Installing a gas meter can significantly reduce the cost of paying for gas consumption: the prices for this energy carrier are constantly growing, and the general consumption rates are unreasonably high. The state is also interested in installing a gas meter in an apartment, which makes it possible to prevent unauthorized consumption of a valuable resource, which can be confirmed by the relevant government decree. In this regard, residents of apartments using gas are interested in the rules for installing a gas meter: who, according to the law, has the right to install the device and at whose expense is the procedure for its initial installation and replacement carried out? Let's consider these and other questions in as much detail as possible.
Is it necessary to install a gas meter in the apartment?
In 2009, a law was passed on energy saving and energy efficiency, which requires all owners of gasified apartments to install natural gas metering devices by 2015. Toward the end of the mandatory installation period, conscious citizens became so excited that counters ran out in some stores, and people signed up to get the long-awaited device during the next delivery, and the installation companies began to request fabulous sums for this service.
However, on January 1, 2015, a new resolution came into force amending Federal Law No. 261-FZ. According to the updated article of the law, the installation of meters is not mandatory if the volume of gas consumption does not exceed 2 m³/hour. What follows from this? Since any gas stove, due to its technical characteristics, is simply unable to consume more than this indicated maximum, in apartments, of all gas appliances equipped only with stoves, meters can not be installed. But the owners of housing in which gas water heaters and heating boilers are installed will still have to install metering devices without fail.
Who should install the meter and can I do it myself?
The answer to these questions is unequivocal: only an authorized company with a special license can install a gas meter.
It is impossible to install a gas meter on your own!
Theoretically, you can install or replace the device yourself, but in this case, the gas service will not allow the device to be put into operation, which means that your efforts will be in vain, not to mention the fact that it is dangerous to install gas-related devices on your own.
Who should pay for the installation or replacement of a gas consumption meter?
Many landlords are trying to find out at whose expense the meter is being installed or replaced. Unfortunately, all costs for the initial or re-installation of these devices are solely on the shoulders of the owners of the apartments. If you decide to install a gas meter, you will have to pay:
- purchase of the meter itself;
- all installation work.
The cost of installing the device depends on:
- the number of connected devices;
- pipeline length for meter output;
- the need for welding.
If only a gas stove is connected, the installation cost will be from 3 to 4 thousand rubles. When connecting an additional geyser or other device, the installation cost will be twice as high.
Which is better - verification or replacement?
If you already have a meter installed, but its verification period or expiration date has come to an end, you will also pay for verification activities or replacement of the device with a new one, including sealing, which is often free of charge only during initial installation.
As for the verification of the device, apartment owners who have undergone this procedure consider it inconvenient and inappropriate for the following reasons:
- You will have to pay both for the verification itself, and for the dismantling and subsequent installation of the meter, for sealing.
- Delivery of the device to the laboratory that performs verification is also carried out by the owner.
- If the device does not pass the verification, you still have to pay for it, and then pay for its replacement.
- During verification, the terms of which vary within 3 weeks, the owner of the apartment will have to pay for gas at an average rate.
From the foregoing, it follows that it is more profitable, easier and faster at the end of the verification period to simply replace the meter with a new one.
Important! When buying a new meter, pay attention to the date of its manufacture and factory verification, since it is from it that the countdown of the calibration period begins. If your device is stale in a warehouse or in a store, then you will have to undergo verification after a short period of time after installation.
The standard interval between verifications for different meters is from 5 to 12 years. Naturally, it is more expedient to purchase a device with a longer calibration period, even if it itself costs more.
Tip: before buying a meter, it is advisable to contact the gas company to find out if there are any restrictions on the type of installed devices in your area.
Counter selection
Depending on the principle of operation, 4 types of devices are distinguished:
- vortex;
- turbine;
- rotary;
- membrane.
Only the last two types are suitable for domestic use.
Metering devices are also classified according to the volume of gas consumed in 1 hour:
- a device marked G-1.6 is designed to pass and count 1.6–2.5 m³ / h;
- G-2.5 is able to pass from 2.5 to 4 m³ / hour;
- G-4 can pass from 4 to 6 cubic meters.
To find out the required throughput of the meter, check the technical characteristics of the gas appliances available in your apartment. If you have a conventional gas stove that consumes about 1.6 m³ / h, a device with a minimum throughput will suffice, a gas water heater consumes about 2.5 m³ / h, therefore, in combination with a stove, you will need a G-2.5 device or even G-4.
Gas supply can be made on the right or left, this must also be taken into account when choosing a device.
How to install or replace a gas meter?
To install a gas consumption meter in accordance with all the rules, follow the instructions below.
- Contact the gas supply company in your area. A telephone number where she can be contacted must be on the monthly payment receipt. In a telephone conversation, you can find out the approximate cost of installation and get answers to other questions that interest you.
- Write to the regional gas service an application for the installation of the device. The following papers must be attached to it: a document confirming ownership of the apartment or a rental agreement, a receipt for timely payment of gas for the last month, a copy of the meter's passport, a document indicating the date of its last verification. In addition, you will indicate the type of meter and serial number, the readings of the device at the time of installation, the date of future verification, the installation location, and the desired date of commissioning. Don't forget to include your contact number as well.
- Within 3 days, a specialist of the company should contact you, who should specify the date of the visit of the master. If you applied in person, you can discuss this issue right away.
- During the visit, the master must take the necessary measurements, determine the quality of the gas pipeline, and calculate the technical capabilities of installing the device.
- After the installation of the meter is completed, you will receive a certificate of completion and a settlement document, after which you will pay the bill for the installation work performed.
- To seal the device, you must call a specialist from the management company. The application for sealing must contain passport data and your contact phone number.
- Only after seals are placed on the meter, it will be considered put into operation, and you will be able to take readings from it.
Rules for installing gas meters
Gas meters are installed in accordance with the following rules:
- The distance between the meter and the floor must be at least 120 cm.
- The distance of the device from any gas appliance must be at least 80 cm. In this case, the gas meter must be located away from the stove, and not above it.
- The meter can be connected by welding or using rubber sleeves, which should not fall into the heating zone of the gas appliance.
- The device can be installed both vertically and horizontally.
- One of the main criteria for choosing an installation site is ease of reading, maintenance and repair.
You yourself can decide where to place the meter, the main thing is that the place you choose meets the requirements. If possible, place it closer to the entrance to the apartment for the convenience of checking the testimony by controllers.
Meter operation
After the meter has been installed and sealed, you will have to take readings every month and provide data to the management company. The gas supply organization has the right to control the accuracy of the transmission of meter readings by the owner of the apartment.
Tip: be prepared for the fact that controllers from the gas service will visit you about once every six months.
If during the check the specialists have doubts about the reliability of the information, an examination may be appointed. If it results in violations on your part, you will have to pay for all dismantling, inspection and installation procedures.
Maintenance of the gas meter must be carried out by the company that installed the meter.