Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

Advantages and disadvantages of liquid sound insulation

Like any other material, liquid sound insulation has its own
advantages and disadvantages. Speaking about the advantages of the material, it should be noted

  1. Processed
    the surface, in addition to soundproofing qualities, also improves thermal insulation
    apartment, which will help save on heating in the winter.
  2. Thanks to
    the structure of the material after application, it penetrates into the cracks and pores, effectively
    isolating the room. Often such material is used for processing window and
    doorways where gaps may form.
  3. Foam
    has high adhesion to various surfaces, which allows
    apply sound insulation even without preliminary surface preparation. By
    the completion of the work leaves a minimum of debris and waste.
  4. WITH
    using polyurethane foam, you can make an absolute sealing of the apartment, which
    improve the soundproofing qualities of the room. When applying the material to the walls
    and ceiling surface
    a monolithic layer is formed, which will fill all cracks on the surface.
  5. Using
    foam, it turns out to save space in the apartment. If the sound insulation
    a layer of three centimeters and add the parameters of a drywall sheet to this, then
    it turns out that full soundproofing will have a thickness of four centimeters.
    Liquid insulation is the best solution for small-sized housing.
  6. Weight
    material is very light, so the structure of the additional load is not
  7. Structure
    material allows for effective sound insulation in a different range

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing@zhidkaya_shumoizolyatsia

Speaking about the disadvantages of polyurethane foam, the material has few of them, and
the main one is the difficulty of dismantling. Despite the duration
operation, which is more than fifty years, will still have to
soundproofing to change, and it will be difficult to wipe it off the wall. This, perhaps, is all
negative aspects of liquid sound insulation.

Do-it-yourself installation

Having familiarized yourself with the types of materials, you can proceed to work on eliminating noise from a metal bath.

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

Mounting foam

The simplest and most understandable way to soundproof a bath is to treat the bottom with mounting foam. According to Internet users, this technology contributes to the thermal insulation of the product walls and improves its strength. Before starting the process of heat and sound insulation, it is necessary to turn off the water supply and dismantle the bath. To do this, disconnect the siphon, and put the product on its side.

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

First you need to clean the surface of the bowl from dirt and dust, and then degrease it.

It is important to protect the drain and overflow holes with masking tape. To achieve adhesion of the steel alloy to the mounting foam, you need to make a mesh with silicone sealant on the outside of the bath

Then, carefully and evenly, it is necessary to apply the foam. It is believed that for home soundproofing it is better to use "summer" foam. It has the best performance, and unlike conventional foam, it polymerizes better and expands faster.

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

Foamed polyethylene

Before starting work, the bath is disconnected from the water supply and turned over with the bowl down. Then it is cleaned of dirt and dust. For a better fit, polyethylene mats are cut. After that, the protective film is removed from the cut parts, carefully and accurately glued to the product. In this case, it is necessary to smooth the material to prevent the formation of bubbles.

At the end of the work, it is necessary to return the bath to its normal position, connect the siphon and connect the water supply. In order to save the consumption of mats, you need to glue them only in the bottom area around the drain hole and the sides of the bath.

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofingSoundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing


The process of soundproofing a steel bath with this material does not require turning off the water supply and disconnecting the siphon. Pieces of the required sizes are cut out of the vibroplast, after removing the protective film from them, it is necessary to glue the surface of the product. In this case, it is necessary to align the pieces for their snug fit, and roll them with a roller.

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofingSoundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

liquid acrylic

Before processing with liquid acrylic, the metal bath is cleaned with sanding paper and an active cleaning agent. Then dirt and dust is washed off the bowl. For high-quality painting, it is necessary to degrease the product with a solvent and allow it to dry. In order not to stain the surrounding objects and the floor, you need to remove the siphon and cover everything around with plastic wrap. Acrylic should be applied in bulk to the entire inner area of ​​the bowl, processing it in a circle.

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofingSoundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

Using a special brush, it will be necessary to paint the inside of the bath, and then use rubber spatulas to level the acrylic layer. Acrylic dries for a long time. Therefore, it is better to leave the device to dry for 2-3 days in order to achieve the best result.

Thanks to the large selection of soundproofing materials, owners of steel baths have a choice. It should be remembered that the processing of the product with vibroplast or other insulating material requires further decoration of the bowl. In order for the bath to fit snugly against the wall, you need to use liquid nails or special silicone.

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofingSoundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

For information on how to make soundproofing a steel bath yourself, see the following video.

Rubber-bitumen mastics

as a waterproofing, rubber-bitumen mastic is used.
Due to the chemical composition of the substance, mastic can be used for
processing of various surfaces. Of course, as soundproofing
you can use mastic only in a car, but as for an apartment, do not
necessary, but if it is necessary to carry out work to protect the surface from aggressive
environments it is one of the best.

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing@zhidkaya_shumoizolyatsia

With the use of rubber-bitumen mastic, it is possible to carry out
external soundproofing. Quite often bituminous mastic
used for different types of roofs. Due to its characteristics, the material
provides hydro and sound insulation, but concerns - these are mainly the upper floors
and apartments.

Real view when completely disassembled

Read to the end, as the most effective methods are shown at the end of my review!

So, the first step is to start with the external elements, which play an important role. From the side of the bottom, plastic shields are installed along the entire length of the car, which also dampen a lot of noise from the tires and the road.

From the engine compartment, the sound is hindered by a small thickness of black felt, and it looks like this:

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

You will not see anything surprising here, since there are similar sections even on the cheapest cars, up to our VAZs. But the following points are already inherent in more expensive models and we are talking about fender liner.

Of course, they are not plastic, but already made of a soft material such as felt, which also helps to keep sound in the arches and prevent it from entering the cabin.

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

This type of fender liner is definitely used both on the Octavia A7 and on the Jetta 6, unfortunately I have no information on other models.

Now we go further and it is worth paying attention to the internal sound insulation of the body. On the floor, as expected, there is a molded insulation, which also absorbs a lot of extra sounds:

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

The front of the panel is also pretty well equipped with a sound absorber, and looks something like this:

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

This thick layer is literally on top of the heater, which certainly reduces the noise from the stove fan. If you think that this is ineffective, I suggest listening to the operation of the motor without any "protection".

Now we move further along the cabin and look at the roof, or rather the inside, and we also see rather thick sheets of Shumka, which on the same Jetta are no longer in such quantity:

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

In the luggage compartment on the floor there is also our usual “cotton wool”, which is a worthy noise insulator according to the experience of most automakers.

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

And on the arches it’s already a little more than on the floor, as you can see for yourself:

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

Another nice point that pleases the eye is that even the seat belts are protected by special covers, which are also designed to reduce noise during the operation of inertial coils.

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

And the most interesting thing, as promised, is the noise absorbers in the thresholds, from where the sound comes from the outside most of all. They are foamed inside and are essentially filled with a porous composition that most effectively copes with noise.

Soundproofing of the apartment. The choice of material for soundproofing

People who are unenlightened in this matter may think that this is the result of a collective farm repair of bodybuilders, but be sure that this is factory-made and this is the norm for VAG, although I do not exclude that other manufacturers also foam thresholds.

As for the doors, it is worth saying that no special layers were found, but the plastic plugs on every technological hole do their job.

Complex sound insulation with liquid materials

It is possible to create optimal protection in an apartment from noise only in
integrated approach. Subject to the treatment of external and internal walls with liquid
soundproofing materials can achieve optimal results.

Of course, the complex execution of work requires certain
costs, however, given the performance characteristics of materials, it is possible with
declare with confidence that comfortable conditions will be in your home for at least
Fifty years, which in principle is quite a long time. High-quality sound insulation
will protect the house, from all types of noise, creating the necessary coziness and comfort.


