Fibrous sound absorbers
fibrous sound-absorbing building materials are the basis for construction.
Such designs give the maximum effect with acoustic noise, while
characteristics of products contribute to the use of material for various
indoor insulation options.
fibrous building materials can be used for various types of surfaces
different mounting methods. If we talk about the most advantageous option for sound insulation,
then the fibrous structure is the optimal solution for a residential building or apartment.
Sound absorption values for fibrous building materials can vary from
0.4 to 1.0. also do not forget about the benefits of fibrous sound insulation, it is
order is cheaper than other product options.
Sound absorbing structures
Soundproofing boards
can have a fibrous or porous backing the choice depends on the application
and characteristics of the canvas itself. It should be noted that these products are used for
arranging cinemas, recording studios or concert halls. Moreover
due to the environmental friendliness of products, it is possible to produce sound insulation of residential
premises, schools and kindergartens. The noise insulation coefficient of materials on the wall will provide
required level of protection.
If you need to increase
degree of sound absorption, it is possible to increase the number of plates used, which in
in turn will make the material even thicker. The right approach to problem solving
guaranteed to make the house or room comfortable and cozy
suitable material, it is important to look at indicators such as the thickness of the slab and its
soundproof properties. To set the optimal parameters of the room
soundproofing is essential
sound absorbers have a perforated screen made of painted metal sheet,
which repels sounds well without penetrating into the middle of the room. If
consider the design as a whole, then between the screen sheet and the fiber should
a breathable layer of canvas is installed, which will
retain small particles. Such designs can be used for any kind of
sound at different frequencies. Soundproofing with sound-absorbing
structures will be maximum. Quite often, such screens are used in decoration.
as anti-vandal.
No matter how great the material is, it still has some flaws. One and perhaps the most important disadvantage of decorative soundproof panels is the high cost. If we compare the installation of the simplest frame-type sound insulation, then it will cost the owner several times cheaper than purchasing noise-absorbing panels, decorative plates.
Although if we consider everything in more detail, it turns out that for standard sound insulation it is necessary to additionally perform wall decoration, ceilings and floors. In the case of using decorative plates, you do not need to do anything, since the products are already distinguished by their attractiveness.
Manufacturers Overview
There are quite a lot of materials for soundproofing residential premises, in addition, they are represented on the market by a huge number of domestic and foreign manufacturers.
The domestic manufacturer "MaxForte" specializes in the implementation of innovative noise-protecting materials. Among the line of products presented, the following products stand out - EcoPanel, ShumoIzol, Standart. All presented products are safe for humans, therefore they are approved for use in civil and industrial construction.
Soundproof panels from Rus Korda LLC are represented by multilayer products.Fiberglass is used as a soundproofing layer, and the outer layer is made of spunboard. Materials vary in thickness. The advantage of the panels is flexibility and elasticity, which allows the use of products for fastening to various beams and ceilings. The material does not burn and provides an additional level of thermal insulation.
Soundproofing membranes Tecsound of the Spanish manufacturer Texsa, can be used as a separate material for sound absorption or in combination with other sound insulators. This material is recommended for floor soundproofing.
In addition, we can distinguish the PhoneStar brand of materials for soundproofing, which is a durable panel, the outer layer of which is made of pressed corrugated cardboard.
Noise isolation Knauf belongs to the elite class of materials, as it has high quality characteristics. Knauf soundproofing compares favorably with other materials by its ease of installation and high service life. The most demanded products of the German concern is the "New Acoustic" Knauf.
Sound absorption coefficient
When the sound wave
passes through the material, the reflection value is its sound insulation coefficient.
The maximum absorption level is considered to be one. In this case
the sound is completely absorbed and does not reflect off the surface. As a rule, such
indicators can show the complex composition of insulation layers. If the indicator
is equal to zero, then the insulation does not absorb sound waves, and, therefore, does not
guarantees protection. Sound-absorbing building materials can be considered products with
coefficient from 0.4. When choosing insulating materials, this parameter needs to be
give primary importance, since the comfort inside the building depends on it.