Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Rubber-bitumen mastics

as a waterproofing, rubber-bitumen mastic is used.
Due to the chemical composition of the substance, mastic can be used for
processing of various surfaces. Of course, as soundproofing
you can use mastic only in a car, but as for an apartment, do not
necessary, but if it is necessary to carry out work to protect the surface from aggressive
environments it is one of the best.

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.@zhidkaya_shumoizolyatsia

With the use of rubber-bitumen mastic, it is possible to carry out
external soundproofing. Quite often bituminous mastic
used for different types of roofs. Due to its characteristics, the material
provides hydro and sound insulation, but concerns - these are mainly the upper floors
and apartments.

Varieties of liquid soundproofing materials

To date, manufacturers of liquid sound insulation
offer customers various types of material that can be selected according to
manufacturer, characteristics and cost. Polyurethane foam materials
are produced in different countries, which is related to their variety, effectiveness and
price. Among the most common are the following:

  • Polyurethane Foam Synthesia this material
    produced in Spain. The main advantage of sound insulation is its acceptable
    cost in relation to quality. The material is made from environmentally friendly
    pure components, so it can be used for processing in residential areas.
    Also, the positive qualities of the foam include the fact that it can be
    use at different temperatures.
  • Polyurethane foam soundproofing Ecotermix,
    is a product of joint production of Russia and China. material can
    used in various rooms and has a high level of fire resistance.
    Also, this soundproofing protects the wall surfaces from biological formations.
    fungus and mold. Speaking of foam cost, it can compete with
    products from other manufacturers.
  • Demilec polyurethane foam material is produced
    in USA. This product can be classified as a high-end product, which
    testifies to high quality, reliability and cost. Efficiency
    soundproofing is quite good, but not everyone can afford it.
  • Bayer polyurethane foam is produced in Germany and already
    well-known brand all over the world. As always the same German
    quality and relatively low cost of the material makes it popular
    among buyers. If you need to perform high-quality sound insulation according to
    relatively low cost, the Bayer brand provides its

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Depending on your budget, you can choose
the most suitable soundproofing option that will help protect the apartment from
noise and save money.

Systems for sound insulation under plaster

For the purpose of soundproofing walls and ceilings, frame-type systems can be used, which are installed on a Ticho P (praktisch) metal profile, etc., and frameless systems, which are necessary to create a higher level of sound absorption (ZIPS boards).

This article soundproofing under plaster also contains information about materials for installation on floor coverings. These can be systems such as Ticho K (kommerziell). To enhance their properties even more, they are recommended to be laid in several layers. If you need to improve vibration isolation properties, then you can use Ticho F (effektiv) systems, TichoMastix bk vibration isolation mastic.You can also use decorative materials that contribute to high-quality soundproofing of the room.

Why do many consider acoustic plastering a myth?

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Soundproof wall plaster

I myself was wondering why such plaster achieved excellent performance and why in many forums, I read both a lot of positive and a huge number of negative reviews. In fact, it is often due to misuse and the use of unsuitable decorative finishes that the soundproofing performance deteriorates. But everything has its time.

So the sound-absorbing properties of the plaster received due to its porosity. It contains granular, light fillers, the particles of which are not more than 5 mm. More precisely, it can be expanded clay, vermiculite or crushed pumice. That is why the material has a low density. Sound reflection comes from obstacles, and now imagine how it will be reflected from a porous and loose mass? This is how sound is muffled thanks to plaster.

Most of the negative reviews are unfounded, since it is a thick and dense paint, like enamel, that clogs the pores in soundproof plaster, while reducing its acoustic properties. Errors in coating soundproof plaster with enamel or wallpaper degrade the quality of the plaster and make many people doubt the properties of this material. If you want to avoid such serious mistakes, then you need to use water-dispersion paint for painting, which is well absorbed and does not clog the structure of the soundproof material.

Where is soundproofing plaster in demand?

It makes sense to use this type of noise protection in those places where the size of the room does not allow the use of more efficient, but also more massive solutions. Where a significant increase in the thickness of the structure is not possible due to the layout. Finally, when it is dictated by economic constraints.

Soundproof plaster can be applied both to walls and ceilings, behind which there are noise sources, and to all surfaces enclosing the room. In this case, it provides damping of reflected sound waves, which improves acoustic comfort. As for specific places of application, it is hardly worth listing them. Noise interferes everywhere, so protection from it will not be superfluous either in a hospital, or in an office or apartment.

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Noise suppression methods

Probably every second person is faced with the problem of noisy neighbors who for some reason prefer to make noise at the most inopportune time for you. For living near busy highways, I generally keep quiet. That is why all kinds of materials for walls have long begun to appear on the construction market, which help to cope with background noise.

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Plastering the wall with soundproofing plaster

Each material has its own advantages and disadvantages, so I decided to make a table about each of them:

Material pros Minuses

Low cost, availability, the ability to do the work yourself, light weight does not complicate installation and does not give an extra load to the walls
Poor noise attenuation compared to other soundproofing elements, further decorative finishing required
Soundproof boards
Good acoustic performance, environmental friendly for people, durable material and easy installation
High cost, due to which the material is more often used for studios and expensive buildings, installation is carried out strictly according to technology
Acoustic insulation (mat)
Low cost, good sound insulation performance, sold in rolls, can be cut into pieces
It is used when finishing walls with drywall, as it fits inside the frame, when buying a heat-insulating element, it is necessary to check whether the solution has acoustic characteristics
Soundproof plaster
The most popular way, reasonable price and the ability to do the work yourself, is not harmful to human health, does not require additional finishing, but you can mow and glue wallpaper on top
Some people think that plaster is not a good solution for noise reduction, but it does the job 35% better than other methods. Need to stick to technology, long process

Using the example of a table, it becomes clear that you can use any method convenient for you for walls. However, if the goal is to add noise as much as possible, then it is necessary to use soundproof plaster. And here are a few more reasons why I gave my preference to just such a plaster:

  • Doing the work, perhaps with your own hands and quite quickly, especially if you have certain skills
  • Walls do not require pre-leveling and careful preparation
  • The plaster is not liked by small pests such as rodents or insects.
  • Two ways to apply to the walls: manual and machine
  • It is this soundproofing material that is used in restaurants, courts, business centers and various industries - this suggests that plaster has long established itself as a high-quality soundproofing element

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Finishing with soundproofing plaster

And although I was delighted with her, I can not hide some of the shortcomings:

  • Soundproof plaster is not a cheap material, so you should calculate the costs in advance, especially if the repair will be done with the help of a specialist, and not with your own hands
  • Further finishing, if such is carried out, then these are additional costs in time and money.

Properties and material selection

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Soundproofing plaster for finishing

In principle, I did not find any special differences in the application of such plaster and some other solution. However, some nuances still exist, and they are worth talking about. Soundproof plasters must have a certain number of properties, and here are some of them:

  1. The structure of the plaster must be dense and not have voids and microcracks, because they are the conductors of sound
  2. After finishing the application on the walls, the surface must be homogeneous, this is the key to high sound insulation performance.
  3. In noisier rooms it is necessary to make a thicker layer of plaster
  4. Finishing in this way will be durable, and this is an additional joy for the owner and all residents.

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Wall decoration with plaster

When there is a process of choosing a composition, it is necessary to pay attention to such nuances:

The higher the declared sound absorption values, the better the plaster
Pay attention to the method of application declared by the manufacturer. If the machine method is indicated, then it is better not to apply the solution with your hands

  1. If the room has an increased level of humidity, then it is better to use a mixture based on cement, and in a dry room, a gypsum mortar is enough

To date, the leader of soundproof plaster for walls can be called a mortar produced by Knauf

. This is a well-known company that has conquered the construction market thanks to its high-quality soundproofing materials. Knauf plaster has all ONORM standards, and the price / quality ratio speaks for itself. I chose this mixture for wall decoration in my house and I must say that I was pleased with the ease of application and the sound insulation qualities of this material. By the way, manufacturers have thought through all the options and released plasters that are applied both by machine and by hand.

Selection of materials

Compositions for the device of soundproof plasters come on the market in the form of powder mixtures

Packing - regular paper bags.
Like any plaster mixes, their shelf life is limited, therefore, when purchasing material, pay attention to the date of manufacture.
Mixtures include granules of expanded clay, pumice, other porous stone materials, fiber from synthetic and natural fibers.
Some manufacturers use blowing additives, usually based on aluminum powder. When the plaster composition is dissolved with water, aluminum oxidizes with the release of carbon dioxide, saturates the thickness of the plaster with the smallest pores.
Such mixtures are much more expensive, but their sound protection is on average 7-10% higher.
Even before choosing a mixture, it is necessary to determine on the basis of which binder it should be made.

Gypsum-based compositions are not used for exterior decoration, for rooms with high humidity.

Acoustic plasters

Acoustic plasters (stone, concrete, wood) pre-coated with a primer based on Portland cement. Usable composition for soil: I: 3.5 or 1:4 with the addition of 10% lime. A layer of acoustic plaster is applied to the unpainted primer in the usual way.

The acoustic properties of plasters increase if the plaster layer is applied not on a solid wall, but on a surface made of coarse-grained materials, and also if an air gap filled with slag wool or asbestos fiber is arranged between the wall and the plaster.

Painting or whitewashing reduces the acoustic properties of plasters, especially at high sound frequencies.
The Acoustics Laboratory of the Moscow Architectural Institute has developed a number of recipes for acoustic plasters.

Acoustic (sound-absorbing) plaster can be applied to any surface

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster. Plaster ADC

Crushed building pumice is sieved through a sieve with holes of 3-5 mm. The residue on a sieve with 3 mm holes is used as a filler. The binder is cement. A mixture of pumice and cement is dry mixed and diluted with water.
Dosage of the plaster composition per 1 m2 of the surface with a plaster thickness of 20 mm:
Pumice…………………………………………………………. 28.8 l
Cement………………………………………. …………………7.2 l
Water……………………………………………………………… 7.2 l
Bulk density of pumice……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………400 kg/m3
. ……………… plasters …………………………………… 620

Application method. A layer of ADC plaster 25 mm thick is applied over a still wet layer of pre-applied cement plaster (about 10 mm thick). Under normal conditions, the plaster dries for about 25 days. It can be applied to concrete, stone and wood (according to the Rabitz grid) surfaces.

Plaster AGP

Crushed pumice is sifted through a sieve with holes of 2-3 mm. The residue on a sieve with 2 mm holes is used as a filler. The binder is sifted gypsum. Pumice is poured into gypsum milk and mixed thoroughly.
Dosage of the plaster composition per 1 m2 of the surface with a plaster thickness of 25 mm:
Pumice………………………………………….. 19.2 l
Gypsum………………………………….. 4.8
Water……………………………………………. 6.0
Volumetric weight of pumice……………………… 400 kg/m3
………………..plasters. 700 - 800 kg/m3

Application method. The prepared plaster is applied in its raw form overlaid (without grout) on the surface to be plastered (concrete, stone or wood).


Crushed boiler slag is sifted through a sieve with holes of 3-5 mm; the residue on a sieve with 3 mm holes is used as a filler. The binder is cement. The mixture of slag and screened cement is dry mixed and water is added.

Slag……………………………………… 19.2 l
Cement…………………………………… 4.8.
Water…………………………………………… 3.2 »
Volume weight of slag……………….. 840 kg/m3

plasters .. 1100-1200 kg/m3

The application method is similar to that for the ADC.

Acoustic plaster of subway tubings

The composition of the plaster is cement: asbestos fiber: sand in a ratio of 1:2:1 to 1:6:1.This mixture is applied by shotcrete in a layer of 5-10 mm and a preparation layer of cement and sand (1:2) 5-6 mm thick.

Acoustolite ASP

Crushed pumice is sifted through a sieve with holes of 2 and 1 mm. The residue on the sieve with 1 mm holes is used as a filler. The pumice stone is then mixed dry with caustic magnesite sifted through a 0.25 mm sieve. After that, hydrochloric acid is poured in and the whole mass is thoroughly mixed until evenly moistened.
Dosage of the plaster composition per 1 m2 of the surface with a plaster thickness of 25 mm:
Pumice……………………………………… 19.2 l
Magnesite………………………………… 4.8
Hydrochloric acid……………………… 6.4
Volumetric weight of pumice………………….. 400 kg/m3
.. . magnesite ………………………………..1000
....acoustolith. . . ………….. 900
Hydrochloric acid……………………… 12° Ve
The method of application is similar to that for AGP.

Do-it-yourself soundproofing plaster device

The application of acoustic compositions is not much different from plastering with traditional cement or gypsum mixtures. However, there are features, non-observance of which can negate the protective properties of the coating.

  1. We start with surface preparation. If other types of plaster are not available, first lay a primer layer of ordinary cement mortar, in a ratio of 1: 3. The layer also serves for leveling, so its thickness depends on the quality of the base, but in any case it is desirable that the soil layer is at least 10-12 mm.
  2. After the soil has set, we proceed to laying the acoustic layer. We apply the composition on the wall in portions and level it with the rule. Gypsum compositions are applied with a spatula, for cement compositions, a sketch with a plaster ladle can be used.
  3. We lay a layer at a time, no more than 15 mm thick. Since manufacturers usually recommend at least 40 mm, we apply the plaster in two or three steps, allowing each layer to set.

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

When applying, there are two points that you need to pay attention to:

  • acoustic plaster is not overwritten;
  • if laying is carried out along the beacons, then after the layer has set, they are removed, and the resulting voids are filled with an acoustic composition.

Myths and reality of acoustic plaster

The range of opinions about soundproof plaster is from attributing truly wonderful properties to the material, to accusations of charlatanism, the complete denial of any effect. As often happens, the truth is in the middle.

Plaster cannot provide one hundred percent protection against strong noise. But to weaken it, to turn it from an annoying factor into an unobtrusive background, she can do it.

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Properly prepared and laid composition can subjectively increase the acoustic comfort of the room by 25-30%. At the same time, the noise level is reduced by 6-8 dB, which corresponds to an additional layer of brickwork, approximately a brick (250 mm) thick.


Insulating materials can be used to protect buildings of various types - not only residential, but also for technical purposes. Insulation is able to protect the room from excessive moisture, electric current and noise exposure.

Moisture protection

The issue of waterproofing is one of those problems that can be solved with the help of a paintwork material. It should be noted that most of the paints, one way or another, have waterproofing properties. However, if you need really serious protection, you can not do without a special LMB. After coating with such a composition, the surface will withstand even direct exposure to water for a long time.

Waterproofing coatings must be distinguished by certain qualities:

  1. The paint should be intended for both interior work and facade decoration, since double-sided painting provides more reliable protection.
  2. It is desirable that, in addition to moisture resistance, paintwork materials are resistant to ultraviolet rays and temperature extremes.
  3. The composition should include anti-salt additives and antifungal drugs. Antiseptic qualities are very important for good waterproofing, because moist material is an ideal place for mold and mildew to develop.

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Note! The quality of the paintwork material is affected not only by the expiration date, but also by the storage conditions. The paint should not be in too cold rooms (at sub-zero temperatures) or too hot

Information on the terms and conditions of storage can be found on the product packaging.

Noise isolation

An increased level of sound insulation can be achieved by painting the surface with a special paint. Soundproof coatings have a number of characteristic features:

The basis of this type of paint is bitumen or an acrylic composite element. Both substances have a number of features: acrylic is better suited for indoor use, since it is practically odorless (water-based), and bitumen is much more effective outdoors, but not suitable for indoor use, as it smells unpleasant

At the same time, bituminous coatings are much cheaper than acrylic ones, which is important when painting large areas.
The maximum level of sound insulation can be obtained by applying the composition in a thick layer. As a working tool, it is recommended to use a brush or roller

The paint dissolves in the synthetic composition.
For isolating moving elements (for example, parts of a machine or a car), bitumen-based coatings are best suited. This group of colors is able to absorb not only sounds, but also vibrations.

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid sound insulation

Like any other material, liquid sound insulation has its own
advantages and disadvantages. Speaking about the advantages of the material, it should be noted

  1. Processed
    the surface, in addition to soundproofing qualities, also improves thermal insulation
    apartment, which will help save on heating in the winter.
  2. Thanks to
    the structure of the material after application, it penetrates into the cracks and pores, effectively
    isolating the room. Often such material is used for processing window and
    doorways where gaps may form.
  3. Foam
    has high adhesion to various surfaces, which allows
    apply sound insulation even without preliminary surface preparation. By
    the completion of the work leaves a minimum of debris and waste.
  4. WITH
    using polyurethane foam, you can make an absolute sealing of the apartment, which
    improve the soundproofing qualities of the room. When applying the material to the walls
    and ceiling surface
    a monolithic layer is formed, which will fill all cracks on the surface.
  5. Using
    foam, it turns out to save space in the apartment. If the sound insulation
    a layer of three centimeters and add the parameters of a drywall sheet to this, then
    it turns out that full soundproofing will have a thickness of four centimeters.
    Liquid insulation is the best solution for small-sized housing.
  6. Weight
    material is very light, so the structure of the additional load is not
  7. Structure
    material allows for effective sound insulation in a different range

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Speaking about the disadvantages of polyurethane foam, the material has few of them, and
the main one is the difficulty of dismantling. Despite the duration
operation, which is more than fifty years, will still have to
soundproofing to change, and it will be difficult to wipe it off the wall. This, perhaps, is all
negative aspects of liquid sound insulation.

Process and processing features

To apply liquid soundproofing indoors, you need
special technical equipment. Under pressure, the chemical composition is applied
on the surface, forming a polyurethane layer. Such insulation will protect the house from
noise, penetration of cold and various pests.

The work process is simple. If to work with
other materials need some preparation, then in the case of polyurethane foam,
all this is not needed. If there are large exfoliating
elements, then they can be dismantled, but otherwise nothing is needed.

Application technology

The technological process of applying sound insulation has
some resemblance to painting. Apply liquid soundproofing
evenly, like ordinary paint in several layers. Don't keep long
spray at one point to prevent large foaming. Thickness
layer should be three centimeters, this is quite enough for the material
provided the required level of protection.

Stage 1. Preparatory

As such a preparatory step in the processing of liquid
there is no sound insulation, but you can clean the surface of the wall from peeling
elements. It also does not hurt to cover the floor with plastic wrap.
or paper. Foam that gets on the floor will dry out and be difficult to clean.

If there are wires and sockets on the wall, then they
you should close it first so that in the end you don’t have to
completely change the wiring. For cables, use a special
corrugated casing. Upon completion of the preparatory work, equipment is brought in,
and you can start applying.

Stage 2. Primer

The surface of the wall should be treated with a primer. As for
any finish, the primer provides maximum adhesion to the coating. Apply
primer can be used as a hand tool: roller or brush, but also
spray gun. Liquid
wall impregnation is a prerequisite when working with surfaces.

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Thanks to the primer on the surface of the wall under the sound insulation
fungus or mold does not form. The primer must be applied evenly throughout
surfaces. It is better to start the application from the top of the room, this will not
get leaks.

Stage 3. Applying soundproofing

Polyurethane foam must be applied in two stages. First
the layer is thin for the bond, and the second is denser. It is at the time of application
the second layer forms a reliable soundproof coating. Polymer
expands, and the resulting bubbles will be an excellent insulating layer. At
When working with a polymer, a special pressure tool is used.
When the insulation layer has reached three centimeters over the entire surface, you can
finish processing and stack inventory.

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Stage 4. Drying

After completion of the application of the polymer material, it
must be allowed to dry. Depending on the manufacturer and composition of the foam, the time
drying may be different. When the insulation hardens, it forms a dense
porous structure. The outer surface of the coating is uneven, so for
to bring the wall to the ideal, it is necessary to use facing plates or
panels. Alternatively, decorative panels can be used, which,
despite the small thickness, they also have a certain level of sound insulation.
When all finishing and installation work is completed, you can hand over the object

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

To date, a variety of soundproof
materials is so large that you can pick up according to the requirements and
wishes. When it comes to a large apartment, then use
frame sound insulation will be beneficial for you, since its cost is cheaper,
rather than using liquid soundproofing. Liquid soundproofing of the floor in the apartment, as well as walls and
ceilings will make the room comfortable and convenient. The best option
processing is considered a small living space. Due to the small thickness
the soundproofing layer in the apartment will save those important centimeters.

As mentioned earlier, only an integrated approach to
noise isolation guarantees effective and reliable protection against various noise and
sounds.Installed in the apartment outer and inner soundproofing can not
worry about your sleep and peace of mind.

General concepts

Sound is understood as mechanical vibrations from 20 to 20,000 Hz. The human ear cannot hear frequencies above or below. An undesirable sound that interferes with concentration or relaxation is what we call noise.

The selection of its structural composition is based on the use of the physical laws of propagation of wave oscillations in an inhomogeneous medium. To describe this in detail, you need to outline entire sections of acoustics.

In practice, it is usually sufficient to know that soundproof plaster is saturated with the smallest pores, and 2/3 of it itself consists of granules of substances that poorly transmit mechanical vibrations. Fibrous materials are also added to some compositions to increase sound-damping properties. As a result, we obtain a porous substance in which sound vibrations are intensively damped or reflected.

Warm plaster for outdoor use

For warm plasters, solutions are used that have a volumetric weight of 600 to 1200 kg / m3 in an air-dry state.
Binders: Portland cement, hydraulic lime, air lime, lime + Portland cement.
Aggregates: crayons, boiler slag, tuff and pumice fines or organic matter (sawdust, charcoal chips, screened sphagnum fines).
Fillers of warm solutions are dosed by analogy with building sand in cold solutions; the ratio between binder and aggregate is from 1:2 to 1:3 (by volume).

The grain size of inorganic aggregates is from 0.25 to 2 mm; aggregates should not contain dust and farinaceous particles. For internal basting, the grain size is up to 3 mm.

When applying warm plasters, the following rules must be followed:
warm plasters are applied with a layer of 3 to 7 cm according to the calculation; the surface of the wall should not be wet;
too dry surface should be moistened by spraying; before applying the mortar, the walls are sprayed with a grout of the same composition, but with a finer aggregate.

Under plasters containing sawdust or sphagnum, spraying is done with a solution in which the aggregate is replaced by sand.

How to apply

The process of applying soundproof plaster is no less important than the quality of the material itself. Due to non-compliance with the finishing technology, the resulting coating will not meet the declared characteristics and will not provide the proper level of sound insulation. The plaster mixture is suitable for application on concrete, wood and brick walls. The soundproofing mortar can be applied manually or by machine.

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Foundation preparation

Soundproofing plaster does not require perfectly smooth walls for application. However, some preparatory work still needs to be done. The surface is cleaned from the old coating, dirt and grease. Strong irregularities are recommended to be eliminated. If there are cracks on the base, they must be repaired with cement mortar.

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

Solution preparation

Further preparatory and finishing work must be carried out at an air temperature in the range from +17 to +25 degrees and a humidity of not more than 65%. Instructions for diluting the plaster will be indicated on the packaging of the material. For most varieties, the process looks about the same:

  • Pour the dry mixture into a clean container with a volume of thirty liters or more.
  • For one bag of dry plaster, you need to take about twelve liters of water. The exact proportions are indicated on the product packaging.
  • With the introduction of water, the solution is constantly stirred. This procedure will take about seven minutes in total. The mixture should become viscous and homogeneous.
  • The solution is left to stand for ten minutes, after which it is stirred again.
  • The resulting mixture must be used within four hours.

Finishing work

The solution is applied in at least two layers.The total thickness of the coating should be approximately twenty millimeters. You can increase this figure to two and a half centimeters. Layers are applied sequentially after complete drying of the previous coating, with a thickness of not more than ten millimeters. Too thick a layer may crack when dry.

The plaster coating is leveled with an aluminum rule. Excess mixture can be removed with a trowel for plaster. After applying the mortar, the walls can be coated with water-based paints or decorative plaster mixtures.

Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.Soundproofing under plaster. Liquid soundproofing for the apartment. Acoustic plaster.

In the next video you will find a presentation of heat and sound insulating plaster De Luxe TEPLOLUX.


