Documents required to obtain technical conditions for connection to heat networks and for connection to the heat supply system

Central heating pros and cons

The reasonableness of using such a heating option is revealed by the proximity of the location of the network heat main. House owners who prefer such a system take into account the advantages of a centralized supply of heat to the premises:

  • the possibility of point distribution of thermal energy;
  • high rate of space heating;
  • silent operation;
  • availability of maintenance and repair of the installation.

Documents required to obtain technical conditions for connection to heat networks and for connection to the heat supply system

When choosing a heating system for a private house, you need to pay attention to the disadvantages of a centralized scheme:

  • the possibility of leakage of the coolant;
  • a place for mounting radiators reduces the usable area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room;
  • low air temperatures provoke freezing of the coolant in the pipeline;
  • heat is unevenly distributed.

The main disadvantage of this system is its dependence on the central network. A specific heating schedule does not allow the owner of a private house to heat the room if necessary.

Advantages of local heating in a private house with natural circulation

Heating claim example

Head of the management company

Frezov Alexander Dmitrievich

address: 610724, Kirov,

st. Communist, 18,

from the consumer

Sinichkina Ulyana Olegovna,

address: 610728, Kirov,

per. Vokzalny, 71-63

heating claim

The management company "UK 231" is the managing organization for the house "71 at the address: Kirov, per. Vokzalny, 71. Therefore, in accordance with the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 354 of 05/06/2011, your organization is a contractor under a contract for the provision of public services concluded by the consumer performing implicit actions (namely, by actual consumption of services from the date I acquired ownership of the specified apartments).

In accordance with the requirements of the above Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, the provision of utilities for heating is carried out by the contractor around the clock during the heating period, i.e. uninterruptedly or with interruptions of no more than the following duration: 24 hours in total within one month, no more than 16 hours at a time at a temperature of indoors more than +12; 10 hours at a time at temperatures from +10 to +12 and no more than 4 hours at temperatures from +8 to +10.

In turn, heating implies the supply of thermal energy to maintain a temperature of at least +18 degrees in the residential premises of an apartment building, the decrease of which is not allowed in the daytime.

During the period from 12/20/2016 to 12/24/2016, utilities for heating were provided of inadequate quality, heating was turned off during the specified period, which led to a decrease in the temperature in the apartment to 10 degrees Celsius. This shutdown occurred due to a radiator break in apartment No. 92, as a result of which the entire riser was turned off. The specified break in the radiator was the result of improper performance of its duties by the Criminal Code, so far the radiator has not been replaced.

In accordance with paragraph 88 of the Rules approved by the above decree of the Government of the Russian Federation, when providing in the billing period to the consumer in a residential or non-residential premises or for common house needs in an apartment building, utilities of inadequate quality and (or) with interruptions exceeding the established duration, as well as when interruptions in the provision of public services for repair and maintenance work within the established duration of breaks, the amount of payment for such a public service for the billing period is subject to reduction until the consumer is completely exempted from paying for such a service.

Based on the foregoing, I demand that you immediately take measures to eliminate the accident and restore heat supply to the apartment, as well as ensure that the cost of utilities for heating is recalculated based on the rules established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation (for each hour of exceeding the allowable break, a reduction in the amount of payment by 0.15% ). In case of refusal to satisfy this claim, I will be forced to go to court with, including a claim for compensation for non-pecuniary damage.

December 24, 2016 Sinichkina U.O.

Documentation for radiator replacement

How to replace a heating radiator in an apartment building yourself? First you need to get permission from the UE. It can be ZhEK, DEZ or HOA. It all depends on who the contract for heat supply was drawn up with. Detailed information can be found in this document.

Having decided on the Criminal Code, you should write a free-form application about the desire to replace the battery (or several) in the apartment. The following documents are attached to it:

  • Documents confirming the right of ownership - a contract of sale / purchase, gift, etc.;
  • Copy of passport or other identity document;
  • A copy of the plan of the apartment indicating the radiators to be replaced.

Based on this documentation, the UK draws up a technical condition (TU) - a primary document giving permission to replace heating radiators. The time it takes to receive the TU can vary from a week to a month. It should specify the requirements for a new heating battery:

  • Thermal regime of the system;
  • Pressure in central heating pipes;
  • The nominal power of the new battery and the volume of coolant in it;
  • Method of connection to the pipeline.

Having received the technical conditions for the replacement of heating radiators, you can proceed to the choice of model. Most often, the choice is stopped on bimetallic or aluminum multi-section batteries. Also, do not forget about the connecting pipes. Often, the replacement of the central heating battery is carried out along with the installation of a new pipeline.

To do this, you must first agree with the neighbors, since the entire heating network is considered common property. That is why you need to get consent to turn off the riser from all users. The corresponding document with signatures is provided to the Criminal Code.

After that, the UK is provided with a radiator passport, pipe specifications (if they are also to be replaced), as well as a general battery connection diagram. After receiving approval, you can agree on the date of the work.

To reduce costs and labor intensity, it is best to replace the heating in the apartment outside the heating period. In this case, the overlap of the riser is not necessary. But all the same, all the above documentation is drawn up.

sample application for disconnection from central heating networks

sample application for disconnection from central heating networks

according to the order of the Ministry of Construction, Architecture and Housing and Communal Services of Ukraine dated November 22, 2005 N 4, the order (website of the Supreme Council of Ukraine) was approved for the procedure for disconnecting from central heating, the procedure for registering autonomous heating was prescribed


To the interdepartmental commission

_______________ district for

consideration of issues related

disconnection from central heating and hot water networks

living at ___________

I ask you to issue permission to disconnect from the central heating and hot water networks apartment No. _______, which

located at _________________ and the equipment of an individual

(autonomous) heating and hot water supply, as

The house is on the balance sheet of the GKP __________________________.

I do not mind _____________________ Full name

I certify the signature of the co-owners.

Head of ZhEK_____________________________ F.I.O.

in Ukrainian

about the allowance for the inclusion of a fence

Central heating and GVP budinku and individual control

(autonomous) heat supply system

I ask you to give permission to turn on the connection between the central heating center and the GWP and

control of individual (autonomous) scorching and hot

water supply booth at the address ________________________________

about the inclusion of a booth in the metering of the central heating and GVP

The act was written by the representative of the vlasnik (kiv) budinka abo


(P.І.B., business name)

representative of the assembly organization

(P.І.B., business name)

representative of the service of the Central Organ and GVP,

yakі pіdverdzhuyut іnіklyuchennya vіd merezh central heating and gvp booth for

(N living house, street, settlement)

Inclusion vickonan with a path of visible opening of the brewing

removal of the GWP at the houses d = mm, _ pcs.

The act is stored in three examples for the skin side.

Representative of Vlasnik Budinku

because a person is trusted by him

Assembly company representative

Representative of the service

s DH and GWP _______________________

our phones 044-361-59-52 066-431-98-38 097-080-3438

Application to turn off the riser

Documents required to obtain technical conditions for connection to heat networks and for connection to the heat supply system

to turn off the riser

Please turn off the stand

(WHICH, e.g. heated towel rail, heating in a large room)

for the following work:

(describe in detail what kind of work and to what extent, if necessary, provide a SCHEME)

Shutdown of the riser please make

from ________________ hours to __________ hours _____. _____. twenty_______.

I undertake to carry out work in the amount of not more than the above and in accordance with the stated sketch.

A responsibility to third parties for the quality of materials used in the production of work, the quality of work performed I take over. I am informed and agree that in case of replacement of heating devices, heated towel rails with new ones, their further repair and operation will be carried out at my expense.

Application: Scheme of work on 1 sheet.

Full name, number, signature

Visa of the Chairman of the Board of the HOA "Moskovskaya Sloboda":

(agreed/no, signature, date)

Service Organization Visa.

Agreed shutdown during the period:

from ________________ hours to __________ hours _____. _____. twenty_______.

Appendix to the application for disconnection of the riser.

Sketch of the work.

Full name, number, signature

Visa of the Chairman of the Board of the HOA "Moskovskaya Sloboda":

(agreed/no, signature, date)

Service Organization Visa.

service organization "Industry" upon completion of work on the riser

The work was done ____ in accordance with the submitted sketch, the materials used in the work _____ correspond to those specified in the application.

The following inconsistencies have been identified:

According to the scheme ______________________________________________________________________

Based on materials _________________________________________________________________

"______" ___________________ 20____ ______________ //

How to replace a heating battery in an official way Clarification from Moscow public utilities, as well as a story about personal experience

We decided to change the battery. But in the control room of DEZ they did not accept our application, saying that they did not have a license for such work and that they could only “negotiate” with the master. And then they began to scare: if you go the official way, the battery will be changed no earlier than by the New Year. Is it really so?

Such a question was received by the editorial office of the newspaper Zvezdny Bulvar, which is published in the North-Eastern District of Moscow. The journalists requested an official response from local public utilities.

- To replace the battery, it is better to directly contact the organization that operates your home, - explained in the directorate of the customer housing and communal services of the North-East Administrative District. - DEZ itself does not perform any work: this is an enterprise that acts as a customer for the maintenance of common house property. The heating system in the apartment is not.

To install the battery in an official way, you need to do the following:

- we find out in the Criminal Code (DEZ or another organization) the coordinates of the operating organization, go there and write a statement about replacing the batteries. You have to see to it that it is registered;

- if someone offers to "negotiate" directly with the master, we refuse. Indeed, in this case, you, and not DEZ, will be responsible for possible problems (for example, it will break through the batteries, flood the neighbors below);

- we are waiting for a measurer who will come, examine the apartment and tell you which batteries to buy and how much (it depends on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe premises);

– we conclude an agreement with the operating organization and pay for the work through the bank;

– we are going to buy equipment (batteries, cranes), it is possible with a master;

– we agree on the descent of water from the heating system;

- we accept the master who does the work;

- we receive a document from the operating organization on the replacement of batteries.

The cost of turning off water in risers is 500-1500 rubles per riser, the cost of replacing batteries (excluding the cost of the radiators themselves) is 3-6 thousand rubles.

But the emergency battery (leaking, if there is a conclusion about it) should be replaced free of charge, with an application you must contact the DEZ.

If DEZ and the operating organization refuse to accept an application for the replacement of radiators, report this to the Directorate of Housing and Public Utilities.

Replacing the heating battery: personal experience

And here is a story from personal experience, published on one of the Moscow forums.

I replaced the entire water supply system, because the old communications had become unusable.

When it came to the bathroom, it turned out to be easier to resolve the issue than when replacing radiators. I wrote a statement to the control room, paid for the services to turn off the water (through Sberbank), and the master made hot and cold water supply to the apartment within an hour.

With radiators, the situation was somewhat different.

I also wrote a statement and paid for the services (turning off the heating, or rather draining the water from the heating system, costs more than shutting off cold and hot), but the water was turned off for a longer time. Accordingly, I paid more (about 1000 rubles with a little).

The apartment has several risers, and they are all different. All turned off. Since water is always present (should be present) in the heating system, and even in summer, it must be drained in order to replace the pipes (and radiators) in the apartment. Especially if there are no taps to shut off the water.

The cost of services is approximately the following (data from 2010 -

For a point (one radiator), plumbers ask 3-5 thousand rubles. This includes replacing pipes, welding and installing one radiator.

If the contract is not signed, then they alone will not give a guarantee for the work performed. The same applies to DEZ. A master came to me (the first one), who messed up. When the chief plumber of DEZ came to turn on the water, he said "ooh, super!" and hinted at a bribe in the form of a bottle, despite the fact that I officially paid for everything according to the receipt.

This "super" I then redid when I found a good master on the recommendation.

The second master said that for such a hack you need to pull out your hands.

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Conditions and procedure for the annual start-up of heating

  • Conditions and procedure for the annual start-up of heating
  • Organization of heat energy accounting
  • The procedure for the consumer in case of problems with the heat meter
  • Requirements for heat energy meters, operation and maintenance of meters
  • The procedure for limiting heat supply
  • Preparing for the heating season
  • The procedure for installing and accepting (sealing) a hot water meter for non-residential premises connected to the in-house system of a residential building

It is allowed to supply heat to civil and industrial buildings only if measures are taken to reduce heat losses, as well as the following conditions:

  1. Repair work was carried out to prepare the inputs of heating mains and internal heating systems.
  2. Timely installation, state and departmental verification of measuring instruments, control and accounting were carried out. The control and shut-off valves in the schemes of thermal automation have been revised.
  3. During the preparation of thermal inputs and control units, the following activities were carried out:
    • revision of shut-off and control valves;
    • cleaning of thermal chambers from debris, the presence of drainages, stairs, hatches, sealing of the seams of the floor slabs was performed;
    • cleaning and filling with machine oil thermometer sleeves, revision of shut-off valves of pressure gauges;
    • works on painting pipelines and fittings were carried out;
    • there are no jumpers between the supply and return pipelines;
    • hydropneumatic flushing of internal systems and pipelines of inputs was carried out;
    • design narrowing devices were installed and sealed in the presence of a representative of the adjustment group of the Grid Organization, which was recorded in the act of readiness of the enterprise for winter.
    • there is a visible gap between the pipelines of the thermal input and the pipelines of hot water or cold water, after hydraulic testing, the pipelines of the thermal inputs and the heating system must be constantly filled with chemically purified deaerated water under an overpressure of at least 0.5 kgf / cm.
  4. Hydraulic tests were carried out:
    • heating inputs on Rizb.=12 kgf/cm;
    • elevator units, heaters and water heaters - 10 kgf / cm 2;
    • systems equipped with cast-iron heaters - 6 kgf / cm 2.

    Hydraulic tests of the heating main are carried out in the presence of a representative of the Grid Organization in accordance with the test schedule and are drawn up in an act.

  5. There is no debt of the Consumer (State Customer or Municipal Customer) for the use of thermal energy.

If the consumer has a debt for thermal energy at the time of registration of the act of readiness for winter, the Heat Supply Organization shall notify the Consumer in writing of the debt. as well as on non-resumption of the supply of heat energy from the beginning of the heating period in case of non-payment of the debt within the specified period.

6. Documented by the act of the boundaries of responsibility for the operation of heat carrier pipelines between the consumer enterprise and the Grid organization.

7. Copies of orders (instructions) on the appointment of those responsible for the operation of heat-consuming equipment and heat networks (trained and certified) were submitted to the service for supervision and adjustment of the Grid Organization.

8. When all conditions are met, an act of readiness of the enterprise for winter is drawn up (in 3 copies), which is signed by the representative of the Consumer (State Customer or Municipal) responsible for operation, representatives of the Grid Organization and representatives of the Heat Supply Organization.

9. One copy of the act of readiness is submitted to the supervision and adjustment service of the Grid Organization, the second - to the Heat Supply Organization, the third remains with the Consumer (State Customer or Municipal).

10. Turning on the heating, if there is a completed act, is carried out by the duty personnel of the Grid Organization at the request of the enterprise responsible for the thermal economy within the terms agreed between them and CJSC Volgaenergosbyt.

11. In the event of unauthorized switching on of heating systems (without issuing an act of readiness), the Grid Organization disconnects the Consumer (State Customer or Municipal) before issuing an act of readiness.

Distinctive characteristics of central heating in a private house

An agreement on the possible supply of thermal energy, concluded between the supplier represented by the main boiler house and the owner of a private house, is considered a good reason to connect to the central heating network. There are three types of schemes for connecting the user to the main boiler room:

  • independent connection, in which a coolant is used instead of a boiler. Such a scheme is used if it is necessary to prevent an increase in pressure in the heating system installed by the structure of the building;
  • dependent direct-flow connection;
  • the universal scheme consists in the supply of mixed water by the method of a special elevator.

Regardless of the chosen type, it is impossible to carry out events without issuing the appropriate documentation. The permit is issued by specific government authorities.

Documents required to obtain technical conditions for connection to heat networks and for connection to the heat supply system

Filing a heating claim

Before going to court, the utility consumer must prepare. And one of them will be a claim and a document confirming the fact of its delivery to the proper person.

To do this, a written claim must be submitted directly to the housing organization - against the signature of an official with a transcript. Require the seal of the organization. If, for some reason, it is not possible to personally deliver the claim, send the documents by registered mail with a description of the attachment. Be sure to keep your shipping receipt.

If the claim remains unanswered, the only way to protect the rights in the housing and communal services sector will be to go to court. The basis of the claim will be the text of the claim for heating, and consumers are exempted from payment.

Sample application for connection to heat supply networks
1. Application form for connecting an object to heat supply networks

MUP Krasnosulinskiye

city ​​heating systems"

Legkov G.O.

dated ______________________ We ask you to allow connection to the network of engineering and technical support for heat supply of the facility located at: __________________________________________________________________________

2. Application form for obtaining specifications

MUP Krasnosulinskiye

city ​​heating systems"

Legkov G.O.

dated ______________________ For enterprises on letterhead. We ask you to issue technical specifications for connection to the networks of engineering and technical support for heat supply of an object located at: ____________________________________________

Signature of the customer, seal) if any) Required power ______________ Gcal / hour,

including: heating ____________ Gcal/h,

DHW ______________ Gcal/h.

determined by the calculation performed by a licensed design organization.


  1. Copies of constituent documents (notarized or stamped by the customer), as well as documents confirming the authority of the person who signed the application;
  2. Copies of documents confirming the right to own an object whose heat-consuming installations are connected to the network (decisions of local authorities on the allocation of a land plot for construction, reconstruction, real estate purchase and sale agreements, permit letters from the City Architecture Department, etc.);
  3. Copies of the general plan of the city on a scale of 1:5000 and 1:500 with drawing (highlighting) the location of the object, agreed with the Urban Planning Department of the City Administration - 2 copies each;
  4. Calculation of thermal loads performed by a licensed design organization;
  5. A copy of the license of the organization that performed the calculation;
  6. Copies of previously issued Technical Specifications for heat supply (connection to the network) of the facility, if any.

Head (applicant) M.P., signature

"____" __________________ 20___ Contact person _______________________________

Telephone ______________________________________


  1. When submitting and receiving documents, the representatives of the applicants must have a power of attorney with them.
  2. If there are several owners of the object, the request must be drawn up on behalf of all owners with copies of registration certificates of ownership of each.

)______________________________ __________________________________________________________________________________


