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Some Specifications

To begin with, we note that the type of tool in question can only be used in conjunction with special holders. This is due to the fact that a large force must be transmitted to the die during machining. One holder can be used to work simultaneously with different types of handles.

Main menuLerka die for threadingNavigation by articlesInstallation of ITP of thermal points of buildingsShare with friends if you liked the articleThe following information should also be considered:

  1. Left dies are used to obtain a left-handed thread. Today they are used extremely rarely. To designate a tool, the designation "LH" is applied. A similar thread is required when the element is constantly in rotation during operation.
  2. Pipe versions differ from metric ones, the symbol “G” is applied to the surface of the body to indicate.
  3. To obtain a thread for a cone, a conical pipe tool is used. Most often used on production lines for the production of machine tools or fuel pipelines. It is designated by drawing the letter "K" on the surface of the case.

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When choosing a tool, attention should also be paid to the concept of a step - the distance formed between two adjacent turns. It should be borne in mind that the plate has a main and an additional step

Rules of procedure

When working with pipes, it is important to stock up on dies with a pipe clamp and a wrench. The die is selected taking into account the type of thread required

This can be determined by reconciliation with the stigma or inspection. Dies must be marked. The data on them will give an idea of ​​what brand the tool is made from.

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Most pipes require cylindrical threads. Also, before work, you need to determine its direction: right or left. To do this, an alphabetic index is depicted on the plates: "L" - left, and "P" - right. Also, the plate indicates which steel grade it belongs to, this makes it possible to choose the right tool for cutting stainless steel pipes.

The cutting rules are quite simple:

one). Prepare pipe for cutting. To do this, a chamfer is removed with a file, and the zone is treated with an oil solution.

2). Insert the plate into the holder, securing with screws.

3). Bring the die to the product and make several circular rotations in the desired direction of the thread.

4). Lightly press the die to cut it into the material.

Scroll algorithm:

  • 2-3 turns in one direction;
  • half a turn - to the other.

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And so on until the end of cutting

In this case, it is very important to keep the pipe and the die strictly perpendicular. Otherwise, the thread will “walk”, which will affect the quality of the connection.

The arrangement of elements, as well as threading, is demonstrated on video and photo materials for the best results. Checking thread quality is easy. To do this, it is enough to screw on the nut if it is screwed along the outer diameter of the pipe. The most accurate cut is obtained with a sliding die. It will help out if you need to urgently replace a piece of pipe that has a threaded connection.

Also, for the choice of dies, it is important to consider what kind of thread will be made, external or internal. Qualitatively performed work will make it possible to make a tight threaded connection even in pressure pipes of the water supply system

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Let's sum up

As you can see, making your own thread using dies is not at all difficult. To do this, it is enough to choose the right tool, make a little effort and accuracy. Probably, many representatives of the male half of humanity remember how such tasks were solved in labor lessons at school. Therefore, for the majority, it will only be necessary to remember the acquired skills and apply them already in adulthood.It’s like riding a bike: it’s enough to learn once to feel confident in the saddle even after a long break.

Dies classification

Recently, in the manufacture of dies, tool steel has been used, which has a high resistance to abrasion. A die for cutting external threads can be classified according to the following criteria:

  1. Form.
  2. Cutting method.
  3. Hull structure.

Main menuLerka die for threadingNavigation by articlesInstallation of ITP of thermal points of buildingsShare with friends if you liked the articleThe following dies are distinguished by shape:

  1. In the form of a square. The outer part of the housing may be square in shape, thereby facilitating the transfer of force.
  2. Tubular are very widespread.
  3. In the form of a hexagon.
  4. A tool with a round body shape has also become widespread. They allow you to get a thread of fine or coarse pitch, metric or inch type.

Lerka for threading according to design features is of the following type:

  1. One-piece - a fairly simple tool that has a one-piece body. It is characterized by low cost and ease of use.
  2. Split have a complex shape of the internal space.
  3. Sliding have a complex design, which can be used for threading on cylindrical surfaces of various diameters. This is achieved by creating a housing with movable elements.

According to the method of threading, the tool is divided into the following groups:

  1. For round thread.
  2. For cylindrical.
  3. For tapered threads.

The most widely used tool is round, as it can be used for threading in one pass.

Best Answers


A die is a threading tool for cutting external threads manually or on a machine.

A die and a lerka is a thread-cutting tool for cutting external threads by hand or machine. At present, the division into dies and lerks has ceased to exist. Previously, the name die was used in relation to typesetting and adjustable threading tools, preferably large diameters. The term lerka was used to designate an insert with a threaded hole and grooves for chip removal. Lerks were used to make more precise threads of small diameters.

Dies are designed for cutting or calibrating external threads in one pass. The most common dies for threading up to 52 mm in diameter. The die is a hardened nut with axial holes forming cutting edges. As a rule, 3-6 chip holes are made on the dies for chip removal. The thickness of the die is 8-10 turns. The cutting part of the die is made in the form of an internal cone. The length of the intake part is 2-3 turns. The dies are made of alloyed steels (9KhS, HVSGF), high-speed steels (R18, R6M5, R6M5K5, R6M5K8), and more recently - from hard alloys. They are marked with the designation and degree of accuracy of the thread being cut, the steel grade (9XC is not indicated).

Earring Vocensuk:

a die and a lerk are one and the same thing, they are just called differently. Looks like someone had an accent, that's what they called it.



sasha novikov:



Die turner tool, lerka plumbing tool

Purpose of the device

To connect two metal pipes use welding or threaded connection. The disadvantage of the welding connection is the impossibility of its separation when such a need arises. When working with welding, experience is needed, since the connection must be not only strong, but also reliable. The presence of a thread does not require the use of a welding machine, which simplifies the process of connecting two pipes. Such a connection is reliable, durable, and can also be disconnected at any time using two keys.

To connect a pipe with a threaded connection, threading must be performed. For this, a tool called a klupp is used. Its use allows you to get a thread of the following diameters:

  • half inch;
  • ¾;
  • inch;
  • inch and a quarter.

The advantage of a threaded connection is that with this method the zinc layer is not disturbed, as in welding. This protects the pipe from the negative effects of corrosion, extending its service life. A tool is used to obtain a strong connection of water and steam pipes that can withstand heavy loads in temperature and pressure.

What does the device in question look like?

The pipe klupp is the prototype of the die, or rather, it came from the lerk. This is a simplified version of the cutting lerka, although there are products that have a fairly high cost. The product differs from the lerka and the die in that it has a collapsible design. The die is made entirely of durable steel, and only cutters are cast from it in the die.

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To ensure effective threading of the pipe, the tool uses strong cutters and a holder made of ordinary metal. The main structural elements of a pipe die include:

  • A holder that plays the role of a base. In the holder, you can replace the cutters, as the design is collapsible.
  • Incisors. Available in various diameters, and must be replaced in the holder when grinding the cutting edge.

The design of the simplest product has the form of a guide with clamps for cutters. The force is applied to the handles with which the device is equipped. If there are no handles, then threading is performed by moving the die with a pipe or wrench.

Tool varieties

Usually, the kit comes with a set of screw caps for cutting threads of different diameters, and the kit looks like this.

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Threading tools for pipes are classified into the following types:

  • Manual thread-cutting die. The product is driven by two handles or wrenches. With this type of product, it is convenient to thread threads on pipes with a diameter of up to one inch.
  • Hand-operated screw cap with ratchet. The ratchet allows you to carry out reciprocating movements of the cutting tool when performing work. The advantage of such products is the simplification of work on obtaining a threaded connection of large diameter. Using such a device is similar to screwing a nut onto a bolt with a ratchet wrench.
  • Electric tool. By means of the electric device the maximum comfort in work is provided. It is rational to use such a tool only when you have to perform the corresponding work in large volumes on a daily basis.

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Expert answers


And the same way a hippopotamus differs from a hippopotamus.

V.V. P.:

External and internal thread.

Nikolai Prikhodko:

One ... but.


A die and a lerka is a thread-cutting tool for cutting external threads by hand or machine. At present, the division into dies and lerks has ceased to exist. Previously, the name die was used in relation to typesetting and adjustable threading tools, preferably large diameters. The term lerka was used to designate an insert with a threaded hole and grooves for chip removal. Lerks were used to make more precise threads of small diameters.


absolutely nothing... two names of the same plumbing tool for cutting external threads.. .

Galina Reu:

a plate-sasha, and a lerk - only with a heating pad!

Sergey Ivanov:

Lerka (die) for external thread, tap for internal.

Alexander Pavlov:

Gee-gee) ) Lerka is still such a name, nothing can be pulled to the die ... Well, if only Palashka. .

Valentin Belyaev:

Lerka, a tool for cutting external threads; a plate with a threaded hole in which there are slots for the formation of cutting edges. Unlike dies, a lerka is a one-piece tool that gives a more accurate carving (especially of small diameters).

Vlad Vlad:

a die cuts the threads on the screws and a lerka cuts the internal threads on the nut.


... I know for sure that a lerk is a special ring that is used to cut a thread on a pipe, for example! .. but I don’t know what a die is! ..

Victor Azarov:

The same way Shura differs from Sasha!!


Die inside

wladimir shustov:

and who won?

dima iwanow:

In addition to the above: the die is used mainly for pipe threads, the lerka is used for metric ...

anatolij drozd:

A die and a lerka is a thread-cutting tool for cutting external threads by hand or machine. At present, the division into dies and lerks has ceased to exist. Previously, the name die was used in relation to typesetting and adjustable threading tools, preferably large diameters. The term lerka was used to designate an insert with a threaded hole and grooves for chip removal. Lerks were used to make more precise threads of small diameters.


I think that you have a threaded die in your right hand, and a lehr in your left.

glory of frost:

If the die harmonizes with the lerka, everything is fine with you

Behemoth cat:

The plate is whole. Lerka with a radial slot.

Viktor Lukinykh:


Aha aha:

otvet.mail /question/76128401“Formerly, the name die was used in relation to typesetting and adjustable threading tools, preferably large diameters. The term lerka was used to designate an insert with a threaded hole and grooves for chip removal. ""... the die is used mainly for pipe threads, the lerka - for metric ... "

villain sestroretsky:

And I don’t remember anymore ... everyone called it in their own way and it seems like it’s the same thing.

Cat Murych:

Nothing, it's the same thing, just used to be called differently.

Nikolay Ivanov:

Nothing. Is that for one you need a die holder and for the other a lerko holder.


s en.wikipedia /wiki/Dash

Prophetic Olga:

Well, by God, Wikipedia explains this in the second line .. banned?

Free wind:

Lerka - a device for cutting external threads, a die is part of this device ....

kvi kuzmenok:

Metric and inch thread.


A die and a lerka is a thread-cutting tool for cutting external threads manually or by machine (on a machine). At present, the division into dies and lerks has ceased to exist. Previously, the name die was used in relation to typesetting and adjustable threading tools, preferably of larger diameters. The term lerka was used to designate an insert with a threaded hole and chip evacuation grooves, which were used to make finer diameter threads. Dies are designed for cutting or calibrating external threads in a single pass. The most common dies for threading up to 52 mm in diameter. The die is a hardened nut with axial holes forming cutting edges. As a rule, 3-6 chip holes are made on the dies for chip removal. The thickness of the die is 8-10 turns. The cutting part of the die is made in the form of an internal cone. The length of the intake part is 2-3 turns. The dies are made of alloyed steels (9KhS, HVSGF), high-speed steels (R18, R6M5, R6M5K5, R6M5K8), and more recently - from hard alloys. They are marked with the designation and degree of accuracy of the thread being cut, the steel grade (9XC is not indicated). s en.wikipedia /wiki/Dash

All about dice

A die or lerka is a device that cuts various types of external threads. It is represented by a small nut, on which there is an edge and chip control. The threaded fixture can be with thread pitch sizes from eight to ten.

The thread pitch is the distance between adjacent threads.

Main menuLerka die for threadingNavigation by articlesInstallation of ITP of thermal points of buildingsShare with friends if you liked the articleThe area of ​​operation of the dies are iron pipes and rods. The thread has a conical and cylindrical shape.
To obtain a high-quality thread, you need to cut in one pass. The die has a cutting edge.To make a cylindrical thread, dies with two parts of the working area are used - calibrating and cutting. The calibrating part forms the final diameter and thread profile.

Dies classification

Main menuLerka die for threadingNavigation by articlesInstallation of ITP of thermal points of buildingsShare with friends if you liked the article

Lerks are divided into: tubular, square, round and hexagonal.

They are also divided by structure:

  • whole;
  • sliding (prismatic);
  • cut.

Round lerka has the widest distribution. She is threaded with one passage, and not several as sliding.
These dies can cut threads with different pitches. They can also cut pipe and inch threads. The working part of the round dies is not subjected to grinding. The outside diameter will depend on the size of the chip breakers and the size of the thread required.


