The price of a turnkey bath and toilet repair: calculation of the cost of repairing a bathroom

The bathroom and toilet are recognized as the most problematic places in the apartment, which are quite difficult to repair with your own hands, despite the relatively small footage of these premises and the availability of any building materials. Laying wall and floor tiles requires certain professional skills; replacing plumbing fixtures can be an extremely dangerous undertaking in the hands of an inexperienced master. Is it worth saving on repairs if, in the end, at best, after the collapse of the tiles from the wall, the deformation of the floor coverings and the distortion of the ceiling, and at worst, the leakage to the lower floors, you will have to buy materials to replace the damaged ones, pay for repairs to your neighbors and start all over again? In order to avoid problems and unnecessary financial losses, it is better to immediately look for qualified craftsmen and calculate the cost of repairing a bathroom and a turnkey toilet.

Calculate how much it will cost to renovate a bathroom and toilet

What is a bathroom and toilet renovation?

Turnkey bathroom renovation is a complex of works, which include:

  • replacement of risers and pipes of cold and hot water supply;
  • alignment and cladding of walls, ceiling and floor with materials of the customer's choice;
  • design bathroom and toilet interior design;
  • room waterproofing;
  • choice of hanging, floor or built-in plumbing equipment - faucets, sinks, bathtubs, showers, toilets, bidets;
  • selection and placement of furniture for a bathroom, toilet or combined bathroom;
  • installation of plumbing and electrical equipment;
  • finishing the premises after the completion of repair work, cleaning construction debris.

Turnkey repair is a full range of works from design development to garbage disposal

How to choose a team of masters

When choosing repair specialists, you should carefully study the market for such services in your city, read the reviews of people who have worked for one or another team. Many professionals have websites with photos of renovated premises, terms of employment, a detailed description and cost of all types of services, addresses and contact numbers.

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Having chosen a team, you need to carefully study the price list, taking into account your financial capabilities, make a preliminary calculation of the cost of repairs with the foreman and discuss all the nuances of the work and the deadlines.

Be careful when choosing a construction company and a team of professionals

What the customer can require from the performers:

  • take measurements of the bathroom and toilet;
  • to acquaint with innovations in the field of interior design and technologies;
  • draw up an estimate for the purchase of necessary building and repair materials and equipment;
  • make an estimate for all types of work that will be carried out during the repair;
  • draw up a contract indicating the timing of the repair work and providing a guarantee and submit it to the customer;
  • after signing the contract, draw up a schedule for the supply of building materials and sanitary equipment;
  • purchase and deliver materials and equipment to one of the parties to the contract;
  • carry out repairs in accordance with the contract;
  • prepare the premises for delivery to the customer.

The customer can buy building materials and equipment necessary for the repair of a bathroom and toilet at construction markets or specialized stores and deliver it on his own or completely entrust these functions to the performers.

Thanks to bulk purchases, many construction companies can offer building materials at prices below store prices.

Note! The cost of materials, tools and equipment offered by repairmen often compares favorably with market prices.

Types of bathroom and toilet renovation

There are several turnkey repair options - "Economy", "Standard", "Capital", "Premium" or "Euro".

Repair "Economy" includes:

  • finishing the ceiling and walls with waterproof paint or lining with PVC panels, pasting with waterproof wallpaper;
  • laying floor tiles;
  • carrying out electrical work;
  • installation of sanitary equipment.

Bathroom with economy class finishing

Repair class "Standard" is an extended set of works:

  • installation of ceiling coverings;
  • wall and floor cladding tiles;
  • installation of a box under the risers;
  • installation of plumbing equipment: bathtubs, sinks, faucets, heated towel rails, shower cabins, toilet bowls in a toilet or combined bathroom;
  • installation of electrical equipment - sockets, lamps.
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Standard bathroom renovation

Repair "Capital" consists in the implementation of a whole range of activities, which includes:

  • replacement of pipes for hot and cold water supply, including risers;
  • installation of counters and filters;
  • installation of ceiling coverings;
  • wall and floor tiling;
  • installation of a box for installation and risers;
  • installation of a bathtub, faucets, shower cabin, installation, toilet bowl in a combined bathroom or toilet;
  • installation and connection of equipment - washing machine, heated towel rail;
  • installation of electrical equipment - lamps, sockets;
  • door replacement.

Bathroom after major works with high-quality finishes

"Premium" or "Euro" class repair involves working with high-tech equipment and exclusive materials, such as porcelain stoneware, natural stone, mosaic panels, and includes:

  • redevelopment of premises according to individual design projects;
  • replacement of risers and pipes of cold and hot water supply;
  • installation of counters and filters;
  • installation of a box with a hidden inspection hatch;
  • installation of a waterproof or stretch ceiling;
  • facing walls and floors with tiles or natural and artificial stone;
  • installation of a shower stall with a podium, made according to an individual project;
  • installation of installations, baths, sinks, sinks, bidets, toilets;
  • installation of a washing machine;
  • carrying out electrical work during the installation of ceiling and wall lighting, underfloor heating, exhaust hoods, water heaters.

Premium bathroom renovation example

You can calculate the cost of repairs in the bathroom and toilet yourself using a special online calculator.

Turnkey bathroom renovation (price)

Repair of a turnkey bathroom, depending on the type of work performed and the footage of the room, will cost much more than the arrangement of the toilet.

  • The cost of the budget option will be at least 40 thousand rubles.
  • The price of a bathroom renovation according to an individual design project can vary in the range of 80-100 thousand rubles or significantly exceed the specified limits, depending on the cost of ceiling, wall and floor coverings, equipment and the qualifications of the craftsmen performing the work.

In the absence of financial problems and large footage, you can finish the walls and floor in the bathroom with natural stone, install wall-mounted floor mosaic panels, equip two- and three-level ceilings and floors, install exclusive plumbing, furniture, and lighting fixtures.

Beautiful natural stone bathroom

Turnkey toilet repair (price)

You can calculate the cost of repair work in the toilet according to a scheme similar to the bathroom.

  • In a standard Khrushchev, you can completely repair the toilet for about 20-25 thousand rubles.
  • In an elite new building, a bathroom will require more significant investments - from 35 thousand rubles and more, depending on personal preferences and financial capabilities.
HELPFUL INFORMATION:  Modern bathrooms: design, photo

The cost of repair work in the toilet depends on its area, initial condition and the desired result.

Combined bathrooms, which to this day have been preserved in large numbers in the apartments of the old fund, require a special approach. The cost of repairing a turnkey bathroom in such a room is comparable to the price of a comprehensive overhaul of separate rooms.However, it is highly undesirable to refuse the services of professionals, since replacing rotten risers and pipes for water supply and sewerage, toilets and faucets with your own hands, combined with old wiring, can end in an accident.


