Why choose polypropylene pipes more often pros and cons
Polypropylene pipes are recommended to buy by many experts. They are good for laying for a water supply system through which drinking water will flow. They are resistant to corrosion and do not evaporate harmful substances into the air.
Also, the advantages of polypropylene pipes are:
- constant pipe temperature of about 95 degrees with the possibility of up to 110 degrees Celsius;
- diameter allows you to lay a pipeline from 16 to 125 millimeters;
- the ability to withstand pressure up to 20 atm;
- reliable against leaks and mechanical shocks;
- resistance to sudden changes in temperature;
- low cost.
Choose those pipes that you think are suitable for a particular room.
Connection methods from polypropylene
Options for connecting parts of polypropylene products to each other can be performed:
- by fittings using a contact type welding method. This type of connection is non-separable, so experts recommend mounting such structures in a monolith;
- using fittings of a combined type, equipped with metal inserts welded into them. Such elements make it possible to reliably connect the functional parts of polypropylene structures and provide the possibility of their separation (in more detail: "Installation of a heating system made of polypropylene with your own hands").
In the event that it becomes necessary to change the direction of the gasket in the heating system, then fittings should be used. With regard to resistance to the appearance of corrosion formations, polypropylene is not inferior to metal-plastic; this material also tolerates low temperatures well, and no substances that can harm the product and the operation of the entire system as a whole do not accumulate on its walls from the inside.
Comparison of metal-plastic and polypropylene systems
The choice of pipes depends on the conditions of use of the pipeline, the possibilities for performing installation, the budget of the project.
Comparative characteristics of the main parameters of pipelines made of metal-plastic and polypropylene.
wall thickness, flexibility | the walls are thin, the products are elastic, easy to bend and take the desired configuration | the walls are thick, due to which the products almost do not bend |
likelihood of clogging | absent in any condition and water temperature | absent in any condition and water temperature |
diameter | from 16 to 63 mm | from 16 to 125 mm |
maximum pressure in water pipes | 25 atmospheres | 25 atmospheres |
maximum pressure in heating systems | 10 atmospheres | 7 atmospheres |
Maximum temperature | 110 degrees | 95 degrees 110 degrees for PN25 |
thermal conductivity | low | low |
frost resistance | missing | missing |
resistance to temperature changes | low, the product delaminates, becomes unusable | high |
installation | the connection of components by the threaded method using seals does not provide impeccable strength, there is a possibility of leakage | Welded connections provide high strength of the entire structure without leakage |
Criteria for choosing between metal-plastic and polypropylene
When deciding on the choice of products for the installation of a water supply system, one should proceed from the following criteria:
The purpose of the future design. To meet the needs for cold water, it is advisable to choose polypropylene pipes. They are cheaper and won't leak. Metal-plastic pipes and reinforced polypropylene pipes are suitable for supplying hot water.
Material quality. This affects the efficiency and service life of the water conduit.
When buying pipes, it is important to evaluate their appearance, familiarize yourself with the markings, technical documentation and certificates.
Technical specifications. Pipes must comply with the requirements of operation.
Installation of a structure from both types of pipes is not extremely difficult
If necessary, you can do it yourself with basic skills and tools. The system of metal-plastic pipes should be assembled in such a way that there is free access to the threaded joints.
The cost of metal-plastic pipes and accessories for them exceeds the cost of a similar project using polypropylene.
Thus, most often, when arranging a cold water supply system, both materials are chosen.
For a hidden conduit, it is recommended to use polypropylene. For hot water supply - metal-plastic or reinforced polypropylene.
Description of polypropylene products
If the metal-plastic in its internal structure is a composite of several layers, then the polypropylene pipe is completely plastic. The only exceptions are products with reinforcement in the form of perforated aluminum foil. And even then the foil layer does not stick together with plastic in them, as in the case of the competitor considered above, but is soldered into plastic.
For in-house heating and hot water pipelines, plumbers usually use a heat-resistant version of PPR polypropylene (PP Type 3) from a random copolymer
Polypropylene pipes in stores are found in four versions:
- PN10 (1 MPa) - for cold water with water temperature up to +200C and "warm floor" with operating temperature up to +450C.
- PN16 (1.6 MPa) - for cold water and hot water with temperatures up to +600C.
- PN20 (2 MPa) - for hot water supply (up to + 800С).
- PN25 (2.5 MPa) - for hot water supply and central heating pipelines with a coolant temperature up to + 950С.
The absence of glue and the solidity of the plastic (even in the case of reinforcement) make the polypropylene tubular product more durable. Here, this option outperforms metal-plastic.
PPR pipes are available in grey, green, white and black colors. In the first three cases, this is just coloring to simplify wiring. A black color means that the product contains additives that protect it from ultraviolet radiation.
In a metal-plastic pipe, the aluminum layer in the thickness of the polyethylene wall is located approximately in the middle. And in a product made of polypropylene PN25, aluminum is shifted to its outer side. In this case, this layer performs exclusively reinforcing functions. Often, aluminum is replaced with fiberglass, which copes with the task of amplification just as well.
Polypropylene pipes are connected by soldering using a special soldering iron. Even with a little practice, working with him is easy. However, there is one caveat - if the temperature of the polypropylene at the junction is too low or too high, then the connection will turn out to be fragile.
At the same time, the probability of plastic underheating and related leaks increases dramatically when working in the cold. At sub-zero temperatures, the installation of PPR pipes is generally prohibited. Manufacturers recommend assembling polypropylene pipelines only in rooms where the air is heated above +100C.
Fittings for mounting polypropylene pipes are cheap, but the complexity and cost of soldering them is higher than that of a competitor from PEX-AL-PEX
In terms of advantages and disadvantages, polypropylene is generally similar to metal-plastic. The only exception is thermal expansion. As the temperature rises, the PPR pipe begins to deform. It is the plastic that expands from heating, and in this case there is nothing to compensate for this expansion.
Pipes eventually sag. Moreover, they can not only sag, but also rest against a turn or end with a plug against the wall. And then the destruction of the pipeline is possible
When installing PPR, it is important to take this feature into account by providing compensating elements and sliding supports in the wiring diagram.
We choose which is better for water supply polypropylene or metal-plastic
Both materials can be used for plumbing. Pipes made of these materials have replaced cast iron pipes and metal pipes. Their main advantages are a long service life, good reliability and ease of installation.
Disputes about what is better to use go on the Internet, in life, on forums and among professionals. In the end, builders win. It is they who can persuade the developer to buy those pipes that are convenient for them to install. In order to determine which pipes are better, you need to compare them.
Every year there are fewer and fewer buyers of metal pipes. In their place come more modern technologies and, accordingly, new pipes. But some characteristics of metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes are still advantages over other types of pipelines. You need to decide based on the situation. It all depends on the capabilities and wallet of the owner of the house where the pipes are being installed.
The material from which polypropylene pipes are made is called "rando-polymer of the third type." He is the basis of the pipe. Thanks to such raw materials, the pipes are reliable and durable.
Metapol material in a section represents an external and internal layer. They are made from cross-linked polyethylene. Between them is the middle layer. It is made of aluminum foil. The foil is tightly glued together, which improves the strength of the pipe.
Many people use polypropylene pipes for plumbing. They are resilient, durable and inexpensive. Pipes of what material to purchase, it's up to you. Before buying, look through all the "PROS" and "AGAINST" so that you do not have to overpay once again.
Polypropylene or metal-plastic, which is better Pipes and plumbing
- Metal-plastic pipes
- Types of connection for metal-plastic products
- Polypropylene pipes
- Advantages of polypropylene products
- Connection types for polypropylene products
- Comparison of pipes made of polypropylene and metal-plastic
Gradually, polypropylene and metal-plastic pipes replaced the usual cast-iron and metal pipes in the heating system. Their popularity among consumers is explained by a long service life, high reliability, ease of installation and practicality in use.
Heating scheme with plastic pipes: 1. Copper tube wrapped around the stove exhaust; 2. Metal pipe; 3. Expansion tank with a valve for bleeding air; 4. Plastic pipes for heating; 5. Radiator.
During the construction of a house, as well as during the overhaul of an apartment, it is advisable to use high-quality heating heating systems, but today there is a large supply of materials on the construction market. In such a variety of goods it is quite difficult to decide and make the right choice. What heating pipes to choose, which is better: metal-plastic or polypropylene?
Types of connection for metal-plastic products
- detachable fittings, which are also divided into threaded or collet fittings. Detachable fittings allow multiple disconnection of the system from the device or other fitting, so these fittings are the most expensive;
- conditionally detachable fittings, that is, compression. Compression fittings are very difficult to disengage. If there is a need for undocking, then another replacement of the ferrule will be required. Disconnection of the fitting is carried out only in a serious situation, in case of emergency;
- one-piece or press-fitting. This type of connection cannot be dismantled, since the pipes are pressed into them completely, without the possibility of separation in the future.
Scheme of a pipe made of plastic material.
The first two types of connection of metal-plastic products have a threaded connection, therefore, access to the connection point should be provided for preventive maintenance during the operation of the system.
Since the connection with a press fitting is permanent, it is more practical to immediately close it under the monolith.
The only drawback of metal-plastic heating pipes is that they are not resistant to ultraviolet rays. It is recommended to protect metal-plastic and products from it from direct sunlight, mechanical damage and exposure to open flame and possible sparks. Therefore, manufacturers provide a hidden protective gasket in the metal-plastic heating system.
Comparison of pipes made of polypropylene and metal-plastic
A visual diagram of a metal-plastic pipe for heating.
Today, polypropylene and products made from it are in great demand due to a number of advantages compared to metal-plastic products. First of all, polypropylene pipes differ in the way they are connected.
So, thermal welding makes it possible to create a monolithic joint, which in structure becomes the same as the product itself.
For welding, a welding machine is used, or, as it is also called, a soldering iron.
Metal-plastic pipes are connected without welding, using a press fitting, in which case a special tool is required. And with the compression fitting method, this work can be done with a simple wrench. But the connection itself is already obtained non-monolithic. At the same time, metal-plastic can be bent if necessary, and when connecting polypropylene, tees and corners are used.
In terms of reliability, polypropylene is the leader, because its connections can be concreted into walls and floors.
What is better to choose
Reliability, efficiency of metal fittings are gradually fading into the background. Now the majority of all installers chooses metal-plastic and polypropylene products. Their composition guarantees a long service life, ease of installation.
True, it is not so easy to decide which is better, metal-plastic samples or polypropylene pipes. There are several key factors to consider when choosing a material:
- When equipping a water supply system or a small wiring on your own, the best option is metal-plastic. Everyone is able to mount the fitting and tube with a simple wrench.
- If we are talking about purchasing a system in finished form - buy polypropylene. The material is cheaper, and you do not have to install it yourself. No risk, plus savings.
- Looking for durability? Then only polypropylene samples. With proper installation and no damage, such products will last for many decades.
- Do you need plumbing or heating in the walls, floors and other parts of the house? The choice is obvious - polypropylene. It is better to take samples with reliable reinforcement and permanent connections.
- When equipping hot water wiring, buy metal-plastic pipes of the middle price segment. They can safely withstand temperatures of +110°, while polypropylene products are designed for a maximum of +95°.
As a result of the analysis of all the characteristics, pros and cons of the most popular materials, we can say with confidence that polypropylene is the best option for most tasks. However, metal-plastic pipes are not inferior in many ways. The difference between them is only in the temperature mode of operation.
What is considered when choosing pipes for plumbing
The cold and hot water supply systems used in residential premises must meet certain requirements:
- Reliability. Materials and design nuances allow in the event of an accident to quickly stop the water supply and carry out repairs.
- Functionality. Materials and components selected in accordance with the scope of application, professional installation ensure the full operation of the system, reduce the likelihood of accidents and leaks.
- Ease of maintenance.The reduction of preventive and repair measures is achieved due to the presence in the system of an insignificant number of working nodes and joints.
- Compliance with the specifics of the interior. The pipeline is assembled in such a way and from such materials that fit into the interior design.
- Protection of plumbing fixtures. For hot water, pipes that can withstand high temperatures are selected. Devices are protected from pressure surges, temperature, low-quality water to extend the life of the system as a whole.
- Reasonable quality for the price. The cost of materials, installation works correspond to the degree of reliability of the system.
For plumbing systems, most often the choice is between metal-plastic and polypropylene pipes.
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