Plastering walls using special equipment

When performing construction work on large objects, as a rule, mechanized wall plastering is used, for which it is advisable to use special equipment.

plaster by machine

The use of stations for mechanized plastering can significantly reduce labor costs, reduce the time of work, save on the purchase of building mixtures and at the same time get an excellent result.

Advantages of this method

  1. The preparation of the mixture to obtain the working material of the required consistency occurs automatically, which guarantees adherence to the optimal proportions of its components, as well as the quality of preparation. In addition, the mixing of the solution occurs continuously, which can significantly improve the uniformity of the applied coating.
  2. Increased adhesion of the mixture for plaster when it adheres to the wall is achieved by using fine-grained components, as well as their thorough mixing.
  3. The savings of the building mixture is achieved by saturating it with air in the mechanized plastering station. Thanks to this process, the solution becomes more voluminous, but at the same time it retains all its useful characteristics. In this way, material savings of up to 20% can be achieved. In addition, the cost of mixtures for manual plastering significantly exceeds the cost of similar mixtures used in mechanized plastering stations.
  4. The environmental friendliness of the building materials used makes it possible to use this method in the decoration of residential premises, as well as in hospitals or child care facilities.
  5. Thanks to the accelerated process of applying the building mixture to the walls, it becomes possible to treat a large area with a solution of one preparation, which, of course, significantly increases the strength of the plaster.
  6. The high quality of the surface of machine-applied plaster can significantly reduce the amount of preparatory work for further finishing walls or ceilings.

Technological features of the process

Preparation of wall and ceiling surfaces for plastering in a mechanized way, it is carried out in the same way as before performing similar work manually. Despite the same principle, further work on applying plaster by hand and machine is significantly different from each other.

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In order to achieve effective removal of dust from the surface, as well as for primer application, it is desirable to use a compressor with a spray gun attached to it. If the material to be plastered is concrete, drywall or painted surface, then the primer is applied to it using brushes or roller.

After preparing the surface and checking the horizontality of walls and ceilings beacons are installedon which the layer of plaster will be leveled. This is done with the help of mortar tracks.

Unlike the manual method, when using special equipment, it becomes possible to simultaneously process much larger areas. The application of the solution is carried out using a mortar gun, which must be held perpendicular to the surface to be treated at a distance of 20 to 30 cm from it.

plaster by machine

First of all, the solution is applied to corners, joints and other hard-to-reach places. Each next layer should lie down in such a way as to half overlap the previous one.

Mechanized wall plastering provides for the application of the solution very quickly and in large volumes, while it is important to take into account that after the end of this work there is only 30 to 50 minutes to level the plaster layer.This procedure is carried out according to pre-installed beacons and, in general, is no different from similar work with manual plastering.

20 minutes after the end of the leveling of the mortar, it is cut using the trapezoidal rule. In this case, the deviation of the plaster layer from the specified level should not exceed 1 mm per 1 running meter.

In the event that in some places the solution layer turned out to be insufficient, then the procedure for applying the mixture must be repeated after the first layer has dried.

Equipment for machine plastering

plastering machine

The mechanized plastering station consists of the following main elements:

  1. Receiving bunker. Serves for pouring into it the components of the plaster mixture. Only after the equipment is connected, the dry mixture is poured into its hopper.
  2. Mixer. Carries out constant hashing of solution according to the set program.
  3. Mixing system. Under the action of pressure, which is created by the compressor, the finished mixture is fed through the mortar hose into the sprayer.
  4. Compressor. It is designed to create air pressure in the mixture supply system.
  5. Control block.
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It is possible to carry out work on applying plaster by machine at a temperature of +5 to +35 C0. To accommodate such equipment, an area of ​​\u200b\u200bat least 30 m2 is required.

plastering station

The plastering station must be connected to a power source, as well as to a water supply system. If there is no running water at the construction site, then you can take water from any suitable container using a special pump included in the station kit.

A cheaper option for mechanized plastering equipment is plaster pumps, which differ from stations in that they do not include a mixer for mixing the plaster mortar components.

Mixes for machine plaster

mixtures for mechanical plastering

For equipment used in the mechanized plastering process, special types of dry or liquid mixtures are produced. The purpose and manufacturer of each of them depends on what type of surfaces it can be used for.

When performing plastering work by machine, two main types of mixtures can be used:

  1. Gypsum. It is characterized by high efficiency and hardening speed, such plaster almost does not require additional puttying.
  2. Cement-sand. Used for facing facade walls, it can also be successfully used in rooms with high humidity. These characteristics can be achieved due to such qualities of cement mortar as resistance to moisture, as well as high and low temperatures.

Thus, mechanized plastering of surfaces can significantly (up to 5 times) reduce time costs, save money and significantly improve the quality of the resulting coating. The disadvantages of this method include only the high cost of the necessary equipment, as well as its bulkiness. However, for the performance of large volumes of work by construction teams, these shortcomings cannot be called decisive.


