What is Quiet House
I still managed to get into these very closed groups, they were blocked almost immediately, but inside there were links to other groups, and in those to some more, in the manner of a nesting doll. It turned out that this whole system has its own ideology and a specific goal - to reach the Quiet Home. So what is the Quiet Home? There is a modern semi-mystical teaching about the deep Internet Deep Web, it is called Netstalking.
People tend to mystify everything they don't know. Oddly enough, the modern generation, although it grew up among computers, is completely unaware of what computer networks are. They just used the Internet, but did not think about the physical server device, routers, etc. And then they came up with their version of the device of the virtual world.
The first level is the public Internet, Yandex and Google, Vkontakte and Facebook, Wikipedia and others, in general, the legal Internet.
The second level is the illegal Internet. Everything that is under the blocking of Roskomnadzor, to which providers restrict access, all this perfectly exists at the second level. It is not difficult to enter there, it is enough to install the Tor-browser on your computer. This also includes sites in the .onion zone. It has its own social networks, forums where you can buy everything, fake documents, drugs, weapons, hire drops or find a job yourself. I am familiar with this level not by hearsay, you can find almost everything there, but there is still no mysticism here.
The third level is dead subnets, remote sites, non-existent ip. This is where reality meets fiction. For example, we all know that deleted information can be recovered, at least some of it. This is possible because the file system does not physically delete the information, but only marks it as deleted, i.e. to be overwritten. And then, when we save new files, they are physically written over the old ones, overwriting the deleted information. And some believe that such remote information also exists on the Internet. Of course, this is nothing more than a myth.
Dead subnets are local networks with old computers and, apparently, still on coax, which everyone forgot about. Of course, some local networks have an Internet connection, and in theory it is possible to remotely access these computers. Once we did all this, but no dead subnets can exist due to the fact that you cannot access a computer if it is unplugged. But some try.
And finally, the fourth level is the Quiet House. The pictures in the groups claim that this is where reality, dream and network intersect. This is the latest level of the deep Internet, after visiting which you will not become the same, or even someone else will return instead of you. So, all these 50 tasks serve to get into this Quiet House.
There are even stories of those who visited this level. They describe that in this state it is impossible to move or open your eyes, there is nothing there and it will go on forever. But somehow they came back. Dreamers, what else to say. Some tried to explain the existence of the Quiet House from the point of view of quantum physics, but they understand this topic even worse than in the design of computer networks, so it turned out to be completely delusional.
All this computer myth-making originated quite a long time ago, back in the FIDONET era, when legends about a lost point appeared. Of course, these were ordinary horror stories, like a black hand and a coffin on wheels, only about computers. But over time, the legends of cyberpunk acquired details and turned into a full-fledged sect. Thus, the Quiet House was born.
What's going on now
The accounts from which the tasks were originally distributed, of course, were blocked.But now the participants of the first games, having seen how popular the blue whale is, began to play curators themselves. They come up with some tasks from themselves, and some they copied from the original. The information is spreading. And the more people try to fight these death groups, the higher the popularity. And sooner or later, going through the hashtags, a teenager ends up on a video or pages with instructions for entering blocked sites.
Curiosity is a terrible force. He thinks that these are tasks from a whale, but imperceptibly to himself, deciphering the riddles, he ends up with drug dealers. Parents, meanwhile, are distracted by the search for suicide clubs, looking for cuts on their children's hands, and some also stir up interest themselves by spreading information about mass hypnosis in chat rooms, after which children are thrown out of windows. But if someone really committed suicide, then it is worth looking for traces of narcotic drugs in his blood, and not hypnosis.
However, for most this is just a topic for jokes. They do not take tasks seriously, except perhaps some out of curiosity. But for the most part, they simply troll those who are trying to dissuade them from suicide, and the curators themselves. When I asked why they needed all this, the children answered that they were simply bored. It makes sense that boredom might lead teenagers to use drugs, especially if they tell you how and where to buy them.
You need to pay attention to completely different signs. Oddly enough, the first sign is high spirits, exorbitant liveliness in communication, a desire to learn, the child literally radiates energy, sleeps little and eats little.
It is possible that he first used SC. This state is replaced by a sharp depression, apathy, disgust for life, isolation. There may be convulsions, tremors, nervous tics. It is useless to check the history of the browser, its social networks, correspondence and phone, it already knows how to encrypt, and the programs it uses do not store history.
The most interesting thing is that a teenager can try drugs for free. Firstly, some stores give out samples for writing a report (trip report). Secondly, he can be a "seagull". Now I will explain what it is. Drugs are distributed in the following way. The pawnbroker makes a “treasure” in inconspicuous places, writes down the address, makes a description, sometimes a photo. Treasures are made under window sills, in porches, buried in flowerbeds, the imagination of the pawnbroker is unlimited.
The operator in Skype, Telegram or Jabber sells this address with a description to the buyer, payment via Qiwi wallet or bitcoins (Hydra). The buyer goes in search of his treasure, finds it. But if he doesn’t find it, then the “seagull” took him. This is the name of those who do not pay for treasures, but simply look for them around the city. There are even communities of seagulls in the .onion zone that share the most popular bookmarking sites. Most of them are teenagers
Pay attention, you will surely see people in your city rummaging under the trees, at the windows of houses, suspiciously looking around and waiting for passers-by to disperse.
Below are some screenshots from the correspondence
Correspondence with a girl who managed to be both a player and a curator. Judging by the correspondence, she has absolutely nothing to do, she is bored all day long.
This picture roams in all groups. "shisichun. valbfifych bch rchschmyo, shirfiodfstan l ovei snapkotsk, echn tsnddtsyae, ti vaaaklyon sksshn l ychtslnkhmya, shbh unkhchu. kn yaichmoen yasfttsёkhsch gktshchhs d uchschboltsnyu shschshgubyu. kschyashsets nrch skshtzh, chy sschnay piy. - again the Vigenère code "task. take a walk around the city, look into the hollows of trees, under the stairs, behind the mailboxes in the entrances, under the stones. you will find small packages with magic powder. breathe in its scent, it will change you."
Why did you need a Quiet House
In netstalking groups, teenagers complete quests, search for hidden information, learn how to use VPN, study encryption, solve riddles and puzzles.In principle, nothing bad, no suicides, on the contrary, children learn something. But netstalking was not invented by children themselves. It was made by adults. The purpose of netstalking is to teach children how to enter the Internet underground.
They teach how to bypass Roskomnadzor blocking using the Tor browser and VPN, use Jabber, surf sites in the .onion zone, and much more. Sometimes they stumble upon horrifying pictures or videos of murders or suicides as they travel through the Internet underground. Such a spectacle, of course, can adversely affect the fragile child's psyche, responding with nightmares or insomnia, but no more.
But the topic of netstalking was still not as popular as the topic of suicide. That's when Philippe Lis showed up with his F57. He created a fake group that posted F57 satanic images, and also attracted mentally unstable teenagers from the Sea of Whales group. He presented them with his version of netstalking, talked about the Quiet House and the Internet underground.
They carried out his tasks, the last of which was suicide. And in order to show the participants of the game the seriousness of what is happening, he published in the group a list of VKontakte pages of those people who had already committed suicide, allegedly because of his game. There were about 130 of them in total, but if they committed suicide, it was for their own reasons, and not on the orders of one madman. That's when all the noise around the whales arose. Do you think he invented this game himself? I do not believe in this. Most likely, he was simply hired for this purpose. And that's why.
After the 30th task, it was required not to sleep for the rest of the days. It is known for certain that a person without sleep can do no more than three days. Then the person begins to suffer terrible hallucinations, after a while he falls into a coma, from which he no longer comes out. Once I tried to stay awake for three days, after which tigers walked around me, I shied away from zombies, in general, not very pleasant. But I also know people who went without sleep for 3-4 months. I met them when I worked with drug addicts. All were regular users of amphetamine and methamphetamine analogues called "salt" or SC (short for "speed").
These substances are white crystalline (krises) or floury (flour) powder. It can be snorted, smoked, eaten or injected. When a person is under the influence of a substance, he feels the reception of forces, he does not need to eat, sleep, he is cheerful and cheerful, he does not feel pain. But when the effect of the substance wears off, a terrible depression awaits him, hallucinations, often exorbitant use ends in a stroke, and sometimes suicide.
At that time, even doctors did not really know how to treat such addicts. Some died as soon as they stopped using or inflicted injuries to themselves or loved ones in a fit of psychosis. In this state, it is quite possible to complete the last tasks. And it's not far from suicide. Such drugs are distributed in this very Internet underground, which teenagers learn to enter by completing netstalking tasks.
And what were my surprises when some links in the closed blue whale groups led me to one of the most famous resources for the sale of drugs LegalRC.biz. Your ISP will not allow you to click on these links, but if you use at least a VPN or a Tor browser, you will be taken to a drug trafficking forum. And this was the goal of the organizers of the game.