cable is used, and it is also often necessary to install a power outlet;
- the last step is to install all the additional elements of the gas stove that are sold complete with it, and the protective film is removed from the product.
How to properly install a gas stove in the kitchen
Is it possible to install a gas stove in the kitchen yourself, and how to do it correctly, is detailed in the instruction manual.
The device is installed horizontally and leveled using adjustable feet, remaining stationary after connection and moving only to check the tightness of the connections. Furniture, kitchen equipment, textiles and interior items are placed at a safe distance to prevent accidental ignition.
Installation of a gas stove is carried out using a flexible connection. After connection, the hose or sleeve should not experience mechanical stress - stretch, pinch or bend. It is located so as not to come into contact with the back wall of the appliance, which becomes very hot during operation of the oven, and does not create difficulties during inspection.
The procedure for installing a gas stove
Before in place, the plate is pre-unpacked. Inside it are accessories - grills, baking sheets, etc. All this must be removed. After that, you should first screw those same adjusting legs. This work should be done by two people. And for convenience, and so as not to damage the surface of the plate.
When connecting the stove, it is more convenient to use a special high-pressure flexible hose. It can be bought in any specialized department, and it is not expensive. The hose, unlike a metal pipe, allows, if necessary, to move the stove within small limits. This is convenient for some small repairs (laying linoleum, for example). It is good to attach special clamps to the wall behind the stove in advance, which will hold this hose in a fixed position.
Be sure to read the instructions for your stove, as each model has its own characteristics.
Gas stoves are popular products because they are easy to use, compact in size and easy to install.
The installation of a gas stove can be done by everyone, since this work is considered simple, but it is important to take into account certain nuances, without which you can get a poor-quality result.
Connecting a gas stove safety rules
Natural gas used for cooking in communal houses is highly explosive, so compliance with safety rules when working with gas is the main condition when working with gas-consuming equipment.The connection of the stove to the gas supply system is carried out taking into account the following requirements:
- For gas supply in the household, special flexible hoses made of various materials are used, bearing a manufacturer's tag indicating the date of manufacture.
Rice. 2 Gas stoves with gas pipe connection
- The rules for connecting a gas stove in an apartment regulate the length of the hose, which should not exceed 4 meters, if it is necessary to take the stove to a greater distance from the gas supply pipeline, shut off the gas supply and weld a piece of metal pipe of the required length to the main.
- A flexible underwater hose is mounted in an easily accessible place, trying not to block it with non-separable building structures; connection requirements do not allow the use of two segments with any type of connection.
- If the hose in the visibility zone does not have a very aesthetic appearance, it is pasted over with a self-adhesive film or paper; it is forbidden to use any paint that can damage the polymer surface of the eyeliner.
- Some modern gas hob ranges have built-in electric ovens with powerful heaters. In this case, a separate network is organized for the supply of electricity with its own RCD protective shutdown device. When placing it, you should follow the rules for the operation of PES electrical installations, which regulate the following parameters:
- The distance from the electrical outlet to the gas supply pipe must be at least 500 mm.
- The gap between the power cable of the stove and the gas pipe must not be less than 100 mm.
Rice. 3 Plate connection diagram
Rules for connecting the stove in the apartment
When using a stove in an apartment, it is better to entrust its connection to specialists of gas supply services and organizations with whom you must first conclude an agreement for the supply of natural fuel with the opening of a personal account to pay for services. An agreement is usually required when acquiring a new apartment as a property, the list of documents that are generally needed to connect a gas stove in compliance with all standards is as follows:
- Certificate of ownership of the apartment and a certificate confirming the state registration of housing.
- Registration certificate for the apartment.
- The old contract for the maintenance of the stove and the subscriber's book, if any.
- Passport for the installed stove and gas meter.
The documents collected by the homeowner are submitted to the gas service, after which its specialists issue forms for filling out a gas supply agreement. After filling out the paperwork and instructing on the operation of gas installations, the contract is signed by both parties with the issuance of permission to connect the equipment.
Rice. 4 Pipes for gas stoves and panels
Rules for connecting a stove in a private house
If in a city apartment the duties of specialists of the gas supply service, with which the owner has concluded a contract on a voluntary-compulsory basis, include a mandatory check of gas equipment at least once every six months for the safety of the whole house, then in the private sector the situation is different.
Here, the homeowner independently decides on gas supply, he can connect to the central gas pipeline and conclude an agreement with the relevant services, by analogy with apartments, or use autonomous gas supply with cylinders and gas tanks.
With the latter options, it is most likely that you will have to connect the gas stove yourself or with the involvement of hired specialists without any guarantees. Therefore, the matter should be approached with full responsibility and carefully study the technologies in order to choose the right components and carry out high-quality installation.
Rice. 5 Arrangement of gas hoses
Rules and regulations for the installation of a gas cylinder.
To this day, the topic of using propane gas in cylinders for domestic needs remains almost the most popular.
As you know, propane in a cylinder is the most budgetary alternative to natural gas.
And it does not matter where the gas cylinder will be installed in your house - indoors or outdoors - the main thing is that the installation complies with the requirements of the "Fire Safety Rules"
The need for propane cylinders is great both in winter for heating their country houses and cottages, and in summer for cooking and other household needs. Therefore, the demand for the service of installing these tanks is always relevant.
Well, here you need to know an important rule - self-installation of gas tanks is categorically unacceptable and dangerous! Installation, repair and replacement work must only be carried out by qualified personnel. But, nevertheless, we are convinced that in order to avoid accidents, which have only become more frequent recently, not only the specialist, but also the customer must know several important rules for installing a gas cylinder
Standards for installing gas tanks outside the home
- gas cylinders should be vertically in a metal cabinet near the outer wall of the building;
- the cabinet must be installed on a platform made of non-combustible materials with a height of at least 0.1 m from the ground;
- the distance from the cabinet to windows and doors should be at least 0.5 m, from doors, windows of basement and basement rooms, a well, cellar, cesspool - at least 0.3 m;
- the gas pipeline from the cylinders should be introduced immediately into the room where the gas equipment is located.
Standards for installing gas tanks inside the house
- the placement of gas containers inside the house is allowed in the same premises where gas-consuming appliances are located;
- it is forbidden to install cylinders in basements and basements, wherever there is no ventilation and natural lighting.
Standards for installing gas containers in the kitchen
In principle, experts do not recommend storing vessels with combustible gases in kitchens, but if you still decide to install a gas cylinder in a cooking room, it is important to remember:
- the gas cylinder must be installed vertically;
- provide an approach to the cylinder for its inspection and replacement;
- the gas cylinder must be at the same level with the stove;
- the distance from the cylinder to the plate must be at least 0.5 m;
- the distance from the cylinder to the furnace door is at least 2 m.
Rules for installing gas containers
- before bringing the cylinder into the room, it is necessary to check the tightness of the valve seals on the street. To do this, the outlet of the stem from the valve must be treated with soap, then remove the transport plug and, without opening the valve, soap the opening of the fitting. If bubbles do not appear through the soap solution, i.e. there are no leaks, then the gas cylinder can be brought into the room and installed;
- before installing the gas cylinder, it is necessary to ventilate the room;
- after connecting the cylinder to the gas appliance, we check the tightness of the stem seal and threaded connection in the same way. This must be done with the valve open, but the taps closed. If no bubbles are observed, the gas appliance is ready for safe use. If a gas leak is still observed, it is necessary to urgently close the valve, take the cylinder out of the room and inform the emergency dispatch service of the gas facilities.
1. Gasification of basement floors and basements is prohibited.
2. The entire gas supply system must comply with fire safety and explosion safety standards during operation.
Russia and Belarus
During the period of the USSR, a single set of rules for the installation and placement of cylinders operated throughout its territory.
What criteria apply today in the Russian Federation in a private house, dacha and apartment was reflected above. Further, for comparison, a set of Belarusian rules is proposed.
In the Republic of Belarus, it is allowed to install 50 l cylinders in a private house. But to connect them, an individual balloon installation (IBU) is mandatory. And it is allowed to store containers that are not connected to it only in a degassed format. This process is performed only by the masters of a specialized company for a fee.
If the owner of the house does not have a special certificate, he cannot replace the IBU cylinders with his own efforts. This document is provided by the gas supply organization when the consumer undergoes the appropriate briefing. Also, the certificate gives the subscriber the right to independently purchase a 50-liter tank filled with liquefied gas, transport it and connect it to the IBU.
If the subscriber leaves an application for such a cylinder, then the gas workers are obliged to deliver it, connect it and test the combustion. And the consumer pays them an amount adequate to the price tag of this container.
In terms of timing, there are certain geographical nuances. Consumers living in a city or urban-format settlement and having an IBU with one container receive an order within three days. In a similar situation, but in the presence of a plant with two vessels, the delivery of the order takes a maximum of 15 days.
If the facility is gasified with natural fuel, then the existing IBUs are liquidated, and the cylinders are handed over to the gas company for a certain payment. It is forbidden to transfer the vessel to third parties.
When 50 l cylinders are changed, their strict number control is arranged. And the numbering of the replaced container must be identical to the number of the previously mounted vessel according to the list. The order taker informs the subscriber about this when filling out an application for the replacement of the container. Here is her number. If a discrepancy is found, the replacement is refused.
To comply with the rules, users must supplement the existing IBU with a second cylinder using one of these methods:
- Combination. One container is placed indoors, the second - outdoors, placed in a metal cabinet, which has a ball valve.
- Both cylinders are placed in a designated cabinet.
In Belarus, gas containers should be placed in a country house or house only according to the specified rules. For their violation, the following penalties are possible:
- Without significant damage, a fine is imposed. Its parameter: 4 - 20 base values.
- If there is a threat to the health of citizens, an identical monetary penalty applies. In addition, the subscriber is disconnected from the gas supply. Also, a certificate is taken away from him, giving him privileges when buying and installing a 50-liter cylinder.