The difference between soundproofing structures
Massive armored doors visually look like not only heavy-duty construction, but also as a product that provides good protection against extraneous sounds. But this is only at first glance: in fact, such doors do not have soundproofing properties, and their installation from the point of view of achieving silence in the room is absolutely useless. What is the main difference between soundproofed entrance structures and other types of metal doors? Let's take a look in detail:
- Such entrance products have a very special installation technology: to completely eliminate the noise effect, the canvas must fit as tightly as possible to the main box.
- Increased soundproofing properties are achieved by a special internal design of the product: it has seals and soundproofing filler.
We will tell you more about the technology for manufacturing doors with a high degree of room protection from noise in the next subsection of the article.
Required Tools
Soundproofing an entrance metal door with your own hands requires the following tools:
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- Roulette and pencil;
- Stationery knife;
- Putty knife;
- Screwdriver;
- Hacksaw;
Before starting work, prepare the necessary consumables:
- Self-tapping screws for metal;
- Adhesive composition (liquid nails or non-expanding mounting foam);
- Sealing tape.
If you are soundproofing doors made in the form of a single sheet of metal that does not have internal stiffeners, you will need a decorative MDF panel and wooden slats to hide the soundproofing material to arrange the frame on which the cladding will be attached.
Types of materials for soundproofing the front door
To protect against noise, drafts and temperature fluctuations, the production of metal doors with sound and heat insulation has been arranged. Fillers in them prevent the penetration of sounds and retain heat.
The fillers are:
- Mineral wool. A material that performs two functions at once - insulation and sound absorption. Minus - the design with mineral wool is heavier due to additional stiffeners.
- Polyurethane. Adheres tightly to the canvas and does not change over time.
- Styrofoam. Lightweight, shape-retaining, but highly flammable thermal insulation material.
- Corrugated cardboard. An economical option for interior doors, as it does not absorb sound enough.
Coniferous trees have sound-absorbing properties, and iron sheets are filled with several layers of sound and heat insulating materials and decorated with MDF panels, laminate and vinyl leather.
Steel doors are produced using:
- rolled bitumen (has reflective properties, high mass and density);
- corrugated foam rubber (porous, with a flexible core, labyrinth-like structure);
- ShumoIzola (having flexibility, elasticity, water resistance);
- Shumanet (basalt-based mineral slab);
- StopSound (basalt fiber material);
- Abex (membrane-type material with a self-adhesive layer).
They are laid in the canvas in one of the layers along with a mineral wool, felt, polyurethane foam or foam layer. A sealant is attached around the perimeter of the door frame, which can retain heat and significantly muffle the sound.
For insulation use types of seals:
- rubber;
- silicone;
- magnetic.
When installing the door frame, there should be no voids through which heat “leaks”, so they are filled with building mixtures. The gaps between the wall and the door frame are carefully sealed, the slopes are plastered.
Application area
It will definitely be useful to install such input metal structures in a residential building or apartment.Modern cities are distinguished by an increased level of noise: these are the sounds from cars moving along the road, and the noise of the elevator, and the extra and not always pleasant sound background from the neighbors. In an environment full of extraneous noises, it is difficult to relax and fully rest, and without a normal rest, the human nervous system is poorly restored and ceases to function normally.
Soundproof doors must also be installed in office premises, especially if they are located not in a separate building, but in areas combined with production or in large business centers. The abundance of noise does not allow workers to focus on work tasks, and therefore labor efficiency drops sharply.
Metal entrance structures with noise protection are mandatory installed at the entrance groups of all medical institutions: silence here is equally necessary for patients for a full-fledged recovery process and for staff to work optimally.
Criterias of choice
Before you buy a door, you need to be prepared for the fact that high-quality products cost a lot, so you should not save on the front door
Further attention should be paid to the following factors:
- Door leaf material and thickness. The door must not be less than 50 mm thick. The optimal range of this parameter is from 50 to 125 mm.
- The safety of the inner material and its soundproofing properties. If the choice is made in favor of a cheap and flammable material, then additional safety measures will have to be applied in case of a fire.
- The number of seal loops that run along the perimeter of the structure. They should fit very tightly to the box.
- The presence of stiffeners.
- The presence of decorative panels, which must be of high quality and not be thin. This will further isolate the apartment from external noise and sounds.
- Door cost. The price, first of all, affects the quality.
- Company manufacturer. Do not buy products from a little-known company to save money.
The highest quality material is polyurethane, but its high cost increases the price of the front door. Corrugated cardboard is inexpensive, but it does not protect well from sounds. There is a way out - you can order a canvas with corrugated cardboard, up to 10 cm thick, but then you will have to additionally take care of measures to protect against fire and ignition.
Choice entrance door to the apartment noise insulation is also affected by the outer contour of the insulation. This element is also responsible for the level of noise reduction from the street and the landing. There are several types of such structures, among which the main ones are:
Silicone seal, which is considered the best and most acceptable option for protecting the apartment, and not only from extraneous sounds. Silicone perfectly copes with dust, drafts, insects, while having high thermal and sound insulation of the premises.
Made from foam rubber. This type of seal is made on an adhesive basis, the construction is distinguished by quality, high protective properties
It is worth carefully choosing a foam sealant, paying attention to the glue that was used to fix the rubber.
Magnetic seal. It is mainly used in metal or steel doors, since it fits snugly against the metal, and this is a guarantee that extraneous noise will not penetrate into the apartment at all.
Article in the topic: how to make soundproofing a door with your own hands.
How to choose a door to an apartment with sound insulation
The door performs the main tasks:
- protects against intruders;
- blocks noise;
- retains heat and does not let the cold through;
- harmonizes with the design.
When buying a product, consider what it is made of. In private houses and apartments, metal or wooden doors are installed, and elite samples are made of ebony and mahogany. Alder, walnut, cherry do not cope with the noise-canceling task.
Metal constructions are popular, the advantage of which can be considered anti-burglar parts (a canvas recessed into the box, a reinforced lock). When choosing a product, the accuracy and tightness of the fit, the quality of installation, the dimensions of the material for sealing, and the tightness of the structure are taken into account.
A good canvas has no defects, the material inside it is non-flammable and non-toxic. The advantage of fire-resistant fillers. Sound absorption also depends on the massiveness and thickness of the structure: the thickness can vary between 50-125 millimeters. The parts fit snugly and there are no gaps between them. The insulating material is securely hidden inside.
According to GOST, doors are divided into classes:
- the first is noise reduction by 20-25 decibels;
- the second - by 26-31 decibels;
- the third - by 32 or more decibels.
When purchasing a door, consider where it will be used. For the private sector and an apartment in a high-rise building, products of the third class of sound insulation are recommended. Offices and commercial salons are suitable for models of the second category. The first class is installed in the entrances and technical rooms.
Another classification by the level of noise reduction:
- A (high, corresponds to class 3);
- B (standard high, suitable for private houses);
- C (similar to class 2);
- B (low);
- E (extremely low - not intended for rooms in which there are a lot of people).
The product marked A + 1 has the maximum protection against sounds.
An important aspect is the location of the building. Near highways, in noisy urban areas, construction sites and entertainment venues, additional protection will be required.
Preference should be given to well-known manufacturers who have proven themselves in the door market. It would be useful to find out customer reviews, study the warranty periods.
The choice of doors is a responsible task. The further comfort and convenience of homeowners, the safety of property from natural disasters and man-made factors depend on this. Therefore, when buying, it is worth studying quality certificates or a product passport indicating its technical characteristics.
Soundproofed entry doors
Entrance doors, which isolate the interior of the dwelling from external noise, are a structure consisting of a solid supporting frame with stiffeners, in which special materials are installed that prevent the penetration of sound waves. But the creation of high-quality and functional soundproofing of entrance doors is not limited to their internal content. Important components of the whole structure are also:
- sheathing of external and internal shutters;
- special pads on the outer surface of the front door;
- a door frame with installed sealing strips, in which all slots are treated with mounting foam or sealant;
special linings, plates and fasteners, which not only protect the door from breaking, but also additionally hide all cracks and gaps.
Noise-insulating layer for entrance doors is produced in the form of hard and soft plates, rolled, bulk or sprayed material. The installed sound barrier of the doorway at the same time delays external noise and serves as a heater.
An important element of both sound insulation and insulation of the front door are seals located around the perimeter of the sash. It should be borne in mind that these parts are most susceptible to wear, therefore, after 2-3 years of operation, it is necessary to take care of their repair or replacement.
Entrance door seals have a self-adhesive surface protected by an easy-to-remove tape
Very often, residents, without dismantling the old doorway, install new entrance doors. As a result, an air pocket of 15 to 30 cm is formed between the old and new leaves. This distance depends on the thickness of the load-bearing wall or the depth of the door frame in the opening.This option justifies itself to some extent, since the air cushion retains the cold, and the double number of linings and internal materials of the doors isolates noise well. However, such a design over time will require double the cost of repair or replacement of materials. In addition, not everyone likes to open and close several locks to leave the room or go into it.
Double front doors isolate the home well from extraneous sounds, but require several locks to be opened and closed