Floor soundproofing: reviews

How to install the Isoplat substrate

Before installing the plates, first of all, prepare the base. The floor surface must be level. If thin material 3 mm, 4 mm, 5 mm or 7 mm thick is used, check that all uneven areas have been eliminated. And if they are found, it is necessary to treat the surface with a special leveling mixture. Deviations of no more than 1 mm per 1 - 2 m are allowed. A flat surface will guarantee that after installation of the floor covering there will be no creaking or deflection of the laminate. The base must be thoroughly cleaned of dust, various contaminants. The moisture content of the concrete or cement base should not exceed 5%.

Floor soundproofing: reviews

There are many reviews that indicate that installing the plates is quite simple. For work you will need a tape measure, a square, a special knife. The order of installation of plates:

  • Before installation, the boards should be kept for 24 hours in the room where the laminate will be installed. This process is needed to equalize the humidity of the material and the air in the room. The slabs are placed in a vertical position and laid with wooden blocks to provide free air access.
  • In order not to match the gaps between the laminate and the Isoplat substrate, the boards should be laid at an angle of 45 degrees in the direction of laying the floor covering, as shown in the photo.
  • When installing the plates, leave a small gap (0.5 - 1 cm) between them and the wall. In order to make the connection more durable, the material can be attached to the base with glue.
  • The final step will be the installation of the selected flooring.

IsoShum substrate features

Many materials that are installed under the floor covering perform a certain set of a wide variety of functions. These include sound insulation, heat conservation, moisture protection and much more. But such materials are also produced, the main property of which is noise absorption. The soundproofing underlay for Izoshum laminate is made of extruded polystyrene foam.

Floor soundproofing: reviews

According to reviews, Izoshum has a number of advantages:

  • the material is suitable for laying on a cement or concrete base;
  • is not exposed to the destructive effects of various bacteria, fungi, insects, rodents;
  • has great resistance to oils and solvents;
  • high level of sound absorption. The substrate is able to reduce the sound volume by almost 20 decibels, and absorbs noise by 50%.

Floor soundproofing: reviews

  • thermal insulation. although sound insulation is considered the main property of iso-noise, it is also able to perform the function of a heat insulator;
  • strength and resistance to heavy loads (the material can withstand a pressure of 6 t / sq.m.);
  • the ability to smooth out minor irregularities on the base of the floor.
  • environmental friendliness. isoshum sheets do not contain any harmful substances, therefore they are considered absolutely safe for human health.

Installation of the substrate Isoshum

This type of insulating coating is often used in the arrangement of offices, business premises, and children's rooms. But to get a good result is possible only if the installation is carried out correctly. According to reviews, Izoshum sheets can be laid on their own, because this does not require special tools or skills.

Floor soundproofing: reviews

But if there is no self-confidence, then it is better to seek help from specialists who will quickly and efficiently install the insulating material. The installation of the substrate is carried out in a few simple steps:

  1. First you need to prepare the base. It must be dry and clean. Subfloor joints or other irregularities must be removed to ensure a level floor surface after laminate flooring is installed.
  2. Sheets are laid across the direction of installation of the laminate with stripes down. The distance between them should be approximately 1 - 3 mm.Rows of sheets should be installed with a slight offset. This will greatly reduce the risk of material shifting during installation.
  3. Installed sheets should be connected to each other using masking tape;

Immediately after that, you can start laying the laminate.


