How to wash off the old water-based paint from the ceiling?

Probably, there is not a single person who, starting to repair, would not have heard of water-based paint. Environmental friendliness and safety for health, cost-effectiveness, a variety of colors and luxurious gradation of shades, ease of use - this is far from a complete list of the advantages of a water-based emulsion. But if you wanted to refresh the ceiling with a new layer of paint or radically change its appearance, then you probably wondered - how can you wash off the old water-based paint from the ceiling? The question is correct. Because it is still desirable to remove the previous layer so that there are no unpleasant surprises after the repair of the ceiling: the water-based emulsion may be incompatible with the new type of coating. Also, a fresh finish can be spoiled if the next tone during painting is lighter than the previous one or swelling, cracks and bubbles form on the old layer.


ceiling repainting

Washing off with water

If the old paint is not waterproof, you can wash it off with plain water.

For work you will need:

  • ladder;
  • putty knife;
  • roller on a long handle;
  • brush with metal bristles;
  • bucket with water;
  • respirator and goggles.

water for washing

Preparatory work

A good start is the success of the whole business. Simple actions at the very beginning of work will facilitate the entire subsequent process and save time and effort.


  • floors, furniture and things should be covered with a protective film;
  • prepare a ladder or table;
  • collect water in a bucket;
  • put on goggles and a respirator.

Soaking out old paint

  • With a roller on a long handle, the old layer of paint should be wetted with water and left for 15 minutes, then again walk with a wet roller along the ceiling. The coating should soften and become pliable.

roller with long handle

  • Use a spatula to tear off the wet mass, periodically wetting the unyielding areas again.
  • Sand the cleaned ceiling to the very foundation.

Advice. You can simplify the soaking of the old layer by adding a vial of iodine to a bucket of warm water. And if after that you create a draft in the room, the paint will swell and it will be easier to clean the ceiling. The acrylic-based composition will be easier to remove if vodka or salicylic acid is added to the soapy water.

Washing with special means

If a waterproof composition was used when painting the ceiling, it will be very difficult to wash it off with plain water. In this case, you can use a special active tool - a paint remover. The solvent penetrates the old layer, softening it, so it will not be difficult to remove the swollen paint with a spatula. It comes off well in the first minutes after applying the product. Each type of paint has its own solvent, but it is easier to choose a universal one.

paint remover

Types of water-based paint washes

  • DOCKER S4 Rinse is a fast-acting universal solvent (4-8 min.), ready to use. The wash, thanks to its gel-like viscous structure, is conveniently applied to the ceiling. Already in the first minutes of exposure, the water emulsion begins to bubble, and it can be easily removed with a spatula.
  • ELCON S remover is suitable for removing old paint from brick, concrete and metal substrates. Effectively cope with silicate, silicone, acrylic or mineral water-based paint. Its advantages: versatility of application, speed of action (10–30 min.), removal of up to 3 layers of paintwork coatings at a time, non-corrosive (does not destroy surfaces).
  • Washing APS-A77 will help clean almost all types of surfaces from paintwork. The reaction time ranges from 2–10 min. (for single-layer surfaces) up to 1.5 hours (for thick-layer coatings). The advantageous difference of this wash is in relative safety: the product does not contain aggressive substances phenol and monoethanolamine.
  • FAIL-4 wash is a solvent in the form of a thick liquid. Exposure time - 15-60 minutes.

old paint remover

Important! Washes are chemicals containing substances hazardous to health and the environment. When working with them, you definitely need a respirator, goggles and gloves, and the room must be well ventilated!
After working with the product, the remnants of the wash must be washed off the ceiling with water or a special detergent.

The algorithm for working with washes is similar to washing off paint with water:

  1. The entire surface of the ceiling is scratched with a metal brush. The water-repellent layer will be broken, and the product will more easily soak the old coating.
  2. The ceiling is smeared with a solvent using a brush or roller, and the time indicated on the package is maintained.
  3. The separated layer of paint is removed with a spatula.

metal spatula

Tip: you should not allow the time for the wash to be applied to the surface to exceed the specified time, otherwise the dried product will turn from an assistant into a problem that is not easy to fix. Washing will also help to deal with paint stains on the floor and some objects (carefully read the recommendations on the label and follow the instructions carefully).

mechanical method

You can remove waterproof paint with a drill with a sanding attachment. The disadvantage of this method is the large amount of dust generated in this case. A protective film on the floor and furniture and a damp cloth at the entrance will help to partially correct the situation.

For work you will need:

  • ladder;
  • respirator and goggles;
  • drill with a grinding nozzle.

The metal bristle nozzle will help to quickly remove thick layers of paint in places where it could not be washed off.

nozzle with metal bristles

thermal method

You will need:

  • ladder;
  • building hair dryer;
  • scraper or spatula;
  • sandpaper;
  • sponge;
  • water.

building hair dryer

In this case, small areas of the old paint layer are heated with a building hair dryer. Under the action of heat, the paint peels off, and it can be easily removed with a scraper or spatula. The remaining areas are cleaned with a brush and sandpaper, and after that the ceiling is well washed with a damp sponge.

Using wallpaper paste or paste

Necessary tools and means:

  • ladder;
  • putty knife;
  • old newspapers;
  • wallpaper glue or paste;
  • sponge.

On the ceiling on top of the paint you need to stick newspapers or any other paper. Let it dry well and, prying the newspapers with a spatula, tear them off the ceiling along with the paint. Finish the remaining areas after cleaning with a spatula or brush. This method has a small drawback: the drying process of pasted newspapers can take several days.

wallpaper glue

Advice. You need to stick the paper on the ceiling very carefully so that it lays evenly over the entire surface, without air voids. In this case, the paper will be easily torn off along with the paint.

Which of the methods of removing old paint to choose is up to you. The availability of the necessary tools and funds, the budget allocated for repairs, skill and experience will help you make the right decision.


