Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens


Not only the correct construction of the barn is very important, but also the creation of the necessary conditions for the normal life of chickens.


The room in which the chickens will live must be well ventilated in order for the bird to be healthy. Ventilation is especially important in the summer, in order to avoid the development of microbes, parasites, timely air purification and drying of the bedding.

Usually, ventilation is holes made in opposite walls. Such openings must have valves so that it is possible to close them in the cold.

Did you know? The period of darkness for chickens is very important for the formation of bone tissue, changes in calcium metabolism, which is responsible for the density of the shell, and the development of immunity.


To illuminate the house, you can use fluorescent lamps with a power of at least 40 watts. For every 4 square meters of the room, one device is installed. The light source should be located in such a way that there is a distance of at least 2 m from the floor.

When organizing lighting in a chicken coop, it should be borne in mind that there is always high humidity in such a room, so when wiring, installing lamps and switches, it is necessary to place the shield outside the poultry house. To prevent the chickens from getting burned or getting an electric shock, a thick ceiling is installed on the lamps. In winter, lighting in the coop allows you to stimulate the performance of layers, it is optimal if daylight hours are extended to 13 hours a day. Be sure to turn on the lighting early in the morning, and in the evening, when it gets dark outside, the light should be on in the chicken coop for at least another 3 hours.

In order not to get up very early every morning and not visit the chicken coop late in the evening, it is recommended to set a timer that will control the periods of turning on the lights in the house on its own.

Find out what lighting should be in the chicken coop.

Temperature + how to insulate for the winter

Chickens are resistant to temperature extremes, so the air temperature in the room can be in the range of + 5 ... + 23 ° С. With an increase in air temperature in the chicken coop, the bird will not feel comfortable when the value goes beyond +30 degrees, the chicken may stop laying, chickens become vulnerable to infectious and parasitic diseases. If in winter, the air temperature in the chicken coop drops below +5 degrees, the room should be insulated. To insulate the barn, a thick layer of bedding (straw, sawdust) is poured onto the floor. Initially, natural material is scattered on the floor with a thickness of 10 cm, then, as it subsides, it is poured 2 more times, increasing the amount of the embankment to 20 cm.

Planning Nuances

For construction, you can use ready-made drawings, although their presence is not required. The design of any barn for domestic animals is not particularly difficult, the main thing is to choose the right dimensions and outline the location inside the necessary fixtures: livestock stalls, bird perches, feeders, drinkers, etc. You can draw a conditionally approximate plan by hand, but be sure mark on it the necessary requirements officially imposed on such buildings.

Table 1. Basic requirements for sheds for domestic animals

Dimensions They are determined on an individual basis, depending on the number of individuals. For 10 chickens, you will need an area of ​​​​3-4 square meters. For one goat, you need about 2-4 m2, for a cow - 7-9 m2. You also need to consider space for feeders and other equipment. The height of the premises can also be different: for a barn - at least 2 m, for a goat house and a pigsty - 1.5 m.
Availability of space for walking For chickens and rabbits, a walking area is not necessary with a cellular type of content. Otherwise, it can be made quite small. For goats, sheep and cows, you need to fence at least 10 square meters.Pigs most often do not need a pasture either, but a very small area can be fenced near their barn to expand their living space - physical activity increases appetite, and piglets grow faster.
Windows and doors There should be enough windows so that the room is light. It is desirable to make them glazed, with detachable transoms. Arrange most of the window openings on the south side. Doors can be made on the opposite. The openings should be wide so that through them it is possible to freely take out waste products and bring food inside. In the barn, it makes sense to make double doors.
Ventilation and insulation All cracks in the walls are carefully sealed - there should be no drafts in the room. But at the same time, there should be good ventilation in the barn. The barn and the poultry house need to be additionally insulated, if we are talking about regions with severe winters, then it makes sense to also conduct heating. Even in the most severe cold indoors, the temperature cannot fall below 8-10 degrees.
Internal layout For all animals and birds, you need to install a sufficient number of drinkers and feeders. In the goat house and barn, it is desirable to make hotel stalls for each individual, and in addition, to fence off corners for keeping females with cubs. The same must be done for sows with piglets. For chickens, low perches are necessarily made, for laying hens, as well as for laying ducks and geese, nests are built.

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

Sample drawings of animal and poultry sheds

How to build a poultry shed

The farm may contain chickens, quails, turkeys, geese and ducks. Premises for different types of birds by and large differ only in size. For turkeys and waterfowl, as well as for broilers, more spacious sheds will be needed. Although there are a number of other nuances. For example, turkeys are heat-loving, so they need to maintain a high temperature in the house. Chickens need perches, and ducks and geese do not need such an interior detail.

It is better to make a foundation for a poultry house of a tape type - made of concrete, so that mice, rats and small predators, such as ferrets, cannot penetrate under the floor. The depth of the base may not be too large - 25 cm is enough.

Wooden beams are erected at the corners of the future structure, horizontal partitions are made of narrow boards between them. Then the building is sheathed with plywood. On the south side, two or three windows under the ceiling should be cut. The door is made not too wide and high. For the birds themselves, you can equip a separate hole. The roof is made in one slope, you can cover it with reeds or straw, and put roofing material or slate on top. Be sure to take out the ventilation pipes.

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

Walking poultry house

Building a barn for laying hens with your own hands

It is very profitable to breed laying hens on your plot, because they are a good source of additional income and products.

Chickens, like people, need a solid and spacious house, where they can sleep peacefully all year round, without fear of wind, rain, or cold. And for this you need a barn that you can easily make with your own hands, without involving builders and buying expensive materials. Simple ways to build a cozy "house" for chickens will be discussed with interest in our article.

What should be the barn for laying hens?

Anyone, even a novice farmer, knows that chickens are very sensitive to the conditions in which they live. And if the conditions are not so good, it can seriously affect the health of the birds.

What materials are suitable for building a barn?

For a capital shed, materials will be needed from which it will be possible to build a foundation and build the shed itself. In general, the following materials are suitable for such a design:

  • concrete blocks or bricks (for the foundation);
  • cement mortar;
  • sand;
  • OSB boards;
  • wooden boards and bars;
  • metal constructions;
  • sheathing material (lining, plywood, etc.);
  • insulation.

In addition, you should stock up on tools: self-tapping screws, nails, metal corners, a screwdriver, a hammer, brushes, a grinding tool, etc.

Thermal insulation of the barn

Maintaining heat in the chicken coop at any time of the year is an important issue when breeding chickens. When building a barn, it is better to immediately make sure that the floor, walls and roof of the future structure are insulated with special materials.

Styrofoam, felt, sawdust, straw are suitable as a heater. For example, when insulating with foam, it should be plastered so that chickens cannot peck at it.

It is necessary to insulate the walls of the barn both from the outside of the structure, and inside, between the sheathing material. The roof should be insulated with felt from the inside, and the floor can be covered with a dense layer of sawdust or straw.

How to make a DIY chicken shed: step by step guide

To begin with, the master needs to carry out preparatory work. Namely:

Consider a barn made from OSB sheets. Today it is one of the most popular types of designs. About everything in order.

How to avoid building errors?

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

In order for the barn to serve the hens for a long time, the owner must remember a few important building tips.

  • The size of the barn should be calculated based on the rule: 1 square meter for every 4 chickens. It is better to immediately take into account a small margin for future offspring of individuals.
  • It is better to first fill the floor of the structure with a concrete screed or lay a brick, and only then cover it with boards. This will protect the birds from invading predators.
  • When planning year-round keeping of chickens, it is better to provide a vestibule in the barn.
  • The temperature in the finished barn should not exceed 16 degrees. Otherwise, the chickens will suffer from thirst. At more than 29 degrees, egg production will decrease in birds, and the shell will be much thinner.
  • You can not allow the cold in the barn. This causes the chickens to get sick and die. It is better to think well in advance how thermal insulation will be carried out and install it even during construction, without delaying until the onset of cold weather.

Hatching and food eggs have different shelf life. Read more about this in our article.

Feeding broiler chickens has its own characteristics. All the nuances are described here.

Shed interior fittings

To begin with, nests, feeders, drinkers and perches must be placed inside the chicken house.

They should be located separately from each other at a considerable distance. Otherwise, there will be piling up and mess in the shed.

For example, it is better to install perches in the darkest, quietest and warmest part of the barn, where the hens will be most comfortable to rest. This also applies to the installation of nests. They can be wooden boxes separated from each other by a dense opaque film.

As for feeders and drinkers, it is best to place them separately from resting places, so that it is convenient to clean and change food and water. This part of the shed should be well lit.

To maintain a sufficient level of heat in the barn, you can install an additional heater, and to avoid excessive moisture, a special ventilation device. Humidity should not exceed 60%.

Building a barn for laying hens with your own hands is a simple matter

But it is important to responsibly approach the preparation of all the necessary materials, correctly calculate the dimensions and follow all the recommendations and tips that were described in this article.

How to build a barn for pigs, cattle and small cattle

For larger pets, a capital building made of brick, concrete or aerated concrete blocks is better suited. The barn should be made spacious so that it is comfortable for livestock and people caring for it. Cows, goats and sheep are regularly milked, so there should be enough space inside to carry out such a procedure. Six square meters are provided for one cow, two to four square meters for a goat and a sheep. m.The room should have wide passages and large doors so that it is convenient to remove manure and bring in food every day.

Video - Shed for keeping animals

First, a foundation is made of bricks or blocks, facing it with concrete. The base is laid in a pre-dug trench with a depth of about 0.6 m. Next, corners are made from the blocks, they are aligned using a level and a plumb line. After that, guides are installed - vertical bars, which are attached to the blocks with brackets. A cord is stretched between them in order to see how to make even masonry. Now you need to build walls - about 2-2.5 m high. Then it is recommended to putty the seams from the inside to avoid drafts.

The roof is double pitched. The floor is poured with concrete, be sure to make grooves for the drainage of urine and liquid waste. A boardwalk is laid on top of individual shields that can be changed. The internal space is delimited by separate stalls, each has a personal feeder and drinker. It is worth running electricity to the barn, and plumbing to the large cowshed and pigsty. Running water helps a lot with daily cleaning.

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

The barn should be spacious, with separate stalls inside

Types of chicken coops

Today on the Internet you can find drawings of a variety of chicken sheds. But conditionally, they are all divided into two main types:

  1. Winter. Suitable for year-round poultry keeping.
  2. Summer. Such buildings are also called seasonal. They are used to keep poultry in the warm season.

Each of the listed varieties of the house involves its own characteristics and nuances of construction.


Winter poultry houses involve year-round keeping of chickens, therefore, their planning and construction are especially carefully approached. It is worth noting that such a building is erected not for a season, but for several years. Therefore, it is placed permanently and the location is clearly planned.

Before installation, be sure to make a solid foundation. The walls are built of thick wooden boards, brick or stone. When using boards, each wall must be insulated. Insulation materials are also laid under the roof and in all the cracks that remain during the construction process.

In the winter chicken coop, artificial lighting is required. The number of lamps is selected based on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe building. Also, without fail, a paddock is equipped near the barn. It must be equipped with a roof, and the northern wall of the site must be made of dense material without gaps.


Summer-type structures are used to keep poultry exclusively in the warm season. As a rule, they are used in small farms, whose owners acquire several birds in the spring for eggs, and slaughter them in the fall.

Such a building is not permanently located for several seasons. In addition, it is much easier to build a chicken barn in the summer version than a capital winter one.

The design of such a house can be very different. For several birds, you can build a small wooden box with a mesh extension. Also, breeders often purchase ready-made models of summer chicken coops, consisting of sandwich panels. After the purchase, such a product is assembled at home in a couple of hours, no special skills are required during assembly.

Ready-made portable chicken coops, which are manufactured by individual enterprises, are also popular. This design assumes low weight and special wheels for ease of transportation.

But regardless of the design option chosen, each summer chicken coop should have the following elements:

  • the shed itself;
  • a small walk;
  • drinkers and feeders;
  • perch;
  • nest in which the hen will lay her eggs.

Add a chicken coop to the barn

Then the idea came up to combine a barn with a chicken coop, to make such a townhouse, on one side of the shovel on the other chicken. Well, or at least have such an opportunity.

Minimum requirements for the chicken coop - dimensions, etc.:

Searches in Runet did not bring anything, everything was mostly built from shit and sticks, or ordinary sheds were used as chicken coops, and there was no need to talk about some chips, for example, like “Roll out nesting box”

Due to the price, commercial offers also left much to be desired, compare the prices of ready-made chicken coops for yourself:

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

Prices for ready-made chicken coops

On English-language sites, I was more or less able to find something suitable, albeit not quite. But at least giving an idea of ​​what it might look like:

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

Garden shed and chicken coop (c)

For those to whom this chicken coop is suitable, a few additional images and drawings of a chicken coop 3 x 2.4 meters under the cut. Insulated chicken coop using frame technology:

Drawings of a barn + chicken coop 3 x 2.4m

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

Garden shed and chicken coop, side view (c)

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

Garden shed and chicken coop (c)

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

Garden shed and chicken coop, frame technology (c)

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

Construction of a garden shed and chicken coop (c)

The composition of the drawings of the garden shed + chicken coop includes:

  • Bill of materials, in XLS and PDF formats;
  • Installation manual, 72 pages (87Mb);

Download drawings here:

Google Drive

Original taken from Frank Nguyen

It is planned to keep laying hens only in the warm season. And given that there is not much space on the site, I didn’t really want to “give out” individual m2 to laying hens only for perches. Therefore, it was decided to arrange a similar barn with a small "summer" and decorative chicken coop, allowing you to walk under it, like this:

Summer chicken coop (c) SummerHawk Ranch

In a word, there was nothing left but to be inspired by the Internet and take up Sketchup and draw your own dream shed.

Arrangement of a chicken coop

In order for the chickens to feel comfortable in the built barn, it must be properly equipped. Nests for laying hens are located in secluded places where nothing will disturb them. Install only safe equipment. The poles for the perch are well polished so that the birds do not injure their legs on protruding knots. A thick layer of straw is laid in the nests, equipped with an egg collector. A cage for chickens and chickens is bought or made independently. Purchased options are made of mesh. The bottom is covered with a thick layer of straw so that the chickens can walk comfortably.

An aviary for walking is equipped next to the chicken coop. It is surrounded by a fence made of fine mesh or wooden boards. It is better to use a fine mesh, through which it is more difficult for predators to get through. The size of the walking area depends on the orientation of the birds. Laying hens are left with more territory than broilers. On average, 1 m² is enough for one chicken. If space permits, the aviary is made portable.

Building a chicken shed is easy. The winter chicken coop is made capital, and the summer one is lightweight. At the design stage, the dimensions and design of the room are considered. You can make an extension to the main room. However, it is rare to attach a room so that it does not differ from the main part. Yes, the process is costly.

Many owners of private houses often think about getting small domestic animals: geese, turkeys, chickens. However, having studied the technology of growing poultry a little, a good half of those who wish change their minds because of the need to build a special facility for keeping animals. But building a bird shed with your own hands is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, and in this article you will learn all the details of the technology.

General points

For a chicken or turkey to lay well, it must be healthy.

That is why it is so important to pay enough attention and effort to the construction of a high-quality, strong and warm poultry shed. Most novice farmers do not dare to start livestock due to the lack of a suitable room for its maintenance, believing that building from scratch is beyond their strength

However, if you carefully study the issue, which is what we will do in this article, it becomes clear that building a solid chicken coop is not only easy, but also not so expensive.

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

Choosing a place for a bird shed

First of all, you need to choose the right place for construction. In this case, it is necessary to build on not only considerations of the quadrature of the future barn. Keep in mind that the waste products of poultry exude a rather strong unpleasant odor, so if the barn is located on the leeward side, the smells will constantly be directed towards the residential building. It is best to place animal and poultry sheds at a sufficient distance from residential buildings next to a toilet or cesspool.

The free area of ​​the site directly affects the dimensions of the object under construction. It is best to build a barn on a small hill, then in the cold it will not need to be additionally heated, and in the warm season it will warm up faster. In addition to a place for a barn, it is necessary to allocate a platform for walking a bird - this is a prerequisite for the comfortable and healthy well-being of pets. Its area should exceed the area of ​​the barn itself by 2-3 times.

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

You can build a chicken coop using existing schemes developed by professional builders and experienced farmers, or you can take one of them as a basis and create your own unique poultry shed project, ideal for your site. At the end of the article you will find several examples of chicken coop schemes.

Bird shed dimensions

Poultry is quite unpretentious in content, but this does not mean at all that it does not need care and attention at all. Remember, the more comfortable the chickens and turkeys live, the better they will rush. In this part of the article, you will learn how to equip a poultry shed in accordance with all the rules.

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

The chicken coop should be durable, warm and safe. This is a kind of reduced copy of a residential building, the residents of which should feel safe and comfortable in it. It should have ventilation and lighting. It is not necessary to conduct electricity there - you can install several windows for natural light.

Birds are social animals, but they still need their own space. Otherwise, strong individuals will begin to dominate the weak ones, peck them and fight. To avoid this, it is better to think in advance how many chickens will constantly live in the barn and, based on this, calculate the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room. No more than 4 chickens or 3 turkeys can be accommodated per 1 m².

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

Inside the barn you need to install nests, perches, feeders and drinkers. The perch is best placed as far as possible from the front door, since the bird will rest there, and therefore it is better not to disturb it once again. At the same time, the perches should be slightly inclined, but just enough so that the chickens can move freely along them. Usually, for the manufacture of a perch, wooden bars with a diameter of up to 5 cm are used, the upper part of which is rounded off so that it is convenient for the bird to grab the pole with its paws. The bars are installed in parallel and in several tiers, maintaining a distance of at least 25 cm (up to 40 cm), between the floor and the lower bar there should be 40-50 cm. Experienced farmers advise perching in 4 tiers, attaching the bars to the walls with hinges.

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

As for the equipment of nests where birds will incubate eggs, wooden boxes (for vegetables and fruits) or baskets can be used to make them. Hay or straw is taken as a soft warm bedding, which is periodically replaced with fresh one. One nest can fit 3-5 layers.

At the bottom of the barn door, you need to make a closable hole (miniature hole) about 30 cm high. It is necessary for the bird to freely exit to the walking area.

So, based on the above information, you can calculate the exact dimensions of the future chicken coop and walking area.A barn for 10-20 chickens will take up an area of ​​​​2x3 m, and the walking area should be several times larger.

Building a chicken coop

Before building a chicken shed with their own hands, they create a drawing. The drawing marks the location of each element located inside the building (perches, nests, partitions, etc.). If possible, you should equip a pantry for storing equipment and feed. If there is not enough space inside, it is better to do it in the attic. When planning, the nuances of keeping birds are taken into account. An obligatory element of the chicken coop is a cage for young animals. It is located outside the perches. The minimum height of the chicken coop is 1 m, and the most suitable one is 1.70-2 m. In a room where the height is less than a person’s height, it is inconvenient to clean, and the chicken coop is cleaned several times a week.

The construction of the chicken coop itself consists of several stages:

  1. Site preparation. At this stage, the site is marked and all tall plants and shrubs are removed. They do not do this only if it is a mobile building.
  2. Foundation arrangement. If chickens are kept in a capital shed, then the foundation must be concrete. If the building is lightweight, then it is better to make a columnar foundation. This will raise the structure above the ground and protect birds from predators.
  3. Raising the frame. The easiest way to build a frame building. For the construction of the frame, a wooden beam or metal structures are used, as well as durable fasteners. When erecting a wooden frame, 2 methods of fastening are used simultaneously. Grooves are made in the bars, assembling them as a designer. Then, fix the attachment points with screws and nails. Metal structures are fastened together by welding and fasteners.
  4. Floor arrangement. The floors are made of concrete or wooden boards. It's better to use wood. Its disadvantage is that such a floor is less durable than concrete. The concrete floor is cold. In addition, in the cold season, it cools quickly, which is why it needs to be insulated with a thick layer of straw bedding and sawdust. The plank floor is warm. Before laying it, it is better to treat the tree with special means that prolong the operational period of the natural material. Also, the floor from the boards will last longer if the bedding is always dry.
  5. Walling. Walls are sewn onto the frame. If we are talking about winter construction, it is better to insulate them. If this is a summer building, then choose a material that does not heat up too quickly (wood, plywood, OSB, PVC or fiberboard). It is better to insulate a winter chicken coop from the inside with glass wool blocks. Sheets of corrugated board are sewn over the insulation. Use fibreboard or oriented strand board. Using drywall panels is a bad option, because. they absorb moisture and deform over time. When building walls, leave room for windows and doors. So that there is not enough material, before insulating the walls, they make markings and calculate how to lay the thermal insulation so that there is no waste left.
  6. Roof arrangement. To store stocks of hay and fodder under the roof, it is made gable. If the attic is not needed, they are limited to the construction of a shed structure. Having an attic under the roof will not only help save space. A layer of straw will act as an additional insulation. For covering use slate or tiles.
  7. Installation of windows and doors. Chickens in the barn should have enough light. The number and size of windows depends on the size of the building. It is better that they open, acting as a natural ventilation system. A door for birds is made in the doorway or in the wall, through which they can go inside without the help of a person.
  8. Making communication. Any chicken coop, even if it is small, is equipped with an artificial light source.Birds need a long daylight hours, and in early spring and late autumn its duration does not exceed 12 hours, which is 3 hours less than the norm. In winter, the days are even shorter. There is no need to equip a small chicken coop with a forced ventilation system, but it will come in handy in a large barn. The hood will ensure normal air exchange in the room.

Do-it-yourself chicken shed is ready.

What materials and tools to use

For utility rooms, the remnants of building materials that have long been in stock and are waiting in the wings are suitable. The missing parts can be bought, it will be inexpensive. You will also need the most standard tools, which are usually already on any farm: saws, hammers, nail pullers, containers for stirring mortars, brushes and rollers for staining, tape measure and slopes for measurements, etc.

Wooden structures are built faster, but also do not last as long as stone-brick ones. A wooden shed must be well strengthened, the walls must be primed and painted over. It can be insulated from the outside and from the inside using a hinged profile, shingles, etc. Capital buildings for animals are erected on a columnar foundation, for which it is most convenient to use gas-foam concrete blocks fastened not with concrete, but with special building glue.

Do-it-yourself chicken coops for laying hens

Frame type barn


