Calculator for calculating the consumption of solid fuel for a furnace

Best Answers

janna k:

a neighbor has a 6 * 6 house, i.e. 36 sq. meters, timber-framed, with an attic, I took 10 cubic meters last year, i.e. a bulk kamaz, barely enough for the winter, i.e. you probably need 2 kamaz. the oven is also butakova, it was always warm in the house.


it is easy to calculate from the daily "norm" of 80-120 liters per day passport request x for 30 x 8 months = 19 - 29 m3 WAREHOUSE (!) i.e. folded, and not cubed from round timber ...)))))

Anaida Zagoskina:

A lot depends on the stoves that heat your home. As a rule, such a room cannot be heated with one stove. If you have a baker and tetanus, that is, two ovens, then 10 cubes will be enough. In the morning, heat the bakery, and closer to dinner, tetanus or a fire. The average temperature will be constantly maintained in the dwelling. If a good chimney is made in the bakery, then an additional stove can be heated in the evening.


I live in the north, a house of 90 square meters, a beam of 150x150, a brick oven with a home-made water boiler, 10 cubic meters of longitude (unsawn) are enough for the whole winter + a bath in winter 2 r per week, in summer every day. If you can do better with this crap, feel free to hand it in for scrap.

Sergey Bogatyrev:

house40 m 17 cubes but this is with a margin

How much wood is needed to heat a house

We always look at the quality of firewood that we buy. Soft wood burns quickly, but does not produce much heat. Preference is given to hard rocks, which, although they burn slowly, give a lot of heat to the idea. Rotten firewood is often found on sale. When you harvest firewood yourself, this will never happen. Yes, and most often they sell raw wood.

It turns out that for a private house or cottage it is best to find about 10 cubic meters of firewood per season. In order not to spend money on the purchase of chopped firewood, you can start harvesting them yourself. Moreover, near the summer cottage there will always be a forest where there is a fallen old tree. A great option for harvesting firewood is to take advantage of the moment when someone takes apart an old wooden house.

Equipment for harvesting firewood for the winter

A lot of firewood with a hacksaw or an ax cannot be prepared. In addition, you need to put in a lot of effort.

In order to perform blank work, you need to buy special tools, of which there are not so many.

In order to cut a tree trunk in the forest, you need to choose a good chainsaw. The best option is a device with a power of up to two kilowatts. If the work will be carried out near the house, then there is an option to use an electric saw. There are on sale such types of saws that are equipped with batteries. If the work will be carried out very often, then it is recommended to buy semi-professional saws. Their power is more than two kilowatts, and the price is more.

Calculator for calculating the consumption of solid fuel for a furnace

Then, in order to chop wood, you need to buy a high-quality horizontal type wood splitter. For the home, this is the best device that works safely. Working with a wood splitter is simple: you need to turn on the device that runs on electricity, then put a log in, and then wait for the knife to separate it.

There will be rubbish after work. And here you need a shredder that can process waste. Chips, shavings, leaves can be quickly turned into fertilizer for the garden.

If you want to buy high-quality equipment, you will have to pay a lot of money. However, the tools will last a long time. After a while, they will pay for themselves in full. For those who believe that buying ready-made firewood is cheaper, they are deeply mistaken. For example, what is only one delivery of ready-made firewood worth, and then they also need to be stored. Firewood is stored under special sheds or in woodpile.

Canopy for firewood in the country with their own hands, photo

Calculator for calculating the consumption of solid fuel for a furnace

Calculator for calculating the consumption of solid fuel for a furnace

Calculator for calculating the consumption of solid fuel for a furnace

Sheds for storing firewood in the winter in the country

Calculator for calculating the consumption of solid fuel for a furnace

Calculator for calculating the consumption of solid fuel for a furnace

wood shed in winter

Calculator for calculating the consumption of solid fuel for a furnace

Experts have proved that independent logging is much cheaper for the owner, even if he has spent significant funds to buy garden equipment.

Fireplaces and fireplace inserts cost savings, highest quality and convenient purchase

Calculator for calculating the consumption of solid fuel for a furnace

Fireplaces and fireplace inserts for heating - features of choice and use:

When choosing a fireplace, you should understand that it is primarily a heating device. That is why its acquisition should be taken seriously.

It is important to consider what are the technical capabilities, purpose and design features of the models you choose. You also need to remember that fireplace inserts from different manufacturers differ significantly from each other precisely in these indicators.

Despite this, outwardly fireplace inserts can be very similar.

How to reduce heating costs at home?

Fireplace inserts can serve as heating equipment: they can be both the main and auxiliary source of heating in the house. But not every fireplace insert can heat a house. Fireplace inserts can be both decorative (with intermittent burning) and with a heating function (continuous burning).

Functional fireboxes of two types of fireplaces will help to save on heating at home:

  • – with air heating;
  • - with hot water.

To heat the water heating system, you need to buy a fireplace with a water circuit. It will perform the work of a solid fuel boiler and a fireplace at the same time. Most often, a water fireplace is used in a system with another heat source, such as a gas or electric boiler. When the fireplace is in operation, the other source is automatically turned off. A fireplace with a water circuit can also heat the entire house on its own. This saves money on heating the house.

The efficiency of an air heating system based on a fireplace depends on many factors:

If it is not possible to install a traditional wood-burning fireplace, and the dream of home comfort by the fireplace does not leave you, we offer you to buy an electric fireplace with a 3D flame effect. For country houses or cold rooms, free-standing fireplaces and stoves that do not need finishing are ideal. We can also offer you stoves for baths and saunas.

Make a purchase of a fireplace and order its installation:

You can send us a plan of the house by e-mail, or order the departure of our specialist for site measurements. We will make you a free offer for a fireplace heating system, which will indicate all the necessary equipment.

A good fireplace can really heat up your home quickly. You won't turn a beautiful living room into a boiler room because you don't have to throw wood into the fireplace every hour. Our fireplace inserts allow one load of firewood to burn for a long time, even up to 12 hours.

You can buy fireplaces, fireplace inserts in Ukraine or other goods presented by us by ordering it by phone or through the online store. In all cities of Ukraine we carry out delivery by transport service.

Our main advantages:

  • - individual approach.
  • - only high-quality goods.
  • – direct deliveries from the manufacturer.
  • – official guarantee from the manufacturer up to 10 years.
  • – the shortest terms of deliveries and installation.
  • - democratic prices for fireplace inserts.

What firewood is better

Wood, which serves as a raw material for firewood, is far from the same in its properties.

Hardwoods such as birch, oak, hornbeam, beech, yew burn hotter, have a high fiber density, and burn more slowly.

Soft varieties have their advantages, for example: aspen, gives less heat than birch by 25%, but it perfectly maintains heat in a melted oven. Alder still shares a delicious aroma, as well as coniferous varieties. Alder with aspen, added to the stove at the end of heating, remove soot and soot deposits in the chimney. But the formation of plaque, which can lead to clogging of the chimney, occurs during the combustion of essential oils and resins of pine, fir, spruce.Conifers are also inferior in calorific value to birch, oak, but they dry out faster and are more suitable for kindling. Only fir sparkles strongly, and larch at the end of combustion emits a lot of carbon monoxide and you need to be more careful with the damper.

Some types of fruit trees are classified as medium-hard woods and have an average calorific value. They burn with a fragrant aroma and are easy to harvest because the wood can be chopped without much effort.

Calculator for calculating the consumption of solid fuel for a furnaceBased on the foregoing, it is difficult to advise any one type of wood for stove or fireplace firewood. As fuel - the most rational hardwood varieties of trees. Smooth flame, high heat output, less soot, less ash. But the aroma of coniferous trees has a therapeutic effect, and are well suited for kindling. Combining several varieties, it is possible to maintain both the working condition of the chimney, the stove, and a comfortable microclimate throughout the entire cold period, subject to an initial investment in a good one. Otherwise, any heat, together with your funds, will fly into the pipe, disappear through the cracks.

The amount of firewood for the winter

One of the paradoxes of the universe: the more ordinary and familiar an object of natural origin, the more complex its mathematical description. In order to calculate the volume of a Galaxy or a star, it is enough to remember the school geometry course. If someone really needs to know the exact volume of the log, it is impossible to do without the methods of differential calculus. From the mistake of an astronomer, the layman is neither hot nor cold; but with an incorrect calculation of fuel reserves for the winter, the cold in the house is provided.

It seems that everything is simple: we multiply the duration of the heating season in days by the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house and by the average daily consumption of firewood. Do not believe this simplicity, it is deceptive and requires many clarifications. In fact, it is also necessary to take into account the height of the ceiling, i.e. Not area, but volume. The most interesting begins when it comes to the average daily consumption of firewood. This value depends on the calorific value of the fuel, the efficiency of the furnace, climatic conditions, heat loss and many other factors, including the radius of curvature of the hands of the master. The last parameter is an irrational value, capable of reducing the heating efficiency to zero. If you set yourself the goal of deriving a universal formula for accurate calculation, the material will be enough for more than a dozen dissertations. It is much faster to make inquiries with neighbors or former owners of the house.

Calculator for calculating the consumption of solid fuel for a furnace

If you are planning to install a solid fuel boiler, it is easier to calculate its "appetite" - the main technical characteristics are known. The easiest way to get an approximate figure is by using formulas or online calculators posted on specialized sites.

Let's try to calculate.

As a reference, let's take a house with a total area of ​​150 square meters. m and insulated according to SNiP. In the coldest time, about 100 W / m² will be needed to heat the room. Let's take the average energy consumption as 50 W/m². The heating season lasts 7 months (214 days). With continuous heating we get:

150 m²•50 W/m²•24 h•214 days = 38.52 MW•h, which corresponds approximately to 33 Gcal.

The specific lower calorific value of absolutely dry firewood is 4440 kcal/kg. With natural drying for about two years, the residual moisture content of wood is 20%, the specific heat of combustion is 3400 kcal/kg. We will take the efficiency of a solid fuel boiler as 70%.

Calculator for calculating the consumption of solid fuel for a furnace

We calculate the required amount of firewood: 33000 kcal • 1000/3400 kcal / kg / 0.7 / 0.730 kg / m³≈19 m³, where 0.730 kg / m³ is the density of oak wood. In terms of maple or birch, the required value is 21.3 m³, for pine - 26.4 m³. In practice, less or more firewood may be needed, depending on the state of the thermal insulation of the house and the weather.

All-knowing statistics say that 4-6 cubic meters of firewood per season is enough to heat a small insulated log house in central Russia. The most economically justified stock of firewood for two or three seasons: current + 1-2 next.In this case, you will surely have enough fuel even for the longest cold period. Another argument: firewood, like good alcohol, only gets better with time.

“God have mercy, what firewood? We are civilized people, we have gas!” This position is fundamentally wrong. Firstly, because we had the good fortune to live in the most amazing country in the world. here from time immemorial there have been two scenarios for the development of events: the unlikely and the worst. Secondly, the civilized world is returning to proven and, most importantly, renewable energy sources. Firewood, straw and peat - everything is the same as hundreds of years ago, adjusted for modern technologies.

Having a solid fuel boiler and at least a year's supply of firewood in a gasified house is not a whim, but a completely reasonable solution. Optimism is good, but twice as good - optimism backed by strategic reserves.

You can also use our online calculator for calculating the amount of chopped firewood for heating a country house, cottage or bath.

Expert answers


1 cart (4 cubic meters / 4 tons) economy, 2 from the belly. But this is provided that there are no gaps, the winter frames are ideal, the ceiling is insulated, and the Russian stove is in good working order.

Rada Simbireva:

!0 cu. meters is enough. This is about 4-5 thousand rubles, depending on the area and the presence of forests in the district.

lyudmila dyomina (Malakhova):

Well. and the men went... Buy a car of firewood and drown, and then you will draw conclusions!


The amount of firewood does not depend on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe house, but on its volume. with a ceiling height of 2 meters and 2.5, the difference in the volume that needs to be heated is 100 cubic meters, which is decent. In addition, you need to know what material the house is made of, its heat-preserving ability, the characteristics of the heater (stove or boiler). The price of dlov depends on the type of wood, sawn or chopped. We sell chopped birch from 1200 to 2500 per cubic meter, depending on the degree of remoteness from the city and the number of wealthy homeowners in the district.

Hope R:

If we assume that 6 m3 can be put into the car, then 2 cars are needed for the winter, i.e. 12 m3. We have a car of firewood that costs 6,000. It may be cheaper for you ...

Elena the beautiful:

If with coal, then 3 cubes is enough. Machine-5-6 cu. costs 5-6 thousand. Tambov region. It depends on what kind of winter it will be, of course.


it depends on what kind of house, big or small, warm or cold, and also on the type of wood, pine burns quickly, gives little heat, aspen is the same, birch is the best choice. I have a five-wall, the house is closer to warm, I need somewhere 1 car (about 5 cubes) of birch firewood, this is a minimum, pine trees, so at least two cars

irina gurlova:

And where do you live? We have +5 in winter, but there are places even colder.

Cyber ​​Phantom:

I wonder how to compare the units "cubic meters" and "a little"? Apparently you need to know the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe heated room.

Eugene DJ:

Depends on how big the oven is. Cubes 4-5 is enough.


You need six cubes.


365 if you throw up every night

Antonina Smirnova:

It depends on the winter temperature, the heated area, the quality of the firewood and the length of the heating period. I don't know your details. in Siberia, my mother bought 30 cubic meters of birch firewood. in the Far East, where winter is much shorter, we bought 15 cubic meters. - considering that we had a farm and had to cook food for animals.

SpecialWood -:

There are many parameters to take into account, here is a calculator:

Decree of the Head of the Novopokrovsky rural settlement of the Novopokrovsky district of 04.02.2009 N 10

Text of the legal act as of August 2012

In accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 23, 2006 N 306, taking into account the calorie content of fuel, I decide:

1. Approve the standards for the consumption of solid fuel per month of the heating period: coal - 8.5 kg / sq.m, firewood - 0.025 cubic meters / sq.m.

2. To impose control over the implementation of this Decree on the deputy head of the Novopokrovsky rural settlement for improvement N.P. Koval.

3. The resolution comes into force from the day of its official publication.

Head of the Novopokrovsky rural settlement M.I. GRECHUSHKIN

Appendix to the Decree of the head of the Novopokrovsky rural settlement of February 4, 2009 N 10


——+———————-+——————+——————- ¦ N ¦ Indicator ¦ Per month ¦ In the heating ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ heating ¦period (based on ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ period ¦ 6 months) ¦ +—-+———————-+——————+——————+ ¦ 1. ¦Coal supply standard ¦ 8.5 kg/sq.m ¦ 51 kg/sq.m. ¦ 0.15 m3/sq.m ¦ ——+———————-+——————+——————-

To calculate the norm of heat energy consumption per 1 sq.m of the total area, the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation dated May 23, 2006 N 306 (formula 2) was applied, taking into account the calorie content of the fuel.

Methodological instructions of the State Unitary Enterprise of the Academy of Public Utilities named after. K.D. Panfilov (2002, edition 4).

Formula for determining the heating standard (formula 2) (coal)

The heating standard (Gcal per 1 sq.m per month) is determined by the formula:

Qo Qo No = ——- = —— x 2 = 0.0375 Gcal/sq.m (heating period), S x 12 S x 12


Qo is the total consumption of thermal energy for heating residential premises of an apartment building or residential building, defined as the sum of the readings of collective metering devices for the heating period (Gcal) (for 12 households it is 91746.6 Gcal);

S is the total area of ​​residential premises of an apartment building or premises of a residential building (sq.m) (for 12 households it is 408282 sq.m).

P \u003d N x S (Gcal / month).

The average value of the caloric equivalent for converting natural fuel into conventional fuel for the coal of the Donets Basin is 0.94.

P x 213.2 A = ————, kg (per month / sq.m), 0.94

where 213.2 is Donetsk coal (production of 1 Gcal of heat per kg of reference fuel);

0.94 is the equivalent of converting natural fuel into conventional fuel and vice versa.

Necessary costs of thermal energy for the heating period:

tin — tсro Qo = G x ———— x Т (Gcal/heating period), tin — tо

where G is the total heat load for heating residential buildings (heating period) (for 12 households it is 54258400);

tin is the temperature of the internal air of heated residential premises (18°C);

tro is the calculated outdoor air temperature for design purposes (for Novopokrovskaya -22°C);

tсro is the average monthly temperature for the heating period (2.57°C);

T - hours during the heating season (4392).

8.5 x 6 = 51 kg/sq.m.

To calculate the rate of firewood consumption for heating residential households, due to the lack of individual norms, fuel consumption rates in kg of standard fuel are taken.

We buy firewood

Which firewood is more profitable to buy: chopped or round? loose or stacked? We offer to look into this issue and save a lot, especially if firewood is the main fuel for heating the house.

Firewood is sold, as a rule, by cubic meters. But, oddly enough, the cube of the cube is different. And the difference is palpable. Let's start with the fact that the cubic meter of firewood that we buy is far from the true cubic meter. You have to pay not only for wood, but also for air in the truest sense of the word, because it is impossible to lay firewood without the formation of voids between them. Therefore, we purchase the so-called storage cubic meter, if firewood is delivered stacked, or bulk, if firewood is piled in bulk.

To understand how many storage cubic meters will come out of bulk, you need to multiply the volume of firewood by 0.8. The indicator will, of course, be approximate, because a lot depends on the size of the logs, and it is impossible to calculate how densely the firewood will settle down. And yet, firewood from a bulk cubic meter will turn out to be less by weight by about 20%.

But what kind of firewood is more profitable to buy - chopped or round?

At first glance, the answer is obvious: chopped firewood is smaller, so it is stacked more densely - and there will be more storage cubic meters. But here lies the catch. Conduct an experiment: chop a few logs - and the volume of the woodpile will increase. This is noticeable even with the most accurate stacking of firewood.A natural question arises: will the seller waste time and resources on such a dense loading? Never! And that means more losses.

In order to fix the difference between the cube of chopped and non-chopped firewood, GOST introduced the coefficients of full-wood content, which establish the dependence of the volume of firewood and the full cube of wood. So, it is enough to carry out simple calculations. It is necessary to multiply the volume of firewood by the coefficient of full wood. This indicator depends on the length, size and type of logs or chocks. To determine the exact value of the coefficient, we suggest using the following table.

Calculator for calculating the consumption of solid fuel for a furnace

The table shows that from one cubic meter of medium hardwood logs 0.25 m long, 0.8 m3 of real wood comes out. From split logs with the same indicators, 0.76 m3 will be obtained. The difference from each cubic meter is 0.04 m3.

By the way!

GOST coefficients are valid for the most dense stacking of chopped firewood. If the firewood in the brought woodpile is stacked in a well, supposedly for better drying, then they lead you by the nose - ask for a new measurement of the cubic capacity of firewood.

Speaking about the benefits of certain firewood, one cannot ignore their cost. The principles of pricing for sellers may differ, but still there are some average indicators. More expensive than the rest - stacked chopped firewood. Their average price is 1,500 rubles. for 1 m3. For about 100 rubles, chopped firewood in bulk will cost less. The stacked logs will cost the same. A cubic meter of logs in bulk will cost about 1,300 rubles. for 1 m 3.

What firewood to choose

The smallest amount of firewood will be obtained when ordering chopped firewood in bulk. For clarity, we calculate the value of the folding measure from the bulk measure, and then calculate the true volume of firewood, taking the already familiar indicator of 0.76 as the full-wood factor.

So, we get: 1 m 3 x 0.8 * 0.76 \u003d 0.6 m 3

That is, when ordering a bulk cube of chopped firewood, in its pure form we get a little more than half a cube of wood for about 1,400 rubles. A full-wood cube in this case will cost 2,333 rubles.

Buying a bulk cubic meter of logs, following the same calculations and using the full-wood ratio for non-chopped firewood, we get 0.64 cubic meters of real wood for 1300 rubles. Here, the cost of a full-wood cube is 2,031 rubles.

From the purchased cube of stacked chopped firewood, approximately 0.76 m 3 will come out worth 1,500 rubles. Total: 1,973 rubles. for a full-length measure.

From a similar volume of stacked logs (unchopped firewood), 0.8 m 3 of real wood will be obtained. At a cost of approximately 1,400 rubles. a full-wood cube will cost 1,750 rubles.

Save money by chopping wood yourself. If you use hired labor, you will have to add the cost of work, but you need to add not to the final price of a full-wood cube, but to the cost of a purchased cubic meter. By the way, after chopping firewood, there will be a nice bonus - wood chips, which are sold for 100 rubles. per bag.

Void volume

What is the most common way to carry firewood? That's right, on old Russian-made trucks. And we know something about them. The body volume of the "53rd" "lawn" is 4.8 cubic meters. m. There is also a "collective farm" modification with high sides, then the volume increases by almost 2 times. The volume of firewood in the back depends on how they are stacked. But tell me, has anyone ever been brought neatly stacked firewood?

In the back, they almost always lie in bulk. Well, respectively, and the empty space between the logs is also in bulk. However, there is nothing insurmountable for science in this ugly heap. because there is a special coefficient for converting the volume of bulk into the volume of storage cubic meters. And it depends on the length of the log.

For example, for a log of 1/4 m, the correction factor is 0.8. And for a log of 3/4 m - already 0.73. What does this wisdom mean for those who are not very strong in mathematics? And the fact that 4 cubic meters of firewood of an average length of 25 cm, brought in bulk, after laying will turn into 3.2 cubic meters.

How much firewood is included in the truck

And you can fit in the GAZ-53 6 cubic meters. m of firewood?

If the sides are high or if you load a regular body with a maximum slide, then you can. When the firewood in the back is not thrown, but stacked (although this, of course, is a dream), then 6 cubes will enter it without difficulty.

In general, in order to correctly assess the volume of firewood brought to you, you need to know 2 things: the volume of the body and the way they are stacked. It is also possible to calculate the volume during loading “with a slide”, dividing the firewood into 2 conditional geometric figures for this: separately - the box of the body along the edge of the sides; separately - a slide, everything above the sides.

To get the approximate volume of firewood, you need to add the volume of both figures, which can be obtained by multiplying the length, height and width.

Well, about how many months 5 or 6 cubic meters of firewood should last, I will write next time.


